1、口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 14及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets beg
2、in. 1 Our goal is to create a transportation service that offers customers a competitive advantage a service so superior that customers think that a premium price is reasonable. 2 To avoid negative impact to the business, it is very important that all enquiries must be referred to the General Manage
3、r. 3 We have some quality control problems. The complaint rate for our new product line is high, almost eight percent. 4 Customers can click onto our website and order a car, send us shipping instructions, ensure that we pick up their delivery as scheduled, track the shipment to its destination, rec
4、eive an invoice, clarify any questions, and pay the bill. 5 Although the policy considers local housing costs, it doesnt compensate for higher housing costs through a special payment. 6 The company compares net salaries in both the old and new country by subtracting the major costs, such as taxes an
5、d housing, from gross pay. 7 The company transfers about 600 people a year across national borders. Although most of these transferees are on one- to two-year assignments, up to 25 percent are on indefinite assignments. 8 Lets be pro-active with the customers who bought those sub-quality products. S
6、end them a discount coupon for their next store purchase. And lets touch bases with our other recent customers to make sure that theyre satisfied with our customer policies. 9 Fuji-Xerox is one of the most enduring and reportedly successful alliances between two companies from different countries. E
7、stablished in 1962, today Fuji-Xerox is structured as a 50/50 joint venture between the Xerox Group, the US maker of photocopiers, and Fuji Photo Film, Japans largest manufacturer of film products. With sales of close to $10 billion, Fuji-Xerox provides Xerox with over 20 percent of its worldwide re
8、venues. A prime motivation to establish the joint venture was the Japanese governments refusal in the early 1960s to allow foreign companies to set up wholly owned subsidiaries in Japan. The joint venture was conceived as a marketing organization to sell xerographic products that would be manufactur
9、ed by Fuji Photo under licence from Xerox. 10 As elsewhere, Castrol has adopted a premium pricing strategy in Vietnam, which is consistent with the companys attempt to build a global brand image of high quality. Castrol oil costs about $ 1. 5 per litre in Vietnam, about three times as much as the pr
10、ice of cheaper oil imported from Thailand. Despite the high price of its product, Castrol claims it is gaining share in Vietnam as its branding strategy wins converts. Castrol has had to tailor its distribution strategy to Vietnams unique conditions. In most countries where it operates, Castrol divi
11、des the country into regions and has a single distributor in each region. 11 Ladies and gentlemen, To talk about the importance and effectiveness of the global human resource management, I would like to take Coca-Cola Company as a quintessence. The Coca-cola Company is one of the most successful mul
12、tinational enterprises. With operations in close to 200 countries and nearly 80 percent of its operating income derived from business outside the Unites States, Coca-Cola is typically perceived as the quintessential global corporation. Coca-Cola, however, likes to think of itself as a “multi-local“
13、company that just happens to be headquartered in Atlanta but could be headquartered anywhere and that presents the Coca-Cola brand with a “local face“ in every country where it does business. The philosophy is best summarized by the phrase “ think globally, act locally,“ which captures the essence o
