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1、在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷 52及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANS

2、WER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 Speaker A: Hey, why dont we go out and do something tonight? I feel kind of bored. Speaker B: _ ( A) You shouldnt feel bored with so many assignments to finish. ( B) Would you like to go dancing with me? ( C) Sometimes I also feel bored staying at h

3、ome all day. ( D) I wish I could. But I really have to stay in and write to my parents. 2 Speaker A: Uh, I wonder if I could possibly use your phone. Speaker B: _ ( A) Oh, Im sorry, but it isnt working; its out of order. ( B) You are welcome. Its over there. ( C) Of course. Who are you going to call

4、? ( D) Yes, you can, But dont you see a public phone booth over there? 3 Speaker A: I think women are much better drivers than men. Speaker B: _ ( A) You are right. They drive slowly and this makes other drivers behind them very impatient. ( B) I certainly agree that men learn to drive more quickly

5、than men. ( C) Ill say. They dont get as impatient as men when they drive. ( D) Dont mention it. Men have a quicker response than women while driving. 4 Speaker A: I wish you wouldnt have your TV so loud. Speaker B: _ ( A) I think so too. I will follow your advice. ( B) Sorry! Were you trying to sle

6、ep? ( C) Yes, Im terribly sorry. I didnt mean to disturb your study. ( D) All right. I will turn it down. 5 Speaker A: The native American Craft Exhibit closed this afternoon. Speaker B: _ ( A) Oh, no! Ive wanted to see that for months. ( B) Well, why didnt you take me to see the exhibit before it c

7、losed? ( C) Thank you. When will there be such an exhibit again? ( D) If I were you, I would have gone to see it. Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed

8、by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Man: I was expecting another hot, muggy day. Woman: But the wind has cooled things off, hasnt it? Question: What

9、does the woman mean? ( A) Its uncomfortable because of the wind. ( B) It isnt as hot as the man thought. ( C) The man expected it to be windy. ( D) The wind hasnt made it any cooler. 7 Woman: I cant wait to see the look on Teds face when he opens up our gift. Man: Neither can I. Question: What does

10、the man mean? ( A) He already knows what Ted will say. ( B) He doesnt have time to look at the gift. ( C) He cant imagine what his friends got for him. ( D) Hes anxious to see Teds reaction to the gift. 8 Man: Do you think Mary would translate this paragraph for me? Woman: I havent seen her today. Q

11、uestion: What does the woman imply about Mary? ( A) Her translations are good. ( B) She isnt around today. ( C) She cant see very well. ( D) It would take her two days to do it. 9 Man: By the way, Jane, did you talk to the consultant about our health program? Woman: I contacted his office, but his s

12、ecretary said he would be out for lunch until two. Question: What does the woman mean? ( A) She talked with the consultant about the new program until two. ( B) She couldnt talk to the consultant before two. ( C) She would talk to the consultant during lunch. ( D) She couldnt contact the consultants

13、 secretary. 10 Man: I dont know whether to ask Joe or Cora to draw the posters. Woman: What difference does it make? They are both excellent artists. Question: What does the woman imply about Joe and Cora? ( A) They are equally competent for the job. ( B) They both graduated from art schools. ( C) T

14、hey majored in different areas of art. ( D) They are both willing to draw the posters. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best compl

15、etes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 There are cases_new factories are being put up and beautiful old trees are going to be cut down for a new factory. ( A) which ( B) where ( C) that ( D) when 12 I like to have you becoming well grounded

16、in the literature and philosophy of other centuries and of other countries_our own. ( A) except for ( B) but ( C) than ( D) beyond 13 Viewed from the hilltop, a few neglected farmhouses lay scattered in the valley. If we wanted to find shelter for the night, that was the only place for miles_. ( A)

17、away ( B) apart ( C) around ( D) ahead 14 Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe_it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced. ( A) so that ( B) but that ( C) in that ( D) provided that 15 Apart from personal preferences, social context also affects both di

