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1、专业英语四级(阅读)模拟试卷 135及答案与解析 一、 SECTION A In this section there are several passages followed by ten multiple-choice questions. For each question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. 0 (1)Corporate scandal, labor reductions, economic r

2、ecession. The past year has been a sobering experience for the average worker, a return of the nose-to-the-grindstone work ethic, and a time to roll up the shirt sleeves and get serious. Youve seen your workload increase, your pay frozen, and your training budgets cut. And to make matters worse, you

3、ve seen expectations for ROI(Return on Investment)rise and e-learning companies fall. (2)Need a tissue? Its not that bad. Honest. Despite what you may have heard, fun is not dead. In the burgeoning niche of game-based e-learning, a group of companies are using the video games kids(and adults)play as

4、 inspiration for delivering learning that counters workers reluctance towards training and offers an antidote to the stress that many are under. Now that incentives of a pay increase or promotion are being reigned in by higher ups, employees are less enthusiastic about taking time away from their jo

5、bs for training managers even less so. These game-based e-learning applications counter by being fun, engaging, and in some cases, addictive. (3)But, as can be expected, e-learning that draws heavily on video games in a coat-and-tie culture is often a tough sell. Advanced games and simulations dont

6、come cheap. Development costs for custom-designed games often top the million dollar mark and purchase prices are typically several hundred thousand dollars. Such an investment matches the cost of in-classroom training. With training budget cuts, companies that are on the fence are unwilling to take

7、 a chance on an unproven mode of delivery. Pragmatism and proven technology rule the day, as companies decide what they really need and suppliers figure out how to deliver. For some in the game-based e-learning segment, the mood is rather pensive. For them, fun isnt dead. Its just on pause. (4)For o

8、thers, its game on. Companies such as LearningWare, Corporate Adrenalin, and Games2Train are finding success by delivering within a tight budget and providing back-end data to ensure that games earn their keep. Even in the midst of this economic slump, game-based e-learning is demonstrating its pote

9、ntial to improve the way we train and do business. 1 E-learning companies expect that video games will be used for_. ( A) inspiring childrens passion for learning ( B) inspiring workers passion for their job ( C) relieving employees from work pressure ( D) relieving the need for certain job training

10、 2 Employees are less enthusiastic about training because _. ( A) promotion doesnt take training into account ( B) managers serve as a bad model for training ( C) it is more and more difficult to get a promotion ( D) game-based e-learning is the more updated trend 3 In a coat-and-tie culture, people

11、 tend to demand _. ( A) that games be custom-designed ( B) that games and simulations be cheap ( C) higher budget for in-classroom training ( D) pragmatism and proven technology 3 (1)“Can we speak of the death of the university?“ an English newspaper recently asked. Another offered the diagnosis: “S

12、till breathing.“ Not only at this seminar, here and now, but all over the world the future of the universities is now being discussed. This is not only because we are entering a new century. Many people are asking whether the traditional research universities in fact have any future at all. This dou

13、bt seems mainly to be due to the development of the new technology, the massification of the universities, the idea of life long learning, the growing competition from other learning institutionsand may be also because of the strong specialization that we now are experiencing in most fields of resea

14、rch. Many experts predict the demise of universities as we know them today, with a campus. (2)Most universities in the western world at least the public universities are now experiencing a serious lack of funds, and the institutional solidarity must not take a form that leads to a draining of streng

15、th and vitality of the universities. There are, however, many ways of showing solidarity without using too much of the universities own funding. One of the tasks of the universities is to keep reminding the authorities of the importance of spending money on research and education in developing count

16、ries. The universities themselves must work in close co-operation with the development-aid agencies where the government provides most of the economic resources and the universities provide the competence. It is also possible to share knowledge by giving easier access to recent findings, to make pos

17、sible academic mobility and increased technical cooperation among regional groupings. Various academic cooperation programs may protect against brain-drain, which is now a serious threat in many countries. (3)Only through the development of local skill and competence, through increased numbers of pr

18、oviders and users of knowledge, can the developing countries bridge the gap separating them from developed countries. And the bridging of this gap will lead to societies that are freer and more peaceful. The universities have the competence, the possibility and therefore also a duty to promote the “

19、intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind“ as stated in the UNESCOs constitution. 4 In this passage, the author regards universities primarily as _. ( A) an educational institution ( B) a research institution ( C) a communal component ( D) a social component 5 What problems do the public universi