14、f Coca-Cola s cross-boarder management mentality. Coca-Cola grants national businesses the freedom to conduct operations in a manner appropriate to the market. At the same time, the company tries to establish a common mind-set that all its employees share. Coca-Cola manages its global operations thr
15、ough 25 operating divisions that are organized under six regional groups: North America, the European Union, the Pacific Region, the east Europe/Middle East Group, Africa, and Latin America. The corporate human resource management (HRM) function is charged with providing the glue that binds these va
16、rious divisions and groups into the Coca-Cola family. The corporate HRM function achieves this in two main ways: (1) by propagating a common human resources philosophy within the company, and (2) by developing a group of internationally minded mid-level executives for future senior management respon
17、sibility. The corporate HRM group sees its mission as one of developing and providing the underlying philosophy around which local businesses can develop their own human resource practices. For example, rather than have a standard salary policy for all its national operations, Coca-Cola has a common
18、 salary philosophy the total compensation package should be competitive with the best companies in the local market. Twice a year the corporate HRM group also conducts a two-week HRM orientation session for the human resource staff from each of its 25 operating divisions. These sessions give an over
19、view of the companys HRM philosophy and talk about how local businesses can translate that philosophy into human resource policies. As much as possible, Coca-Cola tries to staff its operations with local personnel. To quote one senior executive: “We strive to have a limited number of international p
20、eople in the field because generally local people are better equipped to do business at their home locations. “ However, expatriates are needed in the system for two main reasons. One is to fill a need for a specific set of skills that might not exist at a particular location. The second reason for
21、using an expatriate is to improve the employees own skill base. Coca-Cola believes that because it is a global company, senior managers should have had international exposure. The corporate HRM group has about 500 high-level managers involved in its “ global service program. “ Coca-Cola characterize
22、s these managers as people who have knowledge of their particular field, plus knowledge of the company, and who can do two things in an international location add value by the expertise they bring to each assignment and enhance their contribution to the company by having international experience. Of
23、 the 500 participants in the program, about 200 move each year. To ease the costs of transfer for these employees, Coca-Cola gives those in its global service program a US-based compensation package. They are paid according to US benchmarks, as opposed to the benchmark prevailing in the country in w
24、hich they are located. An ultimate goal of this program is to build a cadre of internationally minded high-level managers from which the future senior managers of Coca-Cola will be drawn. The above is my observation of Coca-Colas HRM. Thank you for your attention. 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translat
25、ion (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12 头衔也显得很重要,称呼老板的名字是不得体的,员工必须使用正式的头衔来称呼他们的老板,始终要注意规矩和
26、表现出尊敬。 13 许多人都知道,中国人一般回避在公共场合或在公开会议上处理冲突和矛盾。丢面子在亚洲国家是一个大禁忌,丢面子被认为是很可耻的事情。 14 我也觉得有些西方经理对中国的管理干部抱有偏见。有部分人认为中国人古板、不可靠。也常听到西方人说中国人缺乏专业知识和能力。 15 为了让人们能够更有效地合作,必须明确他们的任务、目标 、责任与权力,这就需要设立一个正式的组织来定义他们相互间的种种关系,为决策的交流与沟通提供方便。 16 市场能办的,多放给市场。社会可以做好的,就交给社会。政府管住、管好它应该管的事。 17 根据宏观经济走势的变化,我们及时调整政策实施力度,适时退出刺激政策,实施
