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1、口译二级实务模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1

2、 I want today to set debt reduction in the context of development challenges of poor countries. My key message is that we need a change in the way we look at the purpose of debt relief: from ending debt to ending poverty. I think that debt relief is a strong antipoverty weapon, but it must be part o

3、f a broader development strategy. We need to look beyond external sustainability to include internal sustainability as well. Domestic debt in some countries is a huge problem, and for several African countries it takes more than 10% of domestic revenue. This points us back to the government budget.

4、We should think about working not just from the concept of external sustainability, but from the expenditure required to pursue the International Development Strategy. This means looking at each countrys domestic strategy for poverty elimination and its internal needs and constraints. Now is a time

5、for new thinking, and the task is an urgent one. One out of four people in the world live in absolute poverty. Deserts are spreading, forests are shrinking, and seas are being over-fished. With projections of growing strain on all natural resources of the world, and the likelihood of increasing viol

6、ent conflict and calamity arising from that, it is not just morally imperative that we act to give the poor of the world the chance to get out of poverty; it is in our interest to do so. There can be no secure future for our children and grandchildren unless we build a more equitable world. So, we n

7、eed to implement this change in the goal of debt relief: from ending debt to ending poverty. Debt reduction from now on has to be linked to the international development strategy. Debt is not evil in itself. Borrowing for high-quality investment is clearly beneficial and appreciated. The aim should

8、be for countries to borrow prudently along a sustainable path to fund priority investments. This requires a clear debt management strategy. To make real progress, the government and people of each country must develop a clearly defined approach to this complex challenge. The priorities of government

9、 budgets are obviously central to this. We need to look at the expenditure necessary to achieve poverty reduction objectives and then see how debt reduction can contribute to making it possible. We must always remember debt relief is a means to an end not an end in itself. Debt relief has some impor

10、tant benefits for countries concerned. Firstly, it frees the governments own resources to fund development. Secondly, it is a way of signaling donor support for the long-term programs of a government. Thirdly, it can help to simulate the investment necessary for long-term growth. But, of course, som

11、etimes debt relief will not be the right option. Aid funds used for debt relief have an opportunity cost. Sometimes money will be better spent on direct support for the health or education sectors, or to promote sustainable livelihood. The key question to ask is what the role debt relief plays in el

12、iminating poverty. 2 What we need is a “Culture of Tolerance“, a way to reconcile the need for identity with an open and outward-looking spirit. Tolerance does not mean indifference towards those we see as “others“ than ourselves, towards their culture and religion, background or origin. Tolerance r

13、equires that we have some knowledge arid understanding of these others. When familiar structures disappear, borders become irrelevant and the language of the market invades every aspect of dally life, people increasingly look to their cultural roots. They seek to reassert their identity-in terms of

14、language, ethnic origin, religion or cultural heritage. To want to know who and what you are is a natural and very powerful human need. It is a need, I believe, responsible leaders should respond to, got suppress, because only the right kind of response will prevent people from turning to the false

15、and dangerous supporter of nationalism, fundamentalism or xenophobia. Howeverand this is crucial responsible leaders must resist the temptation to exploit this need for their own purposes. The frightening scenario of escalating cultural conflict in a world of soon seven billion people should be a st

16、rong incentive for all of us to look for practical ways to foster cooperation. We are required to provide honest answers to tough questions which I do not want to suppress. What are different religious groups ready to contribute to this joint effort? Is there a readiness to seriously discuss the ten

17、sions and contradictions that arise from a strict interpretation of different religions on the one hand and fundamental human rights as we understand them on the other? Can we reach a consensus on the rights of women, on their full participation in society, on their equal right to education and trai

18、ning? Is there a broad consensus to unambiguously condemn any religious justification of suicide attacks? Can we work together to find a peaceful and just agreement on the question of Jerusalem, thereby resolving one of the most difficult issues of the Middle East conflict? An agreement which will p

19、rovide a peaceful solution that satisfies all the faithful, one that is worthy of the three great religions? Those are questions we cannot evade if we are serious about preventing cultural and political faultiness. We must engage in a dialogue among civilizations, a commitment to the peaceful resolu

