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1、专业英语四级(阅读)模拟试卷 152及答案与解析 SECTION A In this section there are several passages followed by ten multiple-choice questions. For each question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. 0 A year has passed since Chiles 33 trapped miners were

2、 hauled to freedom in the Atacama Desert. By and large, its been a relatively safe year in the countrys mines. The number of deaths from mining accidents has fallen sharply, from 27 in the first half of 2010 to 12 in the same period this year. Although it is too early to tell how much of that improv

3、ement will stick, the days when mining claimed hundreds of Chilean lives each year are thankfully gone. The government has increased the number of inspectors at Chiles mines from 18 at the time of last years accident to 45 now. Those officials have carried out more than 3, 800 inspections in Chiles

4、8, 000 mines so far this year. In July the government sent a draft bill to Parliament to overhaul mine safety regulation, describing it as the most important legislation in the area in 30 years. Despite this good work, however, there is one glaring anomaly that needs to be addressed; Chile has yet t

5、o ratify(正式批准 )the International Labour Organisations(ILO)Convention 176 on mining safety. The convention has been around for 13 years, and has been adopted by 25 countries from Albania to Zimbabwe. It establishes workers rights to refuse work they consider unsafe, to leave a mine they consider dang

6、erous and to elect their own health and safety representatives. In the days after last years remarkable rescue Sebastidn Pihera, the President, promised to ratify the convention. But today his government still seems hesitant to do so. It has asked the ILO for more information on how the measures wou

7、ld affect the mining industry, which accounts for around a fifth of the countrys GDP. Even though all 33 people trapped in the San Jose mine were rescued, last year was still the deadliest in Chiles mines for over a decade: 45 miners were killed at work. Its no coincidence that it was also the year

8、in which the copper price averaged a record high of over $3. 40 a pound($7.50 per kg). When the price of Chiles chief export is high, accidents happen. Thats because an army of part-time, unsupervised miners, often with little experience, head out into the Atacama Desert in search of the mineral. Mi

9、nes that closed long ago because they were unprofitable suddenly find they can make money again and reopen, often with no better safety standards than when they closed. The reverse is also true: when the copper price is low, the accident rate falls. The safest year in the history of Chilean mining w

10、as 1999, with just 0.09 deaths for every million hours worked. That year copper sold for just 72 cents a pound. This year copper has averaged over $4 a pound. Mining is booming. All the more reason, therefore, to reflect on the extraordinary events of last year at the San Jose mine, and to invest a

11、little more of the industrys handsome profits in safety improvements. 1 We can infer from Paragraph 1 that_. ( A) mining accidents in Chiles Atacama Desert claimed 33 lives last year ( B) there has been much improvement in Chiles mining safety since last year ( C) Chilean government has closed quite

12、 a number of poorly-operated mines ( D) Chilean parliament has passed a draft bill on mining regulations 2 According to the passage, which of the following statements is CORRECT? ( A) The mining industry occupies a minor part in Chiles GDP. ( B) Chilean government should think twice before ratifying

13、 the ILOs Convention 176. ( C) San Joses mine rescue shows Chiles remarkable progress in rescue work. ( D) Its high time Chilean government took measures to strengthen its mining safety. 3 The authors tone in writing the passage is_. ( A) critical and cynical ( B) objective and urging ( C) partial a

14、nd harsh ( D) scientific and indifferent 3 If you think money cant buy you friends, think again, in the online world, its possible to purchase a crowd of fans. One thousand cost only $18 on average, according to estimates by Barracuda Networks, a network security company. Yet these friends wont meet

15、 you for drinks after work. In fact, they dont even exist. They are pixels on a screen. A large share of social-media followers of the biggest companies are not human, believes Marco Camisani Calzolari, an entrepreneur and professor at Milans ILUM University. In a recent study he quantified the prop

16、ortion of computer-generated fans or inactive users following big brands on Twitter. To decide whether a follower is human, Mr. Camisani Calzolari used various criteria, including the number of posts from a fans Twitter account and the use of correct punctuation in tweets. According to this research

17、, by June 2011 nearly half of Twitter followers of computer maker Dell about 700, 000were bots. Some politicians also seem to have many fake followers. Mitt Romney, the former Republican presidential candidate, became the focus of media attention when his Twitter following swelled by 17% in a single

18、 day in July. On close inspection, a significant proportion of Mr. Romneys followers appeared to be fake profiles. In Italy Beppe Grillos Five Star Movement lost the driving force when Mr. Camisani Calzolari made a similar claim about the followers of the comedian-turned-politician. There is no indi

