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1、在职攻硕英语联考模拟试卷 87 及答案与解析 Section A Dialogue Completion Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the AN

2、SWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 Speaker A: Yes, can I help you? Speaker B: _ ( A) Thanks. Im very grateful for your help. ( B) Were just looking. Thanks. ( C) Yeah, can you help me with this experiment? ( D) Yes. Can you tell me how to get to the National Library? 2 Speaker A: Te

3、rry is strange. He always complains about things. Speaker B: _ ( A) I dont know Terry, so I dont know whether what you have said is true or not. ( B) So do I. He is hard to get along with. ( C) Yeah. Hes very difficult to please. He criticizes everything and everybody. ( D) I dont like talking with

4、strangers like Terry. 3 Doctor: Its the flu. Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. Patient: Do I have to stay in bed? I have piles of work to do at office. Doctor:_. ( A) Did you hear what I just said? ( B) You neednt go to the office. ( C) Its OK if you have to work overtime. ( D) Im afraid y

5、ou have to keep it off your mind for a week or so. 4 Speaker A: Id like to check in, please. Speaker B: _ ( A) Certainly. Do you have a reservation? ( B) Sorry, I dont see what you mean. ( C) Sure, I can help you with the checking. ( D) Thank you, we provide first class service here. 5 Speaker A: _

6、Speaker B: Im running a temperature, and feel sick ( A) What can I do for you? ( B) What seems to be the trouble? ( C) What are you doing these days? ( D) How long has this been going on? Section B Dialogue Comprehension Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man

7、and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 6 Woman: Can you tell me when I can leave

8、 here, doctor? I have some important business to attend to. Man: That depends on how your condition reacts to our treatment. You may leave as soon as the bleeding stops. I think that will take a couple of days. Question: What does the doctor mean? ( A) The patient must receive treatment regularly. (

9、 B) The patient cant leave the hospital until the bleeding stops. ( C) The patients husband can attend to the business in her place. ( D) The patient must take a good rest and forget about her business. 7 Woman: Hi, Michael. I can hardly recognize you. Why are you dressed up today? Are you going to

10、the theatre? Man: No. Actually, I just had an interview at a photo studio this morning. Question: What do we learn about Michael from this conversation? ( A) Hes going to visit a photo studio. ( B) Hes just had his picture taken. ( C) Hes on the way to the theatre. ( D) Hes just returned from a job

11、interview. 8 Man: I think I may need glasses, but Im not entirely sure. Woman: Ill be able to tell once youve looked at this vision chart. Question: Whats is the womans profession? ( A) A student. ( B) A doctor. ( C) An optometrist. ( D) A teacher. 9 Man: Do you want to turn on the air-conditioner o

12、r open the windows? Woman: I love fresh air if you dont mind. Question: What can be inferred from the womans answer? ( A) Shed like to have the windows open. ( B) She likes to have the air conditioner on. ( C) The air is heavily polluted. ( D) The windows are already open. 10 Woman: Hi, Michael. I c

13、an hardly recognize you. Why are you dressed up today? Are you going to the theatre? Man: No. Actually, I just had an interview at a photo studio this morning. Question: What do we learn about Michael from this conversation? ( A) Hes going to visit a photo studio. ( B) Hes just had his picture taken

14、. ( C) Hes on the way to the theatre. ( D) Hes just returned from a job interview. 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes

15、 the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11 The set of answers which everyone was given_carefully checked by the supervisor. ( A) was ( B) are ( C) is ( D) were 12 Investigations_ the origins of life on the earth have shown that, given earth-like con

16、ditions, the formation of life is almost inevitable. ( A) of ( B) into ( C) about ( D) for 13 As always, the downtown area was the busiest with people_in theatres, restaurants and department stores. ( A) crowded ( B) crowd ( C) being crowded ( D) crowding 14 There is frequently a great interval betw

17、een knowing how to solve a problem and_the resources to solve it. ( A) how to get ( B) to get ( C) get ( D) getting 15 The system was redesigned to embrace the network and eventually_it in a profitable direction. ( A) adapt ( B) control ( C) install ( D) steer 16 Before sitting for the entrance exam