20、tion of differences, to tolerance and mutual respect. That is a challenge that requires a clear understanding, however, of our own fundamental values, values we must defend but also live up to. Our world will always be defined by the diversity of our societies and cultural traditions. If there is re

21、spect and tolerance for our differences, they will enrich all our lives. But if such differences are exploited for political ends, they may cause untold harm. What is the real meaning of tolerance and dialogue in this whole process? This dialogue can only succeed, if Orient and Occident engage in it

22、 on equal terms. Tolerance, then, means respecting the fact that civilizations are different. Dialogue, as I see it, means seeking a common understanding of those values that will guide us through the twenty-first century. This kind of “intercultural dialogue“ is a very ambitious goal. To achieve it

23、, we must all begin work at home, within our own societies. We for our part are striving to develop and practice the kind of tolerance I have described. That needs time and in some cases requires difficult judgments. Once we have reached a clear and solid consensus on those values we hold in common,

24、 it is up to political leaders to endorse these rights. They must defend this spirit of openness in society, defend it against the modem fundamentalisms that seek to impose their own absolute truths. For me, this also means people must be free to practice their religion. The way minorities are treat

25、ed is the true test of the “culture of tolerance“ for which I am calling. True tolerance is an expression of self-confidence, not weakness. It is only when we succeed with this dialogue within our societies, that we can really reap the fruits of a dialogue between our societies. This dialogue is a s

26、erious effort to resolve social and political differences, an effort that includes mutual respect for each others way of life but excludes any resort to violence. Let us make a real effort to move away from “a culture of lecturing each other“ to “a culture of learning from each other“. That is what

27、we must work for, each one of us beginning in our own country yet also all together. 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpret the following passages from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are

28、listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 3 首先,我感谢莱文校长的邀请,使我有机会来到世界著名学府耶鲁大学,同青年朋友和老师们相聚在一起。进入耶鲁大学的校园,看到莘莘学子青春洋溢的脸庞,呼吸着书香浓郁的空气,我不由回想起 40年前在北京清华大学的求学岁月。当年老师们对我的教诲,同学们给我的启发,我至今仍受用不尽。耶鲁大学以悠久的发展历史、独特的办学风格、卓著的学术成就闻名于世。 / 如果时光能够倒流几十年 ,我真希望成为你们中的一员。耶鲁大学校训强调追求光明和真理,这符合人类进步的法则,也符合每个有志青年

29、的心愿。 300多年来,耶鲁大学培养出一大批杰出人才,其中包括 20位诺贝尔奖获得者、 5位美国总统。美国民族英雄内森 黑尔是耶鲁校友,他的名言 “我唯一的憾事,就是没有第二次生命献给我的祖国 ”,深深感染了我和许多中国人。 / 我衷心祝愿贵校培养出更多英才,为美国经济社会发展、为人类进步事业作出更大贡献 !长期以来,中美两国人民一直相互抱有浓厚的兴趣和友好的感情。中国人民欣赏美国人民的开拓进取精神,钦佩美国 人民在建设国家中取得的骄人业绩。随着中国的快速发展和中美合作的不断拓展,越来越多的美国人也把目光投向中国,更加关注中国的发展进步。 / 4 当前,亚欧两地区都处于蓬勃发展的阶段。亚洲是世

30、界上最具经济活力的地区,资源丰富,市场广阔,区域合作方兴未艾。欧盟是世界上最大的发达经济体,资本充裕,科技先进,一体化程度高。两地区政治上共识很多,经济上优势互补,文化上各具特色,为开展更广泛和具有实质性的对话与合作奠定了坚实基础。亚欧会议扩大后,成员国人口达 24亿,占世界人口 40%,国内生产总值超过全球一半,在 国际事务中将发挥更大的作用。 / 进入新世纪之后,国际形势正在发生复杂深刻变化。和平与发展仍是当今时代的主题,世界多极化和经济全球化趋势在曲折中发展,科技进步日新月异,产业转移和资本流动继续加快,区域一体化和区域合作不断加深,全球经济呈现好的发展势头。但是,世界还很不安定,地区间

