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1、口译三级实务模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 Dialogue (20 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or a short passage, in

2、terpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 A:您好 !怀特先生。我叫夏征,是天明电机进口公 司的副总经理。虽然这是我们首次见面,但在过去的函电往来中,我经常见到您的名字,久仰了。 B: This is my first visit to the metropolis of

3、 Guangzhou and Im deeply impressed by what Ive seen here. A:您到这儿已经好几天了吧 ?去过哪些地方呢 ? B: Yes, Ive been round the city, and seen some famous sites of historical interest. I enjoyed the visits very much, especially the visits to the museums. A: 您这么喜欢我们的城市,真是太好了。我想您也喜欢我们的商务建议吧。不知道您给我们带来了什么好消息 ? B: Well, I

4、 think we have explained to you in our correspondence why we could not accept your proposal. As you know, what you intend to buy from us will involve the whole factory equipment including the necessary accessories and parts. Thats really a tremendous amount of work as well as money which are beyond

5、our means. A:贵公司是世界上著名的跨国公司,电机业的龙头老大,我们要买的这个成套设备对你们来说根本算不了什么。 B: But, Mr. Xia, you should understand that ours is a branch and our plan must be approved by the board of directors of the multinational before it is put into practice. A:我能理解。跨国公司子公司的财务都是独立核算、自负盈亏的。我了解贵公司,单独制造我们要买的这些成套设备对你们来说是毫无问题的,况且必要

6、的时候你们总部还会给予财务帮助呢。 B: Oh, I agree on that point. But you see, even if our head office gives us any financial aid, interest has to be paid just the same as a loan from a commercial bank. By the way, what about the bankers guarantee? A:我们会请中国银行担保。您有什么具体建议吗? B: Yes. I propose that payment be made by ins

7、tallments, that is, after each shipment we will send you the Bs/L and other necessary documents through our bank and yours the Bank of China. To ensure the payment, the Bank of China should give us a written letter to the effect that they will guarantee the payment if the buyer fails to do so. And t

8、he letter of guarantee should reach us two months before shipment is due, as stipulated in the contract. A:对于您的这个建议我要带回去向我们的总经理汇报。我们公司要对这个问题进行研究,待我们拿出最终方案后,我们再约时间讨论好吗? B: OK. I am looking forward to the good news. 二、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following

9、passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 If you want to run a company well, you should remember that there are four general policies to follow wi

10、th employees. First, pay them what they are worth. When people begin with your company, they are rarely worth what they are paid, because you are investing in their future productivity. You should pay people low at the start, with higher payments once they are established and productive. And be open

11、 about the monetary value of the additional perks they get. Second, you should make employees feel important. Build them positively and openly when praise is deserved. Temper this with negative motivation, pointing out where minor shortcomings are diluting the success that could be enjoyed. Avoid co

12、mplacency by keeping employees slightly off-balance. Third, make employees think for themselves. Sometimes by being nonspecific, you create the environment where employees adapt other ideas and learn how to apply them in the new situation. Fourth, separate office life from social life. It is impossi

13、ble to let your hair down with someone one night, and come down hard on them the next day. You should also remember that if you have to fire employees, take a creative approach. Try to find a job for them somewhere else, and let the other company steal them away. However, if extreme action is called

14、 for, act decisively while respecting the feelings of the employee. Never expect from your employees anything that you are not willing to do yourself. Its more than a clich it is sound business practice. 三、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages

15、from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 3 中国在 2001年加入世界贸易组织后,上海成了全国的金融中心,并取得了迅猛发展,特别是浦东新区,实现了巨大变化。 现代上海随处可见的是起重机。一座座摩天大厦拔地而起, 其中不乏世界最高的楼。 上海处于中国东海岸的中部,距长江

16、入东海的入海口仅 20公里。由于通航,上海几个世纪以来都是贸易中心。 而同时上海并没有因为着眼经济增长而忽略高雅文化的发展。上海博物馆、艺术馆、大剧院等著名机构使上海在文化方面独领风骚。 口译三级实务模拟试卷 2答案与解析 一、 PART 1 Dialogue (20 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English

17、 by speaking to the microphone. And after you hear an English sentence or a short passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the dialogue only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 A: Howre you! M

18、r. White. My name is Xia Zheng, Deputy Managing Director of Tianming Electrical Machine Import Corp. Though it is the first time we met, I have been very familiar with your name in the past business correspondence. I have long expected to see you. B:这是我第一次来广州这座大都市。在这里所见到的一切给我留下了深刻的印象。 A: You have be

19、en here for quite several days, I suppose. What scenic spots have you visited? B:是的,我到各处逛了一遍,参观一些名胜古迹,很开心,尤其是参观了一些博物馆。 A: Thats very good you like our city. I suppose you also like our business proposal. Any good news have you brought us? B:噢,我想在我们双方交往的函电中,我们已经解释清楚了为什么不能接受你们的建议。您知道,贵方想从我方购买的涉及一个完整工厂

