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1、口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begi

2、n. 1 Every year, many Chinese students study in New Zealand, and over 100,000 Chinese tourists come to our country and enjoy a 100% Pure New Zealand experience seeing our beautiful scenery, sampling our unique culture, and tasting our fantastic wine and food. 2 On this World Tourism Day, I commend t

3、he tourism community for its growing recognition of the importance of conserving the diversity of life on Earth, and I urge all partners to strengthen their commitment to sustainability. 3 Tourism has the capacity to lift people from poverty, promote gender empowerment and help protect the environme

4、nt has made it, and it has been a vital tool for achieving positive change in communities across the world. 4 Through initiatives such as its “Sustainable Tourism-Eliminating Poverty“ project, the World Tourism Organization is helping to highlight the links between tourism, poverty alleviation and b

5、iodiversity. 5 I commend the tourism community for its growing commitment to sustainable energy. 6 On World Tourism Day, I encourage the international tourism community to commit to sustainable policies and ensure that host communities worldwide share in the benefits generated by tourism. 7 In the m

6、eantime, Id like to invite our friends from China and around the world to visit our pavilion. Its designed to reflect New Zealands stunning beauty, introduce our friendly people, and showcase the innovation, creativity and talent we have to offer. Were looking forward to showing you all around our p

7、avilion. 8 Engaging local populations in tourism development builds stronger and more resilient communities. 9 The Forbidden City is far too large to fully experience in a single visit, but highlights include the following: The Hall of Union and Peace has almost 14, 000 ornamental dragons. The Hall

8、of Supreme Harmony is where the emperor viewed birthday celebrations and coronation ceremonies from his Dragon Throne. And then there are the Imperial Gardens, where you can walk along the paths and pavilions, admiring the beautiful rock arrangements, flowers and cypress trees. 10 Tourism helps peop

9、le to develop a variety of skills. As a service sector with cross-cutting impact on agriculture, construction or handicrafts, tourism creates millions of jobs and business opportunities. Its capacity to lift people from poverty, promote gender empowerment and help protect the environment has made it

10、 a vital tool for achieving positive change in communities across the world. 11 Ladies and Gentlemen, It gives me pleasure to welcome you to the celebration of our International Tourist Guide Day. I am honored to spend time with men and women who lead and participate in this important sector of huma

11、n activity tourism. Other than the travel operator and the Internet, the real contact that the tourist has with South Africa is through a tourist guide. In fact most letters that the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism receives from tourists who share their experiences in the country, si

12、ng praises about the knowledge and professionalism of tourist guides. The tourism stakeholders come to acknowledge the role and the contribution of the tourist guides by way of empowering them to explore diligence in foreign languages and creating an enabling environment for them to equitably partic

13、ipate in economy of the industry. However, I should hasten to add that our greatest achievement to date is the fact that we have trained tourist guides in foreign languages, such as German, French and Chinese. Plans are afoot to extend this foreign language training to other mainstream languages of

14、our core markets, which will include Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and Italian. This initiative will ensure that we remain competitive in the market and encourage tourists in these segments to stay longer in the country. Another level that needs to be explored much more robustly is creating a conduciv

15、e environment for the tourist-guides to thrive. We should be clear about the needs analysis of the market, and its preparedness to absorb black tourist-guides without prejudice. Ladies and Gentlemen, the White Paper on Tourism states that tourism is government led and private sector driven. The tran

16、sformation of the tourist guide sector has been, and remains a priority to our department. I believe that things are certainly moving in the right direction. There can be no doubt that one of the key requirements for small emerging tourism businesses is mentorship. The larger and more anchored touri

17、sm businesses can play a significant role in the future sustainability of smaller businesses, if they take the time and effort to become involved. Our department has developed and is rolling out the domestic tourism growth strategy which aims at growing the number of domestic tourists, their cost, l

18、ength of stay and distribution throughout the country and throughout the year, as well as to identify the key tourism products for the domestic tourism market. Furthermore, there is a need to promote nation building through tourism by growing domestic tourism in townships, rural areas, heritage site

19、s, national parks and tourism icons. The tourist guides need to play a vital role in seeing the success of this strategy. Ladies and Gentlemen, in his opening speech at the South Africa, President said, “ I would like to have time to breaks loose from my work environment, to rediscover myself as a p

20、erson by being with people and things about whom and which I do not have to take decisions. I would go to the Eastern Cape of our country to visit the grave of a Khoi woman, Sarah Baartman. I would visit the museums of Eastern Cape and I am certain that as I walk around these places with strange nam

21、es I will learn much about the past. “ The presidents speech clearly depicted the value of the tourist guide sector in the tourism industry. A good tourist guide would be in attendance to give an in-depth account of the History of Sarah Baartman from beginning to end, take the President to the museu

