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1、中级口译(笔试)模拟试卷 23及答案与解析 A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Rememb

2、er you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. 0 Stocks, bonds, land people invest in different things and (1) . But all investors (2) They want to get more money out of their investment than they put into it. The money they invest today (3) for future growth in the economy. But people can watch their own

3、(4) take a wild ride as markets rise and fall. So investors have to decide (5) they are willing to take and for how long. One choice for people who want a (6) is the money market. Usually individuals do this through money market mutual funds. Mutual funds are investment pools. They (7) many investor

4、s. Money market mutual funds earn interest from (8) loans to government and businesses. But the return to investors is low because little risk is involved. (9) are loans, too. They have terms from (10) . The longer the term of a loan, the greater the risk that the investment will not be (11) . So no

5、tes and bonds usually pay higher interest rates than short-term bills or (12) . Millions of people invest in bonds and other debt-based products. This is true especially as people (13) and want to reduce the level of risk in their investments. But over time, debt-based investments have (14) provided

6、 lower returns than stocks. Stock is a share of (15) in a business. Common stock gives investors a vote on company (16) . It might also pay a small percentage of (17) , a dividend, one or more times a year. Not all stocks pay dividends. Some are valued more (18) . Investing in stocks of individual c

7、ompanies can be very risky. Bad news can quickly (19) Instead, many people invest in stock mutual funds so their money goes into many different stocks. (20) mix stocks and bonds to spread risk-and capital-even more. Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short stateme

8、nts. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper, so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have c

9、hosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( A) Peter left his money on the end table. ( B) By the weekend Peters money has usually been spent. ( C) Last week Peter had money left over. ( D) Peter left before the end of last week. ( A) Benjamin Franklin designed the hall. ( B) Benjamin

10、 Franklin built it from memory. ( C) It was built for Benjamin Franklins use. ( D) It was built in honor of Benjamin Franklin. ( A) I dont care for ice-creams very much. ( B) From now on I will not eat so many ice-creams. ( C) I find it hard to keep myself from eating ice-creams. ( D) When will came

11、 I was just starting to eat my ice-creams. ( A) Did you buy a new sweater on Sunday? ( B) Hasnt the weather been strange this summer? ( C) Its been very quiet this summer, hasnt it? ( D) You dont think the weather will change, do you? ( A) Last year this book was half the price. ( B) I read this boo

12、k two times last year. ( C) You read that book twice as fast as I did. ( D) That book costs twenty cents more at the book fair. ( A) The employees will learn and practice at a designated place. ( B) The employees are taking a train to a staff meeting in the club. ( C) Theyre going by train to practi

13、ce in the club. ( D) Its going to rain so the employees cant have practice. ( A) Henry didnt attend any of his classes. ( B) Henry is no longer enrolled in college. ( C) Henry dropped his college diploma. ( D) Henry passed out in class. ( A) A Nobel Prize winner is scheduled to deliver the opening s

14、peech. ( B) The speaker of the opening ceremony will discuss the Nobel Prize. ( C) A Nobel Prize winner told us who the speaker would be. ( D) The winners of the Nobel Prize will be posted in the opening ceremony. ( A) The administration is opposed to building a new infirmary. ( B) The clinic and th

15、e administration center are located in the same building. ( C) The clinic is much smaller than the administration building. ( D) The administration center is across from the infirmary. ( A) Hes been delayed. ( B) Hes been run clown by a bus lately. ( C) He seems quite tired recently. ( D) Hes been r

16、unning less lately. Talks and Conversations Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE, when you hear a question

17、, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( A) Organizing protests. ( B) Recruiting members. ( C) Acting as its spokesman. ( D) Saving endangered animals. ( A) Ant

18、i-animal-abuse demonstrations. ( B) Anti-nuclear campaigns. ( C) Surveying the Atlantic Ocean floor. ( D) Removing industrial waste. ( A) By harassing them. ( B) By appealing to the public. ( C) By taking legal action. ( D) By resorting to force. ( A) Doubtful. ( B) Reserved. ( C) Indifferent. ( D)

19、Supportive. ( A) Their performance may improve. ( B) Their immune system may be reinforced. ( C) Their blood pressure may rise all of a sudden. ( D) Their physical development may be enhanced. ( A) Improved mental functioning. ( B) Increased susceptibility to disease. ( C) Speeding up of blood circu

20、lation. ( D) Reduction of stress-related hormones. ( A) Pretend to be in better shape. ( B) Have more physical exercise. ( C) Turn more often to friends for help. ( D) Pay more attention to bodily sensations. ( A) Different approaches to coping with stress. ( B) Various causes for serious health pro

21、blems. ( C) The relationship between stress and illness. ( D) New finding of medical research on stress. ( A) He painted it. ( B) He renovated it. ( C) He decorated it. ( D) He altered it. ( A) For fun. ( B) For his disabled son. ( C) For the prize he won. ( D) For selling the house at a higher pric

22、e. ( A) He will buy a new house. ( B) He will save it for his son. ( C) He will start his own business. ( D) He will teach others about DIY. ( A) 10,000 pounds. ( B) 1,000 pounds. ( C) 100,000 pounds. ( D) 100 pounds. ( A) Employment in the fishing and whaling industries. ( B) Nineteenth-century sea

23、 captains. ( C) The economic importance of sailing ships. ( D) The development of the steamship. ( A) They were protected by a strong US Navy. ( B) They were supported by a well-developed railroad. ( C) Most crew members had experience on foreign ships. ( D) As part owners of the ships, captains got

24、 some of the profits. ( A) They carried passengers, but not cargo. ( B) They were large, but surprisingly fast. ( C) They were the first successful steam-powered ships. ( D) They were more reliable than other ships of the 1860s. ( A) The wooden sailing ship. ( B) The container ship. ( C) The steam-p

25、owered ship. ( D) The replenishing ship. ( A) In a school ( B) On the phone. ( C) At an education fair. ( D) In a street. ( A) Whether he can apply for the college. ( B) Some information about the college. ( C) Whether his friend is in the college. ( D) Some details about the lessons in the college.