20、的设备,包括必要的附加部件。工作量太大,而且需要一笔巨款,我公司承担不起。 A: Your corporation is a world-famous multinational and the leader in the electrical machine community. Its really nothing for you to finance the manufacturing of the complete plant. B:但是,夏先生您知道我公司只是一个子公司,我们的计划在实施之前都必须得到跨国公司董事会的批准。 A: I can understand that a bra

21、nch of a multinational is independent in finance and responsible for its own financial gains or losses. I know about your branch. It is out of question for you to manufacture the complete plant that we intend to buy. As regards financing, you may get help from your head office. B:噢,这点我是同意的。但是,即使总公司给

22、予我们财务帮助,我们同样要付利息的,就跟从商业银行贷款一样。不知你们银行担保的事情如何 ? A: We will ask the Bank of China for help. Do you have any specific proposal now? B:有的。我建议采用分期付款的办法,即每次装运之后,我们将通过我方银行和你们的中国银行把提单和其它一些必要的单证转交你方。为了确保付款,中国银行应向我方出一份担保函,大意是如果买方不能付款,中国银行保证会付款。担保函必须在合同规定的装运期前两个月到达我方。 A: Ill report to our general managing direc

23、tor on your proposal. Well have a discussion on this issue. Shall we schedule another appointment when we reach the final conclusion? B:好的,我恭候佳音。 【试题解析】 本文是一篇商务对话,一方来自电机业著名跨国公司,一方来自电机进口公司。双方就电机的购买问题进行交谈。这要求应试者掌握一些商务交谈的基础知识、词汇。 应试者还需要在较短的时间内,理解、分析、简化或切分长难句,避 免从句堆积;对于一些较为生僻的词汇,不能死译、硬译,而应该在理解的基础上意译;商务交

24、谈不同于日常对话,需要注意措辞技巧,这在英汉两种语言中是不同的,在翻译时,要注意变通。 -基本素质采分点 下面的单词、短语是这篇对话考查的基础知识点,涉及惯用表达和相关知识领域的专有名词等,是应试者理解、翻译的关键。 1副总经理 Deputy Managing Director 2 board of directors 董事会 3 Bs/L 提单 4 document 单证 5 Bank of China 中国银行 -结构理解采分点 下面是本文出现的长难句,要求应试者迅速理解句子大意,分析出句子中所包含的意群,转换成通顺、地道的目的语。在这个转换的过程中,应试者可以采取词类转换、语态转换、语序

25、调整、增删词语、句子切分等翻译技巧。 1虽然这是我们首次见面,但在过去的函电往来中,我经常见到您的名字,久仰了原句的主干是 “虽然 但 ” 连接的表示转折关系的句子, “但 ”后面的分句主干结构是 “(状语 )在过去的函电往来中 +(主语 )我 +(谓语 )见到 +(宾语 )名字 ”,翻译时,根据汉语表达习惯,应该将状语部分移至句末。 2 This is my first visit to the metropolis of Guangzhou and Im deeply impressed by what Ive seen here. 原句是 “and”连接的两个并列分句,根据汉语表达习惯,

26、在处理前一个分句中的“metropolis of Guangzhou”时,需要调整词序,翻译为 “广州这座大都市 ”;后一分句中的主谓结构 “Im impressed”需要进行语态转换,将被动语态转换为主动语态。 3 As you know, what you intend to buy from us will involve the whole factory equipment including the necessary accessories and parts. 在商务会谈中,需要注意措辞,原文的 “you”,在翻译成汉语时,应该使用汉语中的尊敬语 “您 ”、 “贵方 ”等。 4

27、 But, Mr. Xia. you should understand that ours is a branch and our plan must be approved by the board of directors of the multinational before it is put into practice. 原句句子结构分析如下: 1)(主语 )you+(谓语 )should understand+(宾语从句1)+and+(宾语从句 2); 2)宾语从句 2的句子结构 分析如下: (主语 ) our plan+(谓语 )must be approved+(宾语 )by

28、 the board of directors of the multinational+(时间状语 )before it is put into practice;处理宾语从句 2时,需要注意被动语态的变通和时间状语的位置。 5 To ensure the payment, the Bank of China should give us a written letter to the effect that they will guarantee the payment if the buyer fails to do so. 原句句子主干分析如下: (主语 )Bank of China+

29、(谓语 )should give+(间接宾语 )us+(直接宾语 )a letter。翻译时,需要注意商务交谈措辞,其中 “us”应翻译为“我方 ”, letter应翻译为 “函 ”。 -言语表达采分点 应试者不仅需要从宏观上整体把握原文的结构、意思,还需要从微观上正确理解、表达一些重要短语、单词。 1商务建议 business proposal 2 mount of work 工作量 3 branch 子公司 4 put into practice 实施 5 head office 总部 6 loan 贷款 7 bankers guarantee 银行担保 8 installment 分期付

