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1、在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷 109及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the AN

2、SWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 Speaker A; The film starts at 8:Its already 8: Speaker B: _ ( A) Lets try to make it. ( B) Maybe it will last two hours. ( C) Do you know the name of the film? ( D) Lets go to see the film. Ive heard its a wonderful one. 2 Speaker A: Sorry for bein

3、g late. You see, I was held up by the traffic. Speaker B: _ ( A) Oh, its quite all right. Forget it! ( B) I also find the traffic very heavy during the rush hours. ( C) Yes, the traffic jam is more serious than before. ( D) Not at all. You can come anytime. 3 Speaker A: Are you going to your family

4、reunion this Christmas holiday? Speaker B: _ ( A) As a matter of fact, I dont mind it at all. ( B) I do. Ive been excited about it for a long time. ( C) However, my parents and I are going to take a trip to Hawaii. ( D) You bet. All my uncles and aunts will take their children along, too. 4 Speaker

5、A: I think cartoons on TV are not good for kids to watch. Theres too much violence in them. Speaker B:_ ( A) Yes, cartoons on TV can stimulate childrens imagination. ( B) I wonder why children like to imitate the violent actions in the cartoons. ( C) Oh, but I dont think anyone really takes them ser

6、iously, do you? Theyre just for fun. ( D) Well, which cartoon do you think involve the most violence? 5 Speaker A: It seems to be clearing up. Speaker B: _ ( A) We havent had rain for a long time. ( B) It makes a change, doesnt it? ( C) Quite warm for this time of the year. ( D) I hope there will be

7、 no storm. Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices give

8、n and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Man: Excuse me, I was told I could find Dr. Adkins here. Woman: And you have. Question: What does the woman mean? ( A) Shes Dr. Adkins. ( B) She has to find the doctor. ( C) The doctor has been expecting the man. ( D

9、) The doctor will be with the man shortly. 7 Woman: Is the rescue crew still looking for survivors of the plane crash? Man: Yes, they have been searching the area for hours, but they havent found anybody else. Theyll keep searching until night falls. Question: What do we learn from the conversation?

10、 ( A) All the passengers were killed. ( B) The plane crashed in the night. ( C) No more survivors have been found. ( D) Its too late to search for survivors. 8 Woman: Did you really work all of these problems without any help from the book? Man: Well, most of them anyway. Question: What does the man

11、 imply? ( A) Most of the problems were in the book. ( B) He did need help on a few problems. ( C) Theres more than one way to do the problem. ( D) There were really too many problems to do. 9 Man: When are we supposed to submit our project proposals, Jane? Woman: Theyre due by the end of the week. W

12、eve only two days left. Well just have to hurry. Question: What does the woman mean? ( A) The deadline is drawing near. ( B) She turned in the proposals today. ( C) She cant meet the deadline. ( D) They are two days ahead of time. 10 Man: I am looking for an apartment with a monthly rent to around t

13、wo hundred dollars in this neighborhood. Can you give me some advice on that? Woman: Well, its rather hard to find anything for less than three hundred dollars around here. Rents are lower in suburbs, but you need transportation if you choose to live there. Question: What do we learn from the conver

14、sation? ( A) The man will probably have to find a roommate. ( B) The man is unlikely to live in the suburbs. ( C) The man will probably have to buy a car. ( D) The man is unlikely to find exactly what he desires. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 in

15、complete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 Stamp collection has long been recognized as having an educational value. Th

16、ere is every reason to encourage young people to take an interest in them, thereby_to their knowledge of geography and history. ( A) to add ( B) adding ( C) added ( D) adds 12 _all the possible disasters mentioned, the one promoting most discussions was a major release of radioactivity from a nuclea

17、r power station. ( A) Among ( B) Of ( C) For ( D) About 13 Having spent two days on one subject and_two days on the other subject, I am now ready for the exam. ( A) other ( B) next ( C) those ( D) another 14 I wish that he hadnt had such a bad cold because I am sure that he_the performance. ( A) wou

