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1、北京成人本科学位英语模拟试卷 41及答案与解析 一、 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corres

2、ponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 0 Earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by the sudden breaking and the shifting of large sections of the earths rocky outer shell. Earthquakes are among the most powerful events on earth, and their results can be terrif

3、ying. A severe earthquake may re-lease energy 10,000 times as great as that of the first atomic bomb. Rock movements dur-ing an earthquake can make rivers change their courses. Earthquakes can trigger landslides that cause great damage and loss of life. Large earthquakes beneath the ocean can create

4、 a series of huge, destructive waves called tsunamis that flood coasts for many miles. Earthquakes almost never kill people directly. Instead, many deaths and injuries in earthquakes result from falling objects and the collapse of buildings, bridges, and other structures. Fire resulting from broken

5、gas or power lines is another major danger during a quake. Spills of hazardous chemicals are also a concern during an earthquake. The force of an earthquake depends on how much rock breaks and how far it shifts. Powerful earthquakes can shake firm ground violently for great distances. During minor e

6、arthquakes, the vibration may be no greater than the vibration caused by a passing truck. On average, a powerful earthquake occurs less than once every two years. At least 40 moderate earthquakes cause damage somewhere in the world each year. About 40,000 to 50,000 small earthquakes-large enough to

7、be felt but not damaging-occur annually. 1 The passage is mainly about _. ( A) earthquakes and their effects ( B) the way of earthquakes taking place ( C) the classification of earthquakes ( D) the damaging results of earthquakes 2 When an earthquake occurs, _. ( A) people are killed and injured ( B

8、) rocks are breaking and shifting ( C) destructive waves flood the coasts for miles ( D) large sections of the earths rocky outer shell suddenly break and shift 3 The earthquakes which may not be so destructive are_. ( A) those beneath the ocean ( B) those do not kill people directly ( C) moderate e

9、arthquakes ( D) minor earthquakes 4 The intensity of an earthquake depends on _. ( A) the movements of the earths shell ( B) where it takes place ( C) the injuries it causes ( D) how far away it is from a city 5 It is implied that _. ( A) powerful earthquakes usually occur after minor ones ( B) mode

10、rn facilities add to the danger of an earthquake ( C) passing trucks are as dangerous as minor earthquakes ( D) there is a powerful earthquake occurring every two years 5 Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time: if corrected

11、 too much, he will stop talking. He notices a thou-sand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other peoples. In the same way, children learn to do all the other things withou

12、t being taught-to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle-compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself. We do it all for him. We act as if we

13、thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to. Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what his word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not. If

14、it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells that he cant find the way to get the right answer. Let the chil

15、dren learn what all educated persons must someday learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know. 6 According to the passage, the best way for children to learn things is by _. ( A) asking older people many questions ( B) listening to skilled peoples advice

16、( C) making mistakes and correcting them ( D) doing what other people do 7 Which of the following does the author think teachers should NOT do? ( A) Let children mark their own work. ( B) Allow children to make mistakes. ( C) Point out childrens mistakes to them. ( D) Give children correct answers.

17、8 According to the author, teachers in school should _. ( A) allow children to learn from each other ( B) point out childrens mistakes whenever found ( C) correct childrens mistakes as soon as possible ( D) give children more book knowledge 9 The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning

18、to ride a bicycle are_. ( A) different from learning other skills ( B) the same as learning other skills ( C) not really important skills ( D) more important than other skills 10 The best title for this passage could probably be _. ( A) Let Children Correct Their Exercises ( B) Let Us Make Children

19、Learn ( C) Let Us Teachers Stop Work ( D) Let Children Learn By Themselves 10 Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual prob-lem is how to dispose of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the opposite problem-

20、how to collect body heat. They have de-signed a collection system which utilizes not only body heat, but also the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs and refrigerators as well. The system works so well that no con-ventional fuel is needed to make the campuss six buildings comfortable. Some