18、rectly and indirectly the media and the media content to which you become exposed. For example, other members of the family often select media content that you_, and you become exposed to it. ( A) would not have selected ( B) should not have selected ( C) must not select ( D) cannot have selected 16

19、 There is one part of womens magazines that every man reads. It is the section popularly known as the “agony columns“, _women, and increasingly men, write for advice on their emotional problems. ( A) which ( B) where ( C) as ( D) while 17 _, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed

20、 more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor. ( A) Other things being equal ( B) To be equal in other things ( C) Were other things equal ( D) Other things to be equal 18 The pressure_causes Americans to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain. ( A) to com

21、pete ( B) competing ( C) to be competed ( D) having competed 19 As long as we are alive, we are learning and, in fact, some of our most important learning takes place outside of school_in school. ( A) better than ( B) rather than ( C) other than ( D) more than 20 Born ten days earlier, the boy_his l

22、ate father. ( A) could have seen ( B) must have seen ( C) may have seen ( D) should have been 21 However weak your memory may be, you can make up for it by_what you want to remember, and repeating it over and over again. ( A) gaining access to ( B) attending closely to ( C) taking advantage of ( D)

23、getting the better of 22 Granted that many animals seem to be highly sensitive to various signals _ earthquakes, the basic question remains of how this behavior can be put to use in earthquake prediction. ( A) associated with ( B) connected with ( C) as regards ( D) in case of 23 Too often teachers_

24、with parents are devoted to petty accounts of childrens misbehaviors, complaints about laziness and poor work habits and suggestion for penalties and rewards at home. ( A) acquaintance ( B) association ( C) conferences ( D) collaboration 24 The fundamental reason why people in general do not speak f

25、oreign languages very much better than they do is that they fail to grasp the true nature of the problem of learning to pronounce, and consequently never_tackling it in the right way, ( A) turn to ( B) insist on ( C) set about ( D) work at 25 Although salt is now seen as harmful to health, it has be

26、en used for centuries as method of _foods. ( A) maintaining ( B) preserving ( C) manufacturing ( D) reserving 26 My father was always very strict about how I talked to mother, but he was more_if I yelled at my brother. ( A) tolerable ( B) understandable ( C) harsh ( D) favorable 27 She brought back

27、the faulty microwave oven to_the claim of the adviser. ( A) contradict ( B) reverse ( C) refute ( D) rectify 28 Prices of food and clothing and almost everything else in the country have steadily gone up. As a result, the buying_of the dollar has gone down. ( A) capacity ( B) competency ( C) power (

28、 D) value 29 Her greatness is_her broad general education as well as her profound medical knowledge and insight. ( A) acknowledged by ( B) evolved from ( C) resulted from ( D) attributed to 30 In the_of the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose up to $ 30 million. ( A) event ( B)

29、face ( C) time ( D) course 二、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your a

30、nswer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 30 Who to believe? Nokia or Ericsson? IBM or Sun Microsystems? Microsoft or Siebel? Rarely have the fortunes of technology companies appeared to differ so widely. Nokia, the worlds largest maker of mobile phones, this week reported bet

31、ter-than-expected sales for the latest quarter, holding out the prospect that its market share would soon reach new highs. By contrast, Ericsson, a rival, was full of gloom. Reporting bigger losses than expected, the company said that sales of its mobile phones were likely to tumble by 20% this year

32、. Motorola, another maker of mobile phones, is in a similar boat. On October 15th, the company reported a return to profit in its most recent period after a run of losses, but lowered its forecasts for the rest of the year and for 2003. Demand in wireless, broadband and semiconductors continued to s

33、low, said the company. Unimpressed, investors marked down Motorolas shares to a ten-year low. The pattern of haves and have-nots is repeated in software too. While Microsoft was in chipper mood this week revelling in a 26% increase in sales and a doubling of its profits after tax for the quarter to

34、the end of September Siebel Systems and PeopleSoft, two of Americas leading suppliers of business software, were down in the dumps. While PeopleSoft managed a modest profit, Siebel reported a loss for the last quarter and said it expected the present quarter to be equally tough. Despite (or because

