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1、口译三级综合能力(听力综述)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 一、 PART 4 (30 points, 30 minutes) Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. You will hear the passage only ONCE and you will have 25 minutes to finish you English summary at the end of the recording. This par

2、t of test carries 30 points. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily. 1 Strengthening the American Education System Vocabulary and Expressions out-educate trail commitment mandate out-compete shortcut dedication label 2 Pros and Cons of the Nuclear Family V

3、ocabulary and Expressions spouse consistency close-knit like-minded delegate (v.) extracurricular burnout incidence 3 Drive-in Movie Theaters Before the Age of the Small Screen Vocabulary and Expressions blend convergence denominator spike 4 Rare, Important Art Is Now Only a Click away Vocabulary an

4、d Expressions curator Whistler Peacock Room sculpture Smithsonian panoramic relief pattern high-resolution ceramic 口译三级综合能力(听力综述)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 一、 PART 4 (30 points, 30 minutes) Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. You will hear the

5、passage only ONCE and you will have 25 minutes to finish you English summary at the end of the recording. This part of test carries 30 points. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily. 1 【听力原文】 Strengthening the American Education System Now, it is an undeni

6、able fact that countries who out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow. But today, our students are sliding against their peers around the globe. Our kids trail too many other countries in math, science, and reading. As many as a quarter of our students arent even finishing high school. And

7、weve fallen to 16th in the proportion of our young people with a college degree. Were in the midst of an ongoing enormous economic challenge. But the most important thing we can do is to make sure that our kids are prepared for this new economy. Weve got to be thinking a little bit ahead and start m

8、aking the tough decisions now to make sure that our schools are working the way they need to work. Now, we all know that schools cant do it alone. As parents, the task begins at home. It begins by turning off the TV and helping with homework, and encouraging a love of learning from the very start of

9、 our childrens lives. There are no shortcuts there; we have to do that job. And we cant just blame teachers and schools if were not instilling that commitment, that dedication to learning, in our kids. As a nation, we have an obligation to make sure that all children have the resources they need to

10、learn quality schools, good teachers, the latest textbooks and the right technology. Thats why the jobs bill I sent to Congress would put tens of thousands of teachers back to work across the country, and modernize at least 35, 000 schools. And Congress should pass that bill right now. So parents ha

11、ve a role and schools need more resources. But money alone wont solve our education problems. We also need reform. We need to make sure that every classroom is a place of high expectations and high performance. Thats been our vision since taking office. And thats why instead of just pouring money in

12、to a system thats not working, we launched a competition called Race to the Top. We want to provide you more resources, but theres also got to be a commitment on your part to make the changes that are necessary so that we can see actual results. For less than one percent of what we spend on educatio

13、n each year, Race to the Top has led states across the country to raise their standards for teaching and learning. And since then, we have seen whats possible when reform isnt just a top-down mandate, but the work of local teachers and principals, school boards and communities. Thats why in my State

14、 of the Union address this year, I said that Congress should reform the No Child Left Behind law based on the same principles that have guided Race to the Top. The goals behind No Child Left Behind were admirable, but experience has taught us that the law has some serious flaws that are hurting our

15、children instead of helping them. Teachers too often are being forced to teach to a test. Subjects like history and science are being squeezed out. And in order to avoid having their schools labeled as failures, some states lowered their standards in a race to the bottom instead of a Race to the Top

16、. These problems have been obvious to parents and educators all over this country for years. But Congress has failed to fix them so far. So now, I will. Our kids only get one shot at a decent education. And they cant afford to wait any longer. So starting today, well be giving states more flexibilit

17、y to meet high standards. Were going to let states, schools and teachers come up with innovative ways to give our children the skills they need to compete for the jobs of the future. This isnt just the right thing to do for our kids its the right thing to do for our country. We cant afford to wait f

18、or an education system that is not doing everything it needs to do for our kids. We cant let another generation of young people fall behind because we didnt have the courage to recognize what doesnt work, admit it, and replace it with something that does. Weve got to act now. 1 【正确答案】 Countries who

19、out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow. The most important thing is to ensure that our kids are prepared for this new economy. So parents have a role, schools need more resources and the nation has an obligation to make sure of the resources children need to learn. Money alone wont solve