31、发展仍不平衡。国际关系中不稳定、不确定因素有所增加。 / 民族、宗教矛盾和边界、领土争端导致的局部冲突时起时伏。恐怖主义、跨国犯罪、传染性疾病蔓延、环境污染等非传统安全因素威胁突出。面对新的机遇和挑战,我们要坚持相互尊重、平 等互利、互不干涉内政的原则,全面加强对话合作,在协商一致的基础上循序渐进地推动亚欧会议进程,进一步充实、加强亚欧新型全面伙伴关系,同时坚持开放的方针,为推进世界和平、发展与进步事业而共同努力。 / 口译二级实务模拟试卷 6答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (50 points, 30 minutes) Interpre

32、t the following passages from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passages only ONCE. Now lets begin. 1 【正确答案】 今天,我想谈一谈在贫穷国家发展机遇这个背景下减轻债务问题。我要谈的关键问题是我们要重新看待债务减轻的目的,要从消除债务到消除贫穷。我认为减轻债务是消除贫困的强大武

33、器,但它必须是更广泛的发展策略的组 成部分。 我们必须在关注外部可持续性发展的同时注意内部可持续性发展。一些国家的国内债务问题仍然很严重,一些非洲国家的债务甚至超过了国内收入的 10%。这使我们再度关注政府预算。我们不应该仅从外部可持续性发展的角度,还应该从贯彻国际发展战略所需要的开支这个角度考虑工作。也就是说,我们需要研究各国的国内扶贫政策,以及国内需求和条件限制。 现在是我们转变思路的时候了,我们的任务十分紧迫。世界上有四分之一的人还生活在赤贫中,沙漠在扩大,森林在缩小,海洋正被过度捕捞。随着世界自然资源面临的压力越来越 大,由此更可能导致激烈的冲突和灾害,因此,帮助全球的贫穷者摆脱贫困,

34、不仅仅是我们的道义责任,也是我们的利益所在。不建立一个更公正的世界,我们的子孙后代就没有安全的未来。 因此,我们倡议调整目标,从免除债务到消除贫困。从现在开始,债务减轻必须与国际发展战略联系起来。 欠债本身并无好坏。为了高质量的投资而借债显然是有益的且可以理解的。但是,国家应该寻求可持续发展,谨慎借债,投资优先项目。这需要有明确的债务管理战略。 为了取得真正的进展,各国政府和人民必须制定出明确的方案,以应对目前复杂的 挑战。 很明显,关键是政府预算中的优先项目。首先要知道实现消除贫困目标需要多大开支,然后决定怎样通过削减债务来达到这一目的。切记,消除债务只是手段而非目的。 消除债务对有关国家有

35、几大好处。首先,政府不必使用自己的资源资助发展。第二,消除债务标志着捐赠者对政府长期计划的支持。第三,消除债务有助于刺激长期发展所必要的投资。 诚然,消除债务并非都是正确的选择。因为用于消除债务的援助资金也有机会成本。有时资金最好直接用于资助健康和教育项目,或用来实现可持续的生活方式。关键问题是减轻债务在消除 贫困中所起的作用。 【试题解析】 本文是一段有关减轻发展中国家债务的讲话,主要涉及南北差距的问题。文中通过具体的例子,指出减轻债务的重要性、必要性以及紧迫性,同时还指出了减轻债务过程中应注意的问题。 本文要求应试者掌握一定的国际经济发展常识,尤其是对于贫富差距、南北差距有一定的了解,熟悉

36、相关的专门词汇和表达方式,这依赖于应试者平时的知识积累,是翻译的基本要求。此外,应试者还需要在短时间内,对长难句进行正确的理解、分析、简化或切分,把握好两种语言各自特色,完成双语间的转换;对于一些较为生 僻的短语和表达法,不能死译、硬译,而应该充分联系上下文灵活变通,使译文通顺流畅。 -基本素质采分点 以下单词或短语是本文所要考查的基础知识点,涉及相关知识领域的专有名词和一些惯用表达法,是应试者理解和翻译的基础。 1 debt reduction 债务减轻 2 debt relief 减轻债务 3 domestic revenue 国内收入 4 government budget 政府预算 5

37、 the International Development Strategy 国际发展战略 -结构理解采分点 下面是本文中出现的长难句,要求应试者在听的过程中理解并分析出句子所包含的意群之间的逻辑关系,尊重目的语特点,将原文转换成通顺、地道的目的语。在转换的过程中,应试者需要完成诸如语序调整、词类转换、语态转换等翻译过程。 1 I think that debt relief is a strong anti-poverty weapon, but it must be part of a broader development strategy. 原句的主干是 “I think that.

