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1、中级口译(笔试)模拟试卷 30及答案与解析 A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Rememb

2、er you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. 0 As a popular saying goes: “【 C1】 _“ Good health enables one to【 C2】_and achieve what he【 C3】 _. With good health we can do our work with full confidence and【 C4】 _in work, in turn, will contribute to our【 C5】 _. Besides, if we want to enjoy life by【 C6】 _, t

3、aking part in sports games, or even having a nice meal, good health is a【 C7】 _. On the other hand, poor health tends to 【 C8】 _his interest in everything around him. Therefore, health is【 C9】_ to ones happy life. There are many ways, I think, which can help to【 C10】 _ones health. In the first place

4、, those who always work【 C11】 _should find time to relax because【 C12】 _can lead to poor performance and【 C13】 _. Secondly, if one wants to keep healthy, he must【 C14】 _ the habits that damage his health. Finally,【 C15】 _are essential for a healthy mind and body.【 C16】 _my knowledge, there is nothin

5、g more healthful than【 C17】 _in the morning. Personally, I always【 C18】 _and do exercises regularly. Unlike many people with the habit of【 C19】 _, I prefer drinking green tea. My life is quite【 C20】_. 1 【 C1】 2 【 C2】 3 【 C3】 4 【 C4】 5 【 C5】 6 【 C6】 7 【 C7】 8 【 C8】 9 【 C9】 10 【 C10】 11 【 C11】 12 【 C1

6、2】 13 【 C13】 14 【 C14】 15 【 C15】 16 【 C16】 17 【 C17】 18 【 C18】 19 【 C19】 20 【 C20】 Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE, and you will not find them written on the paper, so you must listen carefully. When y

7、ou hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( A) The spaghetti was from the outer space. ( B) The spaghetti was terrible

8、. ( C) The spaghetti was delicious ( D) The spaghetti was self-cooked. ( A) We neednt send Jeffery to an art school because she is already good at painting. ( B) We should send Jeffery to an art school because she has shown great interest in painting. ( C) We should send Jeffery to an art school bec

9、ause she is not good at painting. ( D) We neednt send Jeffery to an art school because she is not interested in painting. ( A) Jane ate 1 hot dog. ( B) Jane ate 3 hot dogs. ( C) Jane ate 2 hot dogs. ( D) Jane ate nothing. ( A) Tony is the last person to finish the task. ( B) Everyone can finish the

10、task, including Tony. ( C) Tony cant finish the task. ( D) Tony is the best person to finish the task. ( A) They didnt enjoy the play. ( B) They only saw the latter half of the play. ( C) They liked the play. ( D) They didnt see the play. ( A) The plane arrived at 9 am. ( B) The planed arrived at 12

11、 pm. ( C) The plane delayed for 3 hours. ( D) The plane delayed for 9 hours. ( A) The Greens refused to attend the closing ceremony at the last minute. ( B) The Greens made a last-minute decision to attend the ceremony. ( C) The Greens didnt attend the ceremony at the last minute. ( D) The Greens ne

12、ver change their minds at the last minute. ( A) Only college graduates need to look for a job. ( B) No matter how difficult it is, college students should at least try twice to hunt for a job. ( C) College graduates should consider what they want to gain in the job. ( D) Once you get a job, you will

13、 feel superior to others. ( A) A minor mistake can have a huge influence. ( B) A slip of ones pen can make important project. ( C) A minor mistake wont cause a huge influence. ( D) One can neglect minor mistakes. ( A) The newly-completed stadium was on the dot. ( B) The stadium was not finished in t

14、ime. ( C) The stadium was open to public before last September. ( D) The stadium couldnt be used even after last September. Talks and Conversations Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen ca

15、refully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE, when you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( A) A concert th

16、e woman attended. ( B) The mans collection of CDs. ( C) A new drama show. ( D) An instrument the woman is learning to play. ( A) She lost one of his CDs. ( B) She didnt invite him to the concert. ( C) She missed a class. ( D) She forgot about a meeting. ( A) A symphony. ( B) Some CDs. ( C) A drama s

17、how disc. ( D) His class notes. ( A) The womans house. ( B) The concert. ( C) The club meeting. ( D) The music shop. ( A) The types of instruments used in bebop music. ( B) The social setting in which bebop music developed. ( C) How two styles of jazz music influenced each other. ( D) The influence

