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1、中级口译(笔试)模拟试卷 34及答案与解析 A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Rememb

2、er you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. 0 Skin. It is the largest organ of the body. Skin is the bodys【 C1】 _to infection. It keeps out many harmful【 C2】 _and other things. It also keeps all the things we need in our bodies. The skin helps control body temperature. Glands on the skin release fluid t

3、o cool the body when it gets too hot. When a person gets too cold,【 C3】 _in the skin become narrow. This helps to trap heat inside the body. Like other organs of the body, the skin can have problems.【 C4】 _can tell you the most common disorder: acne. Acne is connected to hormones and how they affect

4、 the oil glands of the skin. The skin【 C5】 _, called sebum, from the sebaceous glands. Each gland connects to a passage of【 C6】 _. The sebum travels through these passages. The oil reaches the 【 C7】 _of the skin through little holes, called pores. Sometimes, the sebum, hair and cells of the pores bl

5、ock these openings. This is【 C8】_. Bacteria can grow in a 【 C9】 _. The bacteria produce chemicals and enzymes. White blood cells 【 C10】 _fighters travel to the area. All this leads to a growth on the skin, a pimple. This becomes red,【 C11】 _. Some people think eating chocolate or oily foods causes a

6、cne. Others blame dirty skin or【 C12】 _. Yet researchers tell us none of these cause acne. So【 C13】 _? Doctors are not sure. But they have some ideas.【 C14】 _, they know that hormones called androgens are involved. Androgens cause the sebaceous glands to grow and make more oil. There are several tre

7、atments for acne.【 C15】 _are generally treated with medicines for use directly on the skin. These【 C16】 _salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. People with more serious acne may be given antibiotic drugs to take by mouth. Or they might use【 C17】 _other treatments. Skin experts say there are simple ways

8、 to help prevent acne. One is to touch your face【 C18】 _, so as not to add oils or put pressure on the skin. Another good idea is to avoid the urge to burst pimples. This can leave【 C19】 _marks on the skin. Doctors also say to avoid【 C20】_, and to be gentle as you wash and dry your skin. 1 【 C1】 2 【

9、 C2】 3 【 C3】 4 【 C4】 5 【 C5】 6 【 C6】 7 【 C7】 8 【 C8】 9 【 C9】 10 【 C10】 11 【 C11】 12 【 C12】 13 【 C13】 14 【 C14】 15 【 C15】 16 【 C16】 17 【 C17】 18 【 C18】 19 【 C19】 20 【 C20】 Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONC

10、E, and you will not find them written on the paper, so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSW

11、ER BOOKLET. ( A) Michael wanted to work in London. ( B) Michael quitted his job in London. ( C) Michael asked for a vacation in London. ( D) Michael transferred his money to the London branch. ( A) I was the last to know about the MBA program. ( B) I learned a great deal from the MBA program. ( C) I

12、 misunderstood only the most difficult part of the MBA program. ( D) I dropped out of the MBA program because it was difficult. ( A) Betty brought a weeks work home because of the cold weather outside. ( B) Betty was absent from work seven days while recovering from a cold. ( C) Betty did not have e

13、nough time to recover from a bad cold. ( D) Betty felt quite weak for seven days after she had caught a bad cold. ( A) We need to pay $25 per piece. ( B) We need to pay $50 per piece. ( C) We need to pay $75 per piece. ( D) We need to pay $ 125 per piece. ( A) Mr. Baker doesnt like to go to the meet

14、ing last night. ( B) Mr. Baker decided to cancel this mornings meeting last night. ( C) Mr. Baker made up his mind not to go to this mornings meeting. ( D) Mr. Baker made a last-minute decision to hold the meeting this morning. ( A) The Expo. will be open the day after tomorrow. ( B) The Expo. is re

15、scheduled to open on Friday. ( C) The Expo.s opening is delayed until tomorrow. ( D) The Expo. is not likely to open on Friday. ( A) The population has doubled in that town. ( B) Many people were hired because of the new factory. ( C) The unemployment rate in that town is twice as high. ( D) Despite

