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1、口语练习试卷 16及答案与解析 一、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you more questi

2、ons related to the topic. 0 Task 3 Company Success The company you work for has recently won an award for its achievements in export sales. You have been asked to help prepare an article for a local business magazine, explaining the companys success. Discuss, and decide together: 1 What measures are

3、 most effective for identifying new export markets? How to maintain sales in export markets? 2 When selling to customers abroad, do you think that companies always need to open an office in the foreign country? (Why? / Why not?) 3 How important is an understanding of business culture in other countr

4、ies for success in foreign markets? (Why? / Why not?) 4 What important differences do you think there are between selling to consumer abroad and selling to domestic markets? (Why? / Why not? ) 5 Do you think companies will expand their international sales activities in the future? (Why? / Why not?)

5、6 What do you think are the benefits to customers of a global market-place? (Why? / Why not?) 6 Task 4 Attracting New Business Clients You work for a company, which provides meeting facilities for business clients. Your department has been asked to make suggestions for attracting new clients. Discus

6、s, and decide together: 7 What would be the most effective ways of identifying potential customers? What kinds of information about competitors would be useful to the company? 8 Apart from offering incentives, how might a company attract new business? (Why? / Why not?) 9 How do you think existing cu

7、stomers might react to the offer of incentives to new customers? (Why? / Why not?) 10 What steps could companies take to ensure that existing customers remain loyal? (Why? / Why not?) 11 Do you think that modern technology will affect future demand for meeting facilities? (Why? / Why not?) 11 Task 5

8、 Staff Turnover As several members of staff have recently left the company you work for, the management is investigating the situation. You have been asked to make suggestions. Discuss, and decide together: 12 What kinds of reasons might there be for staff leaving their jobs? What steps could be tak

9、en to reduce staff turnover? 13 Do you think frequent staff changes are good or bad for a company? (Why? / Why not?) 14 How can new staff be helped to settle into their jobs? (Why? / Why not? ) 15 What do you think the long-term effects of high staff turnover might be? (Why? / Why not?) 16 Do you th

10、ink its a good idea to move staff around within a company from time to time? (Why? / Why not?) 17 Do you think movement of staff between companies is likely to increase in the future? (Why? / Why not?) 口语练习试卷 16答案与解析 一、 SECTION 3 DISCUSSION (ABOUT 5 MIN) In this part of the test you are given a disc

11、ussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 3 minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. 【知识模块】 口语 1 【正确答案】 Suggested discussion: Candidate A: Well, first of all,

12、 we should summarize the main points in the article. The first point is to highlight the importance of adaptation. As the company began its globalization, it had to decide which product lines to start with. The company had a framework to identify those product lines suitable for early globalization.

13、 Each line of business in the companys portfolio should be evaluated along two dimensionspotential pay-off (expected returns) and potential risk (degree of local adaptation required ). Candidate B: I see what you mean. Well, we had worked hard on adaptation of our products. Thats true. Each line of

14、business in the companys portfolio had been evaluated along two dimensions: The first dimension focuses on the potential profits of globalization. The second dimension refers to the level of adaptation required to enter foreign markets. Candidate A: Youre comments are well meant but a little vague.

15、We should give enough detailed information about it. Since any new development involves risk, the greater the degree of local adaptation required, the greater the risk of failure. The good brands could successfully offer globally standardized services, whereas the retirement communities and the long

16、-term-stay companies would require far more local adaptation. Thus, full- service companies offer both a greater pay-off and less risk and are therefore the best candidate for globalization. We should let the readers know how to maintain sales in export markets? Candidate B: Yes, youre fight. As for

17、 how to maintain sales in export markets, first of all, we should put the famous brands into the framework. And then, we should try to keep a worldwide presence. A worldwide presence adds value to a company. Maintaining a company presence means maintaining its sales in export markets. Adapting a pro

18、duct for a foreign market may involve in risks. Therefore, we should conduct a feasibility study first. Candidate A: Absolutely. Besides, companies need to approach consultants for advice on choosing the right products to export. The consultants shall also offer advice on choosing the most suitable

19、foreign market as well as on the best way of entering a market. Then, How about the specific steps in entering a foreign market? What do you see the safest method for it? Candidate B: Well, as you may know, the safest method for a company to enter a foreign market is having an agreement with a local

20、 company. Another safe method is setting up its own local production. And finding a joint venture partner is also comparatively safe. 【知识模块】 口语 2 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: Candidate A: Yes, I think so. A subsidiary is the best way of entering a market when high sales volumes are expected. Opening an

21、 office in the foreign country will enable you to follow up whats happening in the local market, and you can make adjustments in time for changeable market situation. Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning. Youll be able to move something slightly to improve your products and service so as to make

22、it more suitable for a particular purpose. Candidate B: Well, it depends on the particular situations. There are many ways of entering a foreign market. Each has its own strong points. You can find an agent for the business or you may give or sell a franchise to someone. You should weigh the advanta

23、ges and disadvantages. 【知识模块】 口语 3 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: Candidate A: Understanding of business culture is essential for success in foreign market. The knowledge of different cultures can help power your business. If you get better understanding of business culture in a country, you will gain mo

24、re valuable insights into your customers. Insights. give you a genuine edge. Candidate B: Yes, its important. Culture has both a pervasive and a changing influence on each national market environment. International marketers must recognize the influence of culture and must be prepared to either resp

25、ond to it or change it. International marketers have played an important and even a leading role in influencing the rate of cultural change around the world. This is particularly true of food but includes virtually every industry, particularly in consumer products. Soap and detergent manufacturers h