35、of) their contrasting fortunes, Microsoft and Siebel announced a joint marketing deal on October 21st: Microsoft is to sell Siebels customer-manage-merit software through . NET, its web-services product. Why are some companies doing better than others? One reason is that, now more than ever, those t

36、hat are competitive seem to be punishing those that are not. Nokia has stretched its lead over Ericsson which, in addition to lower sales of mobile phones, has suffered from the severe fall in demand for telecoms infrastructure, its biggest business. There was, however, some good news for Ericssons

37、shares on October 18th, when the company said that the infrastructure unit came close to breaking even in the most recent quarter. Cost-cutting has also helped SAP, Europes largest developer of business software, has reduced its expenses by 8%. As a result, its margins have improved a lot compared w

38、ith those of its competitors. Microsoft has employed different tactics. It has capitalized on customers fears that the cost of upgrading their software, such as the companys Windows XP operating system, could climb. Many have rushed to buy now in case prices rise. In tune with the times, Microsoft i

39、s also keen to demonstrate how its products can save its customers money. Understandably, this is winning its sales. 31 By saying “Motorola is in a similar boat“, the author means_. ( A) Motorola is another maker of mobile phones ( B) Motorola is in a similar situation with that of Ericsson ( C) Mot

40、orola is faced with similar rivals with those of Ericsson ( D) Motorola is a partner of Ericsson 32 The pattern of haves and have-nots in software industry refers to the fact that_. ( A) Microsoft is prospering while Siebel and Peoplesoft are still losing ground ( B) Microsoft dominates the market w

41、hile Siebel and Peoplesoft are cast out of the market ( C) Microsoft has software for various purposes while Siebel and Peoplesoft have only business software ( D) Microsoft strikes a marketing deal with Siebel and refused to cooperate with Peoplesoft 33 One factor that contributes to some companies

42、 greater profits is their_. ( A) newer products ( B) higher share prices ( C) lower product prices ( D) lower costs 34 The phrase “capitalize on“ (Line 3, Para. 5) most probably means_. ( A) supply funds to ( B) give birth to ( C) take advantage of ( D) put up with 35 What is the best title for the

43、passage? ( A) Technology Giants in Trouble. ( B) World IT Market. ( C) A New Gulf in IT Industry. ( D) Technology Companies. 35 There have been several claims to have cloned humans over the past few years. Most have been bogus. But the announcement made this week by Woo Sur Hwang, of Seoul National

44、University in South Korea, and his colleagues, is serious. It is the first to achieve the accolade of publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Dr. Hwangs work appears in Science. The terminology of human development has become slippery over the past few years, in the hands of both “life-be

45、gins-at-conception“ propagandists who want to stop this sort of research, and publicity-seeking scientists who have claimed more than they have really achieved. What Dr. Hwang and his team have created is not what developmental biologists would normally refer to as an embryo. But it is a genuine sci

46、entific advance. South Koreas researchers have taken egg cells from volunteer women, removed the nuclei from those cells (which contain only half of the genetic complement required to make a human being, since the other half is provided by the sperm), and replaced each nucleus with one taken from on

47、e of the volunteers body cells (which contains a full genetic complement). Given a suitable chemical kick-start, such re-nucleated cells will begin dividing as though they were eggs that had been fertilised in the more traditional manner. Since they have all of the mothers genes, they count as clone

48、s. Then the team cultured the dividing eggs until they had formed structures called blastocysts, with a few dozen cells each. This is the significant advance. At this stage the structure, though still just a featureless ball of cells, has started to differentiate into the bodys three basic cell type

49、s (known as endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm). The researchers were able to extract cells from some of their blastocysts, and grow tissues containing all three cell types. These are so-called stem cells, which can be directed to form a wide variety of the specialised cells from which organs are built. That, not the creation of new human beings, is the stated reason for this sort of research, since sp


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