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1、口译三级综合能力模拟试卷 28及答案与解析 SECTION 1 (10 points) Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to fini

2、sh this section. 1 For the past two decades, girls have always achieved high scores than boys. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 2 The differences of scores between boys and girls are limited only to the US. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 3 Economic and culture factors contribute to the differences between boys and girls. ( A)正确 ( B)错误

3、 4 The differences between male and female brains are the major causes of the scores between boys and girls. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 5 Girls are better able to learn a language than boys. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 6 To improve girls performances in math, more male teachers are to be hired. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 7 Some people bla

4、me the poor performances of boys for not having enough male teachers at schools. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 8 It is unfair to force boys to sit quietly at their desks. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 9 Studying is not manly, so the boys are unwilling to study. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 10 The use of same-sex classrooms can help boys to compe

5、te with girls. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 SECTION 2 (10 points) Listen to the following short statements and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each statement. There are 10 questions in this section, 1 points for each question. You will hear the recording only ONCE. 11 Which of the foll

6、owing most probably means what youve just heard? ( A) It was coffee that Catherine drank. ( B) Catherine disliked to drink this kind of coffee. ( C) Is this the coffee that Catherine drank? ( D) What did Catherine drink with her coffee? 12 How did they get there? ( A) They started to look for the su

7、bway station. ( B) They Would rather drive than go by subway. ( C) They went by subway because the car wasnt working. ( D) They drove so they wouldnt have to go by subway. 13 What has the speaker been doing recently? ( A) I would like to go to the football stadium more frequently than I do now. ( B)

8、 My football team has recently won a couple of matches at that stadium. ( C) Lately, Ive been watching TV rather than going to the football stadium. ( D) I dont watch football matches on TV as frequently as I used to. 14 Could you describe the speakers recent activity? ( A) Hes never lonely, for he

9、has worked in his own company. ( B) He started a business after he had gained some experience. ( C) Hes upset about his own business for three years. ( D) He needed to spend three more years working with the IT firm. 15 What does the speaker mean? ( A) Isnt he standing outside the concert hall? ( B)

10、 The concert hall in the city isnt new. ( C) Is the concert hall still standing? ( D) The new concert hall is excellent. 16 Which of the following is TRUE about the general manager and his assistants? ( A) He has more assistant working part-time than he had expected. ( B) His assistants occasionally

11、 do more than the required amount of work. ( C) His assistants get him to help them with their work from time to time. ( D) He has so much work that he forgets to help his colleagues now and then. 17 What does the speaker mean? ( A) What would be the cost of your project? ( B) How much will it cost

12、by the time you carry out the project? ( C) You know what your project would include. ( D) That project of yours is very expensive. 18 Which of the following best shows the speakers feeling? ( A) We won a very close competition. ( B) Our firm is the best one by far. ( C) Its a pity we didnt open a d

13、owntown office. ( D) Their firm didnt open even one branch office downtown. 19 What does the speaker mean? ( A) Everyone has more enthusiasm than she does. ( B) Shes the most enthusiastic person I know. ( C) Shes no more enthusiastic than the others. ( D) Nobody has any enthusiasm in the promotion.

14、20 Which of the following is TRUE about the man? ( A) He didnt suspect that she already knew his past. ( B) He realized that she knew very few about him. ( C) He suspected her because she knew almost everything. ( D) He suspected her past. 一、 PART 2 (30 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following pa

15、ssages and then choose the best answer to each question. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 3 passages in this part, each with 5 questions. And each question carries 2 points. You will hear the passages only ONCE. At the end of each passag

16、e, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions. 21 Which of the following seems an unlikely topic over dinner? ( A) The weather is going to be stormy. ( B) A child was abused to death by his stepfather. ( C) Oscar ceremony. ( D) Family reunion at Christmas. 22 Which of the following is NOT consi

17、dered bad table manner? ( A) Smack ones mouth to show that he enjoys the meal. ( B) Make a loud sound when one is drinking soup. ( C) Speak only when one has swallowed the food in his mouth. ( D) Excuse oneself from dinner table by saying he is going to the toilet. 23 Concerning ones sitting posture

18、, which of the following is correct? ( A) One should prop his head with his elbows on the table. ( B) One should hold an extra napkin. ( C) One should be upright in his chair. ( D) One should lean against the back of his chair. 24 Which of the following describes the proper use of ones hands over di

19、nner? ( A) One is never allowed to have both hands on dinner table. ( B) One is allowed to use his recessive hand when he is cutting meat. ( C) One must keep his dominant hand in his lap. ( D) One must keep a knife in his recessive hand for cutting. 25 What should one do if he wants to help himself

