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1、在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷 43及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANS

2、WER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 Speaker A: Mrs. Green, thank you for a pleasant evening. I must be going now. Good night. Speaker B: _ ( A) It was nice having you, Mr. Jones. Good night. ( B) Good night. Please walk slowly. ( C) All right. Let me see you off downstairs. ( D) Well,

3、 I wont ask you to stay longer if you insist leaving. 2 Speaker A: Hi. Excuse me, .um . do you need any help? Speaker B: _ ( A) Yes, but are you sure you can help me? ( B) Oh, yes. Do you have tennis shoes? ( C) Well, Id like one chicken burger and a cup of coke, please. ( D) Oh, yes, I do. Ive been

4、 walking around in circles. I cant seem to find the train station. 3 Speaker A: Congratulations! I hope youll be very happy. Speaker B: _ ( A) Thanks, the same to you. ( B) Thanks, Im sure we will. ( C) Yes, thats for sure. ( D) Yes. I am sure well be the happiest couple in the world. 4 Speaker A: E

5、xcuse me. Id like to exchange this watch. I just bought it, but look at this. Speaker B: _ ( A) Yes, I know your watch is new, but I like my old one better. ( B) What seems to be the problem? ( C) Thank you for your kindness, but my watch still works. ( D) Sorry. Why didnt you examine it carefully b

6、efore you bought it? 5 Speaker A: If I were you, Id ride a bike to work. Taking a crowded bus during rush hours is really terrible. Speaker B: _ ( A) Yeah, riding a bike is a healthful activity. Dont you think? ( B) Yes, youre right. Buses are always very crowded during the rush hours. ( C) Thank yo

7、u for your advice. But my bike has got a flat tyre. ( D) Certainly. I dont see why so many people go to work by bus rather than by bike. Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there

8、is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Man: Excuse me, I was told I could find Dr. Adkins here. Woman: And you have. Question: Wh

9、at does the woman mean? ( A) Shes Dr. Adkins. ( B) She has to find the doctor. ( C) The doctor has been expecting the man. ( D) The doctor will be with the man shortly. 7 Woman: Is the rescue crew still looking for survivors of the plane crash? Man: Yes, they have been searching the area for hours,

10、but they havent found anybody else. Theyll keep searching until night falls. Question: What do we learn from the conversation? ( A) All the passengers were killed. ( B) The plane crashed in the night. ( C) No more survivors have been found. ( D) Its too late to search for survivors. 8 Woman: Did you

11、 really work all of these problems without any help from the book? Man: Well, most of them anyway. Question: What does the man imply? ( A) Most of the problems were in the book. ( B) He did need help on a few problems. ( C) Theres more than one way to do the problem. ( D) There were really too many

12、problems to do. 9 Man: When are we supposed to submit our project proposals, Jane? Woman: Theyre due by the end of the week. Weve only two days left. Well just have to hurry. Question: What does the woman mean? ( A) The deadline is drawing near. ( B) She turned in the proposals today. ( C) She cant

13、meet the deadline. ( D) They are two days ahead of time. 10 Man: I am looking for an apartment with a monthly rent to around two hundred dollars in this neighborhood. Can you give me some advice on that? Woman: Well, its rather hard to find anything for less than three hundred dollars around here. R

14、ents are lower in suburbs, but you need transportation if you choose to live there. Question: What do we learn from the conversation? ( A) The man will probably have to find a roommate. ( B) The man is unlikely to live in the suburbs. ( C) The man will probably have to buy a car. ( D) The man is unl

15、ikely to find exactly what he desires. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWE

16、R SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 You_him last year when you were in England. ( A) can have met ( B) may have met ( C) can meet ( D) may meet 12 How thoughtful of him_to make all the necessary arrangements for us! ( A) he is ( B) it was ( C) is he ( D) was he 13 You did tell me what

17、to do. If only I_your advice! ( A) would take ( B) took ( C) have taken ( D) had taken 14 Dont argue with him any longer. You are only wasting your breath_to win him over to your side. ( A) having tried ( B) to try ( C) to be tried ( D) trying 15 The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds_ his

