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1、在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷 82及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANS

2、WER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 Speaker A: I think Im coming down with something. Speaker B: _ ( A) You shouldnt tell me, you should tell the doctor. ( B) Maybe youd better see a doctor. ( C) When did you come down with a cold? ( D) Dont worry. Everything will be all right. 2 Spea

3、ker A: Thank you for everything youve done for me during my stay here. Speaker B: _ ( A) Oh, this is what I should do. ( B) You are welcome. ( C) Dont say that. Actually I have done little for you. ( D) Im sorry for not having looked after you well. 3 Speaker A: Hello! Professor Freemans secretary.

4、Can I help you? Speaker B: _ ( A) Hello! Can you find Professor Freeman for me? ( B) Yes. I hope you can help me. My name is John Smith. ( C) Good afternoon. Id like to make an appointment to see the professor on Thursday, please ( D) Thank you. Professor Freeman knows me well. 4 Speaker A: Excuse m

5、e, do you need a hand? Speaker B; _ ( A) Oh, yes, please. I havent used one like this before. ( B) No, thank you. I dont need another hand. ( C) Sorry, do you know how to do this exercise? ( D) Of course. I need a hand. 5 Speaker A: Its good to see the sun again. Speaker B: _ ( A) Havent you seen th

6、e sun for a long time? ( B) But I sometimes think the moon is very beautiful, especially in Mid-Autumn Festival. ( C) I dont thinks so. Its so hot under the sun. ( D) A big improvement on what weve been having. Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conve

7、rsations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Man: I was expec

8、ting another hot, muggy day. Woman: But the wind has cooled things off, hasnt it? Question: What does the woman mean? ( A) Its uncomfortable because of the wind. ( B) It isnt as hot as the man thought. ( C) The man expected it to be windy. ( D) The wind hasnt made it any cooler. 7 Woman: I cant wait

9、 to see the look on Teds face when he opens up our gift. Man: Neither can I. Question: What does the man mean? ( A) He already knows what Ted will say. ( B) He doesnt have time to look at the gift. ( C) He cant imagine what his friends got for him. ( D) Hes anxious to see Teds reaction to the gift.

10、8 Man: Do you think Mary would translate this paragraph for me? Woman: I havent seen her today. Question: What does the woman imply about Mary? ( A) Her translations are good. ( B) She isnt around today. ( C) She cant see very well. ( D) It would take her two days to do it. 9 Man: By the way, Jane,

11、did you talk to the consultant about our health program? Woman: I contacted his office, but his secretary said he would be out for lunch until two. Question: What does the woman mean? ( A) She talked with the consultant about the new program until two. ( B) She couldnt talk to the consultant before

12、two. ( C) She would talk to the consultant during lunch. ( D) She couldnt contact the consultants secretary. 10 Man: I dont know whether to ask Joe or Cora to draw the posters. Woman: What difference does it make? They are both excellent artists. Question: What does the woman imply about Joe and Cor

13、a? ( A) They are equally competent for the job. ( B) They both graduated from art schools. ( C) They majored in different areas of art. ( D) They are both willing to draw the posters. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this se

14、ction. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 Stamp collection has long been recognized as having an educational value. There is every reason to encour

15、age young people to take an interest in them, thereby_to their knowledge of geography and history. ( A) to add ( B) adding ( C) added ( D) adds 12 _all the possible disasters mentioned, the one promoting most discussions was a major release of radioactivity from a nuclear power station. ( A) Among (

16、 B) Of ( C) For ( D) About 13 Having spent two days on one subject and_two days on the other subject, I am now ready for the exam. ( A) other ( B) next ( C) those ( D) another 14 I wish that he hadnt had such a bad cold because I am sure that he_the performance. ( A) would enjoy ( B) must have enjoy

17、ed ( C) would have enjoyed ( D) will enjoy 15 The environmental group hopes_the forest to its original condition by the end of the decade. ( A) having restored ( B) to have restored ( C) to be restored ( D) to have been restored 16 Ships traveling in the North Atlantic during the winter must be cons