27、积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策。 18 我们始终注重处理好保持经济平稳较快发展、调整经济结构和管理通胀预期的关系,增强宏观政策的前瞻性、科学性、有效性,注意把握好政策的取向、力度和重点。 19 我们始终把实行科学民主决策、坚持依法行 政、推进政务公开、健全监督制度、加强廉政建设作为政府工作的基本准则。 20 改革创新不仅仅是技术本身,还包括如何使用技术;它与 “新 ”经济无关,而与知识的应用有关。通常,改革创新指的是提出问题要正确、解决问题的思路要清晰以及对常识的运用等。在某个领域发起改革,必定会在别的地方引起反应。改革创新所造成的影响是慢慢累积起来的。某个领域的改革会引起另一个领域的改革。这
28、样下去不久就会引起戏剧性的变化而最终对业务造成巨大影响。 21 一家国际人力资源咨询公司 “组织资源咨询 ”公司 对美国 45家大型跨国公司做了一项关于职业人员的人力资源情况调查,结果发现这 45家公司都把薪酬水平和额外津贴的差异看成是他们在发展国际劳力中所遇到的最大难题。问题的根源在于成本,因为以美国的工资和生活需求为其基础的国外综合工资,被越来越多的人认为太昂贵。为了解决这个问题,许多国际公司正努力研究特殊的薪酬配置方案,以适应那些跨国流动的管理干部的需求。 22 谢谢主席先生 !今天能有这样的机会来与大家共同探讨跨国公司的管理问题,我感到很荣幸。在这里,我想以壳牌国际公司作为案例,向大家
29、介绍它的相关管理问题,希望对各 位有所启发。 壳牌国际公司是一家全球性石油公司,联合总部设在英国伦敦与荷兰海牙。该公司雇用 10多万人,其中约 5500人曾作为侨民在国外生活和工作过至少一次。壳牌公司雇用的侨民形形色色,有 70多种民族身份,分散在 100多个国家。公司早已认识到,作为一家全球性公司,其成功的关键在于它拥有一支具有国际流动性的作业队伍。然而,到了 20世纪 90年代初,壳牌公司发现为海外的岗位招聘要员比以前更困难。为了弄清原因,公司于 1993年采访了 200多名侨民雇员以及他们的配偶,以此确定他们最为关心的问题。采访得来的数据被 用来做成一份调查表,分发给 17000名在职和
30、退休的侨民雇员、侨民的配偶和那些拒绝海外分配的雇员。 对这份调查表的回应率高达 70,清楚地表明了许多雇员对调查内容很重视。据调查结果,影响雇员接受海外分配的因素有五个,按主次排列,分别是: (1)离别了正在上中学的孩子 (英国与荷兰的侨民在国外工作的时候,其孩子都在本国上寄宿学校 ); (2)牺牲了配偶的事业和就业; (3)调动时无法与配偶打招呼和商量; (4)对于调动无法提供足够的信息和协助; (5)健康方面的问题。 壳牌公司于 1994年推行了一系列方案,致 力于解决部分问题。为了帮助解决孩子的教育问题,公司在侨民较集中的雇员所在地建立了小学;至于中学教育,则与当地学校合作,往往是给地方
31、学校拨款以帮助它们提高教学水平。公司还提供教育辅助项目以帮助侨民把孩子送往工作所在国的私立学校就读。 帮助员工的配偶解决工作问题倒是一个更为难的事情。据调查,壳牌公司外派职员的随行配偶中,有一半人在调动前是有工作的。而一旦这些员工被当作侨民分配到海外工作时,配偶中只有 12的人能找到工作, 33的人希望有份工作。壳牌公司为此设立了一个配偶就业中心来解决这个问题。在员工接受 海外分配期间,该中心可以为他们的配偶提供就业咨询或帮助他们寻找就业机会。壳牌公司还同意贴补高达 80的职业培训费、进修费或重新认证费;为每次海外分配所贴补的金额也高达 4400美元。 谢谢大家 ! 口译三级实务(综合)模拟试
32、卷 14答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 我
33、们的目标是为顾客提供一种具有竞争优势的运输服务,即给顾客一个物超所值的优质服务的感觉。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 为避免对生意产生不利影响,任何询问都要提交给总经 理,这一点很重要。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 我们有一些质量控制方面的问题,我们新的生产线的投诉率很高,接近 8。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 顾客可以用鼠标点击进入我们的网站,订购汽车并给我们发送装运要求,这样能保证我们按时发运、从头到尾地跟踪运输情况、收取发票、澄清问题和付账等。 【知识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 尽管这样的薪酬配置政策考虑到了地方住房成本,但是它并不采用特殊补贴来补
34、偿高额的住房成本。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正 确答案】 公司通过在总酬金中减去诸如税收和住房等主要成本后的所得,进行新老国家的纯薪酬比较。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 公司每年派往国外的劳力约 600人。尽管这些外派人员中的多数有一到两年的任务分配,但仍有 25的人没有明确的工作任务。 【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 我们必须积极主动地与购买了那些不合格商品的顾客取得联系,并寄一张下次购物使用的优惠券。我们还必须取得和新顾客之间的情感联系,以确保他们对我们客服工作满意。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答 案】 富士一施乐是一家由来自不同国家的两家公司所结成的最持久,
35、也是被外界称为最成功的联盟公司之一。富士一施乐建立于 1962年,至今已发展成为一家在施乐集团公司与富士照相胶卷公司之间对半分的合资企业,施乐集团是美国一家复印机制造商,而富士照相胶卷公司则是日本最大的胶卷产品制造商。富士 施乐公司的销售额接近 100亿美元,施乐公司在世界范围内的收益中有20来自这家合资企业。建立这家合资企业的最初动机来自日本政府于 1960年初颁布的法规,即不允许外国公司在日本建立独资子公司。这家合资公司在当时被构想成为一 个营销组织,专卖富士照相胶卷公司在得到施乐公司许可之后所生产的静电印刷产品。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 正如在其他地方一样,嘉实多公司在
36、越南也采取了溢价保险价格战略,这与其要在全球树立高品质品牌形象的努力是一致的。嘉实多的油在越南每公升售价 1 5美元,这个价格是那些从泰国进口油价的 3倍。尽管其产品的价格昂贵,嘉实多还是声称它在越南占有市场,因为它的品牌策略赢得了消费者更多的信赖。为了适应越南独特的社会条件,嘉实多不得不调整自己的销售策略。在其经营的许多国家中,它把一个国家分 成几个区域,每个区域委派一个批发商。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 女士们、先生们: 我想把可口可乐公司作为一个典范来谈谈全球人力资源管理的重要性和有效性。 可口可乐公司是最为成功的跨国企业之一。它在近 200个国家经营,而近 80的营业收
37、人来自美国以外的业务,已被视为跨国公司的典范。然而,该公司却把自己看成是一家 “多本土性 ”公司,其总部设在美国亚特兰大只是偶然,其实可以设置在世界上任何一个地方,只要它代表了可口可乐品牌,就可以以任何一个国家的地方面目出现。 “全球思维,地 方行为 “这句话最能概括这种理念,因为它正好反映了可口可乐公司跨国管理的精神实质。一国之内,凡适合市场的合理经营都会得到可口可乐公司的许可。它同时也努力在全体员工中建立一种统一的思维模式。 可口可乐公司通过 25家业务部门来管理其全球业务,这些业务部门受控于六个区域集团,即北美集团、欧盟集团、太平洋地区集团、东欧中东集团、非洲集团以及拉美集团。公司人力资
38、源管理的职能在于主要把不同的部门和集团凝聚在可口可乐大家庭里。人力资源管理部门通过两种途径来达到这个目的: (1)在公司里宣传一种共同的人力资源理念; (2)培养一群具有国际化思维的中层经理,作为未来高级管理的后备人员。 公司人力资源管理层的全部人员把培养和提供基础理念作为己任。有了这样的基础理念,其他各地分公司就能够制定自己的人力资源管理办法。譬如,可口可乐公司不为一国之内的业务经营设立标准薪酬政策,而是确立一种普遍的薪酬理念,即总的薪酬利益应该能与当地市场上最优秀的公司一比高低。此外,公司的人力资源管理部每年为 25家业务部门的人力资源管理人员举办两次为期两周的指导性会议。这些会议主要是回