38、”。 “that”引导宾语从句,其中又包含一个由 “but”引导的并列复句。翻译时,整体上可以采用顺译法;在翻译 “of”后置短语时,应按照汉语的习惯,将其提到所修饰的 “part”之前。 2 Domestic debt in some countries is a huge problem, and for several African countries it takes more than 10% of domestic revenue. 原句是由 and连接的并列复句。 “in some countries”是 “debt”的定语,翻译时应将其位置提前;后面从句中的代词 “it”是为

39、了避免重复,翻译时应当替换为上文的具体所指。 3 With projections of growing strain on all the natural resources of the world, and the likelihood of increasing violent conflict and calamity arising from that, it is not just morally imperative that we act to give the poor of the world the chance to get out of poverty; it is

40、 in our interest to do so. 原句包含一个非常复杂的由 “with”引导的介词短语,陈述主句的背景。主句为了避免头重脚轻,使用 “it”作形式主语,真正的主语是 “that”引导的主语从句。翻译时,可以选择切分句子的方法。由于状语太长,可单独成为独立的句子;同时,汉语中没有形式主语,应当调整一下主语的顺序。 4 The aim should be for countries to borrow prudently along a sustainable path to fund priority investments. This requires a clear de

41、bt management strategy. 原句中虽然 “countries”只是个介词宾语,事实上是动作的实施者,可以选它作为本句的出发点,把长句子切分成段,逐层分析。 “along”引导方式状语。 5 We need to look at the expenditure necessary to achieve poverty reduction objectives and then see how debt reduction can contribute to making it possible. 原句是由 “and”连接起来的并列复句。前一个分句中, “expenditure

42、”有较长的后置定语,翻译时需要调整为前置定语;后一个从句中, “how”引导宾语从句。 -言语表达采分点 应试者不仅需要从宏观上整体把握原文的结构和意思,还需要从微观上正确理解和表达一些重要词汇和表达法。 1 a broader development strategy 更广泛的发展战略 2 look beyond 在关注 的同时 (也关注 ) 3 point us back to 有必要再度关注 4 poverty elimination 消除贫困、脱贫 5 one out of four people in the world 世界人口的 1/4 6 be linked to 与 联系起来

43、 7 not evil in itself 本身并无好坏 8 a means to an end not an end in itself 只是手段而非目的 9 the long-term programs 长期计划 2 【正确答案】 我们需要的是一种 “宽容的文化 ”,一种与人们认同开放的外向型精神需求相适应的方法。宽容不是指对那些我们认为是 “其他人 ”的人漠不关心,也不是对他们的文化、宗教、背景与起源漠然置之。宽容需要我们了解并理解这 些“其他人 ”。 当熟悉的体制不复存在,国界变得无关紧要,市场语言侵入日常生活的各个层面,此时,人们就愈加关注自己的文化根基。他们试图通过语言、种族起源、

44、宗教或文化遗产重新确定身份。想知道自己是谁、从事什么职业是人类的天性,也是人类非常强烈的需求。对于这种需求,我相信,负责任的领导应该有所回应,而不是压制,因为只有正确的回应才能阻止人们转向民族主义、原教旨主义和排外主义等错误的、危险的倡导者。然而,非常关键的是负责任的领导必须抵制诱惑,拒绝利用这种需要达到自己的目的。在一个即将拥有 70亿人口的世界里, 可怕的、逐步升级的文化冲突迫切要求我们寻求切实可行的方法以促进合作。 我们要对那些棘手的问题给予诚实的回答,对于这些问题我无意回避。如不同的宗教团体准备对这种共同努力有何贡献 ?我们是否准备认真讨论因对不同教义的严格阐释而引起的紧张与矛盾,同时