22、m and curate the history and origins of the names that look strange to the President and watch him smile as he identifies with the origin of the names as they would associate with the bitter past. I am attempting to depict the caliber of a true tourist guide being that of human relations, knowledge

23、about the history, places, fauna and flora, game and most importantly, the people of South Africa and their different cultures, religion etc. We are the nation that has been endowed with many gifts, including scenic beauty, diverse cultures and hospitality. How we market South Africa as a value for

24、money destination, remain globally competitive, contribute to the GDP as envisaged by the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa is a challenge that remains with all of us in the tourism industry but the quality tourist guide sector will add value to our efforts. 二、 “PART 3 Chines

25、e-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin.“ 12 文化遗产指的是从过去继承而来,在当今保持下去,为未来存留不息的事

26、物。 13 今年 1一 8月份,西藏已累计接待海内外旅游者 409万人次,比去年同期增长200。 14 西藏将紧紧抓住机遇,以深厚的文化、精优的产品、优质的服务,打造 “世界屋脊、神奇西藏 ”旅游主题形象。 15 1925年,中国新政府将故宫改为博物馆,这让像我们一样来自全世界的游客都有机会在这些美轮美奂的房间内外漫步。 16 正如其名字所示,故宫 (紫禁城 )大到足以成为一 座城市 它包括近 1000栋建筑和近 10000个房间。 17 利用旅游业的巨大惠益对实现可持续发展目标和执行 2015年后发展议程至关重要。 18 通过将节水作为优先事项,我们都可帮助建设我们希望的未来。 19 值此世

27、界旅游日,我呼吁这个全球性行业的所有从业人员和所有享受其惠益的人们参与进来,为全人类创造一个更可持续的未来。 20 尽管规模宏大,但故宫最有趣的一些部分实际上很小。雕刻精致复杂的玉石和大理石,色彩斑斓的琉璃瓦充满了这些房间,讲述关于古代中国历史的故事。天花板上覆盖着精致的 雕刻图案。建筑物的屋顶上立着微型雕塑,几个世纪前它们就在那里注视着历届帝王。 21 中国是新西兰重要的伙伴。目前,每 25名新西兰人中,就有一位华裔,新中两国人民之间的交往日益加深。新中自由贸易协定是全球第一个发达国家与中国签署的自贸协定,极大地促进了两国的商贸往来。我们希望今后能进一步巩固两国的关系。 22 尊敬的普利茨克

28、部长、弗罗曼大使,女士们、先生们: 非常高兴出席今天的论坛。首先,我谨代表中国政府,对论坛的举办表示热烈的祝贺,对论坛的组织者表示衷心的感谢。同时对为中美旅游合 作做出贡献的各界人士致以崇高的敬意。 中美旅游合作论坛是本届商贸联委会改革的 “优秀成果 ”。今年年中,普利茨克部长向我提议,在本届联委会举办一场专题合作论坛,我深表赞同,并建议选择旅游合作这个主题,因为旅游合作是双方共识最多、矛盾最少、投入最低、效果最好的领域。 “国之交在民相亲。 ”加强旅游合作,不仅是两国政府的共识,更是两国人民的心愿。上个月,奥巴马总统访问北京的时候,中国的新华网和腾讯网联合开展了一项民意调查,大约有 9万名网

29、民参与了调查,调查里边有一个问题是 “怎么做才能让中美两国和谐相处 ?”51的人选择了 “中美民众增进了解 ”这个答案,居第一位。这反映了两国人民都有一个美好的愿望,就是多走动、多接触,架起友谊与合作的桥梁,而旅游是实现目的最好的平台。 旅游是高品位的人生活动。西方哲人说过,世界就像一本书,不旅行的人只读了其中第一页。中国古代著名旅行家徐霞客说过一句名言:读万卷书,行万里路。现在喜爱旅游的中国人说: “读万卷书,不如行万里路 ”。 旅游合作是中美经贸合作和人文交流最活跃、最具潜力的部分。近 10年来,中美游客往来累计 2800多万人次,年平均增长 10,平均每周有 250个航班往返于中美之间,

30、仅芝加哥到中国的航班每周就有 30多个。旅游合作的持续发展,不仅给双方带来了经济利益,而且增进了两国人民之间的了解和友谊,为中美关系发展奠定了坚实的民意基础。 女士们、先生们: 当前,中国人均 GDP(国内生产总值 )约 7000美元,城乡居民消费需求快速升级。在此背景下,国人出国旅游意愿显著增强,旅游业正迎来黄金发展期。中国现在已经颁布了旅游法,出台了国民旅游休闲纲要,推出了一系列促进旅游发展的政策,目的是将旅游业培育为中国经济发展的支柱产业。美国刚刚将中国游客短期旅游签证有 效期从一年延长至 10年,这是中美旅游合作的重大利好消息,预示着两国旅游合作将迎来前所未有的机遇,我们应抓住机遇乘势