19、cation that any of the companies mentioned in Mr. Camisani Calzolaris paper have bought followers rogue bots often attach themselves to people and brands without payment. But some firms do buy a social media following. Fake profiles are at the center of a very vibrant and growing underground economy

20、, says Barracuda Networks. On eBay, the e-commerce site, for instance, the firms researchers have found 20 sellers offering to set up such profiles. For start-ups a strong social media following can boost business. A small mom-and-pop shop struggling to sell its goods can look like a booming upstart

21、 thanks to a swollen Twitter account, or an artificially high number of Facebook likes. For major international companies, a small number of followers in the early stages of engagement with social media can be embarrassing at best and damaging to brand perception at worst. Buying crowds of fans even

22、 if they arent engaged with the brand can give an artificial boost to a business. For now, the trick works. “Normal people dont know yet that there is this biack market. Most have total trust that a brands followers are real, “ says Mr. Camisani Calzolari. But brands are already finding diminishing

23、returns. When everybody has a large following, the impact is much diminished. And consumers are starting to cotton on to sharp practices. “The number of followers is a superficial measurement unless they are engaged, “ argues Carly Donovan of Ogilvy Action, an arm of Ogilvy there was a time, way bac

24、k when Ronald Reagan was president, when your countrymen ordered coffee by simply asking for “coffee“. Ordering a “venti skinny chai latte“ or a “grande chocolate cookie crumble frappuccino“ would have earned, at best, a blank stare. But that was before Howard Schultz took Starbucks from a single co

25、ffeehouse in downtown Seattle to a chain with more than 17, 000 shops in 55 countries. The chain grew so quickly, and in some areas seemed so ubiquitous, that as early as 1998 a headline in The Onion, a satirical American newspaper, joked, “New Starbucks Opens in Rest Room of Existing Starbucks“. Af

26、ter suffering through lean years in 2008 and 2009, the company is again going strong. In the 2011 financial year the company served 60m customers per week more than ever. It also had its highest-ever earnings-per-share($1. 62)and global net revenue($11.7 billion). Yet in 2011 Starbucks decided to do

27、 away with something important: it dropped the word “Coffee“ from its logo. While coffee remains as central to Starbuckss business and identity as hamburgers are to McDonalds, the companys recent American acquisitions have moved it beyond java. In November 2011 it acquired Evolution Fresh, a small C

28、alifornia-based juice company, for $30m, giving the company a foothold in Americas $1. 6 billion high-end juice market. And in June 2012 Starbucks bought a bakery, Bay Bread, and its La Boulange-branded cafes, for $100m. Starbuckss customers “have never been as satisfied with our food as our coffee,

29、 “ explained Troy Alstead, Starbuckss chief financial officer. On November 14th Starbucks made it largest acquisition yet, buying Teavana, an Atlantabased tea retailer, for $620m. This is not the firms first attempt into the tea market its stores sell tea, of course, and it bought Tazo, a tea manufa

30、cturer and distributor, back in 1999 but it is by far its boldest. When Starbucks bought Tazo it was simply a brand, but Teavana has some 300 shops, largely mall-based, throughout North America. Mr. Alstead hopes that scale will allow Starbucks “to do for tea what we did for coffee. “ This may seem,

31、 as they say at Starbucks, a tall order. Americans drink far more coffee than tea. In 2011 the average coffee consumption was 9.39 pounds per person, while tea was a paltry 0.9 pounds. Coffee has long been an essential part of American mornings. Tea has no comparably firm position, except for the to

32、oth-shiveringly sweet iced tea served during meals in the South(85% of all tea consumed in America is iced). That said, since 1980 Americas coffee consumption has fallen, and is forecast to fall further. Consumption of tea, on the other hand, has grown, and is forecast to keep growing perhaps benefi

33、ting from the idea that it has health benefits that coffee lacks, perhaps driven partly by immigration from tea-drinking countries. The Tea Association of the USA put the value of the tea market in America at $8. 2 billion in 2011, up from $1. 8 billion just 20 years earlier, and forecasts that it w

34、ill nearly double in value again by 2014. The sharpest growth will come from tea that is green which also happens to be the color of money and the logo of Starbucks. 7 According to Troy Alstead, the aim of Starbucks acquisition of Bay Bread is to_. ( A) occupy the bread market ( B) expand the compan

