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1、在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷 42及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANS

2、WER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 Speaker A: The lights are about off, but Id like to buy some ice-cream before the play starts. Speaker B: _ ( A) Which ice-cream would you like, vanilla or chocolate? ( B) Yes, the lights will be off in five minutes. ( C) Shall we take our seats-now

3、? We can always get some later. ( D) May I have the honor to buy it for you? 2 Speaker A: Can you come to my office early to help me with my paper? Speaker B: _ ( A) Thank you for your invitation. Im sure to be there. ( B) Id like to, but I cant leave until Ive typed out the letters. ( C) By all mea

4、ns. I have to finish my own paper first. ( D) What do you expect me to do for you? 3 Speaker A: Im awfully sorry. I hope I havent spoiled it. Speaker B: _ ( A) Oh, its nothing. Dont let a little thing like that worry you. ( B) I know you are unintentional. Just be more careful next time. ( C) There

5、is no need for you to say sorry. Anyway, I can buy a new one. ( D) You are right. You havent spoiled it. You see, its still in good condition. 4 Speaker A: Happy Birthday, Jean. Speaker B: _ ( A) When is your birthday? ( B) Oh, why have you bought such an expensive necklace for me? ( C) Happy Birthd

6、ay to you, too! ( D) Oh, a present. How exciting! A necklace! Thats lovely. Thank you. 5 Speaker A: Whats the rate for sending a package of books surface mail to Japan? Speaker B: _ ( A) Do you have any friends in Japan? ( B) 85 cents per pound, but the limit is 11 pounds per package if you want it

7、to go book rate. ( C) Im afraid it will take about days for these books to reach Japan. ( D) The rate for surface mail is cheaper than that for airmail, but surface mail takes longer. Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and

8、a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Woman: Hello, this is Doctor Grays office.

9、Were calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual check-up tomorrow. Man: Oh, thanks. Its a good thing you called. I thought it was 4: 15 today. Question: What do we learn from the conversation? ( A) The man was confused about the date of the appointment. ( B) The man wants to chan

10、ge the date of the appointment. ( C) The man is glad hes got in touch with the doctor. ( D) The man cant come for the appointment at 4:15. 7 Woman: I just cant believe this is our last year. College is going by fast. Man: Yeah, well have to face the real world soon. So have you figured out what you

11、are going to do after you graduate? Question: What do we learn from the conversation? ( A) The two speakers are at a loss what to do. ( B) The man is worried about his future. ( C) The two speakers are seniors at college. ( D) The woman regrets spending her time idly. 8 Man: Im going to drop my Info

12、rmation Science class. It meets too early in the morning. Woman: Is that really a good reason to drop the class, Tony? Question: What does the woman imply? ( A) Tony should continue taking the course. ( B) She approves of Tonys decision. ( C) Tony can choose another science course. ( D) She cant mee

13、t Tony so early in the morning. 9 Man: If you arent doing anything particular, shall we see the new play at the Grand Theater tonight? Woman: Sounds great. But Ive got to go over my notes for tomorrows mid-term. Question: What does the woman imply? ( A) She is particularly interested in plays. ( B)

14、She has to study for the exam. ( C) She is eager to watch the new play. ( D) She can lend her notes to the man. 10 Woman: What do you think of the prospects for on-line education? Is it going to replace the traditional school? Man: I doubt it. Schools are here to stay, because there are much more th

15、an just book learning. Even though more and more kids are going on-line, I believe fewer of them will quit school altogether. Question: What does the man think of conventional schools? ( A) They will be replaced by on-line education sooner or later. ( B) They will attract fewer kids as on-line educa

16、tion expands. ( C) They will continue to exist along with on-line education. ( D) They will limit their teaching to certain subjects only. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices

17、marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 At the last committee meeting, the motion that the sale of the alcohol_ unlawful was defeated. ( A) was made ( B) was to be made ( C) be made ( D) wou

18、ld be made 12 The agency, _ to set and enforce health standard for American workers, has been promising a cotton dust standard for several years. ( A) which is ( B) which it is ( C) whose job it is ( D) of whose job is 13 People were afraid to leave their house, _ the police had been ordered to stan

19、d by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else. ( A) and even if ( B) but since ( C) however after ( D) for though 14 Its true that the old road is less direct and a bit bumpy. We wont take the new one_ because we feel as safe on it. ( A) however ( B) though ( C)

20、nevertheless ( D) whatsoever 15 The tremendous heat at a stars core, _tremendous gravity, joins the nuclei of hydrogen atoms. ( A) combined with ( B) having combined with ( C) combining with ( D) being combined to 16 Success in life does not depend so much on ones school record_on ones honesty and d

21、iligence. ( A) but ( B) whereas ( C) as ( D) like 17 We are taught that a business letter should be written in a formal style_in a personal one. ( A) rather than ( B) other than ( C) better than ( D) less than 18 In learning a foreign language, _English, one should first pay attention to speaking, w

22、hich is the groundwork of reading and writing. ( A) says ( B) say ( C) to say ( D) saying 19 A majority_ collectively may be regarded as a being whose opinions and, most frequently, whose interests are opposed to those of another being, which is styled a minority. ( A) taking ( B) takes ( C) take (

23、D) taken 20 _can help but admit that drastic changes have taken place in China since the economic reform in 1979. ( A) Everybody ( B) Anybody ( C) Somebody ( D) Nobody 21 All the staff members of the department made concerted efforts to_ the hall for the Christmas party. ( A) clean up ( B) clear up

24、( C) dress up ( D) make up 22 Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 58 percent and 8 percent, _, over February 1995. ( A) individually ( B) respectively ( C) correspondingly ( D) accordingly 23 A complete investigation into the accident should lead to improved standards and should