18、ination for post graduate students, many candidates try to familiarize themselves with the formula of the exam by doing_tests. ( A) imitated ( B) simulated ( C) stimulated ( D) exemplary 17 _I phoned the police, then I made a list of what had been stolen, and then I made myself a cup of tea. ( A) At

19、 first ( B) First ( C) In the first place ( D) At the start 18 The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience_on benches, chairs or boxes. ( A) having seated ( B) seated ( C) seating ( D) having been seated 19 The salesmans _ annoyed the old lady, but finally she gave in. ( A) end

20、urance ( B) assistance ( C) persistence ( D) resistance 20 Stamp collection has long been recognized as having an educational value. There is every reason to encourage young people to take an interest in them, thereby _ to their knowledge of geography and history. ( A) to add ( B) adding ( C) added

21、( D) adds 21 Nowadays it is not uncommon for a big, strong schoolboy to elbow an elderly woman aside in the dash for the last remaining seat on the bus or tube,_stand up and offer his seat to her. ( A) much less ( B) not to mention ( C) not to say ( D) rather than 22 The _ temperature of a human bod

22、y, no matter in what part of the world he lives, is about 8 . ( A) common ( B) average ( C) regular ( D) normal 23 The Minister of Finance is believed of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue. ( A) that he is to think ( B) to think ( C) that he is thinking ( D) to be thinking 24 He wanted to rea

23、d more, so he asked his friend if there was_to read. ( A) something easy enough ( B) something enough easy ( C) enough easy something ( D) easy enough something 25 Many important officers were _ in that case. ( A) included ( B) involved ( C) contained ( D) revolved 26 I should be the_man to think hi

24、ghly of those who wake up to persons of influence. ( A) right ( B) very ( C) last ( D) same 27 The_of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media. ( A) inaccessibility ( B) isolation ( C) penetration ( D) negligence 2

25、8 We felt _ to death because we could make nothing of the lecturers speech. ( A) exposed ( B) tired ( C) exhausted ( D) bored 29 Retail sales volume in local urban and rural areas rose 57 8 and 46 8_lastyear ( A) individually ( B) respectively ( C) correspondingly ( D) accordingly 30 Far too many ow

26、ners of electric appliances have a hard time _ qualified repairmen to fix their machines. ( A) finding ( B) to find ( C) to finding ( D) having found 二、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questio

27、ns or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 30 Mankinds fascination with gold is as old as civilization itself. The ancient Egyptians es-teemed gold, which

28、had religious significance to them, and King Tutankhamun was buried in a solid-gold coffin 3 300 years ago. The wandering Israelites worshipped a golden calf, and the legendary King Midas asked that everything he touched be turned into gold. Not only is gold beautiful, but it is virtually indestruct

29、ible. It will not rust or corrode (受腐 蚀,侵蚀 ); gold coins and products fabricated from the metal have survived undamaged for centuries. Gold is extremely easy to work with; one ounce, which is about the size of a cube of sugar, can be beaten into a sheet nearly 100 square feet in size, and becomes so

30、 thin that light passes through it. An ounce of gold can also be stretched into a wire 50 miles long. Gold conducts electricity better than any other substance except copper and silver, and it is particularly important in the modern electronics industry. People have always longed to possess gold. Un

31、fortunately, this longing has also brought out the worst in the human character. The Spanish conquistadors (征服者 ) robbed palaces, temples, and graves, and killed thousands of Indians in their ruthless search for gold. Often the only rule in young California during the days of the gold rush was exerc

32、ised by the mob (暴民 , 乌合之众 ) with a rope. Even today, the economic running of South Africas gold mines depends largely on the employment of black laborers who are paid about 40 pounds a month, plus room and board, and who must work in conditions that can only be described as cruel. About 400 miners

33、are killed in mine accidents in South Africa each year, or one for every two tons of gold produced. Much of golds value lies in its scarcity. Only about 80 000 tons have been mined in the history of the world. All of it could be stored in a vault (地窖 , 底下贮藏室 ) 60 feet square, or a supertanker. Great