16、 the closedown, the unemployment rate remains the same. ( A) I know why Mr. Nicholas hasnt arrived although he was due earlier. ( B) I cant understand why Mr. Nicholas is here. ( C) Mr. Nicholas is due for the board meeting right away. ( D) I have no idea why Mr. Nicholas is late for the meeting. (

17、A) Scientists have found a cure for the common cold in the past century. ( B) Scientists discoveries were often misunderstood by the common people. ( C) Scientists have yet to discover effective ways to conquer the cold virus. ( D) Scientists have been unable to explain the cold climate in the past

18、century. ( A) No more visitors can be allowed in the exhibition hall. ( B) The exhibition hall can hold slightly over 250 visitors. ( C) 500 visitors wanted to see the Auto Show. ( D) More than 1,000 visitors saw the Auto Show. Talks and Conversations Directions: In this part of the test, you will h

19、ear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE, when you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the l

20、etter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. ( A) She generally doesnt allow people to borrow it. ( B) She is trying to sell it. ( C) She bought it from a friend. ( D) It has broken down before. ( A) The woman could probably repair it herself. ( B) Its rathe

21、r small. ( C) It probably wont cost a lot to repair. ( D) Its probably difficult to drive. ( A) He only works on new cars. ( B) He has fixed her car before. ( C) He is one of her neighbors. ( D) He will probably overcharge her. ( A) Take the woman to her home. ( B) Test-drive the womans car. ( C) He

22、lp the woman pay the mechanics bill. ( D) Help the woman fix her car. ( A) Attending a sales conference. ( B) Waiting for his next flight. ( C) Staying with his parents for the weekend. ( D) Visiting an old school friend. ( A) Before 10:00 am. ( B) At noon. ( C) About 6:00 pm. ( D) At 8:30 pm. ( A)

23、His flight was delayed. ( B) He had to stay in Toronto until after eight thirty. ( C) The whole airport was very crowded. ( D) He was getting tired waiting for his flight. ( A) To avoid meeting someone he didnt like to see. ( B) To think quietly by himself. ( C) To read some newspapers. ( D) To esca

24、pe the crowds. ( A) He didnt really enjoy it very much. ( B) He liked its story, but the music was awful. ( C) He enjoyed every minute of the movie. ( D) He was excited with the development of the story. ( A) Because she herself liked the movie very much. ( B) Because the film got great reviews and

25、was really popular. ( C) Because she had expected the man to like the film very much. ( D) Because all the other people she knew said it was an excellent film. ( A) The usher. ( B) The people sitting next. ( C) The people sitting in front of him. ( D) The people standing in the back. ( A) They were

26、walking about during the show. ( B) They stood up repeatedly to block the view. ( C) They kept eating something and chewing noisily. ( D) They came in late and then started talking. ( A) Two days. ( B) Three days. ( C) Four days. ( D) Five days. ( A) The date was wrong. ( B) The name was wrong. ( C)

27、 The number of the flight was wrong. ( D) The number of the departure gate was wrong. ( A) She had to have the mistake corrected. ( B) She had to present her travelling documents. ( C) She had to go standby. ( D) She had to have the ticket double-checked. ( A) She had to fly on the following day. (

28、B) She was lucky enough to have an unoccupied seat. ( C) She paid extra money for her flight. ( D) She had to cut her vacation short. ( A) E-mail. ( B) Online courses. ( C) Chat. ( D) E-commerce. ( A) 100 million. ( B) Close to 100 million. ( C) 6 percent of the total. ( D) Not mentioned in the inte

29、rview. ( A) Limit the amount of time. ( B) Just ignore it. ( C) Talk to friends and relatives. ( D) Never use computer. ( A) Supportive. ( B) Neutral. ( C) Negative. ( D) Positive. Sectence Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sent

30、ences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Passage Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have

31、 heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening. 一、 SECTION 2: STUDA SKILLS Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions b

32、ased on its content. You are to choose one best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage, and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOK

33、LET. 57 The world needs legal guidelines for burying greenhouse gases to help the still tiny business become one of the main ways of fighting global warming by 2050, the International Energy Agency(IEA)said on Thursday. The IEA said pilot projects for capturing gases emitted mainly by burning fossil

34、 fuels in power plants, refineries, and factories now accounted for just 0.05 percent of the potential total by mid-century. “There is a need for a worldwide agreement on the legal challenges,“ Claude Mandil, executive director of the IEA, which advises 26 industrialized nations, told a news briefin