18、ld enjoy ( B) must have enjoyed ( C) would have enjoyed ( D) will enjoy 15 The environmental group hopes_the forest to its original condition by the end of the decade. ( A) having restored ( B) to have restored ( C) to be restored ( D) to have been restored 16 Ships traveling in the North Atlantic d

19、uring the winter must be constantly watchful to avoid icebergs, large masses of ice_only one-ninth is visible above water. ( A) so that ( B) in that ( C) which ( D) of which 17 The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason_ they have been around a bit longer. ( A) why ( B) that ( C

20、) since ( D) after 18 _that many animals seem to be highly sensitive to various signals associated with earthquakes, the basic question remains of how this behavior can be put to use in earthquake prediction. ( A) Granted ( B) Provided ( C) Considering ( D) Assuming 19 Her answer is not acceptable,

21、and_. ( A) neither am I ( B) either is mine ( C) neither is mine ( D) mine is either 20 It shows how economic and social and, above all, political changes have played their part, so that, correctly_, the postage stamp in which millions of people, young and old, find pleasure, knowledge and even prof

22、it, has always been a faithful mirror of the times. ( A) interpreting ( B) interpreted ( C) to be interpreted ( D) being interpreted 21 The_temperature of a human body, no matter in what part of the world he lives, is about 8C ( A) common ( B) average ( C) regular ( D) normal 22 The Food and Drug Ad

23、ministration classifies as a cosmetic any product whose_purpose is to improve a persons appearance. ( A) singular ( B) sincere ( C) single ( D) significant 23 Although he really did not want to open the mysterious drawer again, his curiosity_ him to take one last look. ( A) compelled ( B) attracted

24、( C) aroused ( D) stimulated 24 Poor as he was, he was_making profits at the expense of others. ( A) above ( B) off ( C) out of ( D) beyond 25 He is the kind of person who stops at nothing in order to_his own purpose. ( A) promote ( B) obtain ( C) reach ( D) achieve 26 _where the foreign-born Americ

25、ans make peace with their new culture, they will likely watch their children turn into Americans. ( A) In place of ( B) In memory of ( C) Regardless of ( D) In honor of 27 The_talks between China and the United States were the base of the later agreement. ( A) original ( B) primary ( C) initial ( D)

26、 primitive 28 Possessing a car gives a much greater degree of_, enabling the driver to move around freely. ( A) traveling ( B) movement ( C) mobility ( D) freedom 29 Children going to school must have a chance to_excess physical energy; children even more than adults require and enjoy physical exerc

27、ise and games of all kinds. ( A) work off ( B) let off ( C) play off ( D) put off 30 Tests have proved that caffeine affects the body by increasing the heart rate and rhythm, which_affects the circulatory system. ( A) in the long run ( B) in turn ( C) in return ( D) as a result 二、 Part III Reading C

28、omprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line thr

29、ough the center. 30 Being a good parent is harder now than it has ever been before. In pressurised modern lives, demands to be a fulfilled individual, and a good partner and a good worker, take no account of being a good parent. We havent left space for the nurturing parents expect to provide and ch

30、ildren need. As a result, many parents in the western world just dont work. Something will have to change. With luck, people in the future will only have children if they really want them. And that should mean that parenthood is seen as a much more positive commitment than it is now, and that parent

31、s are socially supported, and admired for doing a good job. The problem is that in the last generation or so weve come to assume that women should be able, and should want, to do everything that by tradition men have done at the same time as pretty well as everything that by tradition women have don

32、e. And its just not possible. Indeed since adopting a male agenda in life is arguably only another form of submission (男尊女卑 ), quite a number of highly educated and economically privileged women are now choosing to take career breaks so as to be at home with their children for longer than that insul

33、ting 18 weeks. The most welcome trend in parenting is that men are participating more and more. Even that is not free of conflict, though. Intellectually, women want men to be equal parents and do their share. But theres often a contradictory emotional sub-text because children are the last bastion