18、of bebop music on the United States economy during the 1940s. ( A) They didnt use singers. ( B) They gave free concerts. ( C) They performed in small nightclubs. ( D) They shortened the length of their performances. ( A) To discuss one way it impacted jazz music. ( B) To explain why the government r

19、educed some taxes. ( C) To describe a common theme in jazz music. ( D) To discuss the popularity of certain jazz bands. ( A) The music contained strong political messages. ( B) The music had a steady beat that people could dance to. ( C) The music included sad melodies. ( D) The music contained irre

20、gular types of rhythms. ( A) Hes an expert on life in the future. ( B) Hes an anthropologist. ( C) Hes the host of a TV program. ( D) Hes an expert on “green-house effect“. ( A) It will take on quite a new look. ( B) It will be more progressive and the life will be better. ( C) It will be more crowd

21、ed and polluted. ( D) It will be just the same as now. ( A) A colder climate. ( B) A shortage of labor power. ( C) A shortage of oil, water and forests. ( D) A shortage of carbon dioxide. ( A) It is the result of decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide. ( B) It could melt the polar ice caps, which w

22、ould cause disastrous flooding. ( C) It has reduced the heat of the sun in the lower atmosphere. ( D) It might disappear within the next decade. ( A) Competition in business. ( B) Government grants. ( C) A type of economic policy. ( D) International transportation practices. ( A) American industrial

23、ists. ( B) French economists. ( C) International leaders. ( D) Civil War veterans. ( A) The rights of private business owners should be protected. ( B) The government shouldnt interfere in private business. ( C) Politicians should support industrial growth. ( D) Competition among companies should be

24、 restricted. ( A) Before the Civil War. ( B) After the Civil War. ( C) In the early 19th century. ( D) In the late 19th century. ( A) To buy a plane ticket. ( B) To talk to a friend. ( C) To ask for some information. ( D) To arrange her conference. ( A) An excursion fare. ( B) A full return ticket.

25、( C) A single ticket. . ( D) Three single tickets. ( A) 2104 pounds. ( B) 1402 pounds. ( C) 2401 pounds. ( D) 1204 pounds. ( A) LondonCairoMelbourne. ( B) LondonMelbourneCairo. ( C) LondonSingaporeMelbourne. ( D) LondonSingaporeCairo. Sectence Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you wi

26、ll hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Passage Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English

27、. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening. 一、 SECTION 2: STUDA SKILLS Directions: In this section, you will read several pas

28、sages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose one best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage, and write the letter of the answer you have

29、 chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. 57 Like many teenage girls, Lee Ann Thill was obsessed with her appearance. A diabetic, she already was suffering from bulimiaforcing herself to throw up to lose weight. But it wasnt enough, and shed recently put on 20 pounds. Then one day a

30、t a camp for diabetic teens, she heard counselors chew out two girls for practicing “diabulimia“skipping their insulin so they could lose weight, one of the consequences of uncontrolled diabetes. “Dont you realize you could die if you skip your insulin?“ The counselor scolded. “That you could fall i

31、nto a coma or damage your kidneys or your eyes?“ But thats not what registered with Thill, who has Type 1, or juvenile, diabetes. Instead she focused on this: Skipping insulin equals weight loss. For the next 17 years, diabulimia was her compulsion. “I took just enough insulin to function,“ said Thi

32、ll, now 34, of Magnolia, N. J. Today she worries about the long-term damage that may have come from her weight obsession. At 25, a blood vessel hemorrhage in her eye required surgery. At 28, doctors told her she had damaged kidneys. “Im fearful for the future,“ Thill said. “I feel very strongly that

33、 had I taken care of myself, I could have lived as long as anyone without diabetes. I dont think thats going to happen now. “ Diabulimia usually is practiced by teenage girls and young women, and it may be growing more common as the secret is exchanged on Internet bulletin boards for diabetics and t

34、hose with eating disorders. One expert who has studied the phenomenon estimates that 450,000 Type 1 diabetic women in the United Statesone-third of the totalhave skipped or shortchanged their insulin to lose weight and are risking a coma and an early death. “People who do this behavior wind up with

