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1、在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷 85及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANS

2、WER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 Speaker A: I think cartoons on TV are not good for kids to watch. Theres too much violence in them. Speaker B:_ ( A) Yes, cartoons on TV can stimulate childrens imagination. ( B) I wonder why children like to imitate the violent actions in the carto

3、ons. ( C) Oh, but I dont think anyone really takes them seriously, do you? Theyre just for fun. ( D) Well, which cartoon do you think involve the most violence? 2 Speaker A: Its good to see the sun again. Speaker B: _ ( A) Havent you seen the sun for a long time? ( B) But I sometimes think the moon

4、is very beautiful, especially in Mid-Autumn Festival. ( C) I dont thinks so. Its so hot under the sun. ( D) A big improvement on what weve been having. 3 A: Shall I bring you your coffee now or would you rather have it with your lunch, Sir? B: _ ( A) Thank you. But I have no idea about it. ( B) Oh,

5、did I order coffee? ( C) Id like it now, please. ( D) Uh, its up to you. 4 Speaker A: Could you pass me the jobs page? Speaker B: _ ( A) Whats the matter with you? ( B) Why should I? ( C) You dont have to ask. ( D) Sure, here you are. 5 Speaker A: Youll never guess what was going on in our school la

6、st week. Speaker B: _. ( A) Go on, surprise me ( B) Yes, that must be lovely ( C) Yes, I can ( D) You are telling me Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question follow

7、ed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Man:After high school, Id like to go to college and major in business administration. I really like power and

8、enjoy telling people what to do. Woman:Youre very ambitious. But Id rather spend my college days finding out what children are interested in. Childs psychology is for me. Question: What do we learn from the conversation? ( A) The man will go in for business right after high school. ( B) The woman is

9、 not happy with the mans decision. ( C) The man wants to be a business manager. ( D) The woman is working in a kindergarten. 7 Woman: Do you mind closing the door? Our next door neighbors are making so much noise. Man: Do I mind? Id be happy to. Question: What does the man mean? ( A) Hes not bothere

10、d by the noise. ( B) Hes happy to close the door as the woman asks him to do. ( C) He prefers to leave the door open. ( D) Hes happy to talk to their neighbors. 8 Man: I had a hard time getting through this novel. Woman: I share your feeling. Who can remember the names of 35 different characters? Qu

11、estion: What does the woman imply? ( A) She has learned a lot from the novel. ( B) She also found the plot difficult to follow. ( C) She usually has difficulty remembering names. ( D) She can recall the names of most characters in the novel. 9 Man: I really cant afford any more interruptions right n

12、ow. Ive got to finish the assignment. Woman: Sorry. Just one more thing, could you give me a ride to school tomorrow? Question: What can be inferred from the conversation? ( A) The man will drive the woman to school. ( B) The man has finished his assignment. ( C) The man is willing to help the woman

13、. ( D) The man is losing patience with the woman. 10 Woman: Did you really work all of these problems without any help from the book? Man: Well, most of them anyway. Question: What does the man imply? ( A) Most of the problems were in the book. ( B) He did need help on a few problems. ( C) Theres mo

14、re than one way to do the problem. ( D) There were really too many problems to do. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes

15、 the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 After the vote was taken, we saw that he was among the few_, strangely enough, _to do away with the council. ( A) who, wants ( B) that, wants ( C) who, want ( D) that, want 12 _ is mentioned in some of his

16、stories, the author was brought up in a small village. ( A) It ( B) What ( C) That ( D) As 13 We must keep up with the development of the worlds leading enterprises _we can keep pace with the changing of the international situations. ( A) before ( B) unless ( C) once ( D) until 14 _scientists have o

17、bserved increased pollution in the water supply. ( A) Late ( B) Later ( C) Latter ( D) Lately 15 With prices_ so much, its hard for the company to plan a budget. ( A) fluctuating ( B) waving ( C) swinging ( D) vibrating 16 The patient has been_of the safety of the operation. ( A) assured ( B) guaran