31、而上,尽快推进双方游客往来人次突破 500万,并向着 1000万人次的目标前进。 最后,诚挚邀请美国朋友到中国旅游、做客,谢谢大家 ! 口译三级实务(综合)模拟试卷 3答案与解析 一、 PART 2 English-Chinese Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you

32、 are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 每年,大量中国学生到新西兰留学,有 10万多名中国游客前来我国旅游,尽情享受百分百纯净的新西兰 游览美丽的景点、体验我们独特的文化、品尝美酒 佳肴。 【知识模块】 英译汉 2 【正确答案】 值此世界旅游日之际,我赞扬旅游界日益认识到保护地球生物多样性的重要意义,并督促所有合作伙伴加强对可持续性的承诺。 【知识模块】 英译汉 3 【正确答案】 旅游业能够帮助人们摆脱贫穷,促进有关方面增强妇女权能,并帮助保护环境,从而成为世界各社区实现积极变

33、革的重要工具。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 世界旅游组织通过诸如 “可持续旅游业 消除贫穷 ”项目这样的举措,正在帮助突出宣传旅游、扶贫和生物多样性之间的联系。 【知 识模块】 英译汉 5 【正确答案】 我赞扬旅游界日益致力于使用可持续能源。 【知识模块】 英译汉 6 【正确答案】 值此世界旅游日,我鼓励国际旅游界致力于落实可持续政策,并确保全世界的旅游社区分享旅游业产生的惠益。 【知识模块】 英译汉 7 【正确答案】 在此,我衷心邀请中国以及来自世界各地的朋友参观新西兰馆,在这里领略新西兰优美的风景,了解热情好客的新西兰人以及我们的创新、创意成果和杰出人才。我们期待着您的光临。

34、【知识模块】 英译汉 8 【正确答案】 让当地人民参与到旅 游发展中来,就可以建立起更强健和更有复原力的社区。 【知识模块】 英译汉 9 【正确答案】 故宫太大了,一次参观不可能看完,不过亮点有以下这些:交泰殿装饰的龙有近 14000条。太和殿是皇帝坐在龙椅上观看寿辰庆典和举行登基及册封等仪式的地方。然后是御花园,在那里你可以沿着小路和亭台漫步,欣赏美丽的假山、鲜花和柏树。 【知识模块】 英译汉 10 【正确答案】 旅游帮助人们获得多种多样的技能。旅游作为服务业,对农业、建筑业或手工业产生贯穿各领域的影响,能创造数百万职位和商业机会 。旅游业能够帮助人们摆脱贫穷,促进有关方面增强妇女权能,并帮

35、助保护环境,从而成为世界各社区实现积极变革的重要工具。 【知识模块】 英译汉 11 【正确答案】 女士们、先生们: 我很高兴能欢迎各位来参加此次国际导游日的庆典大会。在座的各位来宾都参与和引领旅游业这一人类活动中的重要组成部分,能与各位在此共聚我深感荣幸。除了旅行社和因特网,游客和南非的真正联系还要通过导游来实现。 事实上,环境事务和旅游部门收到的大多数游客的来信都谈到了他们在南非的旅游经历,赞扬了导游们的渊博知识 和专业精神。 旅游业利益攸关者开始承认导游的作用和贡献,鼓励导游勤学外语,为他们创造能公平参与行业经济的有利环境。 然而,我必须赶紧补充一句,我们至今所取得的最大成就是,我们已经培

36、训了其他很多语种的导游,如德语、法语、中文等。我们还准备将外语培训计划拓展到核心市场的主流语种,如西班牙语、阿拉伯语、葡萄牙语、意大利语等。这项举措将确保我们的市场竞争力,促使讲这些语言的游客在我国逗留时间更长。 另一方面,我们还需竭力创造一个利于导游成长的环境。我们应该清楚地了解对市场需求的分析,准备好抛 弃偏见、接纳黑人导游。 女士们、先生们,旅游业白皮书中说,旅游业是一项由政府引导、私营部门驱动的行业。导游部门的改革已成为、并仍将得到我们部门优先考虑的问题。我相信,一切正在朝着正确的方向发展。毫无疑问,对一些新兴的小旅游公司的一个关键要求是实行导师制。较大较稳定的旅游公司如果能花时间和努