35、severe diabetic complications much earlier,“ said Ann Goebel-Fabbri, a clinical psychologist at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston. “The American Diabetes Association has long known about insulin omission as a tactic to lose weight. But diabulimia is a term that has cropped up only in recent years

36、 and is not a recognized medical condition,“ said Barbara Anderson, a pediatrics professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Type 1 diabetes is a disorder in which the bodys own immune system attacks insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. People with the disease produce little or no insuli

37、n, so they take shots of the hormone daily. Red flags for diabulimia include a change in eating habitstypically someone who eats more but still loses weightlow energy and high blood-sugar levels. Frequent urination is another signal. When sugars are high, the kidneys work overtime to filter the exce

38、ss glucose from the blood. This purging of sugar from the body through the kidneys is similar to someone with bulimia, who binges and then purges, or vomits. 58 What is bulimia? ( A) A good habit for overweight people to slim their figure. ( B) A dangerous way to lose weight at the risk of many disf

39、unctioning in organs. ( C) A solution for treating diabetics. ( D) A long-term plan for losing weight. 59 Which of the following is NOT a possible fallout for “diabulimia“? ( A) Eye hemorrhage. ( B) Kidney damage. ( C) Weight losing. ( D) Amputation. 60 What does the phrase “cropped up“(Para. 11)mea

40、n? ( A) Come out. ( B) Go up. ( C) Decline. ( D) Pent up. 61 These signs show you suffer from diablimia EXCEPT_. ( A) eating more but still losing weight ( B) low energy and high blood-sugar levels ( C) frequent urination ( D) getting overweight 62 What is the main idea of the passage? ( A) Diabulim

41、ia. ( B) Diabetes. ( C) Obesity, ( D) Insulin. 62 Archaeologist Andrej Gaspari is haunted by pieces of the past. His hometown river, the Ljubljanica, has yielded thousands of themCeltic coins, Roman luxuries, medieval swordsall from a shallow 12-mile(19 kilometers)stretch. Those who lived near and t

42、raveled along the stream that winds through Slovenias capital of Ljubljana considered it sacred, Gaspari believes. That would explain why generations of Celts, Romans, and earlier inhabitants offered treasuresfar too many to be accidentalto the river during rites of passage, in mourning, or as thank

43、sgiving for battles won. But Gaspari may never be able to explain for certain why the Ljubljanica holds one of Europes richest stores of river treasures, many of them remarkably preserved by the soft sediments and gentle waters. Too many pieces of the puzzle have already disappeared. During the past

44、 two decades, sport divers have made the river their playground, removing most of some 10,000 to 13,000 objects found so far. Even though removing artifacts from the Ljubljanica has long been illegal, professional archaeologists have been forced to compete with private collectors. Some divers sold t

45、heir loot to museums: others to the highest bidder. Some kept their treasures private. Many artifacts have left the country, untraceable. Gasparis greatest torment comes from the knowledge that few maverick collectors knowor care where exactly their prizes were found. For an archaeologist, an object

46、s meaning comes as much from its contextlocation, association with other objectsas from the prize itself. Without context, there is no story. Mladen Muck is one of Gasparis tormentors. Now in his 40s, the Bosnian-born architect began diving in the river in 1985 and has brought up about a thousand pi

47、eces. In his kitchen in Ljubljana, a plastic box contains prehistoric tools. Upstairs, dusty cases hold other rare artifacts, including deer antler axes. Muck says he has no intention of selling what he has found. Like many collectors, he babies his goods and claims they are better off with him than

48、 with the authorities. “More people see these artifacts in my house than if I gave them to a museum,“ he says with a dismissive wave. “There they would sit in a basement. “ Gaspari disagrees. “A team at the National Museum of Slovenia is preparing an exhibit of the rivers treasures that will tour Eu

49、rope in 2008,“ he says. Still, he hopes that someday Muck will hand over his items. “My heart is strong,“ quips the 33-year-old archaeologist. If Muck is obstinate, “I will outlive him. “ 63 What treasure does the river NOT bear? ( A) Celtic coins. ( B) Roman luxuries. ( C) Medieval swords. ( D) Sediments and water in the river. 64 Why are treasures in the river disappearing? ( A) Divers are taking them away. ( B) Archaeolog


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