26、 ( A) English. ( B) French. ( C) Italian. ( D) German. ( A) The ability to be the top students. ( B) The ability to get high marks in all the exams. ( C) The ability to get on well with people from different countries. ( D) The ability to take care of oneself. Sectence Translation Directions: In thi

27、s part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 51 Students should be helped by a course that considers the compute

28、rs various impacts on commerce, economy, science, technology, culture and communication. 52 Although modern medicine focuses on the physiology of disease, research has shown that a persons psychological reactions to disease can influence the course of the ailment. 53 Today Sydney is the largest city

29、 in a powerful and prosperous nation; it is home to more than three and half million people in a land with a population of merely 18 million. 54 Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness or indulgence towards their children: some may be especially strict in money matters; others are severe

30、over punctuality for meals or personal cleanliness 55 The young writer has to learn that the communicative capacities of language have developed to meet the general needs and that speech is filled with patterned expressions which are the common usages best serving the general needs. Passage Translat

31、ion Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening. 56 A

32、s editor of this newspaper, Id like to introduce to you our requirements. Good grades are prerequisite for working on the paper. Theres some money for salaries, depending on how involved you get with the paper, but dont expect to get rich. This isnt something you do for the money. Mostly it is just

33、for fun. Anyone who is interested in joining the staff should speak to me immediately after the meeting. Be prepared to start right away. The first issue goes to press tomorrow 57 Many students trying to increase their effective reading speed become discouraged when they find that if they try to rac

34、e through passages faster, they fail to take what they have read. At the end, they have been so busy “reading faster“ that they cannot remember what the passage was about. The problem is that the material they are practicing on is either too difficult for them in vocabulary or content, or not suffic

35、iently interesting. I hope my following lectures will be both interesting and fairly easy, but you should also practice reading as much as you can in your own time. 一、 SECTION 2: STUDA SKILLS Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions b

36、ased on its content. You are to choose one best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage, and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOK

37、LET. 57 Each summer, no matter how pressing my work schedule, I take off one day exclusively for my son. We call it dad-son day. This year our third stop was the amusement park, where he discovered that he was tall enough to ride one of the fastest roller coasters in the world. We blasted through fa

38、ce-stretching turns and loops for ninety seconds. Then, as we stepped off the ride, he shrugged and, in a distressingly calm voice, remarked that it was not as exciting as other rides hed been on. As I listened, I began to sense something seriously out of balance. Throughout the season, I noticed si

39、milar events all around me. Parents seemed hard pressed to find new thrills for indifferent kids. Surrounded by ever-greater stimulation, their young faces were looking disappointed and bored. Facing their childrens complaints of “nothing to do“. Parents were shelling out large numbers of dollars fo

40、r various forms of entertainment. In many cases the money seemed to do little more than buy transient relief from the terrible moans of their bored children. This set me pondering the obvious question. “How can it be so hard for kids to find something to do when theres never been such a range of sti

41、mulating entertainment available to them?“ Why do children immersed in this much excitement seem starved for more? That was, I realized, the point. I discovered during my own reckless adolescence that what creates excitement is not going fast, but going faster. Thrills have less to do with speed tha

42、n changes in speed. Im concerned about the cumulative effect of years at these levels of feverish activity. It is no mystery to me why many teenagers appear apathetic and burned out, with a “been there, done that“ air of indifference toward much of life. As increasing numbers of friends children are

43、 prescribed medications-stimulants to deal with inattentiveness at school or anti-depressants to help with the loss of interest and joy in their lives, I question the role of kids boredom in some of the diagnoses. My own work is focused on the chemical imbalances and biological factors related to be

44、havioral and emotional disorders. These are complex problems. Yet Ive been reflecting more and more on how the pace of life and the intensity of stimulation may be contributing to the rising rates of psychiatric problems among children and adolescents in our society. 58 The author felt surprised in

45、the amusement park at the fact that _. ( A) his son was not as thrilled by the roller coaster ride as expected ( B) his son blasted through the turns and loops with his face stretched ( C) his son appeared distressed but calm while riding the roller coaster ( D) his son could keep his balance so wel

46、l on the fast-moving roller coaster 59 According to the author, children are bored _. ( A) unless their parents can find new thrills for them ( B) when they dont have any access to stimulating fun games ( C) when they are left alone at weekends by their working parents ( D) even if they are exposed

47、to more and more kinds of entertainment 60 From his own experience the author came to the conclusion that children seem to expect _. ( A) a much wider variety of sports facilities ( B) activities that require sophisticated skills ( C) ever-changing thrilling forms of recreation ( D) physical exercis

48、es that are more challenging 61 In Para. 5 the author expresses his doubt about the effectiveness of trying to change childrens indifference toward much of life by _. ( A) diverting their interest from electronic visual games ( B) prescribing medications for their temporary relief ( C) creating more

49、 stimulating activities for them ( D) spending more money on their entertainment 62 In order to alleviate childrens boredom, the author would probably suggest _. ( A) adjusting the pace of life and intensity of stimulation ( B) promoting the practice of dad-son days ( C) consulting a specialist in child psychology ( D) balancing school work with extracurricular activities 62 The kids are hanging out. I pass small bands of students in my way to work these mornings. They have become a familiar part of the summer landscape. These


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