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1、口译三级综合能力模拟试卷 3及答案与解析 SECTION 1 (10 points) Listen to the following passages and then decide whether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finis

2、h this section. 1 A lot of people cant find the time to have a break. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 2 By just playing classical music is not enough to reduce levels of stress. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 3 Listening to classical music is beneficial to learning and mind relaxation. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 4 Music education can increase chi

3、ldrens academic skills. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 5 Students will have difficulty in memorizing material when listening to music. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 6 Mozarts music lacks a balance that Bach displays in his own work. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 7 In his book Don Campbell only focuses on Mozarts music. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 8 Religious mu

4、sic can help people think. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 9 When you find it difficult to concentrate, dont listen to music. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 10 The main topic of this passage is how to reduce levels of stress. ( A)正确 ( B)错误 SECTION 2 (10 points) Listen to the following short statements and then choose one of the answe

5、rs that best fits the meaning of each statement. There are 10 questions in this section, 1 points for each question. You will hear the recording only ONCE. 11 What does the speaker mean? ( A) People who throw dirt will be punished. ( B) People who throw dirt will meet resistance. ( C) People who thr

6、ow dirt will lose justification and support. ( D) People who throw dirt will get dirty themselves. 12 What does Dr. Hansen mean? ( A) White House is active in coping with the change brought along by global warming. ( B) White House is shifting its working focus on global warming. ( C) White House do

7、es not want the public to pay much attention to the global warming. ( D) White House is busy with other eventualities in spotlight. 13 What does the speaker mean? ( A) These results prove that the quality of the teaching is not very good. ( B) These results are not convincing to prove anything. ( C)

8、 These results are not reliable to prove anything. ( D) These results are not obtained in a scientific way. 14 What did John do? ( A) He injured his client. ( B) He made his client totally believe what he said. ( C) He made his client very angry. ( D) He made his client lose a fortune. 15 What does

9、the speaker mean? ( A) This news has provided very important information for his job-hunting. ( B) This news had mined his idea of finding a job in that company. ( C) This news had made him change his idea of finding a job in that company. ( D) This news had given him the idea of finding a job in th

10、at company sky-high. 16 What does the speaker mean? ( A) His performance in the exams made him the head 0fhis class: ( B) His performance in the exams made him feel very exhausted. ( C) His performance in the exams was often mentioned by him. ( D) His performance in the exams made him feel complacen

11、t. 17 What does the speaker mean? ( A) Mary sings the best in her grade. ( B) The speaker has no idea whether Mary sings well. ( C) Marys singing skills are inferior to a lot of her classmates. ( D) Marys singing skills rank the second in her class. 18 What does the speaker mean? ( A) Many people be

12、lieved that he was giving a lot of support to the CEO. ( B) Many people believed that he was secretly controlling the CEO. ( C) Many people believed that he was secretly doing things against the CEO. ( D) Many people believed that he was secretly offering bribe to the CEO. 19 What does the speaker m

13、ean? ( A) It is not very possible that this news may change the mind of David. ( B) It is not very possible that this news may cause much attention of David. ( C) It is not very possible that this news may be welcomed by David. ( D) It is not very possible that this news may do any good to David. 20

14、 What does the speaker mean? ( A) The moving cost him much money. ( B) The moving made him very tired. ( C) The moving took him a lot of time. ( D) The moving made him lose many belongings. 一、 PART 2 (30 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each que

15、stion. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 3 passages in this part, each with 5 questions. And each question carries 2 points. You will hear the passages only ONCE. At the end of each passage, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions

16、. 21 What is this talk mainly about? ( A) Where to find good reporters. ( B) How to get news stories. ( C) How authorities affect the authenticity of news reports. ( D) How to become a good foreign correspondent. 22 The authorities may announce good news in several ways. Which of the following is NO

17、T one of these ways as mentioned in the talk? ( A) Issuing statements or communiqu s. ( B) Calling press conferences. ( C) Making public speeches. ( D) Calling on the people to parade in streets. 23 How do foreign correspondents start to get the local news? ( A) They rely on local mass media. ( B) T

18、hey frequently visit local people. ( C) They contact important figures in the region. ( D) They interview local officials. 24 What do foreign correspondents do to get more information? ( A) They discuss with local reporters. ( B) They interview eyewitnesses. ( C) They talk to local officials. ( D) T

