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1、在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷 100及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the AN

2、SWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 Speaker A: Id like to talk to Professor Smith, can you arrange it for me? Speaker B: _ ( A) Yes, of course. Would tomorrow morning be convenient for you? ( B) Why dont contact him yourself directly? ( C) I am afraid he cant see you unless you have

3、an appointment with him. ( D) I dont think I have the right to arrange it for you. 2 Speaker A: Terry is strange. He always complains about things. Speaker B: _ ( A) I dont know Terry, so I dont know whether what you have said is true or not. ( B) So do I. He is hard to get along with. ( C) Yeah. He

4、s very difficult to please. He criticizes everything and everybody. ( D) I dont like talking with strangers like Terry. 3 Speaker A: Do you have to have that record on quite so loud? Speaker B: _ ( A) Well, its none of your business whether I have the record on loud or not. ( B) Sorry! Is it botheri

5、ng you? ( C) No, I dont have to. Do you want me to turn it down? ( D) Yes, sorry to bother you. Ill be more careful next time. 4 Speaker A: I wonder whats happened to Jerry. He hasnt been around for at least two weeks. Speaker B: _ ( A) Yes, two weeks have passed before you know where you are. ( B)

6、Jerry is quite introvert. He doesnt like to let others know much about him. ( C) Do you know the reason for his absence? ( D) He took a leave to see his mother in Europe. 5 Speaker A: I hear there is a good Japanese restaurant nearby. Would you like to go there for lunch? Speaker B: _ ( A) You bet.

7、Japanese food seems quite popular with young people in Beijing. ( B) No way. Do you often go there for meals? ( C) You know, its out of the question. ( D) Yes, but its my treat this time. Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man

8、and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Woman: Listen to me, Joe. The exam is a

9、lready a thing of the past. Just forget about it. Man: Thats easier said than done. Question: What can we infer from the conversation? ( A) The exam was easier than the previous one. ( B) Joe is sure that he will do better in the next exam. ( C) Joe probably failed in the exam. ( D) The oral part of

10、 the exam was easier than the written part. 7 Woman: Youve got your apartment furnished, havent you? Man: Yes. I bought some used furniture at the Sunday market. And it was a real bargain. Question: What does the man mean? ( A) The furnished apartment was inexpensive. ( B) The apartment was provided

11、 with some old furniture. ( C) The furniture in the market was on sale every Sunday. ( D) The furniture he bought was very cheap. 8 Man: Mary doesnt want me to take the job. She says our child is too young. And the job requires much travelling. Woman: You should talk to her again and see if you can

12、find a way out. Think about the gains and losses before you make the decision. Question: What do we learn from the conversation? ( A) The man is thinking about taking a new job. ( B) The man likes a job that enables him to travel. ( C) The man is sure that he will gain more by taking the job. ( D) T

13、he man doesnt want to stay home and take care of their child. 9 Man: I like the color of this shirt. Do you have a larger size? Woman: This is the largest in this color. Other colors come in all sizes. Question: What does the woman imply? ( A) The man could buy a shirt of a different color. ( B) The

14、 size of the shirt is all right for the man. ( C) The size the man wants will arrive soon. ( D) The man could come some time later. 10 Man: Look, the view is fantastic. Could you take a picture of me with the lake in the background? Woman: Im afraid I just ran out of film. Question: What do we learn

15、 from the conversation? ( A) The woman is watching an exciting film with the man. ( B) The woman cant take a photo of the man. ( C) The woman is running toward the lake. ( D) The woman is filming the lake. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplet

16、e sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 There are cases_new factories are being put up and beautiful old trees are going to

17、 be cut down for a new factory. ( A) which ( B) where ( C) that ( D) when 12 I like to have you becoming well grounded in the literature and philosophy of other centuries and of other countries_our own. ( A) except for ( B) but ( C) than ( D) beyond 13 Viewed from the hilltop, a few neglected farmho

18、uses lay scattered in the valley. If we wanted to find shelter for the night, that was the only place for miles_. ( A) away ( B) apart ( C) around ( D) ahead 14 Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe_it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced. ( A) so tha

19、t ( B) but that ( C) in that ( D) provided that 15 Apart from personal preferences, social context also affects both directly and indirectly the media and the media content to which you become exposed. For example, other members of the family often select media content that you_, and you become expo

20、sed to it. ( A) would not have selected ( B) should not have selected ( C) must not select ( D) cannot have selected 16 There is one part of womens magazines that every man reads. It is the section popularly known as the “agony columns“, _women, and increasingly men, write for advice on their emotio

21、nal problems. ( A) which ( B) where ( C) as ( D) while 17 _, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor. ( A) Other things being equal ( B) To be equal in other things ( C) Were other things equal ( D) Other things to be equal

22、 18 The pressure_causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain. ( A) to compete ( B) competing ( C) to be competed ( D) having competed 19 As long as we are alive, we are learning and, in fact, some of our most important learning takes place outside of sch

23、ool_in school. ( A) better than ( B) rather than ( C) other than ( D) more than 20 Born ten days earlier, the boy_his late father. ( A) could have seen ( B) must have seen ( C) may have seen ( D) should have been 21 However weak your memory may be, you can make up for it by_what you want to remember

24、, and repeating it over and over again. ( A) gaining access to ( B) attending closely to ( C) taking advantage of ( D) getting the better of 22 Granted that many animals seem to be highly sensitive to various signals _ earthquakes, the basic question remains of how this behavior can be put to use in

25、 earthquake prediction. ( A) associated with ( B) connected with ( C) as regards ( D) in case of 23 Too often teachers_with parents are devoted to petty accounts of childrens misbehaviors, complaints about laziness and poor work habits and suggestion for penalties and rewards at home. ( A) acquainta

