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1、国家公共英语三级(社会关系)练习试卷 3及答案与解析 Part B Directions: Read the text, match the items (61-65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 0 Ma Jian It s my own decision. Why? Only for the college and specialty I like. I found my exam results fell short of my expectatio

2、ns. In fact, with the results, I could have entered a decent university and studied quite a good specialty. But that s not what I like. I think my future job will be largely decided by what I learn in college and I don t like to have a job which I dislike in future. Although I know what kind of hard

3、ships I will experience during this one-year restudy, I feel it is worth one more year restudy. Cui Geng My goal is the Dept. of Biology at Peking University. I failed last year by only a few marks. Although computing is a hot faculty that many people strive to get into, I never felt settled and cou

4、ld not forget my dream. So I decided to quit and prepare for another exam. Indeed I face great pressure primarily because I ve given up a hot specialty and I may fail the next exam. But I have to try whatever the risk, otherwise, it will remain a knot in my heart the rest of my life. Zhao Zuoyi I th

5、ink the increasing number of re-applicants who have got high scores is a normal phenomenon. It results from the general social atmosphere that reflects changes in social demand. In the 1950s, for instance, all society needed were those who could read and write. You were respected if you were a prima

6、ry school graduate. Recently, talents with a higher education background are in great demand. Mr Zheng Learning is not merely for learning, but for application. The purpose of learning is to improve the qualification of the learner, to adapt oneself to social development, to broaden the sphere of em

7、ployment and finally to create values for oneself and society. If I consent to my son having one-year restudy, outwardly my family loses 7 000 Yuan on tuition, but the actual loss is far more than that amount. Now match each of the persons with the appropriate statement. Note: there is one extra sta

8、tement. Statements A I quit computing and decide to achieve my dream. B I think learners should adapt themselves to the social development. C I want to have a job which I like in the future. D I think it reflects changes in social demands. E I don t want to lose 7 000 Yuan for my son to restudy. 1 M

9、a Jian 2 Cui Geng 3 Zhao Zuoyi 4 Mr Zheng Part A 5 Write a letter of application to the advertiser asking for the vacancy of translator. Your letter should be no less than 100 words and should contain the following points: 你曾经在国际天然气公司做翻译。随着大型工程项目的结束,外国专家已撤离回国,你变得英雄无用武之地。看到今天的中国日报的广告栏招聘英语翻译的广告,你觉得无论从

10、自己的经历上,还是从经验上考虑,都适合受聘做这一工作,便立即写信给聘方以申请这一职位。 Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter. Use “Wang Lin“ instead. You do not need to write the address. 国家公共英语三级(社会 关系)练习试卷 3答案与解析 Part B Directions: Read the text, match the items (61-65) to one of the statements (A to G) given below. Mark your

11、 answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. 【知识模块】 社会关系 1 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 社会关系 2 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 社会关系 3 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 社会关系 4 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 社会关系 Part A 5 【正确答案】 Dear Sir, In reply to your advertisement in todays China Daily for a translator, I d like to offer myself as an applicant for the post. I am twenty four

12、 years old, have a fair knowledge of English, Chinese and I am capable of doing any translation, I was last employed as translator in the International Gas Company, but the important project has been finished and now the foreign experts have returned to their own countries and there is no more work

13、fitting me. Having had considerable experiences in translation and being familiar with all commercial terms. I feel sure that I am fully competent to fill the vacant post of translator in your office. For your reference, my former employers will have a pleasure of providing you with full details regarding my experiences and character. Enclosed please find copy of references and a diploma referring to my experiences and education. An early reply to this application will be highly appreciated. Yours truly, Wang Lin 【知识模块】 社会关系


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