18、 argument in favour of the new theory. ( A) which to base on ( B) on which to base ( C) to base on which ( D) which to be based on 16 His business prospered and he became a person of means. Yet, despite his great riches, he gave no arms to the needy and no thanks to his benefactors whose savings_to

19、his welfare. ( A) had contributed ( B) contributed ( C) were contributed ( D) did contribute 17 They have decided on a final date by which they expect that everyone_the councils offer and have installed that necessary equipment in his house. ( A) have taken advantage of ( B) will have taken advantag

20、e of ( C) will take advantage of ( D) has taken advantage of 18 You claim that_travelling by boat I am wasting part of my holiday: on the contrary, I regard the sea journey as the most enjoyable part of it. ( A) by ( B) in ( C) since ( D) over 19 The large size and roughly circular shape of the Paci

21、fic made some scientists think that it _a hole left when the moon separated from the earth. ( A) used to be ( B) would have been ( C) might have been ( D) should have been 20 _ advertising brings the economies of mass selling to the manufacturer, it produces benefits for the consumer as well. ( A) W

22、hen ( B) As ( C) While ( D) Whereas 21 She is very_about her appearance. Half of her salary goes to clothes. ( A) particular ( B) peculiar ( C) special ( D) unusual 22 It is difficult to guess what his_to the proposal will be. ( A) comment ( B) impression ( C) reaction ( D) opinion 23 As soon as the

23、 exams were over, the students all went their_ways. ( A) homely ( B) perspective ( C) respective ( D) diverted 24 Young people always complain, more or less justly, that their parents are out of_with modern ways. ( A) link ( B) connection ( C) association ( D) touch 25 Investors seem to be losing_in

24、 the car industry. ( A) belief ( B) trust ( C) reliability ( D) confidence 26 During the fire, he_people into groups which carried sand and water to throw onto the flames. ( A) called ( B) organized ( C) made ( D) planned 27 I need to move to a larger apartment. Do you know of any_ones in this neigh

25、borhood? ( A) empty ( B) blank ( C) vacant ( D) bare 28 Since we cant hear you at the back of the hall, youll have to_your voice. ( A) lift ( B) increase ( C) speak up ( D) raise 29 The colors of that coat and hat dont_. ( A) suit ( B) mix ( C) match ( D) compare 30 We were rather upset by his_to su

26、pport our proposals. ( A) rejecting ( B) refusing ( C) denying ( D) resisting 二、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked

27、 A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 30 It might appear to any casual visitor who may have taken a few rides about town in a taxicab that all New Yorkers are filled with a loudmouthed ill will towards each other. The fact

28、 of the matter is, though, that however cold and cruel things seem on the surface, there has never been a society of people in all history with so much compassion for its fellow man. It clothes, feeds, and houses 15 percent of its own because 1. 26 million people in New York are unable to do it for

29、themselves. You couldnt call that cold or cruel. Everyone must have seen pictures at least of the great number of poor people who live in New York. And it seems strange, in view of this, that so many people come here seeking their fortune. But if anything about the citys population is more expressiv

30、e than the great number of poor people, its the great number of rich people. Theres no need to search for buried treasure in New York. The great American dream is out in the open for everyone to see and to reach for. It must be because even those people who can never realistically believe theyll get

31、 rich themselves can still dream about it. And they respond to the hope of getting what they see others having. Their hope alone seems to be enough to sustain them. The woman going into Tiffanys to buy another diamond pin can pass within ten feet of a man without money enough for lunch. They are obl

32、ivious to (不在意 ) each other. He feels no envy; she no remorse. Theres a disregard for the past in New York that dismays even a lot of New Yorkers. Its true that no one pays much attention to antiquity. The immigrants who came here came for something new, and what New York used to be means nothing to

33、 them. Their heritage is somewhere else. Old million-dollar buildings are constantly being torn down and replaced by new fifty-million-dollar ones. In London, Rome, Paris, much of the land has only been built on once in all their long history. In relatively new New York, some lots have already been