34、(堡垒 ) of distaff power (女性的权利 ) in the family. “I want him to help me but this is my territory and being better at it is one of the few things Ive got as a female. “ Having children especially the first child puts a bigger strain on a couples relationship than anything else they ever do. So a future

35、 of smaller families and more people choosing not to have children at all could well leave couples closer than they are today; for many, the purpose of being together would be solely to pleasure and support each other an interesting prospect. 31 Many parents in the West just dont work because_. ( A)

36、 theyre tired of their work ( B) they have too many pressures at work ( C) they want to spend more time with their children ( D) they want to relax and enjoy the life 32 It is assumed by the last generation or so that_. ( A) women should stay home while men go out to work ( B) women should go out to

37、 have their own careers ( C) women should be able and willing to do the housework and hold a job at the same time ( D) women and men should equally share the housework and have equal opportunities at work 33 Many women are now choosing to take career breaks because_. ( A) they find it difficult to g

38、et a higher position above men ( B) they dont want to assume both a male role and a female role ( C) they think they are prejudiced against by men at work ( D) they are not educated highly enough 34 Why is there still a conflict after men participate more and more in parenting? ( A) Because there ar

39、e more quarrels between women and men about how to educate children. ( B) Because women dont want men to be equal parents and do their share. ( C) Because women worry men will not concentrate on their job. ( D) Because women worry their female role in family may be intervened and diminish. 35 Which

40、is true about the future trend? ( A) More parents will choose to stay at home to take care of their children. ( B) Families with several children will emerge stronger and richer. ( C) More people will choose not to get married. ( D) More couples will choose not to have children. 35 With unemployment

41、 rising and housing costs still high, cities around the country are experiencing a new and sudden wave of homelessness. Shelters are overflowing, and more people this year are sleeping on floors in dingy social service centers, living in cars or spending nights on the streets. In New York, Boston an

42、d other cities, homelessness is at record levels, a consequence of a faltering (摇晃的 ) economy that has crumbled even further after the Sept. 11 attacks. A survey by the U. S. Conference of Mayors released last week found that requests for emergency shelter in 27 cities had increased an average of 13

43、 percent over last year. The report said the increases were 26 percent in Trenton; 25 percent in Kansas City, Mo.; 22 percent in Chicago; 20 percent in Denver; and 20 percent in New Orleans. An unusual confluence of factors seems to be responsible for the surge. Housing prices, which soared in the e

44、xpansion of the 1990s, have not gone down, even though the economy has tumbled. A stream of layoffs has newly unemployed people taking low-wage jobs that might have otherwise gone to the poor. Benefits for welfare recipients are expiring under government-imposed deadlines. And charitable donations t

45、o programs that help the disadvantaged are down considerably, officials around the country said, because of the economy and the outpouring of donations for people affected by Sept. 11. “This is an unprecedented convergence (集中 ) of calamities (灾难 ),“ said Xavier De Souza Briggs, an assistant profess

46、or of public policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. “Its really a crisis. “ More than half the cities surveyed by the mayors group reported that in the last year people had remained homeless longer, an average of six months. There is no total number for the homeless nationwid

47、e. Experts said it was difficult to compare the situation with statistics in previous decades, because counting methods have improved. Yet, several experts said they believed that the increases reported by cities like Boston and Chicago reflected a national trend. “My impression is there is more hom

48、elessness now than there was 20 years ago,“ Gary Burt-less, an economist at the Brookings Institution, said, adding that he believed that economic factors were not the sole explanation. “I think that there must be a greater segment of our population that has tenuous connections to family and friends

49、, and therefore has fewer resources to fall back on when something very bad happens like when they lose their job,“ he said. 36 Which of the following is NOT a reason for the increase of homelessness? ( A) Unemployment. ( B) Housing prices. ( C) Sept. 11 attacks. ( D) Floods. 37 The Sept. 11 attacks_. ( A) caused the U. S. economy to falter ( B) worsened the U. S. economic situation ( C) made housing pri


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