20、education problems. Reform is also needed. Race to the Top has led states across the country to raise their standards for teaching and learning. But the No Child Left Behind law based on the same principles that have guided Race to the Top has some serious flaws which are hurting children. These pro

21、blems have been obvious to parents and educators all over this country for years. So starting today, I will fix them. States will be given more flexibility to meet high standards. Let states, schools and teachers come up with innovative ways to give children the skills they need to compete for the j

22、obs of the future. 【试题解析】 本演讲的主题是强化美国的教育体系。首先演讲者指出在教育上出色表现 (out-educate)必定会让我们在将来更具竞争力 (out-compete)。在巨大经济挑战的时期,务必确保孩子做好充分的准备。演讲者随即提到 “schools cant do it alone”,明确指出学校、家庭和国家都应承担相应的责任。 接着,演讲者话锋一转,说钱不能完全解决教育问题,改革势在必行。这里,必须抓住两个关键句: “but money alone wont solve our education problem”以及“we also need refor

23、m”。演讲者提到了 “力争上游 ”(Race to the Top)计划帮助各州调高教学和学 习的标准,而基于同一准则的 “不让一个孩子掉队 ”(No Child Left Behind)法案有严重的局限。 最后,演讲者提出解决办法:修订和完善这些计划和法规,让各州、学校和教师利用创新的方法给孩子们传授在将来工作中有竞争力的技能。 【知识模块】 听力综述 2 【听力原文】 Pros and Cons of the Nuclear Family Nuclear families, which include a mother, father and any children living in

24、the household, are often thought to be passe. Yet, approximately 70 percent of children live within a nuclear family unit, according to recent U. S. Census data. The nuclear family is generally believed to be the ideal arrangement to raise a family, although it is not without its problems. Advantage

25、s 1. Strength and Stability Two parent families, whether married or not, tend to be more stable than a single parent or multi-generational family. Spouses or partners can role model a loving, caring and supportive relationship for their children. This will translate into future success by teaching c

26、hildren how to seek out positive relationships and interact well with others. Children will also benefit from watching partners work together to solve problems, delegate household responsibilities and support one another through positive and negative issues. 2. Financial Stability Equals More Opport

27、unity Many nuclear families have enough economic stability to provide children with luxuries and opportunities in life. Children may be able to attend dance, gymnastics, music or other types of classes, especially with both partners work outside the home. Children who are provided with these types o

28、f opportunities are more likely to do better academically and socially, as well as develop confidence and time management skills. 3. Consistency Means Behavior Successes The nuclear family can provide children with consistency, in addition to stability. Children who have both stability and consisten

29、cy in their lives are more likely to behave positively, do better in school and become more involved in community and extracurricular activities. The nuclear family may eat dinner together on a regular basis, go to church and take family vacations, further strengthening relationships and building a

30、solid foundation for future life goals. Disadvantages 1. Close-Knit or Isolated? The nuclear family unit does provide a closeness that many single parent or multi-generational families cannot. The smaller family size allows for individualized attention towards partners and children, creating lifelon

31、g bonds. However, the nuclear family unit can also isolate people from other relatives and relationships. This can break down the extended family unit, which can be beneficial in hard times. Grandparents, aunts and uncles should have a place within a family, but the nuclear family does not always cr

32、eate one for them. 2. Burnout Family members, particularly mothers, may have a tendency to burn out from attempting to meet every persons needs alone. Mom is the cook, maid, babysitter and sometimes, moneymaker. That leaves little time for pampering and nurturing herself and her relationships with o

33、thers. Without help, she may need to take off work to care for sick children. Mothers may struggle to balance the demands of work, family and friendships without any outside assistance. Stress, depression, anxiety or other problems can all be a result of nuclear family burnout. 3. Less Conflict Reso

34、lution Skills While the idea of less conflict and stress could certainly be considered an advantage to the nuclear family, it also puts the family at a disadvantage. Conflict is a part of life, and conflict resolution skills are beneficial in school, in the community and in the workplace. Nuclear fa