34、 Britain was the first country to adopt the gold standard, when the Master of the Mint, Sir Isaac Newton, established a fixed price for gold in 1717. But until the big discoveries of gold in the last half of the nineteenth century starting in California in 1848 and later in Australia and South Afric

35、a there simply wasnt enough gold around for all the trading nations to link their currencies to the precious metal. 31 The main idea of the first paragraph is that_. ( A) human beings began to love gold with the emergence of civilization ( B) the ancient Egyptians valued gold for its religious impor

36、tance ( C) King Midas was a person who could turn everything into gold ( D) King Tutankhamnn buried a solid-gold coffin 33 centuries ago 32 Gold is highly valued because of its_. ( A) beauty ( B) rarity ( C) size ( D) both A and B 33 Even at present, in South Africa_. ( A) the black laborers are kil

37、led for mining gold ( B) the black laborers have got rid of the control of white rulers ( C) the black laborers who mine gold are still exploited cruelly ( D) the life of the black laborers is highly improved 34 In young California during the days of the gold rush_. ( A) people usually used a rope a

38、s a weapon ( B) it was very common to hang people with a rope ( C) gold-mining areas were measured by miners with a rope ( D) laborers were often whipped with a rope as a punishment 35 Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage? ( A) As far as conductivity of electricity is co

39、ncerned, gold is placed third. ( B) People usually think highly of gold because of its scarcity. ( C) The author thinks that gold is the source of all evils. ( D) All the trading nations began to adopt the gold standard during 1850 and 1899. 35 One of Microsofts cool people is Patrick Blackburn. As

40、a test manager for the Product Group, Blackburns job may sound routine; however, he says its anything but that. “Most people think of software testing as a mundane task of punching the keyboard like a monkey, trying to break the program,“ Blackburn says. “Part of that is true, but we write software

41、programs called Monkeys to do that for us so that we dont have to hire real monkeys. Real monkeys are too difficult to manage and dont usually pass the personal hygiene criteria!“ In reality, Blackburn says, testing responsibilities are very technically challenging and often include complete develop

42、ment cycles of their own. He spends most of his time coming up with creative incentives to convince his team to believe in schedules for products that dont yet exist, hiring great people to build strong teams, and pounding on the products to find bugs before the customer sees them. According to Blac

43、kburn, the most critical thing you can do to succeed at Microsoft is to focus on what you believe is important. “Its easy to get overwhelmed with everything going on around you, so first and foremost you need to stay focused,“ he says. “What you focus on needs to be something you firmly believe in s

44、o that youll pursue it and defend your mission with a passion. “ He also thinks that one of the biggest differences between his co-workers at Microsoft and those at his former workplace is the sense of ownership and the impact on the business that everyone shares. “We hire people who tend to become

45、personally attached to the products and the success of the company, and the environment really perpetuates this,“ Blackburn says. “Its much easier to motivate a team at Microsoft than any other company Ive been in. “ One of the most difficult parts of Blackburns job is staying ahead of the people wh

46、o report to him. “Because there are so many smart people and technology is changing so quickly, it is a constant challenge to keep up,“ he says. “I hope thats because I hire such great people!“ To succeed, Blackburn uses time management tactics and allocates a specific amount of time to education. “

47、My personal goal is to spend at least 20 percent of my time learning new things through formal and informal methods. “ 36 Patrick Blackburn thinks software testing is_. ( A) a routine and mundane job ( B) technically challenging ( C) like a monkey punching keyboard ( D) partly done by monkeys 37 As

48、a test manager, Blackburns work involves_. ( A) managing real monkeys to do the testing ( B) designing test papers used to test prospective employees ( C) finding faults with the products before they go to market ( D) convincing his team of the interesting aspects of their job 38 According to Patric

49、k Blackburn, what it takes to succeed at Microsoft is_. ( A) focusing on something that you firmly believe in ( B) getting overwhelmed with everything going on around you ( C) coming up with creative incentives to convince other people ( D) cooperating with great people in a strong team 39 Why is it easier to motivate a team at Microsoft than any other company, according to Patric


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