35、y ( C) raise customers satisfaction towards food ( D) diversify its commodity 8 Which of the following is INCORRECT about the consumption of tea in America? ( A) Americans tend to drink iced tea instead of hot tea. ( B) The consumption of tea has become more than that of coffee since 1980. ( C) The

36、growing consumption of tea might be caused by immigrants. ( D) The green tea has the biggest increase in tea consumption. 8 Each year, more U. S. properties within floodplains are destroyed by flooding than fire. Changing weather patterns, increased urban development, and the leveling of forests hav

37、e reduced the lands natural ability to absorb water. As flooding becomes a common occurrence, property owners need to face the facts. Flood damage can happen anytime, no matter where you live. Flood insurance, which is financially backed by the U. S. Government through the National Flood Insurance P

38、rogram, is available through Homesite Insurance and the Homesite Insurance Agency. The National Flood Insurance Program(NFIP)through the Federal Emergency Management Agency is the primary provider of flood insurance. The Homesite Insurance Company acts as a “Write-Your-Own“ company on behalf of the

39、NFIP. “Write-Your-Own“ companies sell and service flood policies and the NFIP pays the claims. Property owners know a Homeowners policy covers fire damage, but most dont realize that it wont cover flood or mudslide damage. Rising waters and debris can destroy your home, business, and personal belong

40、ings within minutes. Most floods dont qualify for federal disaster aid. Only floods that are declared national disasters by the President qualify for federal assistance. This assistance is in the form of a grant averaging less than $2, 500, or a federal loan that must be paid back with interest. Tha

41、ts in addition to payments on your existing mortgage loan! Only flood insurance protects your home and your belongings from damage caused by rising water or mudflow. Flood insurance is available for the value of the structure minus the land value. Contents coverage is also available, but is optional

42、 and must be requested. Even if youve had previous flooding, you can still buy flood insurance. If youve received disaster assistance before, you must first obtain flood insurance to be eligible for future federal relief. The average flood policy is only $324 a year thats less than $1 a day. Compare

43、 that to a typical disaster loan of $50, 000, costing more than $300 a month for over 18 years! Flood insurance pays all covered claims even if a federal disaster is not declared. Claims are paid quickly so victims can recover faster. You can even get a partial payment right away to get started. Flo

44、od coverage is available up to $250, 000 for your home, and up to $100, 000 for the contents. Anyone can buy flood insurance if his/her property is located in a community that participates in the National Flood Insurance Program. Homes, condos, apartments, and business structures are all eligible. E

45、ven renters may purchase flood insurance for their possessions. Since flood premiums are set by the U. S. government, your rate is the same from any insurer. 9 Who is in charge of paying the claims? ( A) The Homesite Insurance Company. ( B) Federal Emergency Management Agency. ( C) National Flood In

46、surance Program. ( D) Write-Your-Own company. 10 Which of the following statements is CORRECT? ( A) Most floods qualify for federal disaster aid. ( B) Every flood qualifies for federal disaster aid. ( C) Most flood dont qualifies for federal disaster aid. ( D) No flood qualifies for federal disaster

47、 aid. SECTION B In this section there are five short answer questions based on the passages in Section A. Answer the questions with No more than TEN words in the space provided. 11 PASSAGE ONE 11 What does the phrase “ one glaring anomaly“ in Paragraph 2 probably mean? 12 PASSAGE TWO 12 What does th

48、e passage mainly discuss? 12 PASSAGE THREE 13 What does the news about Starbucks in The Onion imply? 14 What is the earliest company that Starbucks purchased? 15 PASSAGE FOUR 15 What should be paid quickly so that victims can recover faster? 专业英语四级(阅读)模拟试卷 152答案与解析 SECTION A In this section there ar

49、e several passages followed by ten multiple-choice questions. For each question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. 【知识模块】 阅读 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 推理题。文章第一段首先提到去年的阿塔卡马沙漠矿井事故,接下来指出这一年是智利矿井相对安全的一年,矿难的死亡人数已从 2010年上半年的27人降到今年同期的 12人,可知 B“自去年以来,智利的采矿安全有了大幅度改善 ”为正确答案。 A“去年发生在智利阿塔卡马沙漠的矿井事故夺去了 33人的生命 ”与本段第一句提到的智利 33名被困阿塔卡马沙漠的矿工成功获救已过去一年相矛盾,故排除; C“智利政府已关闭了不少经营不善的矿井 ”并未在本段提及,故排除; 本段最后一句提到,今年七月份,智利政府把一项全面改革矿井安全法规的草案递交给了议会,由此可知,智利政府

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