19、hey read more local newspapers or magazines. 25 What does a foreign correspondent do if he is not an eyewitness of what was happening? ( A) He trusts a single reliable source. ( B) He checks information using common sense and experience. ( C) He interviews officials and opposition leaders. ( D) He m

20、akes use of rumor and gossip as clues to the truth. 26 This talk is about the American artist Andy Warhol. When was this artist born? ( A) In 1928. ( B) In 1938. ( C) In 1950. ( D) In 1960. 27 Which of the following were used for the subject matter of pop arty ( A) Trademarks. ( B) Supermarket goods

21、. ( C) Technological objects, ( D) Popular culture images. 28 Why did Andy Warhol name his work place “The Factory“? ( A) Because he was able to make big profits out of his work. ( B) Because he thought he was working like a garage mechanic. ( C) Because he wanted to compare his own career to ordina

22、ry jobs. ( D) Because he repeated many images of the same thing in his work. 29 Apart from a commercial designer, Andy Warhol worked at several other jobs. Which of the following is NOT one of these jobs? ( A) An illustrator. ( B) A free-lance writer. ( C) A publisher. ( D) A film-maker. 30 Which of

23、 the following makes Andy Warhol unique as an artist? ( A) He was able to make a huge amount of money when he was still alive. ( B) He pioneered an art movement unparalleled in other countries. ( C) He is the subject of the worlds largest museum devoted to a single artist. ( D) He is known to have c

24、reated the most expensive piece of visual art in history. 31 When were the Lumiere films shown at the first public film exhibition in America? ( A) In 1869. ( B) In 1896. ( C) In 1907. ( D) In 1927. 32 What led film pianists to take care in matching their pieces to the mood of the film? ( A) The spe

25、cial relationship between the music and the films. ( B) The great interest of the audience. ( C) The apparent mis-match between the music and the films. ( D) The decline in box-office value for silent films. 33 Who would decide the selection of music for each film program in the past? ( A) The piani

26、st of the orchestra, ( B) The film director. ( C) The movie theater, ( D) The conductor of the orchestra. 34 How did the film distributing companies improve the musical arrangement of films? ( A) To add a cellist to the pianist. ( B) To form a small orchestra. ( C) To publish suggestions for musical

27、 accompaniments. ( D) To employ more musicians to make the music. 35 When was Birth of a Nation released? ( A) In 1905. ( B) In 1909. ( C) In 1915. ( D) In 1950. 二、 PART 3 (20 points, 10 minutes) Parts of the following text are missing. While listening to the tape, complete the passage by filling in

28、 each blank space with an appropriate word or words. There are 20 blanks, each carrying 1 points. You will hear the passage only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 3 minutes to finish this part. 35 China is to send its top negotiator on North Koreas nuclear program to Pyongyang (36) am

29、id international concern over the launch of (37) . While the (38) and its ally Japan push for (39) against North Korea, China is (40) , not sanctions. Also, the (41) to Japan says sanctions on North Korea will (42) efforts to bring the secluded state back to (43) on its nuclear program. North Korea

30、(44) the six-party talks in (45) after Washington imposed financial sanctions for alleged counterfeiting and (46) activities. A broadcast on North Korean State Television (47) the missile tests, in what it called a “successful (48) “. It said North Korea will take action against anyone who (49) them

31、. The Minister is reported to have told a (50) that the missile launches were (51) because of Americas sanctions against Pyongyang. North Korea remains (52) in the face of international condemnation and has warned (53) could be carried out. UN Security Council members will (54) discussions tonight o

32、n whether a (55) condemning the missile launches should call for sanctions. 三、 PART 4 (30 points, 30 minutes) Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only ONCE and you will have 25 minutes to finish you Engl

33、ish summary at the end of the recording. This part of test carries 30 points. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily. 56 Listen to the following passage. Write in English a short summary of around 150 words of what you have heard on the ANSWER SHEET. This

34、part of the test carries 30 points. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 25 minutes to finish this part. You may need to scribble a few notes to write your summary. 口译三级综合能力模拟试卷 3答案与解析 SECTION 1 (10 points) Listen to the following passages and then decide w