39、顾公司的人力资源管理理念,并讨论如何能把这些理念变为各地方业 务部门的人力资源政策。 可口可乐公司总是尽一切办法招募当地人员来从事业务部门的经营。引用一位高级经理的话说: “我们努力限制本行业的国际人员数量,因为一般来说本土人员更适合从事设在他们本地的业务。 ”然而,出于两方面的主要原因,该系统仍然需要聘用一些外派来人员。这样做一方面是为了填补本土不具备的某些技术。聘用外派来人员的另一方面原因是为了提高员工的整体技术水平。可口可乐公司认为,既然自身是一家全球化公司,自己的高级经理就应该适应国际化环境。 可口可乐公司的人力资源管理部拥有约 500名专门从事 “全 球服务项目 ”的高层经理。公司认
40、为这些人员不仅具有专业知识,同时也十分了解公司的情况,他们能在世界范围内做两件事情,一是通过自己的专门技术给每项任务增值;二是通过自己的国际经验提高对公司的贡献。在这 500名项目人员中,有 200名每年都在流动。公司为了缓解这些人员流动的费用,制定了一项以美国为标准的项目人员薪酬政策。他们的薪酬水准是参考美国的,而不是所在国家或当地的。这整个项目的最终目标是培养一支具有国际化思维的高水平经理队伍,可口可乐公司未来的高级管理人士就从他们当中选拔。 以上是我对可口可乐公司人力 资源管理的了解和认识。 谢谢大家 ! 【知识模块】 英译汉 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Tra
41、nslation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12 【正确答案】 Titles are also very important. First
42、names are not appropriate for bosses and people must use formal titles to address them formality and respect must always be observed. 【知 识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 As many people might already know, managing conflict in public or open meetings is largely avoided in China. In Asia the loss of face is a major
43、 taboo. Losing face is viewed as something quite shameful. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 I also sense that some Western managers have a prejudiced view of Chinese management cadres. Some perceive the Chinese as inflexible and unreliable. Comments that the Chinese lack expertise and competence are also common
44、. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答 案】 In order for people to cooperate effectively, they must know their roles, their objectives, their responsibilities, and their authority. This requires a formal structure to define relationships and to facilitate the communication of decisions. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 We need to
45、leave to the market and society what they can do well. The government needs to manage well the matters that fall under its supervision. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 In response to the changing macroeconomic trends, we promptly adjusted the intensity of policy implementation, reduced the force of stimulus po
46、licies at an appropriate time, and implemented a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 We always strove to maintain a balance between ensuring steady and rapid economic development and adjusting the economic structure on the one hand, and managing inflation expe
47、ctations on the other. We made government macro policies more forward-looking, scientific and effective, and implemented them with proper orientation, force and focus. 【知识模块】 汉译英 19 【正确答案】 We always observed the following basic norms in exercising governance: making policy decisions scientifically a
48、nd democratically, conducting administration in accordance with the law, promoting transparency in government operations, improving the oversight system, and upholding integrity. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 Innovation is not just about technology: it is about how you use technology. It is not about the “ne
49、w“ economy: it is about how you apply knowledge. Often it is about asking the right questions, thinking clearly about the answers, and applying common senses. When you begin to stimulate innovation in one area, it has an enabling effect elsewhere. The effects of innovation are accumulative. When you begin to innovate in one area, it stimulates innovation elsewhere. Before long you could have the kind of dramatic change that can make a real difference to your business. 【知识模块】 汉译英 21 【正确答案】 A survey of human resource professionals in 45