20、to food on the other side of the table? ( A) Ask the person sitting close to it to help. ( B) Stand up and get it. ( C) Sit where one is, but stretch ones arms for it. ( D) Dont know. 26 When did the disaster happen? ( A) In 1957. ( B) In 1956. ( C) In 1925. ( D) In 1706. 27 Where was Andrea Doria g

21、oing? ( A) Nantucket. ( B) New York. ( C) Stockholm. ( D) Europe. 28 Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the sea disaster? ( A) Andrea Doria was not very far from other ships. ( B) It was dark and foggy. ( C) Andrea Doria was going at a fast speed. ( D) Andrea Dorias killer had an i

22、ce-breaker like bow. 29 How many passengers on board Andrea Doria were rescued? ( A) All the passengers. ( B) About 1,650. ( C) 52. ( D) Not sure. 30 Which of the following is NOT tree of Andrea Doria? ( A) The ship was luxuriously decorated. ( B) The ship was carrying several million dollars. ( C)

23、The ship had some precious sculptures on board. ( D) The ship has attracted a lot of treasure hunters ever since its sinking. 31 What are the most prominent features of Cambridge according to the passage? ( A) Busy, wealthy and intellectual. ( B) Busy, wealthy and traditional. ( C) Busy, abstemious

24、and traditional. ( D) Busy, intellectual and socially deprived. 32 Who made the survey? ( A) Secretary of State for Health. ( B) Liverpool. ( C) Patrick Tate. ( D) A company named CACI. 33 People seem to think the findings of the survey are _. ( A) unbelievable ( B) confusing ( C) surprised ( D) baf

25、fled 34 What seems to be a reasonable explanation for the findings according to the passage? ( A) Students in Cambridge tend to be heavy smokers. ( B) Students in Cambridge are poor. ( C) Students in Cambridge smoke a lot. ( D) Smoking can help people to concentrate. 35 What conclusion can you reach

26、 according to the passage? ( A) Smoking is usually associated with poverty. ( B) Smoking is not as unhealthy as it seems. ( C) Smoking is the students best pastime. ( D) Cambridge ranks No. 1 in smoking in Britain, with an average resident here smoking 25 cigarettes a day. 二、 PART 3 (20 points, 10 m

27、inutes) Parts of the following text are missing. While listening to the tape, complete the passage by filling in each blank space with an appropriate word or words. There are 20 blanks, each carrying 1 points. You will hear the passage only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 3 minutes

28、to finish this part. 35 As always, I am pleased to be here at the National Press Club for my【 L1】 _Speech. This is the seventh time I have had the【 L2】 _to give this speech, and over the years I have talked about a wide range of issues:【 L3】 _, reading, setting high expectations, improving the teach

29、ing profession, and【 L4】 _the American high school - to name just a few. I have just returned from a five-day,【 L5】 _tour of schools in rural America. We started in Monroe, Louisiana, and finished【 L6】 _later in Paducah, Kentucky. What I noticed most about the trip was the weather. Every time I【 L7】

30、 _my Success Express School Bus, the local people who came to greet me【 L8】 _that the record for【 L9】 _had just been broken in their community. In each place, the temperature was always between【 L10】 _degrees. Now, I have very good people on my staff. But the next time we plan a【 L11】 _, Im going to

31、 have a【 L12】 _on my staff. I took this bus trip through rural America to make an important point that the【 L13】 _of children in our nations small towns cannot be ignored. Twenty-five percent of all our school children live in【 L14】 _all over America. When it comes to our children, lets always remem

32、ber that children everywhere have【 L15】_and【 L16】 _. Yet, schools in small towns too often have to【 L17】 _because of limited resources and a【 L18】 _. On my trip I put a strong focus on the issues that matter in rural America, with a particular emphasis on【 L19】 _schools, reducing class size, and ove

33、rcoming the【 L20】 _. 36 【 L1】 37 【 L2】 38 【 L3】 39 【 L4】 40 【 L5】 41 【 L6】 42 【 L7】 43 【 L8】 44 【 L9】 45 【 L10】 46 【 L11】 47 【 L12】 48 【 L13】 49 【 L14】 50 【 L15】 51 【 L16】 52 【 L17】 53 【 L18】 54 【 L19】 55 【 L20】 三、 PART 4 (30 points, 30 minutes) Listen to the following passage. Write a short English

34、 summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only ONCE and you will have 25 minutes to finish you English summary at the end of the recording. This part of test carries 30 points. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily. 56

35、 Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150 words of what you have heard on the ANSWER SHEET. This part of the test carries 30 points. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 25 minutes to finish this part. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary. 口译三级综合能力模拟试卷 28答案与解析


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