35、hether the statements below are true or false. There are 10 questions in this section, with 1 points each. You will hear the recording only ONCE. At the end of the recording, you will have 2 minutes to finish this section. 0 【听力原文】 Lets face it - we all have some form of stress. Whether its due to w

36、ork, school reports, family, or relationships, we could all use a break now and then. Yet in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a lot of us cant find the time to just drop everything and take it easy. Well, what if someone told you that by just playing music from classical composers like Mozart

37、 or Strauss, you might find your job a little easier and that you might even be able to relax? This has actually been found to be true: listening to classical music has proven to be beneficial to learning and mind relaxation. It can also reduce our levels of stress. Various studies of children have

38、shown that those who receive music education or play a musical instrument often have increased academic skills. Don Campbell, author of The Mozart Effect, has dedicated himself to studying the effects of music on the mind and body. He counsels students that classical music playing in the background

39、can help them concentrate for longer periods of time and memorize material more easily. He feels that Mozarts music has a balance that makes it especially beneficial. But Campbell doesnt stop with Mozart. He says that Bach can stimulate the mind, military marches can rev up the body, and religious m

40、usic can help create a meditative mood. Its important to find what works best for your situation. So the next time you feel yourself overwhelmed with work and deadlines, or if youre just finding it difficult to concentrate, remember the power of music. 1 【正确答案】 A 2 【正确答案】 B 3 【正确答案】 A 4 【正确答案】 A 5 【

41、正确答案】 B 6 【正确答案】 B 7 【正确答案】 B 8 【正确答案】 A 9 【正确答案】 B 10 【正确答案】 B SECTION 2 (10 points) Listen to the following short statements and then choose one of the answers that best fits the meaning of each statement. There are 10 questions in this section, 1 points for each question. You will hear the record

42、ing only ONCE. 11 【听力原文】 Those who throw dirt are sure to lose ground. 11 【正确答案】 C 12 【听力原文】 Dr. Hansen said the change might reflect White House eagerness to shift the spotlight away from global warming. 12 【正确答案】 C 13 【听力原文】 These results dont say much for the quality of the teaching. 13 【正确答案】 A

43、14 【听力原文】 John soon had his client eating out of his hand. 14 【正确答案】 B 15 【听力原文】 This news has blown his idea of finding a job in that company sky-high. 15 【正确答案】 B 16 【听力原文】 The high scores in the final examinations really went to his head. 16 【正确答案】 D 17 【听力原文】 I think Marys singing skills are sec

44、ond to none in her class. 17 【正确答案】 A 18 【听力原文】 It was widely believed that he was pulling the strings behind the CEO. 18 【正确答案】 B 19 【听力原文】 The possibility is quite low that this news may cut the ice with David. 19 【正确答案】 A 20 【听力原文】 Moving into the new apartment has taken a great deal out of him.

45、20 【正确答案】 B 一、 PART 2 (30 points, 10 minutes) Listen to the following passages and then choose the best answer to each question. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to answer the questions satisfactorily. There are 3 passages in this part, each with 5 questions. And each question carries 2

46、 points. You will hear the passages only ONCE. At the end of each passage, you will have 2 minutes to finish the questions. 20 【听力原文】 You ask me to explain to you how I find out what is happening? Well, news can be something the authorities want you to know, or something they would rather keep secre

47、t. An announcement of a government success, a denial of a failure, or, a secret scandal that nobody really wants you to talk about. If the authorities want to tell the world some good news, they issue statements, communiques, and call press conferences. Or, politicians make speeches. Local newspaper

48、s, radio and television help to alert foreign correspondents to what is going on. And by making contacts with local officials, journalists can ask for more information or explanations to help them write their stories. Unless the correspondent is an eyewitness, its rare to trust any single source. Of

49、ficials have a policy to defend, opposition politicians want to attack it. Rumor and gossip can also confuse the situation. So, you have to check information as much as possible, using common sense and experience as final checks to help establish just whats likely to be the truth, or close to it. 21 【正确答案】 B 22 【正确答案】 D 23 【正确答案】 A 24 【正确答案】 C 25 【正确答案】 B 25 【听力原文】 Andrew Warhol was born in 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He studied at the Carnegie Institute of Technology. By 1950, Andy Warhol, as he now called himself, moved to New York City and pursued a succe


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