18、teed ( C) entrusted ( D) confirmed 17 It is true that there are still abundant reserves of metals which have not yet been_, but it is necessary to take steps to ensure that alternative materials are substituted whenever possible. ( A) utilized ( B) mobilized ( C) acquired ( D) cultivated 18 In my op

19、inion, you can widen the_of these improvements through your active participation. ( A) measure ( B) volume ( C) range ( D) scope 19 Poverty is not prevalent in most cities although, perhaps because of the crowded conditions in certain areas, it is more_there. ( A) rare ( B) temporary ( C) visible (

20、D) intense 20 He was surprised to find his room thoroughly cleaned and everything arranged ( A) at its place ( B) up to date ( C) in good order ( D) to the full 21 It is not within the scope of this article to present test procedures in detail, but rather_ a brief outline of each and the significanc

21、e of the results. ( A) giving ( B) to give ( C) given ( D) gives 22 The dairy industry has taken great pains to increase the number of products from which the butterfat has been _. ( A) revived ( B) removed ( C) excluded ( D) isolated 23 Many of the_professor Li gave us were difficult to deal with.

22、( A) assignments ( B) assessments ( C) resignations ( D) accesses 24 _ the distance was too long and the time was short, we decided not to drive to Florida. ( A) Discovering ( B) To discover ( C) To have discovered ( D) Discovered 25 Even though I have been to her apartment several times before, I s

23、till dont remember_. ( A) which building it is in ( B) which the building is in ( C) which is it in ( D) which building is it in 26 The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds_ his argument in favour of the new theory. ( A) which to base on ( B) on which to base ( C) to base on which ( D) which

24、 to be based on 27 _, a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor. ( A) Other things being equal ( B) To be equal in other things ( C) Were other things equal ( D) Other things to be equal 28 Beer is the most popular drink amon

25、g male drinkers, whose overall consumption is_ higher than that of women. ( A) virtually ( B) significantly ( C) inevitably ( D) proportionally 29 It was during the morning rush hour_the bomb exploded. ( A) that ( B) when ( C) while ( D) before 30 Some of them were well behaved, _were insulting. ( A

26、) and they ( B) but they ( C) while others ( D) as others 二、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choo

27、se the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 30 After months of fear, loathing, and litigation, the music and consumer-electronics industry decided to try to make beautiful music together. Last week the Secure Digital Music Initiative, a coalition o

28、f 100 music, electronics and high-tech companies announced that it was provisionally blessing a controversial music format known as MP3. Nowadays, more and more young people are fond of music that is played on their portable MP3 players. So this announcement attracted a lot of attention in both the

29、producer and consumer sides. MP3, in case youve lost your abbreviations handbook, is a compression scheme that allows the digital music in CDs to be shrank to a tenth its size and still sound great. MP3 songs are small enough to be traded online, mad they are by the millions to the consternation of

30、record companies, which fear that everything ever released on disc will end up online for free. Traditional records and their sale may be greatly undermined by this new format of music, and for the musics sake, it is better conveyed in this new medium. Thats why the recording industry sued little Di

31、amond Multimedia when it started selling a portable MP3 player last year. Not only did Diamond win in court, but it also sold 100,000 Rios for Christmas, what could the music industry do? They have no choice in their future, their success just depends on how they can cope with the new trend and coop

32、erate with the electronics companies. It couldnt ignore MP3, which has become the format of choice among new bands trying to break in and vets looking for prerelease buzz. So the industry blessed it on one condition: within 18 months, when a standard is adopted that allows piracy-protected music to

33、be sold online, the electronics companies agree to make their players compliant. This can be done as the beneficiaries are already applauding for the new magic MP3 players, which is both convenient and capable of carrying on much more music than conventional walkmans. Whats next? Digitally pirated m

34、ovies. Get ready, Hollywood. 31 The most appropriate title for the passage is_. ( A) I Want My MP3 ( B) Music and Electronics ( C) Piracy along the Way ( D) Movie is the Next 32 According to the passage, what is NOT an advantage of the MP3 format? ( A) The size of music can be shortened to one tenth

