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1、口译二级实务信息科技练习试卷 2及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begi

2、n. 1 In order for people to make the most of the Information Society, they must have enhanced levels of ICT literacy and ICT skills. To achieve this, relevant education and training should be promoted at every level, from primary to adult, to open up opportunities for as many people as possible, and

3、 especially for the disadvantaged. The capacity of developing and least developed countries to apply ICTs effectively must be enhanced through regional and international cooperation. / ICTs can contribute to enhancing the quality of teaching and learning, and the sharing of knowledge and information

4、. Teachers act as a gateway to the Information Society, and their skills development and curriculum resources need increased support. / It is also important to improve both basic and advanced education in science and technology. This will help to create a critical mass of highly qualified and skille

5、d ICT professionals and experts that will continue to serve as a foundation for the regions ICT development. It is recognized that education in network infrastructure development and operation is of particular importance, and is critical to the availability of efficient, reliable, competitive and se

6、cure ICT network services. / The transition to the Information Society requires the creation of appropriate and transparent legal, regulatory and policy frameworks at the global, regional and national levels. These frameworks should give due regard to the rights and obligations of all stakeholders i

7、n such areas as freedom of expression, privacy, security, management of Internet addresses and domain names, and consumer protection, while also maintaining economic incentives and ensuring trust and confidence for business activities. In order to secure prompt settlement of disputes, Alternative Di

8、spute Resolution (ADR) should be considered along with normal judicial proceedings. / While intellectual property rights play a vital role in fostering innovation in software, ecommerce and associated trade and investment, there is a need to promote initiatives to ensure fair balance between IPRs an

9、d the interests of the users of information, while also taking into consideration the global consensus achieved on IPR issues in multilateral organizations. / Copyright holders and distributors of content should be cognizant of the need to ensure that content is accessible for all, including persons

10、 with disabilities. In this connection, access requirements should be included in legal, regulatory and policy frameworks, where appropriate. / Among the challenges to the region are the general lack of awareness of information security issues, the rapidly evolving complexity, capacity and reach of

11、information technology, the anonymity offered by these technologies, and the transnational nature of communication frameworks. / Recognizing the principle of fair, equitable and appropriate access to ICTs for all countries, special attention should be paid to the fact that ICTs can potentially be us

12、ed for purposes that are inconsistent with the objectives of maintaining international stability and security, and may adversely affect the integrity of the infrastructure within States, to the detriment of their security in both civil and military fields. / A multi-pronged approach is needed to add

13、ress these challenges, and cybercrime, on all fronts, with emphasis on preventive approaches, national guidelines and regional and international cooperation. At the same time, action to address cybercrime and to ensure a safe and secure Information Society must respect the sovereignty of nations and

14、 maintain respect for the constitutional and other rights of all persons, including freedom of expression. / All stakeholders concerned with ICT issues should take the necessary steps to enhance security, user confidence and other aspects of information and system/network integrity in order to avoid

15、 the risk of wholesale disruption and destruction of the network systems on which they are increasingly dependent. / Effective information security could be guaranteed not only by technology, but also by education and training, policy and law, and international cooperation. In the long term, develop

16、ment of a “global culture of cyber-security“, based on a common understanding of regulations and appropriate mechanisms for information and technology exchange and international cooperation. should be promoted. / (Excerpt from “The Tokyo Declarationthe Asia-Pacific perspective to the WSIS“) 2 The be

17、nefit of computers is that its easier to copy and manipulate information. Corporations are using two kinds of imposed monopolies to deny you this benefit. Software patents restrict how you use your computer. They restrict developing software. A big program combines dozens or hundreds of ideas. When

18、each idea can be patented, only IBMs and Microsofts can safely write software. Bye-bye to any independent local software industry. Software patents must be rejected. / Copyrights restrict using and sharing informationexactly what your computer is for. It was fine to trade away the freedom to copy wh

19、en only publishers could copy; the public lost nothing. Today peer-to-peer sharing must be legal. WSIS should not teach people that sharing is wrong. Copyrights block access to scientific publications. Every university should be free to make an open-access mirror for any journal, so no one is exclud

20、ed from access. / Then theres the economic effect. When companies have power over you, they bleed you dry. Copyrights and software patents increase the digital divide and concentrate wealth. We have too much scarcity in the world; lets not create more. TRIPS is restrictive enough, but software paten

21、ts and the WIPO copyright treaty go beyond TRIPS, and WSIS should reject them. / Computer users need software that respects their freedom. We call it “free software“, meaning freedom, not gratis. You have the freedom to run it, study it, change it, and redistribute it. Free software means you contro

22、l your computing. With non-free software, the software owners control it. They put in spy features, back doors, restrictions. / With free software, you can make the program do what you want. “You“ could mean an individual programmer, a company, or a group of users with similar needs. Non-programmers

23、 can convince or pay programmers to make changes for you. With free software, youre free to make it handle your language. Free to adapt it for your disability. Software owners deliberately make programs incompatible. With free software, users can make it follow standards. / You need free software to

24、 train master programmers. Non-free software is a secret, so nobody can learn from it. Free software gives talented young people in Africa the chance to learn how to work on real software. School should also teach students the spirit of cooperation. All schools should use free software. / Free softw

25、are is necessary for sustainable development. If everyone in your country uses a program thats secret and controlled by a single company, thats not development, thats electronic colonization. / (Excerpts from the speech by Richard Stallman at WSIS) 口译二级实务信息科技练习试卷 2答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Tra

26、nslation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 要充分利用信息社会,就必须提高人们掌握信息通信技术的知识水平和技能。为此,我们必

