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1、中级口译(笔试)模拟试卷 28及答案与解析 A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Rememb

2、er you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. 0 The terms “resume“ and “curriculum vitae“(CV)generally mean【 C1】 _: a one or two-page document describing ones【 C2】 _and professional experience. However, the guidelines for preparing a resume are【 C3】 _. The best advice is to find out what is appropriate re

3、garding the corporate culture, the country culture, and the culture of the person making【 C4】 _. The challenge will be to incorporate two or more cultures into one document. The following list is a good place to start. In many countries, it is standard【 C5】 _to attach a photo or have your photo prin

4、ted on your resume. Do not attach a photograph to our resume if you are sending it to 【 C6】 _: the employer will【 C7】 _. Educational requirements differ from【 C8】 _. In almost every case of【 C9】_job hunting, just stating the title of your degree will not be an adequate description. Provide the reade

5、r with details about your studies and any【 C10】 _. The same advice is true for experienced professionals who have participated in numerous training or 【 C11】 _education courses. The safest way to ensure that your resume is【 C12】 _is to review as many examples as possible. Ask employers or recruiters

6、 for examples of resumes that they thought were【 C13】 _. If you can, ask someone who is【 C14】 _of the language in which your resume is written to review your document. One goal of your resume should be to show your【 C15】 _with the culture by using culturally appropriate language. Most employers who

7、want to hire from abroad must be able to certify to their local government that they are unable to find locals with the【 C16】 _necessary to do the job. Be aware that obtaining a work permit can【 C17】 _. To be successful, and to enjoy your experience abroad, you must be flexible,【 C18】_, and both eag

8、er and【 C19】 _new ways of doing things. Ask questions to demonstrate your interest in learning and broadening your horizons. Remember that you represent your country to【 C20】 _. 1 【 C1】 2 【 C2】 3 【 C3】 4 【 C4】 5 【 C5】 6 【 C6】 7 【 C7】 8 【 C8】 9 【 C9】 10 【 C10】 11 【 C11】 12 【 C12】 13 【 C13】 14 【 C14】

9、15 【 C15】 16 【 C16】 17 【 C17】 18 【 C18】 19 【 C19】 20 【 C20】 Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper, so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, re

10、ad the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( A) We still have 40 minutes left before departure. ( B) We still have 20 minutes left before depa

11、rture. ( C) We still have 50 minutes left before departure. ( D) We still have 45 minutes left before departure. ( A) Aunt Polly thought that Tom was the one who ate the pie. ( B) Aunt Polly believed that Tom didnt eat the pie. ( C) Aunt Polly ate the pie herself and Tom was innocent. ( D) Aunt Poll

12、y suspected that Toms pie was eaten by someone. ( A) We have to use stronger drugs because this pill does not work. ( B) This pill alleviates the pain, so we dont need to use stronger drugs. ( C) We prefer this pill to stronger drugs to alleviate the pain. ( D) This pill is better than any other str

13、onger drugs to alleviate the pain. ( A) Yuki cant speak English, so she need to go to America. ( B) Yuki speaks English better than most Japanese do. ( C) Yuki will improve her English in America. ( D) Yuki will learn English in America instead of Japan. ( A) We should build more schools to ensure o

14、ur success. ( B) Education is the very cause we should continue devoting ourselves to. ( C) To remain competitive in the global economy, we must be ambitious. ( D) We must commit to our national agenda to remain competitive. ( A) You should yell at the manager if you want to complain. ( B) You shoul

15、d contact the manager when you have any dissatisfaction. ( C) You should complain about the manager because its all his fault. ( D) You should argue with the manager about your complaint. ( A) Jack was a bit upset for another ordinary Christmas. ( B) Jack was always disappointed with Christmas. ( C)

16、 Jack touched the Christmas cards with disappointment. ( D) Jack didnt receive any cards this Christmas. ( A) Since Ive bought a PSP, I cant afford to go to the concert. ( B) My PSP is worth more than a ticket for the concert. ( C) I dont have enough money, so its impossible for me to go to the conc