20、ties in the western world have to face nowadays? ( A) Their strength and vitality have been draining. ( B) The government has kept reducing research funds. ( C) Their funding is mainly from commercial agencies. ( D) They have to prevent brain-drain with limited funds. 6 The UNESCO is most concerned

21、about _. ( A) the gap between developing and developed nations ( B) how to make our society freer and more peaceful ( C) the role universities should play in the society ( D) how universities develop their competence 6 (1)The government and Microsoft plan to sell around the world Britains new system

22、 for online transactions between citizens and government after its successful launch in the UK. A key step in the governments $1.4 billion e-government program has seen online payment for the Inland Revenues pay-as-you-earn scheme, some Customs and Excise value added tax procedures, and claims for E

23、uropean Union subsidies for farmers all go live in the past month. At a presentation in Seattle today, Bill Gates, Microsofts co-founder and chairman, will demonstrate the British system to 400 government officials from 80 countries to show how citizens and businesses can interact with government ov

24、er the Internet. (2)“Although some US states are using leading edge technology, Europe in general, and the UK in particular, is well ahead in implementing e-government initiatives. It should put the citizen at the center of government,“ says Davide Vigano, general manager of public sector at the sof

25、tware group. “The projects have been implemented in just 15 weeks using Microsofts net technology,“ said Andrew Pinder, the governments e-envoy. “This is a key piece of infrastructure, brought in on time and on budget,“ he said. (3)The secure transaction technology is to be rolled out through about

26、200 central government departments and agencies and 482 local government institutions over the next five years in the drive to have all of the government online by 2005. The successful implementation is a coup for Microsoft which is trying to build up its enterprise software business and has targete

27、d e-government. It has about 1,000 staff dedicated to government business. (4)“This is a milestone for Microsoft,“ said Barry Goffe, group manager, net enterprise solutions at the Redwood, Washington state-based company. “Two years ago, when the technology for successful integration did not exist, w

28、e would have walked away.“ The hardware was supplied by Dell, and the servers are managed by Cable and Wireless. The technology is based on XML, a new language protocol that allows information to be labeled and then easily exchanged between computers on different platforms. “People want to hang on t

29、o their legacy systems which have been massive investments, but integrating these has proven difficult and expensive in the past. Its astonishing how the friction has been wiped out by XML, which reduces paperwork, reduces complexity and slashes costs,“ said Mr. Goffe. 7 The e-government software is

30、 part of Microsofts _. ( A) enterprise software business ( B) most profit-making products ( C) secure transaction technology ( D) most sophisticated technology 8 Two years ago, the e-government program was still impossible due to the lack of _. ( A) advanced hardware ( B) efficient servers managemen

31、t ( C) the language protocol XML ( D) research funding 8 (1)I start from my home in the quiet little suburb of Forest Hills, Long Island. Here, surrounded by green lawns, trees, and flowers, are neat little houses, happy with the voices and movements of wives and children, havens of peaceful rest fo

32、r men who toil in the city. I drive across the lacy structure of steel which spans the East River, and I get a new and startling vision of the power and ingenuity of the mind of man. Busy boats chug and scurry about the river racy speed boat, stolid, snorting tugs. If I had long days of sight ahead,

33、 I should spend many of them watching the delightful activity upon the river. (2)I look ahead, and before me rise the fantastic towers of New York, a city that seems to have stepped from the pages of a fairy story. What an awe-inspiring sight, these glittering spires. These vast banks of stone and s

34、teel-structures such as the gods might build for themselves! This animated picture is a part of the lives of millions of people every day. How many, I wonder, give it so much as a seconds glance? Very few, I fear, their eyes are blind to this magnificent sight because it is so familiar to them. (3)I

35、 hurry to the top of one of those gigantic structures, the Empire State Building, for there, a short time ago, I “saw“ the city below through the eyes of my secretary. I am anxious to compare my fancy with reality. I am sure I should not be disappointed in the panorama spread out before me, for to m

36、e it would be a vision of another world. (4)Now I begin my rounds of the city. First, I stand at a busy corner, merely looking at people, trying by sight of them to understand something of their life. I see smiles, and I am happy. I see serious determination, and I am proud, I see suffering, and I a

37、m compassionate. (5)I stroll down Fifth Avenue. I throw my eyes out of focus, so that I see no particular object but only a seething kaleidoscope of colors. I am certain that the colors of womens dresses moving in a throng must be a gorgeous spectacle of which I should never tire. But perhaps if I h