45、也认真讨论对基本人权的理解 ?我们是否能够就妇女的权利,其真正参与社会活动的权利、平等接受教育和培训的权利等问题达成共识 ?我们能否就明确谴责任何以宗教理由进行自杀性攻击达成共识 ?我们是否能够共同努力,就耶路撒冷问题达成和平的、公正的协议,从而解决中东冲突中最激烈的 争端之一 ?寻求一种会使所有忠诚的人们都满意的和平解决方法,一种与三大宗教同样有意义的解决方法 ?如果我们要严肃地防止文化和政治缺陷,我们不能回避这些问题。 我们必须在不同文明之间展开对话,并承诺和平解决争端、互相宽容和尊重。这也是一种挑战,它要求我们清楚地理解自己的根本价值观,那些我们必须捍卫同时也要遵守的价值观。 我们的世界

46、总是以我们社会和文化传统的多样性为特征的。如果对我们之间的不同给子尊重和宽容,这些差异将会丰富我们的生活。但是如果这些差异为政治目的所利用,它们可能会带来无法预料的损害。 那么,在整个过程中,什么才是真正的宽容和对话呢 ?只有东西方平等参与对话,对话才有可能成功。因此,宽容意味着要尊重不同文明之间存在差异这样一个事实。我认为,对话是要寻求共同理解那些将指引我们走过 21世纪的价值观。 这种 “跨文化的对话 ”是一个雄心勃勃的目标。要达到这个目标,我们所有人必须从我们自己的国家,从我们自己的社会开始努力。我们正在努力提倡并实践我所描述的那种宽容。这需要时间,在一些情况下难以判断。 一旦我们就那些

47、共同拥有的价值观达成明确、可靠的共识,政治领导人就有责任实现这些权 利。他们必须捍卫社会中这种开放精神,抵御那种试图强迫人们接受其绝对真理的现代原教旨主义。对我来说,这也意味着人们必须有信仰自由。对待少数群体的态度是对我所倡导的 “宽容的文化 ”的真正检验。真正的宽容是自信的表现,而非软弱。 只有当我们在自己的社会中成功地展开了这种对话,我们在不同社会之间的对话才能取得成功。这种对话是解决社会和政治分歧的真诚努力,一种对各自生活方式的相互尊重、决不诉诸暴力的努力。让我们付出真正的努力,放弃 “互相谴责的文化 ”,接受 “互相学习的文化 ”。 这就是我们必须努力的方向,让 我们每一个人从我们自己

48、的国家开始,共同努力吧。 【试题解析】 本文是一段有关文化方面的讲话。文中主要介绍 “宽容的文化 ”,反对民族主义、原教旨主义和排外主义,呼吁人们做出共同努力,提倡文化的多元性,促进不同文化间的对话和理解。 本文要求应试者掌握一定的国际政治和文化交流的常识,了解一些相关的专门词汇和表达方式,这依赖于应试者平时的知识积累,是翻译的基本要求。此外,应试者还需要在短时间内,对长难句进行正确的理解、分析、简化或切分,把握好两种语言各自特色,完成双语间的转换;对于一些较为生僻的短语和表达法,不能死译、硬译,而应该充分联系上下文灵活变通,使译文通顺流畅。 -基本素质采分点 以下单词或短语是本文所要考查的基

49、础知识点,涉及相关知识领域的专有名词和一些惯用表达法,是应试者理解和翻译的基础。 1 Culture of Tolerance 宽容的文化 2 nationalism 民族主义 3 fundamentalism 原教旨主义 4 xenophobia 排外主义 -结构理解采分点 下面是本文中出现的长难句,要求应试者在听的过程中迅速理解并分析出句子中所包含的意群之间的逻辑关系,并尊重目的语特点,将原文转换成通顺、地道的目的语。在这个转换的过程中,应试者经常需要经历诸如语序调整、词类转换 、语态转换等翻译过程。 1 Tolerance does not mean indifference towards those we see as “others“ than ourselves, towards their culture and religion, background


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