34、built on four times. Because strangers only see New Yorkers in move, they leave with the impression that the city is in one great mindless rush to nowhere. They complain that its moving too fast, but they dont notice that its getting there first. For better and for worse, New York has been where the

35、 rest of the country is going. 31 The author thinks that most New Yorkers_. ( A) are hostile to visitors ( B) are cold and cruel toward each other ( C) are full of compassion for their fellow man ( D) are unable to get the bare necessities of life 32 It is implied in the second paragraph that_. ( A)

36、 there are more rich people than poor people in New York city ( B) its easy to get rich in New York because the American dream is out in the open for everyone ( C) in New York, the poor resent the rich, and the rich feel remorse about their wealth ( D) the rich and poor both have a place and seem to

37、 get along in New York 33 For immigrants, what New York used to be means nothing because_. ( A) they dont like New York at all ( B) they dont like the old things in New York ( C) they dont know much about New Yorks past ( D) they do not relate New Yorks past to their own roots 34 The main idea of th

38、e last paragraph is that_, ( A) New York is moving fast and is getting nowhere ( B) New York seems to be changing for the worse ( C) New York is a leader among American cities ( D) New York is often criticized for being in great mindless rush 35 The authors purpose in writing this text is to_. ( A)

39、criticize New York ( B) praise New York ( C) introduce New York to visitors ( D) express sympathy with New Yorkers 35 “With two friends I started a journey to Greece, the most horrendous of all journeys. It had all the details of a nightmare: barefoot walking in rough roads, risking death in the dar

40、k, police dogs hunting us, drinking water from the rain pools in the road and a rude awakening at gunpoint from the police under a bridge. My parents were terrified and decided that it would be better to pay someone to hide me in the back of a car. “ This 16-year-old Albanian high-school drop-out, d

41、esperate to leave his impoverished country for the nirvana of clearing tables in an Athens restaurant, might equally well have been a Mexican heading for Texas or an Algerian youngster sneaking into France. He had the misfortune to be born on the wrong side of a line that now divides the world: the

42、line between those whose passports allow them to move and settle reasonably freely across the richer worlds borders, and those who can do so only hidden in the back of a truck, and with forged papers. Tearing down that divide would be one of the fastest ways to boost global economic growth. The gap

43、between labours rewards in the poor world and the rich, even for something as menial as clearing tables, dwarfs the gap between the prices of traded goods from different parts of the world. The potential gains from liberalizing migration therefore dwarf those from removing barriers to world trade. B

44、ut those gains can be made only at great political cost. Countries rarely welcome strangers into their midst. Everywhere, international migration has shot up the list of political concerns. The horror of September 11th has toughened Americas approach to immigrants, especially students from Muslim co

45、untries, and blocked the agreement being negotiated with Mexico. In Europe, the far right has flourished in elections in Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands. Although many more immigrants arrive legally than hidden in trucks or boats, voters fret that governments have lost control of who enters the

46、ir country. The result has been a string of measures to try to tighten and enforce immigration rules. But however much governments clamp down, both immigration and immigrants are here to stay. Powerful economic forces are at work. It is impossible to separate the globalisation of trade and capital f

47、rom the global movement of people. Borders will leak; companies will want to be able to move staffs and liberal democracies will balk at introducing the draconian measures required to make controls truly watertight. If the European Union admits ten new members, it will eventually need to accept not

48、just their goods but their workers too. Technology also aids migration. The fall in transport costs has made it cheaper to risk a trip, and cheap international telephone calls allow Bulgarians in Spain to tip off their cousins back home that there are fruit-picking jobs available. The United States

49、shares a long border with a developing country; Europe is a bus-ride from the former Soviet block and a boat-ride across the Mediterranean from the worlds poorest continent. The rich economies create millions of jobs that the underemployed young in the poor world willingly fill. So demand and supply will constantly conspire to undermine even the most determined restrictions on immigration. 36


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