21、 parts of most modern buildings-theaters and offices as well as classrooms-aremore than amply heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned even in winter. The technique of saving heat and redistributing it is called “heat recovery. “ A few modern buildings recover heat, but the

22、Universitys system is the first to recover heat from some buildings and re-use it in others. Along the way, Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its heat producers. The harder a student studies, the more heat his body gives off. Male students emit more heat than female students do, and the la

23、rger a student is, the more heat he produces. It is tempting to conclude that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a hard-working, overweight male genius. 11 Until recently, body heat has caused problems because it _. ( A) was difficult to collect ( B) came in a variety of forms (

24、C) was difficult to get rid of ( D) tended to be absorbed by physical objects 12 Which of the following is true of the heating system of the Johnstown campus? ( A) The heat is supplied by human bodies only. ( B) The heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat-emitting objects. ( C) The heat

25、 is supplied by both human bodies and conventional fuel. ( D) The heat is supplied by human bodies, other heat-emitting objects, and con-ventional fuel. 13 The phrase “even in winter“ (Lines 8 9) most nearly means _. ( A) if the winter is especially warm ( B) during all of the year except the winter

26、 ( C) in winter as well as in other seasons ( D) during the evenings in winter 14 The phrase “heat recovery“ refers to a _. ( A) method of concealing the source of heat ( B) special form of air-conditioning ( C) supplementary hot water system ( D) way of reclaiming and re-using heat 15 According to

27、the passage which of the following would produce the LEAST amount of heat? ( A) A fat female who studies hard. ( B) A thin female who does not study. ( C) A fat male who does not study. ( D) A thin male who studies hard. 二、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: In this part, there are 3

28、0 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16 If you go to the movie tonight, so_I. ( A) will ( B) do ( C)

29、 am ( D) can 17 You dont know about the difficulty I had_the work then at all. ( A) done ( B) to do ( C) for doing ( D) in doing 18 _is well-known, the environment in China is badly in need of improve-merit. ( A) It ( B) That ( C) As ( D) What 19 Charles Babbage is generally considered_the first com

30、puters. ( A) to invent ( B) inventing ( C) to have invented ( D) invented 20 With oil prices keeping_, people are hesitating whether to buy a car or not. ( A) rising ( B) arising ( C) raising ( D) arousing 21 I walked out of the cinema, _to return to see the wonderful film the next Sunday. ( A) dete

31、rmine ( B) being determined ( C) determined ( D) to be determined 22 We were very disappointed at the_to our advertisement, and our products didnt sell well. ( A) replies ( B) response ( C) answers ( D) words 23 My suggestion yesterday was that a meeting_to discuss the matter. ( A) should ( B) must

32、be held ( C) would be held ( D) be held 24 Before the guests come, I must get the glasses_. ( A) washed ( B) to be washed ( C) being washed ( D) to wash 25 Whom would yourather have_the computer, Mr. Lin or Mr. Chen? ( A) repaired ( B) repair ( C) repairing ( D) to repair 26 It turned out that the m

33、an was an excellent policeman working in New York, _had contributed a lot to the case. ( A) that ( B) which ( C) who ( D) where 27 _you dont know the rule wont be a sufficient excuse for your failure. ( A) It is ( B) That ( C) Because ( D) What 28 She is very_to ring me tonight. I can sense that. (

34、A) liable ( B) possible ( C) likely ( D) likeable 29 Small talk is a good way to kill time, make friends and_something with others. ( A) argue ( B) replace ( C) share ( D) match 30 Some people like drinking coffee, for it has_effects. ( A) promoting ( B) stimulating ( C) enhancing ( D) encouraging 3

35、1 _youre early you cant be sure of getting a seat. ( A) If ( B) Unless ( C) When ( D) Because 32 John likes Chinese food, but be_eating with chopsticks. ( A) doesnt used to ( B) doesnt use to ( C) isnt used to ( D) used not to 33 His wife had the front door painted yesterday, _she? ( A) did ( B) did