18、tantly watchful to avoid icebergs, large masses of ice_only one-ninth is visible above water. ( A) so that ( B) in that ( C) which ( D) of which 17 The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason_ they have been around a bit longer. ( A) why ( B) that ( C) since ( D) after 18 _that m

19、any animals seem to be highly sensitive to various signals associated with earthquakes, the basic question remains of how this behavior can be put to use in earthquake prediction. ( A) Granted ( B) Provided ( C) Considering ( D) Assuming 19 Her answer is not acceptable, and_. ( A) neither am I ( B)

20、either is mine ( C) neither is mine ( D) mine is either 20 It shows how economic and social and, above all, political changes have played their part, so that, correctly_, the postage stamp in which millions of people, young and old, find pleasure, knowledge and even profit, has always been a faithfu

21、l mirror of the times. ( A) interpreting ( B) interpreted ( C) to be interpreted ( D) being interpreted 21 The_temperature of a human body, no matter in what part of the world he lives, is about 8C ( A) common ( B) average ( C) regular ( D) normal 22 The Food and Drug Administration classifies as a

22、cosmetic any product whose_purpose is to improve a persons appearance. ( A) singular ( B) sincere ( C) single ( D) significant 23 Although he really did not want to open the mysterious drawer again, his curiosity_ him to take one last look. ( A) compelled ( B) attracted ( C) aroused ( D) stimulated

23、24 Poor as he was, he was_making profits at the expense of others. ( A) above ( B) off ( C) out of ( D) beyond 25 He is the kind of person who stops at nothing in order to_his own purpose. ( A) promote ( B) obtain ( C) reach ( D) achieve 26 _where the foreign-born Americans make peace with their new

24、 culture, they will likely watch their children turn into Americans. ( A) In place of ( B) In memory of ( C) Regardless of ( D) In honor of 27 The_talks between China and the United States were the base of the later agreement. ( A) original ( B) primary ( C) initial ( D) primitive 28 Possessing a ca

25、r gives a much greater degree of_, enabling the driver to move around freely. ( A) traveling ( B) movement ( C) mobility ( D) freedom 29 Children going to school must have a chance to_excess physical energy; children even more than adults require and enjoy physical exercise and games of all kinds. (

26、 A) work off ( B) let off ( C) play off ( D) put off 30 Tests have proved that caffeine affects the body by increasing the heart rate and rhythm, which_affects the circulatory system. ( A) in the long run ( B) in turn ( C) in return ( D) as a result 二、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40

27、points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 30 People in

28、 the mass advertising business and others who study American society have been very interested in the question: What does the American consumer like? Max Lerner, a well-known scholar who has studied American society, has said that American consumers are particularly fond of three things: comfort, cl

29、eanliness, and novelty. Lerner believes that the American love of comfort perhaps goes back to the frontier experience , where life was tough and there were very few comforts. This experience may have created a strong desire in the pioneers and their children for goods that would make life more comf

30、ortable. Today, the Americans love of comfort is seen in the way they furnish their homes, design their cars, and travel. How Americans choose a new mattress for their bed is an example of the Americans love of comfort. Many Americans will go to a store where beds are set up, and they will lie down

31、on several mattresses to see which one is the most comfortable. Cleanliness is also highly valued by Americans. There is a strong emphasis on keeping all parts of the body clean, and Americans see lots of TV commercials for soap, shampoo, deodorants, and mouthwash. Perhaps the Puritan (清教徒的 ) herita

32、ge has played some role in the desire for cleanliness. The Puritans, a strict Protestant (新教的 ) church group who were among the first settlers of America, stressed the need to cleanse the body of dirt and of all evil tendencies, such as sexual desire. The saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness“ re

33、flects the belief of most Americans that it is important to keep not only their bodies, but also their clothes, their houses, their cars, and even their pets clean and smelling good. Indeed, many Americans are offended by anyone who does not follow their accepted standards of cleanliness. Along with

34、 cleanliness and comfort, Americans love having things that are new and different. Perhaps this love of novelty comes from their pride in their inventiveness. American have always been interested in inventing new products and improving old ones. They like to see changes in cars, clothing, and produc