30、款 9 shipment 装运 10 letter of guarantee 担保函 二、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only

31、 ONCE. Now lets begin. 2 【正确答案】 如果你想将公司办好的话,你应该记住,对于员工的管理,有四项总原则可以遵循。 第一,根据员工的价值支付薪水。员工刚开始在你的公司工作时,几乎都不值 得拿到你支付他们的工资,因为你在为他们未来的生产能力进行投资。所以开始时给他们的工资要低,但一旦他们有成就了,生产力强了,就要给他们加薪。另外,要让他们了解他们所享受的额外福利的货币价值。 第二,你要让员工觉得自己很重要。当员工值得表扬时,公开、正面地鼓励调动他们,但也需要加点负面的动力,指出哪些小缺点破坏了本可以获得的成功。为避免员工自负,可让他们稍微有些紧张感。 第三,让员工多动脑筋

32、。有时故意含糊笼统,你却创造了这样一种环境:员工善于灵活修正其它想法,并学会将这些想法运用于新的情况。 第四,将公务和社交生活分开。如果你头一天晚上无拘无束地与某人相处,而第二天就要板着脸训他,这几乎是不可能的。 你还应该记住,如果你不得不开除员工,你的做法最好有些创意,看看能否帮他们在别的地方找一份工作,或让其它公司把他们挖走。然而,当你不得不采取严厉的措施时,你就得果断行动,同时也要尊重员工的感受。 对待员工,要做到己所不欲,勿施于人。这不只是陈词滥调,而是健康的行业规矩。 【试题解析】 本文是一篇关于公司如何管理员工的讲话。讲话人就员工的管理,提出了管理人员应当遵循的四项总原则。 应试者

33、需要依次记下这四条总原则的核心内容。 本文需要应试者掌握一些管理方面的基础知识、常用词汇,并在较短的时间内记下讲话的每一个要点;通过长难句中的连接词和讲话人的语音、语调的变化,分清层次;根据汉语表达习惯,切分长句、增减词汇、转换词类,使译文符合目的语的表达习惯。 -基本素质采分点 下面的单词、短语是这篇文章考查的基础知识点,涉及惯用表达和相关知识领域的专有名词等,是应试者理解、翻译的关键。 1 general policy 总原则 2 productivity 生产 能力 3 monetary value 货币价值 4 additional perk 额外福利 5 business pract

34、ice 行业规矩 -结构理解采分点 下面是本文出现的长难句,要求应试者迅速理解句子大意,分析出句子中所包含的意群,转换成通顺、地道的目的语。在这个转换的过程中,应试者可以采取词类转换、语态转换、语序调整、增删词语、句子切分等翻译技巧。 1 If you want to run a company well, you should remember that there are four general policies to follow with employees. 原文句子结构分析如下: 1)it引导的 (条件状语从句 )+(主句 ); 2)主句句子结构:(主语 )you+(谓语 )sh

35、ould remember+that引导的宾语从句; “there are four general policies to follow with employees”是宾语从句,处理其中的 “with employees”时,需要采取增词译法,具体说 明四原则是针对 “员工的管理 ”的。 2 When people begin with your company, they are rarely worth what they are paid, because you are investing in their future productivity. 原句句子结构分析如下: 1)wh

36、en引导的时间状语从句 +主句; 2)主句中嵌入一个because引导的原因状语从句; 3)原因状语从句结构: (主语 )you+(谓语 ) are investing in+(宾语 )productivity;翻译原因状语从句时,需要调整语序,将其中的宾语移至谓语前面。 3 Sometimes by being nonspecific, you create the environment where employees adapt other ideas and learn how to apply them in the new situation. 原句句子结构分析如下: 1)(主语

37、)you+(谓语 )create+(宾语 )environment +定语从句; 2)定语从句的句子结构: (主语 )employees+(谓语 1)adapt+(宾语1)ideas+and+(谓语 2)apply+(宾语 2)them; “where”是引导定语从句的关系副词,翻译时,可以省略不译。 4 However, if extreme action is called for, act decisively while respecting the feelings of the employee. 原句句子结构分析如下: 1)it引导的 (条件状语从句 )+主句; 2)从句结构:

38、(主语 )extreme action+(谓语 )is called for; 3)主句结构; (主语省略 )+(谓语 )act+(方式状语 )decisively;翻译时,需要进行语态转换,将从句中的被动语态,转换成主动语态,并根据上下文,判断并补充主语。 5 Never expect from your employees anything that you are not willing to do yourself. 原句句子结构分析如下: (主语省略 )+(谓语 )never expect+(宾语 )anything +(定语从句 );目的语中有一个俗语与原句所表达的意思相同,翻译时