26、ave changed washing habits; the electronics industry has changed entertainment patterns. Clothing marketers have changed styles, and so on. Candidate C: Understanding of business culture is necessary. In industrial products culture does affect products characteristics and demand but is more importan

27、t as an influence on the marketing process, particularly in the way business is done. International marketers have learned to rely upon people who know and understand local customs and attitudes for marketing expertise. Often, but not always, these are local nationals. 【知识模块】 口语 4 【正确答案】 Suggested a

28、nswers: Candidate A: Cultural diversity is one of the most important differences between selling to consumer abroad and selling to domestic markets. Different nationalities have different expectations as to how employers and employees should behave. National culture is perhaps a major barrier to mak

29、ing global businesses effective. National values are directly related to organizational decision-making. Most international human resources managers will have experienced these expectation differences at first hand. Candidate B: There are a number of factors that affect decision-making, such as recr

30、uiting new employees, promoting staff, fixing salary levels, and making staff redundant. All these factors are related to cultural values. We can say that cultural values have a great effect on management decision-making. For instance, one relationship is based on shared expectations, which are comm

31、on to employees of the same nationality. In America, typical of this is the belief that individuals should receive salary gains without having to share them with lower-performance colleagues. But in some other countries, this will get nowhere. However, without this awareness, employees from diverse

32、nationalities cannot appreciate their differences and build mutual understanding. Candidate C: Cultural value has great impact on decision-making. However, few people really know their own cultural values. These sensitive areas touch directly upon cultural norms and peoples sense of well-being and o

33、rder. Organizations need to approach cross-cultural training seriously as it can be critical to the success of an international venture. 【知识模块】 口语 5 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: Candidate A: Yes, I believe companies will expand their international sales activities in the future. Globalization and high

34、technology have brought us opportunities and challenges. As we have entered the twenty-first century, the business world is consumed by questions about e-commerce. Candidate B: The Internet has overturned the inefficient push model of supplier-customer interaction. All sorts of companies will use th

35、e Internet to expand their international sales activities in the future. 【知识模块】 口语 6 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: Candidate A: A global marketplace can benefit customers greatly. The importance of competition in our economy cannot be denied. In an age of rapid change, world competition can be the vehic

36、le of change, through innovation or through improvement. Without a global marketplace, the customers will not have a good choice of products and services. Without competition, the consumers will have highly priced products, and it is impossible for them to enjoy impeccable service. Without competiti

37、on, the firms may not provide consumers with high quality products or best service. Candidate B: Companies will have greater space to develop their businesses in global marketplace. And the customers will have a wide choice of the goods and services in global marketplace. Consumers look for the best

38、 values for what they spend while producers seek the best price and profit for what they have to sell. Government seeks to promote the public safety, assure fair competition, and provide a range of services believed to be better performed by public rather than private enterprise. In this system, whe

39、n economic forces are unfettered, supply and demand create the price of goods and services. Enterprises are free to develop their businesses. In theory, unless they can provide goods or services of a quality and price to compete with others, they are driven from the market, so only the most efficien

40、t and those who best serve the public remain in business. 【试题解析】 adaptation适应,改编。 decision-making决策,拍板。 un-fettered无忧无虑的,无牵无挂的。 【知识模块】 口语 【知识模块】 口语 7 【正确答案】 Suggested discussion: Candidate A: Marketing is the most effective way of attracting new business clients. Marketing is the process of focusing

41、 the resources and objectives of an organization on environmental opportunities and needs. To do marketing well, we must predict the likely changes in demand for meeting facilities. We must concentrate our efforts on making attractive meeting facilities. Candidate B: I agree with you. We must persua

42、de potential customers to use our facilities and services. Initially, we should show how our facilities and services are superior to the local equivalents. We should show them the high quality of our meeting facilities, the location of the meeting facilities and impeccable services of our staff. Any

43、way, we must show customers the benefits of being more adventurous in their buying decisions to encourage them to move away from the current facilities they use. Candidate A: Thats a good idea. If we market our services and facilities as something exotic or unusual, were bound to attract new clients

44、. Cultural stereotypes are also a powerful selling tool. A range of empathy services associated with promotional gifts is bound to attract new clients. Candidate B: Sounds good. Basically, if we want to successfully promote our brand, we need to give our customers a good reason to try something a li

45、ttle bit more exciting than some other brand, It is the needs of the customer we wish to concentrate on if the firm is to succeed. Sales management is often in the best position to obtain this information, since sales personnel are in contact with customers on a daily basis. Candidate A: To beat our

46、 rivals, we must know our rivals. The information about our competitors facilities and services is essential in the process of decision-making. Candidate B: In addition, the information about our competitors price, promotion and place is also very important. Especially, we must know our rivals adver

47、tising gimmick. Candidate A: It is important to compare our price with others. The sales manager needs many different types of information to make decisions about the many activities under his control. Candidate B: If sales management is not vigilant, this task may not be done. Various types of info

48、rmation can create a sound base for making sales management decisions. Besides, many different approaches may be used to produce the needed information. 【知识模块】 口语 8 【正确答案】 Suggested answers: Candidate A: If you want to attract new business, you have to conduct marketing research before launching you

49、r product. You have to obtain information about potential customer characteristics: where the customers are located; where the consumers boy; when the consumers buy; the size of purchases; how the consumers buy; why the consumers buy; who influences the consumer; what changes in buying behavior are taking place. Then you will work out the solutions to the answer. You can advertise the right product to the right consumers at the right time in the right place. Candidate B: I think turning spending sprees into credit card might be a good way. If you want to attract new business


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