38、ad sight I should be like most other women too interested in styles and the cut of individual dresses to give much attention to the splendor of color in the mass. And I am convinced, too, that I should become an inveterate window shopper, for it must be a delight to the eye to view the myriad articl

39、es of beauty on display. (6)From Fifth Avenue I make a tour of the city to Park Avenue, to the slums, to factories, to parks where children play. I take a stay-at-home trip abroad by visiting the foreign quarters. Always my eyes are open wide to all the sights of both happiness and misery so that I

40、may probe deep and add to my understanding of how people work and live. My heart is full of the images of people and things. My eye passes lightly over no single trifle; it strives to touch and hold closely each thing its gaze rests upon. Some sights are pleasant, filling the heart with happiness; b

41、ut some are miserably pathetic. To these latter I do not shut my eyes, for they, too, are part of life. To close the eye on them is to close the heart and mind. (7)My third day of sight is drawing to an end. Perhaps there are many serious pursuits to which I should devote the few remaining hours, bu

42、t I am afraid that on the evening of that last day I should again run away to the theater, to a hilariously funny play, so that I might appreciate the overtones of comedy in the human spirit. 9 The author most probably thinks that the New Yorkers are _ the “glittering spires“. ( A) scornful of ( B)

43、overwhelmed by ( C) indifferent to ( D) knowledgeable about 10 When the author sees the passers-by, she would like to _. ( A) share their emotions ( B) show sympathy to them ( C) enjoy the same life styles ( D) perceive their bosom feelings 二、 SECTION B In this section there are five short answer qu

44、estions based on the passages in Section A. Answer the questions with No more than TEN words in the space provided. 11 PASSAGE ONE 11 What kind of e-learning does the passage mainly talk about? 12 PASSAGE TWO 12 What is many experts attitude towards the future of the traditional universities as we h

45、ave known? 13 PASSAGE THREE 13 Which country used the e-government program first? 13 PASSAGE FOUR 14 What does “the lacy structure of steel“ refer to in the first paragraph? 15 Among the five senses of humans, what sense is the one that the author does NOT have? 专业英语四级(阅读)模拟试卷 135答案与解析 一、 SECTION A

46、In this section there are several passages followed by ten multiple-choice questions. For each question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. 【知识模块】 阅读 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 第 2段第 5句中的 for引出的就是这些公司开发电子游戏的目的,定语从句里的 offers an antidote to

47、the stress表明电子游戏结合了学习的功能后,能帮助员工减轻压力, C就是对这个内容的同义改写,为本题答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 第 2段第 6句开头的 Now that 引出的从句表明现在升职加薪的机会都掌握在上司手里,这也就暗示着员工就算花时间去接受培训提升自己,也不能影响升 职加薪,这与 A的内容最接近,因此 A为本题答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据题干中的 coat-and-tie culture定位到第 3段第 1、 6句。culture可以理解为 “人们崇尚的东西 ”,而第 6句中的 rule the d

48、ay 表明现在人们崇尚的是 Pragmatism and proven technology,由此可见,本题应选 D。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 第 1段第 5句中的 the traditional research universities表明本文讨论的话题围绕科研型的大学,接下来的讨论也是围绕大学应如何保持资金和科研之间的平衡,可见,本文作者关注的是 “科研 ”的问题,因此,本题应选 B。 【知识模块】 阅读 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据题干中的 public universities定位到第 2段第 1句。该句提到了两个问题:

49、 lack of funds和 a draining of strength and vitality, D将这两点综合了在一起,故为答案。虽 然第 2段最后一句提到 brain-drain已威胁到了 many countries,但这与题干中的 western world指向有所不同,故 A不正确; B中的kept reducing没有原文依据:第 2段建议可以通过与别的机构合作以获得科研资金,可见 “与商业机构合作以获取资金 ”只是建议,还没成为现状,故 C不正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据题干中的 UNESCO定位到最后一句。该句的两个要点是 “大学 ”和 “人类 ”,该句表明 UNESCO最关注的是 “大学 ”对 “人类社会 ”的影响,据此可判断 C是正确的说法。其他选项没有同时提到这两者,或这两者之间的关系。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 第 3段最后一句 which引出的定语从句表明 e-government software是微软 enterprise software business


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