36、nt ( C) had ( D) hadnt 34 After the war, a new school building was put up_there hadnt once been a theater. ( A) that ( B) where ( C) which ( D) When 35 It shames me to say it, butI told a lie when_at the meeting by my boss. ( A) questioning ( B) having questioned ( C) questioned ( D) to be questione

37、d 36 A modern city has been set up in_was a wasteland ten years ago. ( A) what ( B) which ( C) that ( D) where 37 Professor Smith, along with his assistants, _on the project day and night to meet the deadline. ( A) work ( B) working ( C) is working ( D) are working 38 The president spoke at the busi

38、ness meeting for nearly an hour without_his notes. ( A) bringing up ( B) referring to ( C) looking for ( D) trying on 39 It is certain that he will_his business to his son when he gets old. ( A) take over ( B) think over ( C) hand over ( D) go over 40 The Internet has brought_big changes in the way

39、we work. ( A) about ( B) out ( C) back ( D) up 41 When climbing the hill, John was knocked unconscious by an_rolling stone. ( A) untouched ( B) unfamiliar ( C) unexpected ( D) unbelievable 42 Her brother_to leave her in the dark room alone when she disobeyed his order. ( A) declared ( B) threatened

40、( C) warned ( D) exclaimed 43 Alice trusts you. Only you can_her to give up the foolish idea. ( A) suggest ( B) attract ( C) tempt ( D) persuade 44 A man is being questioned in relation to the_murder. ( A) advised ( B) attended ( C) attempted ( D) admired 45 Modern plastics can_very high and very lo

41、w temperatures. ( A) stand ( B) hold ( C) carry ( D) support 三、 Part III Identification (10%) Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line th

42、rough the center. 46 He (didnt dare) (to leave) the house (for fear) someone would (recognize him) soon. ( A) didnt dare ( B) to leave ( C) for fear ( D) recognize him 47 You (can see) the whole city (for miles) (from here) (in) a clear day. ( A) can see ( B) for miles ( C) from here ( D) in 48 He (

43、wished) he (didnt tell) her the truth (that) brought her (so much) pain. ( A) wished ( B) didnt tell ( C) that ( D) so much 49 The room, (which) window (faces) the south, is (the nicest) one of all (on) this floor. ( A) which ( B) faces ( C) the nicest ( D) on 50 He is a (true) friend (of mine), who

44、m I can always (depend) whenever I (get into) trouble. ( A) true ( B) of mine ( C) depend ( D) get into 51 (Lets) go and (watch) that mew movie at eight (tonight), (wont we)? ( A) Lets ( B) watch ( C) tonight ( D) wont we 52 (It is very) important that the students voice (is heard) by the (authoriti

45、es) of (all our) schools. ( A) It is very ( B) is heard ( C) authorities ( D) all our 53 This is (such) a beautiful day that everyone (around) us feel like (going out) for a walk. ( A) such ( B) around ( C) feel like ( D) going out 54 We (saw) a big dog that was fierce and (felt frightened) (in) (ou

46、r way) home. ( A) saw ( B) felt frightened ( C) in ( D) our way 55 You (will) feel inconvenient in Japan (if) you can (either) (speak) Japanese nor English. ( A) will ( B) if ( C) either ( D) speak 四、 Part IV Cloze (10%) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank th

47、ere are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fit into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 55 In China it is relatively usual to ask people their age, but in the West thi

48、s question is generally regarded as impolite. This is particularly true 【 C1】 _ women, and even more 【 C2】 _ if the inquirer is a man. However, it is very 【 C3】 _ to ask children their age, and some adults may not mind 【 C4】 _ either. In fact, some elderly people are quite happy to 【 C5】_ their age, especially if they feel they look young 【 C6】 _ their age. Nevertheless, it is not very wise to ask a(n) 【 C7】 _ question like“ How old are you“. If elderly people want to talk about their age, and perhaps receive a compliment on how young they look, they may easily 【 C8】 _ the topic themselves, a


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