27、须在小学到成人教育的各个阶段开展相关的 教育和培训,以便为尽可能多的人,特别是弱势群体创造机会。必须通过地区和国际合作来提高发展中国家和最不发达国家有效应用信息通信技术的能力。 / 信息通信技术有助于提高教学和学习质量,达到知识和信息的共享。教师是我们进入信息社会的领路人,提高教师技能和开发课程资源需要我们给予更多的支持。/ 同样,改善科学技术领域的基础和高等教育也至关重要。这将有助于培养大批具有高素质和高水平的信息通信技术的人才和专家,使之成为本地区信息通信技术发展的中流砥柱。我们应该认识到,网络基础设施建设和运行方面的教育尤 为重要,它是提供高效、可靠、有竞争力和安全性的信息通信技术网络服

28、务的关键。 / 进入信息社会需要我们在全球、地区和国家范围内建立一套适用和透明的法规及政策框架。在这些框架内,我们在保持经济激励手段,确保商业活动诚信的同时,还需要尊重参与各方在言论自由、个人隐私、安全、互联网地址和域名管理以及消费者保护等方面的权利和义务。为及时解决争议,除使用正常司法程序外,还应考虑建立其他可能的争端解决机制 (ADR)。 / 虽然知识产权在促进软件创新、电子商务和相关贸易及投资中起着关键的作用,但是,我们仍需 采取措施以保证在知识产权和信息使用者的利益之间达成平衡,同时还需要考虑到多边组织就知识产权问题达成的全球性其识 / 版权持有者和内容批发商应该认识到有必要保证所有人

29、包括残疾人在内,能够存取内容在此,访问要求应当纳入到相关的法规和政策框架中去。 / 本地区面临着许多挑战,其中包括对信息安全问题普遍 缺乏认识,比如信息技术的复杂性、容量和范围迅速扩大,以及这些技术提供的匿名性,和通信网络的跨国性等。 /在承认所有国家都能公平、公正和恰当地使用信息通信技术原则的同时,我们应当特别注意到,信息通信技术有可能被用来从事与维持国际稳定和安全背道而驰的活动,并对国家基础设施的完整性产生不利的影响,从而危害国家的民用和军事领域的安全 /我们需要采取综合性措施,全方位面对挑战,应对网络犯罪,重点以预防为主,强调国家指导,加强地区和国际合作,在打击网络犯罪,确保信息社会安全

30、可靠的同时,我们必须尊重国家主权,尊重公民享有 宪法规定的权利和其他权利,包括言论自由权。 / 所有与信息通信技术相关的参与各方应当采取必要措施加强网络安全,树立用户信心,提高信息和系统 /网络的完整性,以避免人们日益依赖的网络系统遭到全面干扰和破坏。 / 为有效保证网络安全不仅需要技术手段,还需要进行教育培训,制定政策和法规及开展国际合作。从长远来看,我们应当通过对相关法规具有的共识为基础,建立信息技术交流和国际合作的适当机制,以促进 “全球网络安全文化 ”的发展。 / (选自东京宣言 亚太如何看待信息社会世界峰会 ) 【知 识模块】 信息科技 2 【正确答案】 电脑的好处在于它使复制和利用

31、信息变得更加容易。商业公司则通过两种强行的垄断方式来阻止你获得这种好处。 软件专利限制你使用电脑的方式。它限制软件开发。一个大型程序集合了数十个甚至是数百个想法,如果每个想法都可以获得专利,那么只有 IBM和微软这样的公司才能合法地设计软件。我们只能对那些独立的地方软件开发业说再见了。所以软件专利制度必须受到抵制。 / 版权限制信息的使用和共享 而这正是你电脑的用途所在。过去,在只有出版商能够复制信息的时候,出售个 人复制信息的自由是无所谓的事情,公众并不会因此而失去任何东西 而如今,人们之间平等的信息共享必须受到法律保护,世界信息社会峰会不应误导公众认为共享信息是错误的。版权还阻止人们获得学

32、术出版物,每一所大学都应不受限地为所有期刊做一份可供自由查阅的备份,以供所有人查阅 / 接下来的就是经济利益。当商业公司的权力在你之上时,他们就会把你榨干。版权和软件专利扩大教字鸿沟,聚敛财富。我们这个世界已经有很多稀缺资源了,请不要再人为地创造更多的稀缺了 !与贸易有关的知识产权协议已足具限制性,但是软件专利和世界知 识产权组织版权协定的限制范围则比其更广。世界信息社会峰会应对它们予以抵制。 / 电脑用户需要能够尊重他们自由的软件。我们称之为 “自由软件 ”,意指自由,但并非免费。你可以自由地使用它,研究它,修改它,并且对其进行重新分发。自由软件意味着你可以控制你电脑的运行。若使用非自由软件

33、,则由软件厂商控制你电脑的运行。他们在软件中放入监控程序、后门程序和各种限制。 / 使用自由软件,你可以让程序按照你的想法运行。 “你 ”,可以是一个程序员,一个公司,或者一群有相似需求的用户。本身不是程序员的用户可以请求或者 付费给程序员让其为你修改软件。使用自由软件,你可以自由地让软件运行你的语言,或者使之适应你原有的不足。软件生产商故意生产不能兼容的软件。而使用自由软件,用户可以使之遵从标准。 / 你需要自由软件来培训高级程序员。非自由软件的内容是保密的,所以没人能从中学到东西。自由软件使有才能的年轻人即使身在非洲也能有机会学习如何运行真正的软件技术。学校应该教育学生具有合作精神。所有的学校都应该使用自由软件。 / 自由软件对于实现可持续发展是必要的。如果你所在的国家,每个人都使用那些设置了密码、受个别公司控 制的软件,那不是发展,那是电子殖民化 !/ (节选自理查德 ?斯托曼在世界信息社会峰会上的演讲 ) 【知识模块】 信息科技


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