37、力参与其中,就能对较小旅游公司未来的持续发展起到重要作用。 我们部门已制定了国内旅游发展策略并付诸实施,该策略旨在增加全国全年国内游客的数量、花费、停留时间和分布地区,并且明确国内旅游市场的主要旅游产品 。此外,有必要在城镇、乡下、文化遗址、国家公园和旅游胜地发展国内旅游业,以旅游带动民族构建。导游对这项策略的成功与否起着至关重要的作用。 女士们、先生们,在南非旅游展上,总统先生在开幕致辞中说道: “我想暂时远离我的工作环境,在与那些不需要我做决策的人和事的接触中重新发现自己。我想去我们国家的东开普省,看看科伊族妇女莎拉 -巴特曼的墓地。我想去参观东开普省博物馆,当走在这些名字奇怪的地方时,我

38、一定会更了解历史。 ” 总统先生的致辞清楚地描绘出导游部门在旅游业中的价值所在。一名优秀的导游应能深刻完整 地讲述莎拉 -巴特曼的故事,带领总统先生参观博物馆时,向他解释这些奇怪名字的历史和起源,解释这些名字与痛苦过去的联系,看着总统露出认同的微笑。我想说的是,一名真正的导游应善于与人相处,通晓历史、地理、动植物、猎物,最重要的是要了解南非的人们及其不同的文化和宗教等。 我们是一个资源丰富的国家,我们有美丽的风景、多样的文化和好客的人们。如何将南非宣传为一个值得花钱的旅游目的地,如何保持全球竞争力,如何像南非加速及分享成长倡议所展望的那样为国内生产总值做贡献,这些对我们所有旅游业从业人员来说仍

39、是个挑战, 但优秀的导游队伍将会为我们的努力增值不少。 【知识模块】 英译汉 二、 “PART 3 Chinese-English Translation (40 points, 10 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ON

40、CE. Now lets begin.“ 12 【正确答案】 Cultural heritage is something that is inherited from the past, maintained in the present and conserved for the future. 【知识模块】 汉译英 13 【正确答案】 From January to August this year, Tibet received 4.09 million travelers both from home and abroad in total, 200% more than those

41、 during the same period last year. 【知识模块】 汉译英 14 【正确答案】 Tibet will make full use of the opportunities to build a tourist theme of “the World Roof in Wonderful Tibet“ with its profound culture, quintessence products and quality services. 【知识模块】 汉译英 15 【正确答案】 In 1925, the new Chinese government turned

42、 the Forbidden City into a museum so that visitors like us from all over the world can stroll through many of the beautiful rooms and outdoor spaces. 【知识模块】 汉译英 16 【正确答案】 At the name suggests, the Forbidden City is large enough to be a city of its own it includes nearly 1, 000 buildings and nearly 1

43、0, 000 rooms. 【知识模块】 汉译英 17 【正确答案】 Utilizing the benefits from tourism will be critical to achieving the goal of sustainable development and implementing the post-2015 development agenda. 【知识模块】 汉译英 18 【正确答案】 By making water saving a priority we can all help to build the future we want. 【知识模块】 汉译英 1

44、9 【正确答案】 On this World Tourism Day, I appeal to all who work in and enjoy the benefits of this global sector of tounsm to join in building a more sustainable future for all. 【知识模块】 汉译英 20 【正确答案】 Despite its grand size, some of the most interesting aspects of the Forbidden City are actually very smal

45、l. Intricate carvings in jade and marble and glazed colored tiles fill the rooms and tell stories about ancient Chinese history. The ceilings are covered with detailed, carved designs. And miniature sculptures sit on the roofs of the buildings, where they watched over the emperors centuries ago. 【知识

46、模块】 汉译英 21 【正确答案】 China is a vital partner for New Zealand. Today, one in 25 New Zealanders has Chinese heritage, and the links between our people continue to grow. The New Zealand China Free Trade Agreement is a the first in the world between a developed country and China, and is bringing big trade

47、 rewards for both countries. We look forward to building on our relationship in the years ahead. 【知 识模块】 汉译英 22 【正确答案】 Distinguished Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, Trade Representative Michael Froman, ladies and gentlemen, Its my great pleasure to attend this forum. Firstly, on behalf of the

48、Chinese government, I would like to congratulate and thank the organizers for successfully convening this forum. I also extend great respect to the persons of all circles who have contributed to the tourism cooperation between China and the US. This forum is a good result of the US-China Joint Commi

49、ssion on Commerce and Trades (JCCTs) reform efforts. By the middle of this year, Mrs. Pritzker proposed to hold a cooperation forum during this session of JCCT. I simply couldnt agree more with her proposal and recommended tourism cooperation as the theme of the forum. Thats because this field is where China and the US share the most consensuses, have the least conflicts and can achieve the best effects with the lowest inputs. Since “two countries relation largely relies on people-to-people exchanges“ , the enhancement of China-US tou


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