35、 of its original size. ( B) The fans can enjoy the music before the formal release of the music. ( C) The new musicians can enter the industry more easily. ( D) The struggle against piracy will be proved difficult. 33 According to the last paragraph, what will happen to Hollywood? ( A) The movies wi

36、ll not worry about the situation in the music field. ( B) The movies can be easily pirated with this new format. ( C) The songs in movies will be recorded in the MP3 format. ( D) The new technology has little to do with the movie industry. 34 In the second paragraph, the word “consternation“ (Line 3

37、) is closest in meaning to_. ( A) calmness ( B) peacefulness ( C) shock ( D) intention 35 According to the passage, the music and consumer-electronics industry decided to cooperate because_. ( A) the litigation between them cost them too much ( B) selling MP3 would produce huge profits ( C) MP3 is t

38、he unchangeable trend and they have to adapt to it ( D) All of the above 35 There have been several claims to have cloned humans over the past few years. Most have been bogus. But the announcement made this week by Woo Sur Hwang, of Seoul National University in South Korea, and his colleagues, is se

39、rious. It is the first to achieve the accolade of publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Dr. Hwangs work appears in Science. The terminology of human development has become slippery over the past few years, in the hands of both “life-begins-at-conception“ propagandists who want to stop t

40、his sort of research, and publicity-seeking scientists who have claimed more than they have really achieved. What Dr. Hwang and his team have created is not what developmental biologists would normally refer to as an embryo. But it is a genuine scientific advance. South Koreas researchers have taken

41、 egg cells from volunteer women, removed the nuclei from those cells (which contain only half of the genetic complement required to make a human being, since the other half is provided by the sperm), and replaced each nucleus with one taken from one of the volunteers body cells (which contains a ful

42、l genetic complement). Given a suitable chemical kick-start, such re-nucleated cells will begin dividing as though they were eggs that had been fertilised in the more traditional manner. Since they have all of the mothers genes, they count as clones. Then the team cultured the dividing eggs until th

43、ey had formed structures called blastocysts, with a few dozen cells each. This is the significant advance. At this stage the structure, though still just a featureless ball of cells, has started to differentiate into the bodys three basic cell types (known as endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm). The re

44、searchers were able to extract cells from some of their blastocysts, and grow tissues containing all three cell types. These are so-called stem cells, which can be directed to form a wide variety of the specialised cells from which organs are built. That, not the creation of new human beings, is the

45、 stated reason for this sort of research, since specialised cells made this way might be used to replace the cells lost in diseases such as Parkinsons and type-I diabetes. This process is known as therapeutic cloning. No doubt Dr Hwangs scientific success will sharpen the debate between those who se

46、e therapeutic cloning as a potential force for good, and those who see it as a step on the road to a cloned human being. The former have been queuing up to praise the scientists work. It is “a major medical milestone“ that could help spur a “revolution“, said Robert Lanza, a cloning expert. But oppo

47、nents of therapeutic cloning should not worry too much yet. The road from a blastocyst to a baby is a long and complex one. Nevertheless, the South Korean breakthrough makes it more urgent than ever that legislation be passed differentiating clearly between therapeutic and reproductive cloning permi

48、tting the former and prohibiting the latter. 36 What does the word “bogus“ (Line 2) most probably mean? ( A) Different. ( B) Fake. ( C) Bold. ( D) Genuine. 37 The South Korean teams breakthrough in cloning is that_. ( A) they have really created an embryo ( B) they have developed womens body cells i

49、nto blastocysts ( C) they have cultivated blastocysts with fixed features ( D) they have been able to grow tissues containing stem cells 38 The teams claimed objective of its cloning research is to_. ( A) develop fertilized eggs with all mothers genes ( B) form body structures with all three basic cell types ( C) obtain specialised cells from which organs are built ( D) create new human beings 3


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