25、_new operating procedures. ( A) attribute ( B) result in ( C) match with ( D) proceed with 24 The consolidation of the crumbling walls and towers has been carried out_a program agreed with the Department of the Environment. ( A) in case of ( B) in accordance with ( C) in place of ( D) in charge of 2

26、5 Although Oriental ideas of womans_to man prevailed in those days, she did dare to meet with man on equal basis. ( A) contribution ( B) sacrifice ( C) subordination ( D) obedience 26 If it is left_, this fast-spreading disease is likely to affect millions of Asian and African children, including mo

27、re and more injured grown-ups. ( A) unchecked ( B) uncontrolled ( C) transmitted ( D) contaminated 27 He_ a well-meant but unsuccessful campaign to ease East-West tensions calling for arms reduction and a summit of the nuclear powers. ( A) embarked on ( B) reckoned on ( C) caught on ( D) dwelt on 28

28、 He often quoted “reason over passion“ as maxim in_the long-standing division among Canadas English-speaking majority and the French-descended minority concentrated in his home province of Quebec. ( A) adjusting ( B) reconciling ( C) conquering ( D) consolidating 29 You cant help but hear commercial

29、s; every few minutes the program is interrupted to give you one advertising_. ( A) so on and so forth ( B) more or less ( C) something or other ( D) sooner or later 30 Mobility is one of the characteristics often_executives, and they must accustom themselves to moving quite regularly. ( A) demanded

30、of ( B) asked for ( C) expected from ( D) called for 二、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose th

31、e best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 30 Historically, although the children of immigrants may have grown up bilingual and bicultural, many did not pass on much of their parents language or culture to their own children. Thus, many grandchildren o

32、f immigrants do not speak the language of the old country and are “American“ by culture. However, in some parts of the country with established communities that share a common language or culture, bilingualism and biculturalism continue. This is particularly true in communities where new immigrants

33、are still arriving. In general, cultural pluralism (多元化 ) is more accepted in the United States today than it was in the first half of the 20th century, and many of the school systems have developed bilingual programs and multicultural curricula. At the close of the 20th century, there seemed to be

34、a rise in the consciousness of ethnic groups around the world, and a sense of pride in what makes them unique. This occurs in the United States among many different groups, and in some cases it has resulted in new names to symbolize each groups identity. In the United States, people have become very

35、 sensitive to the language used to describe these groups, and they try to be “politically correct“ (P. C. ). For example, many black Americans, particularly young people, prefer the term African-American instead of black, to identify with their African heritage. Some Spanish speakers prefer to be ca

36、lled Latinos (referring to Latin America) instead of Hispanics, while others prefer to be identified by their country of origin (Cuban-American or Cuban, Chicano, Mexican-American or Mexican, and so on). In spite of some very important differences, however, there is still a tie that binds Americans

37、together. That tie is a sense of national identityof “being an American“. Incidentally, when citizens of the United States refer to themselves as Americans, they have no intention of excluding people from Latin American countries. There is no word such as United Statesians in the English language, s

38、o people call themselves Americans. Thus, what is really a language problem has sometimes caused misunderstandings. Although citizens of Latin American countries may call the people in the United States North Americans, to most people in the United States this makes no sense either, because the term

39、 North Americans refer to Canadians and Mexicans as well as citizens of the United States. The word American, then, will be used in this text as the adjective and nationality for the people who live in the United States of America. 31 According to the passage, today many grandchildren of immigrants_

40、. ( A) dont like their old language and culture ( B) dont speak English and reject American culture ( C) only speak English and are “American“ by culture ( D) only live in established communities where new immigrants are still arriving 32 Many black Americans prefer to be called “African Americans“

41、instead of “blacks“ because ( A) they want to be equal to the whites ( B) they want to identify with their African heritage ( C) they want to be politically correct ( D) they want to improve their social status 33 The tie that binds Americans together is_. ( A) the sense of being a citizen of the we

42、althiest country ( B) the sense of being an American ( C) the sense of being the descendents of early settlers ( D) the sense of being under one federal government 34 People who live in the United States of America prefer to be called_. ( A) United Statesians ( B) Americans ( C) Latin Americans ( D)

43、 North Americans 35 This passage is mainly concerned with_. ( A) cultural pluralism in the U. S. ( B) African Americans in the U. S. ( C) history of immigrants in the U. S. ( D) new immigrants in the U. S. 35 During the last thirty years, the international economy has experienced a basic change. Imp

44、rovements in the Internet and other communications have had important effects on world markets. Faster methods of transport from one place to another have made the world seem smaller to the businessmen. As a result, the world no longer consists of a number of separate economies under the control of

45、different nations. Instead, the nations have been integrated into a single economy, and the integration is becoming more and more complete every year. For the first time in history, we can truly speak of a global economy. The most dramatic example of this integration was the oil crisis of 1973 and 1

46、974. It came as a great surprise to the public in the industrial nations to discover that they depended so heavily on imported oil. However, the best evidence for the growing integration is the rapid expansion in the volume of world trade. It went up by about 7% a year during the decade from 1990 to

47、 2000, and in several quasi-industrial (半工业的 ) countries the growth was even more rapid. As a result, some imported products have become as common as domestic commodity. Some of them are too common for the public to any more realize they are foreign. Production has also become international, which i

48、s manifested by the large corporations stepping across national borders and established branches and subsidiaries in several different countries. As an example, U. S. companies are building automobiles in Canada, Germany, Britain and Japan. In some cases, components of an automobile are produced abr

49、oad and shipped to the United States, where it is then finished with the imported parts. When even the United States has the largest number of such corporations, it is not the only. Other multinationals, for instance, are based in Japan, France, Germany, the UK and Italy. Labor, too, is much more mobile than in the past. Both skilled and unskilled workers can now readily migrate from one country to a


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