26、nce ( B) association ( C) conferences ( D) collaboration 24 The fundamental reason why people in general do not speak foreign languages very much better than they do is that they fail to grasp the true nature of the problem of learning to pronounce, and consequently never_tackling it in the right wa

27、y, ( A) turn to ( B) insist on ( C) set about ( D) work at 25 Although salt is now seen as harmful to health, it has been used for centuries as method of _foods. ( A) maintaining ( B) preserving ( C) manufacturing ( D) reserving 26 My father was always very strict about how I talked to mother, but h

28、e was more_if I yelled at my brother. ( A) tolerable ( B) understandable ( C) harsh ( D) favorable 27 She brought back the faulty microwave oven to_the claim of the adviser. ( A) contradict ( B) reverse ( C) refute ( D) rectify 28 Prices of food and clothing and almost everything else in the country

29、 have steadily gone up. As a result, the buying_of the dollar has gone down. ( A) capacity ( B) competency ( C) power ( D) value 29 Her greatness is_her broad general education as well as her profound medical knowledge and insight. ( A) acknowledged by ( B) evolved from ( C) resulted from ( D) attri

30、buted to 30 In the_of the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose up to $ 30 million. ( A) event ( B) face ( C) time ( D) course 二、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions o

31、r unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 30 Historically, although the children of immigrants may have grown up bilingual and bicultural, many did not pass o

32、n much of their parents language or culture to their own children. Thus, many grandchildren of immigrants do not speak the language of the old country and are “American“ by culture. However, in some parts of the country with established communities that share a common language or culture, bilinguali

33、sm and biculturalism continue. This is particularly true in communities where new immigrants are still arriving. In general, cultural pluralism (多元化 ) is more accepted in the United States today than it was in the first half of the 20th century, and many of the school systems have developed bilingua

34、l programs and multicultural curricula. At the close of the 20th century, there seemed to be a rise in the consciousness of ethnic groups around the world, and a sense of pride in what makes them unique. This occurs in the United States among many different groups, and in some cases it has resulted

35、in new names to symbolize each groups identity. In the United States, people have become very sensitive to the language used to describe these groups, and they try to be “politically correct“ (P. C. ). For example, many black Americans, particularly young people, prefer the term African-American ins

36、tead of black, to identify with their African heritage. Some Spanish speakers prefer to be called Latinos (referring to Latin America) instead of Hispanics, while others prefer to be identified by their country of origin (Cuban-American or Cuban, Chicano, Mexican-American or Mexican, and so on). In

37、spite of some very important differences, however, there is still a tie that binds Americans together. That tie is a sense of national identityof “being an American“. Incidentally, when citizens of the United States refer to themselves as Americans, they have no intention of excluding people from La

38、tin American countries. There is no word such as United Statesians in the English language, so people call themselves Americans. Thus, what is really a language problem has sometimes caused misunderstandings. Although citizens of Latin American countries may call the people in the United States Nort

39、h Americans, to most people in the United States this makes no sense either, because the term North Americans refer to Canadians and Mexicans as well as citizens of the United States. The word American, then, will be used in this text as the adjective and nationality for the people who live in the U

40、nited States of America. 31 According to the passage, today many grandchildren of immigrants_. ( A) dont like their old language and culture ( B) dont speak English and reject American culture ( C) only speak English and are “American“ by culture ( D) only live in established communities where new i

41、mmigrants are still arriving 32 Many black Americans prefer to be called “African Americans“ instead of “blacks“ because ( A) they want to be equal to the whites ( B) they want to identify with their African heritage ( C) they want to be politically correct ( D) they want to improve their social sta

42、tus 33 The tie that binds Americans together is_. ( A) the sense of being a citizen of the wealthiest country ( B) the sense of being an American ( C) the sense of being the descendents of early settlers ( D) the sense of being under one federal government 34 People who live in the United States of

43、America prefer to be called_. ( A) United Statesians ( B) Americans ( C) Latin Americans ( D) North Americans 35 This passage is mainly concerned with_. ( A) cultural pluralism in the U. S. ( B) African Americans in the U. S. ( C) history of immigrants in the U. S. ( D) new immigrants in the U. S. 3

44、5 During the last thirty years, the international economy has experienced a basic change. Improvements in the Internet and other communications have had important effects on world markets. Faster methods of transport from one place to another have made the world seem smaller to the businessmen. As a

45、 result, the world no longer consists of a number of separate economies under the control of different nations. Instead, the nations have been integrated into a single economy, and the integration is becoming more and more complete every year. For the first time in history, we can truly speak of a g

46、lobal economy. The most dramatic example of this integration was the oil crisis of 1973 and 1974. It came as a great surprise to the public in the industrial nations to discover that they depended so heavily on imported oil. However, the best evidence for the growing integration is the rapid expansi

47、on in the volume of world trade. It went up by about 7% a year during the decade from 1990 to 2000, and in several quasi-industrial (半工业的 ) countries the growth was even more rapid. As a result, some imported products have become as common as domestic commodity. Some of them are too common for the p

48、ublic to any more realize they are foreign. Production has also become international, which is manifested by the large corporations stepping across national borders and established branches and subsidiaries in several different countries. As an example, U. S. companies are building automobiles in Ca

49、nada, Germany, Britain and Japan. In some cases, components of an automobile are produced abroad and shipped to the United States, where it is then finished with the imported parts. When even the United States has the largest number of such corporations, it is not the only. Other multinationals, for instance, are based in Japan, France, Germany, the UK and Italy. Labor, too, is much more mobile than in the pa


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