35、milies can begin to develop like-minded thinking, which will lead to fewer arguments within the family unit. However, it can increase the disagreements with extended family members. Extended family, with differing opinions and ideas, can help families see alternate viewpoints and learn to effectivel

36、y deal with conflicts and opinions other than their own. The nuclear family is still a preferred way of many to raise children, although the incidence of single parent, divorced and multi-generational households is rising. Choosing to raise a family by the nuclear model will not guarantee success or

37、 happiness, but it can provide a basis to obtaining those ideals. By being aware of the possible disadvantages, you can look for ways to alleviate them. After all, no family is perfect. Working together with all family members ensures the best possible outcomes for everyone involved. 2 【正确答案】 Genera

38、lly, the nuclear family is considered as the ideal arrangement to raise a family, although some problems exist. The nuclear family has the following advantages. First, nuclear families tend to be more stable than a single parent or multi-generational family, and parents and children can benefit from

39、 each other. Second, many nuclear families have enough economic stability to provide children with luxuries and opportunities in life. Thirdly, the nuclear family can provide children with consistency and stability, with which children who are more likely to behave positively. On the other hand, nuc

40、lear families have some disadvantages. First, the nuclear family unit does provide a closeness, but it can also isolate people from other relatives and relationships. Second, family members, particularly mothers, may have a tendency to bear stress, depression, anxiety or other problems resulting fro

41、m attempting to meet every persons needs alone. Lastly, the idea of less conflict and stress also puts the family at a disadvantage. After all, no family is perfect. Working together with all family members ensures the best possible outcomes. 【试题解析】 本文主要讨论了核心家庭的利弊。综述围绕文中的两个关键词“advantages”和 “disadvan

42、tages”展开。在谈及优势和弊端的时候,都有表示逻辑关系的标志词 “first”、 “second”和 “third”以及关键词或关键句。 核心家庭的优势主要包括: 1)稳定 (strength and stability); 2)经济稳定带来更多的机遇 (financial stability equals more opportunity); 3)持之以恒的稳定性会让孩子表现得更加积极 (consistency means behavior successes)。 核心家庭的弊端主要包括: 1)让家人与其亲戚和关系疏远 (isolated); 2)家庭成员特别是母亲容易感到倦怠 (bur

43、nout); 3)越来越少的冲突也会使家庭不善于解决冲突 (less conflict resolution skills)。 【知识模块】 听力综述 3 【听力原文】 Drive-in Movie Theaters Before the Age of the Small Screen Drive-in movie theaters are considered an American invention. Drive-ins became very popular in the United States after World World II. They combined two pop

44、ular loves in America: cars and movies. However, why did most of the drive-ins later close? That was a question people often wondered about and tried to look for the answer. The first drive-in movie theater opened in the United States in 1933. Popular Science magazine described a theater in Camden,

45、New Jersey, as the first of its kind in the world: an open-air movie theater just for motorists. People could watch a film on the big screen while sitting in their car, eating, talking and relaxing. Many drive-in theaters opened in the 1950s, as the American economy expanded after the war and more p

46、eople bought cars. In the 1960s when I was a boy there were between 4, 000 and 6,000 drive-in theaters in the United States. I lived in the northeastern state of Maine. Not a lot of people lived there. Yet my parents could take me and my three brothers and two sisters to any of four drive-ins locate

47、d within an hours drive of our home. But almost as soon as drive-ins were everywhere, their popularity began to fade. Today, fewer than 400 are still operating in the United States. April Wright is producing a documentary about drive-in theaters and the special place they held in American culture. T

48、he film is called “Going Attractions: The Rise and Fall of the Drive-in as an American Icon. “ She plans to release it early next year on the eightieth anniversary of the opening of the first drive-in theater. April Wright visited more than 400 current and former drive-in sites across the country du

49、ring her research for her film. Drive-ins, she tells me, were “ the perfect blend of entertainment and car culture. “ They represented the hopefulness that followed the war, when the soldiers came home and millions of babies were born. “So at the time they flourished, it was after the baby boom, and so there was the convergence of a strong economy and lots of kids and car culture people being able to afford cars. There wasnt really television at that point in all the homes. And so it was just sort


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