35、g in Oslo during a conference on carbon capture and storage. He said most IEA estimates showed that carbon capture would be the top contributor to curbing greenhouse gases by 2050, behind only energy efficiency savings and ahead of renewable energies and nuclear power. Until now, most work has focus

36、ed on ways of cutting the prohibitively high costs of capturing, piping away and entombing the gases under a broader UN goal of averting climate change such as more droughts, floods and rising sea levels. But a legal framework was also urgently needed, in tandem with development of cheaper technolog

37、ies, Mandil said. He noted that most projects so far were small, such the Sleipner gas field off Norway where Statoil has been filtering out and reinjecting about a million tons of carbon dioxide a year since 1996 to avoid a carbon emissions tax. “Carbon capture and storage potential is 6 billion to

38、ns a year by 2050,“ he told an audience of about 200 experts. “Pay attention to the scale. That means 6,000 Sleipner projects.“ Six billion tons of carbon dioxide is roughly equivalent to current emissions by top emitters the United States and China. Carbon capture would help coal-fired power plants

39、 keep operating, he noted. Mandil that there were unsolved legal questions about who would be liable in the event of leaks from carbon stores, for instance in 20, 50 or 100 years time, and about issues such as property rights, waste and technology transfers. The IEA issued a 140-page booklet about l

40、egal aspects of storing carbon dioxide outlining the problem but stopping short of giving clear recommendations, for instance about whether governments should assume liability for leaks in the long term. The booklet also said that uncertainty about the rules should not block approval of new pilot pr

41、ojects in coming years. “We need about 10 full-scale carbon capture and storage demonstration projects by 2015,“ Mandil said. “Thats challenging but possible.“ He praised Norway, the worlds number five oil exporter, for technological advances at Sleipner and for planning to fit future gas-fired powe

42、r plants with carbon capture and storage. “Carbon capture will undoubtedly be an important part of the answer to climate change,“ Norways Oil and Energy Minister Odd Roger Enoksen said. “But the cost of carbon capture and storage has to be brought down.“ 58 According to the passage, all of the follo

43、wing can be contributors to subduing greenhouse gases EXCEPT_. ( A) carbon capture ( B) energy efficiency savings ( C) nuclear weapon ( D) renewable energies 59 According to the passage, until now, most work has focused on_. ( A) controlling hazardous chemical pollutants ( B) means of cutting the hi

44、gh fees ( C) achieving a worldwide agreement on the legal challenges ( D) eliminating all the chemical and gaseous pollutants 60 The word “averting“(Para. 3)is closest in meaning to_. ( A) avoiding ( B) asserting ( C) ascertaining ( D) availing 61 Which of the following statements is NOT true, accor

45、ding to the passage? ( A) Six million tons of carbon dioxide is roughly equivalent to current emissions by top emitters. ( B) The IEA issued a 140-page booklet about legal aspects of storing carbon dioxide. ( C) About 10 full-scale carbon capture and storage demonstration projects are needed by 2015

46、. ( D) The cost of carbon capture and storage has to be reduced. 62 Mandils attitude toward Norway is_. ( A) impersonal ( B) positive ( C) biased ( D) ironical 62 An experimental treatment for Parkinsons disease seemed to improve symptomsdramatically so, for one 59-year-old man without causing side

47、effects in an early study of a dozen patients. The gene therapy treatment involved slipping billions of copies of a gene into the brain to calm overactive brain circuitry. More than half a million Americans have Parkinsons. They endure symptoms that include tremors, rigidity in their limbs, slowness

48、 of movement and impaired balance and coordination. Eventually they can become severely disabled. The small study focused on testing the safety of the procedure rather than its effectiveness, and experts cautioned its too soon to draw conclusions about how well it works. But they called the results

49、promising and said the approach merits further studies. “We still have quite a bit more testing to do,“ said Dr. Michael Kaplitt of Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, an author of the study. Still, “the initial results are extremely encouraging“. Nathan Klein, a 59-year-old freelance television producer in Port Washington, N.Y., said the disease left him “pretty messed up“. It weakened his voice, impaired his walking and made his h


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