17、ert. ( D) No matter how much the ticket costs, I will buy it. ( A) Many investors have an opportunity to raise the price of houses. ( B) The real estate market has more houses for investors recently. ( C) The return on investment in real estate will be substantial for many investors. ( D) Houses are

18、 more expensive now, so the investors dare not buy them any more. ( A) Nuclear energy was expected to substitute electricity totally by the end of 1999. ( B) Nuclear energy did not produce as much power as the government expected. ( C) Nuclear energy was used more than electricity in the last two de

19、cades. ( D) Nuclear energy could produce almost the same power as electricity. Talks and Conversations Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or con

20、versation and questions ONLY ONCE, when you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( A) Her colleagues. ( B) Her neighbors. ( C) Her friends. ( D

21、) Her schoolmates. ( A) They walked on the roof of the building. ( B) They produced loud music. ( C) They had a violent argument. ( D) They got drunk and started singing. ( A) At supper-time. ( B) Before Jane went to bed. ( C) Around eleven. ( D) After midnight. ( A) To watch the night scenes. ( B)

22、To look up at the stars. ( C) To clean up the roof. ( D) To show their visitor the view. ( A) Where the Americans Came from ( B) The Size of the American Population ( C) Land in the United States ( D) American Indians ( A) One quarter of the whole American population. ( B) Eleven percent of the pres

23、ent American population. ( C) Around 90,000. ( D) Some 900,000. ( A) The English. ( B) The Dutch. ( C) American Indians. ( D) Blacks from Africa. ( A) Over 210 million. ( B) Less than 200 million. ( C) Around 40 million. ( D) 140 million. ( A) Because it is inexpensive. ( B) Because it was recommend

24、ed by a friend. ( C) Because they are celebrating a birthday. ( D) Because they liked it the last time they had dinner there. ( A) Because she wants to check the prices. ( B) Because she wants to see if the menu is in French. ( C) Because she is in a hurry to eat. ( D) Because she takes a long time

25、choosing her food. ( A) Because they are afraid of getting sick. ( B) Because the restaurant doesnt have any left. ( C) Because they want shrimp cocktail instead. ( D) Because snails are not on the menu. ( A) French cheese and white wine. ( B) Salmon. ( C) Duck. ( D) Chef salad and French cheese. (

26、A) Arranging interviews for her boss. ( B) Hiring new staff for the department. ( C) Working out the weekly schedules. ( D) Reducing work pressure on new employees. ( A) Waste time making decisions. ( B) Say “no“ to a job applicant. ( C) Give the final approval. ( D) Fill out various forms. ( A) She

27、 needs a lot of time to make a decision. ( B) She likes to sit and think about the information available. ( C) She prefers to follow instincts and act quickly. ( D) She waits for the decision to come to her naturally. ( A) Her past mistakes. ( B) Her previous employer. ( C) Her present boss. ( D) He

28、r subordinate colleagues. ( A) Different kinds of pollution. ( B) How acid rain has harmed the earth. ( C) Pollution from cars and factories. ( D) The causes and possible effects of acid rain. ( A) Nuclear power. ( B) Electricity. ( C) Burning coal and oil. ( D) Solar power. ( A) From sulfur dioxide

29、 and water vapor. ( B) From sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. ( C) From nitric acid and sulfur dioxide. ( D) From water vapor and nitric acid. ( A) Only in North America. ( B) At the north and south poles. ( C) In parts of several northern continents. ( D) In the equatorial areas. Sectence Translat

30、ion Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Passage Translation Directions: In this part

31、of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening. 一、 SECTION 2: STUDA SKILLS Direct

32、ions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose one best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that pass

33、age, and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 57 Lichens, probably the hardiest of all plants, live where virtually nothing else cannot just on rugged mountain peaks but also on sunbaked desert rocks. They are usually the first life to app