35、ts for the home. Advertisements encourage people to get rid of old products and try new ones, whether the old ones still work or not. And if they cannot afford to buy something now, advertisers encourage consumers to charge it on a credit card. “Buy now pay later. “ 31 The American love of comfort o

36、riginated from_. ( A) the Americans great pride in their abundant natural resources ( B) the early settlers belief in hard work ( C) the pioneers strong desire to make life more comfortable ( D) the pioneers ignorance of frugality and conservation 32 When buying a chair, most Americans would be more

37、 concerned about_. ( A) its beauty ( B) its price ( C) its quality ( D) its comfort 33 Which of the following statements is true? ( A) Most Americans dont care deodorants because they like the natural odor of the body. ( B) The Puritans thought there was something evil about sexual desire. ( C) Amer

38、icans dont mind if others dont follow their standards of cleanliness. ( D) Most Americans pay much attention to keeping their body clean, but often ignore their houses, cars and pets. 34 According to the passage, Americans take pride in their_. ( A) standards of cleanliness ( B) inventiveness ( C) o

39、ld products ( D) comfortable life 35 Which of the following words is NOT appropriate to describe Americans, according to the passage? ( A) Tidy. ( B) Inventive. ( C) Conservative. ( D) Clean. 35 Britains emissions of greenhouse gases, blamed by many scientists for contributing to global warming, hav

40、e fallen by 14 percent since 1990, according to the latest government report. British lakes and rivers are also on the road to recovery from acid rain poisoning, following successful curbs to air pollution from cars and heavy industry. The report by the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI

41、) attributed the drop in greenhouse gas emissions to several factors including: the introduction of catalytic converters on cars, a move toward low sulphur and lead-free petrol and a switch to gas from coal and oil in power generation. Environment Minister Michael Meacher said the downward trend was

42、 welcome, but warned of complacency. “Even though these figures are encouraging, we must not be complacent There are still significant problems where we need to do more, for example, to further reduce greenhouse gases and harmful pollutants (污染物 ) such as ammonia and particulate matter,“ he said in

43、a statement. The government has a target to cut greenhouse gases by 23 percent by 2010 on 1990 levels. This is almost double the target of 12. 5 percent to which the UK is committed under the Kyoto Protocol and there are signs that emissions are rising as generators return to using coal-fired power

44、stations in the face of rising natural gas prices. The Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) said substantial curbs on sulphur dioxide emissions across the UK and Europe had cut acid rain by half over the last 12 years. “Damaged freshwater lakes and streams are showing signs of re

45、covery,“ it said. But DEFRA warned of a new threat: “Nitrogen oxides and ammonia are the main air pollutants that must be tackled to stop future damage. “ The bulk of Britains ammonia emissions come from farm animal manure (粪肥 ), causing over-enrichment of land and waterways, said the report. Certai

46、n species rampage unchecked through this ultra-fertile environment, smothering the slower growing plants beneath them and choking streams and rivers. Nitrogen oxides enter the atmosphere from car exhausts and industry, creating health-damaging ozone and contributing to acid rain. 36 According to the

47、 passage, Britain has achieved success in all of the following EXCEPT ( A) reducing emissions of greenhouse gases ( B) recovering lakes and rivers from pollution ( C) preventing acid rain from falling ( D) curbing air pollution from cars and heavy industry 37 Which of the following has Britain NOT d

48、one to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases? ( A) Introduced catalytic converters on cars. ( B) Encouraged use of low sulphur and lead-free petrol. ( C) Replaced coal and oil with gas in power generation. ( D) Closed down some heavy industry factories. 38 The word “complacent“ (Para. 5) can be bes

49、t replaced by_. ( A) disappointed ( B) discouraged ( C) satisfied ( D) excited 39 What is UKs committed target under the Kyoto Protocol to cut greenhouse gases by 2010? ( A) To cut by 23% on 1990 levels. ( B) To cut by 25% on 1990 levels. ( C) To cut by 12. 5% on 1990 levels. ( D) To cut by 50% on 1990 levels. 40 The bulk of ammonia emissions coming from farm animal manure may_. ( A) make land a


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