39、,可以采用套译法,套用目的语中的俗语。 -言语表达采分点 应试者不仅需要从宏观上整体把握原文的结构、意思,还需要从微观上正确理解、表达一些重要短语、单词。 1 follow with 遵循 2 employee 员工 3 negative motivation 负面的动力 4 minor shortcomings 小缺点 5 keep.slightly off-balance 让 有些紧张感 6 adapt ideas 修正想法 7 office life 公务 8 creative approach 创意 9 steal.away 将 挖走 10 act decisively 果断行动 三、

40、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 3 【正确答案】 When China

41、entered the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, Shanghai became the countrys financial center. Its development is fast, particularly in the Pudong New District, which is undergoing great changes. Modem Shanghai is a mass of cranes, from which huge skyscrapers, some of the worlds highest, soar to

42、 the sky. Shanghai is located halfway up the eastern coast of China, just 20 km from where the Yangtzi River empties into the East China Sea. Accessible by river, the city has been a trading centre for centuries. Being an economic powerhouse, Shanghai is not short of high culture. Prestigious instit

43、utions, such as the Shanghai Museum, Art Museum and Grand Theatre, give the city an edge. 【试题解析】 本文是一段关于现代上海的讲话。文章介绍了上海的地理、地位、经济发展、文化发展等几个方面。作为中国金融中心的上海在经济、文化等方面都取得了非常快速的发展。 本文要求应试者了解一些经济、文化方面的基础背景知识、常 用词汇、著名机构等。汉语是意合语言,通过意义本身保持句子间、句子内的联系,没有严格的语法限制,汉语少用连接成分。在转化为英语时,需要注意变通,增加连接词汇,英语主要通过词汇手段来完成句子间、句子内

44、的联系。 -基本素质采分点 下面的单词、短语是这篇文章考查的基础知识点,涉及惯用表达和相关知识领域的专有名词等,是应试者理解、翻译的关键。 1浦东新区 Pudong New District 2中国东海岸 eastern coast of China 3上海博物馆 Shanghai Museum 4艺术馆 Art Museum 5大剧院 Grand Theatre -结构理解采分点 下面是本文出现的长难句,要求应试者迅速理解句子大意,分析出句子中所包含的意群,转换成通顺、地道的目的语。在这个转换的过程中,应试者可以采取词类转换、语态转换、语序调整、增删词语、句子切分等翻译技巧。 1中国在 20

45、01年加入世界贸易组织后,上海成了全国的金融中心,并取得了迅猛发展。特别是浦东新区,实现了巨大变化。 原文是两个句子,第一个句子 介绍了上海地位及发展,第二个句子特别指出了上海的浦东新区。在英语中,特别提出的部分通常不能独立成句,在翻译时,需要根据英语的这一习惯,重新组织句子意群,第一句介绍地位,第二句介绍发展。此外,在处理时间状语时,按照英语表达习惯,移至从句末。 2现代上海随处可见的是起重机。一座座摩天大厦拔地而起,其中不乏世界最高的楼。 原文是两个句子,第一句句末的起重机和第二句有密切联系,翻译时,可以通过定语从句的形式将两个句子连接成一个主从复合句。此外,汉语中用来形容摩天大厦,可以说

46、 “拔地而起 ”,也可以说 “高耸入云 ”,两者表达的意思相同,只是思维的角度不同;翻译成英语,都可以采用 “soar to the sky”。 3上海处于中国东海岸的中部,距长江入东海的入海口仅 20公里。在表达地理位置时,根据汉语习惯,是从大到小的顺序;根据英语习惯则是从小到大的顺序。在处理 “中国东海岸的中部 ”时,应按照从后往前的顺序,翻译为 “halfway up the eastern coast of China”。 4而同时上海并没有因为着眼经济增长而忽略高雅文化的发展。 原句中文句子结构分析如下: (主语 )上海 +(谓语 )没有忽略 +(宾语 )发展;处理谓语 “没有忽略

47、”时,可以根据英语表达习惯,从客体意识出发,转换为 “is not short of”。 5上海博物馆、艺术馆、大剧院等著名机构使上海在文化方面独领风骚。 原句中文句子的主干是:著名机构使上海独领风骚;在列举时,汉语习惯,先列举再归类,英语则与之相反。根据英语表达习惯,在列举机构时,应该将具体机构名称移至后面。 -言语表达采分点 应试者不仅需要从宏观上整体把握原文的结构、意思,还需要从微观上正确理解、表达一些重要短语、单词。 1世界贸易组织 World Trade Organization (WTO) 2金融中心 financial center 3巨大变化 great changes 4起重机 crane 5摩天大厦 huge skyscrapers 6拔地而起 soar to the sky 7东海 the East China Sea 8通航 accessible by river 9贸易中心 trading centre 10高雅文化 high culture


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