34、ear on a mountainside that has been scraped bare by an avalanche. Unlike other members of the plant kingdom, lichens are actually a partnership between two plants. The framework of a lichen is usually a network of minute hairlike fungus that anchors the plant. The other component is an alga, similar

35、 to the green film of plant life that grows on stagnant pools, that is distributed throughout the fungus. Being green plants, algae are capable of photosynthesisthat is, using energy from the Sun to manufacture their own food. The fungi are believed to supply water, minerals, and physical support to

36、 the partnership. Lichens are famous for their ability to survive water shortage. When water is scarce(as is often the case on a mountain), lichens may become dormant and remain in that condition for prolonged periods of time. Some lichens can even grow where there is no rain at all, surviving on on

37、ly occasional dewthe moisture that condenses on the surface of the plants at night, And unlike most other plants, lichens are little affected by the strong ultraviolet rays in the mountains. Lichens use little energy, for they grow slowly. Some grow so slowly and are so old that they are called “tim

38、e stains.“ You may find lichens that are centuries old: certain of these lichen colonies have been established for an estimated 2,000 years. For decades, scientists wondered how the offspring of an alga and a fungus got together to form a new lichen, it seemed unlikely that they would just happen to

39、 encounter one another. It was finally discovered that in many cases the two partners have never been separated. Stalklike “buds“ that form on certain lichens are broken off by the wind or by animals: these toll or are blown to a new location. 58 Which of the following questions does the passage ans

40、wer? ( A) Where can the oldest lichens be found? ( B) How long does it take for lichens to establish themselves? ( C) How large can lichens be? ( D) Where do lichens usually occur? 59 The word “framework“ in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_. ( A) structure ( B) fragment ( C) condition ( D) envi

41、ronment 60 The author mentions “the green film of plant life that grows on stagnant pools“ in paragraph 2 in order to explain_. ( A) how the sun affects lichens ( B) why plants depend on water ( C) where fungi become algae ( D) what algae are 61 It can be inferred from the passage that lichens use l

42、ess energy and grow more slowly when_. ( A) the environment is polluted ( B) they are exposed to ultraviolet rays ( C) they are very old ( D) the supply of water is inadequate 62 All of the following statements are mentioned in the discussion of lichens EXCEPT:_. ( A) They are capable of producing t

43、heir own food. ( B) They require large amounts of minerals to prosper. ( C) They are a union of two separate plants. ( D) They can live thousands of years. 62 The web hasnt changed the fundamentals of smart investing. It has made it easier to invest, but the problem with online investing is that mos

44、t novice investors think they can make a lot of money with no skills and no investment knowledge. One of the reasons why rookie investors have the misconception that they do not need any skills or investment knowledge to make money is because over the past seven years, the markets have been pushing

45、ahead with a strong bullish trend, where almost any buy-and-hold strategy made big profits for the common investor. But once the markets begin to show signs of bearish signals such as they have in the past month of March(Nasdaq down 30%), possibilities of making investment mistakes come at even grea

46、ter speed. People begin to realize that maybe its time to implement smart financial planning. Know what youre getting yourself into: Always inform yourself with the basics of the company. You need to do some fundamental analysis to determine if the stock is worth the price. Otherwise, youll be gambl

47、ing on a hunch. If you dont have the time or know-how to analyze the company, you can always let someone else do it for you by researching the net. Use the net carefully, avoid bulletin boards and chat rooms. You will be better off looking at sites of major brokerage houses, finance publications and

48、 mutual-fund companies, such as , , , . Bull market vs. the Genius: Dont confuse a bull market with smart investing. If you were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time you would have made money without any effort. People sometimes feel smart when the market is going up, so were temp

49、ted to trade more often and take on riskier positions. Active trading: With todays online investing, trading is only one mouse click away and investors are easily tempted to trade often. But its tough to beat the market on a consistent basis and make money with day trading. A buy-and-hold strategy is the best way to invest for the long-term. Day trading vs. longer-term: Over the course of a


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