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1、在职攻硕英语联考(作文)模拟试卷 4及答案与解析 一、 Part VI Writing (30 minutes, 15 points) 1 My Views On Piracy (1)目前世界各国盗版猖獗。 (2)盗版产品带来的危害。 (3)你的看法。 2 Competitions and Personal Development (1)生活中到处充满着竞争。 (2)竞争对于个人发展的重要性。 (3)你的看法。 3 Build Harmonious Society (1)国家提出建设和谐社会的发展思路。 (2)建设和谐社会对我国发展的重要性。 (3)如何建设和谐社会 ? 4 Shopping

2、on Installment Now more and more Chinese, especially the young, have begun to buy cars or houses on bank loan. Write a passage of at least 120 words to express your views on “Shopping on Installment“(论贷款消费 ). You may either agree or disagree. But whichever position you take, use specific reasons or

3、examples to support your position. 在职攻硕英语联考(作文)模拟试卷 4答案与解析 一、 Part VI Writing (30 minutes, 15 points) 1 【正确答案】 My Views On Piracy Piracy, or counterfeiting, has become a worldwide plague nowadays. The most commonly counterfeited products are software programs, CDs, CD-Roms, video cassettes, books, w

4、atches and designer clothes. Now, counterfeiting has developed into a multi-billion-dollar industry. Piracy leads to serious social problems. First, it infringes upon the intellectual property rights of the creators of a certain products. Without any investment in terms of both money and efforts, th

5、ose who want to make big profit simply need to reproduce the products. This will inevitably dampen the creativity and initiatives of the authors. Worst of all, pirates can market copied products at far lower prices than the originals, since they dont have to pay the cost of creating or advertising t

6、he product. As a result, the copyright industries, mainly the manufacturers of software and video games, publishing, record companies, the cinema, and television, lost billions of money. This may greatly endanger the healthy development of these industries and economy in general. In my opinion, coun

7、terfeiting has a lot to do with economic conditions of a country. If a country is much richer, people there wont choose cheap pirated products that are usually of poor quality. Also, legal consciousness should be strengthened among the public. When every citizen consciously boycotts the use of count

8、erfeited products, there will be no profits for this industry. And the piracy of cultural products will pass off. 【试题解析】 文章围绕提纲的要点,通过描 写盗版范围之广、利润之高来说明盗版猖獗的现象。文章第二段作为全文的主体段落,在语言表达上准确,内容安排上具体而充实。仔细分析第二段,不难发现作者在论述中不仅分析了盗版问题造成的实质性危害 侵犯了知识产权;使正版业蒙受损失 还进一步评论了这种现象可能会引起的更深层次上的负面效果 打击了作者的创作热情,影响了国民经济的健康发展。这样

9、的内容安排使文章具有一定的深度和广度,深化了全文的主题。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Competitions and Personal Development Nowadays, competition has almost become a natural part in every aspect of our life. On the sports ground, for example, sportsmen do their best to win the champion. In the business field, businessmen try every means

10、 to gain more profits; in schools, students exert all their efforts in a race against their classmates for good marks. Competition is cruel, but does play an important role in ones personal development. Firstly, competition stimulate us to work harder. As we know we may fail if we fall behind the ot

11、hers, we will devote more efforts to work, which will inevitably help to improve our abilities. Secondly, Competition can make us psychologically strong. Since only the fittest survive, well have to become strong to adapt to the cold competitions. Thirdly, competition strengthens the idea of equalit

12、y of opportunity, so that each person has chances to display his ability. In a word, its competition that helps to bring our ability into full play. In my opinion, competition is a double-edged sword. It can sharpen ones skills and capabilities on the one hand; on the other hand it can also weigh do

13、wn a person with unbearable pressure. So its important for an individual to view competition in a constructive way, so that we can use it dynamically rather than destructively for personal development. 【试题解析】 本文围绕着我们的生活中充满了竞争这一社会现象,重点论述了竞争对于个人发展的重要意义。文章表达清楚,语言准确、到位,文字连贯,句式用词富有变化。在内容上,作者通过具体事例来说明竞争已经

14、渗透到我们生活的方方面面。举例的方法使描写更加真实、生动。在论述的主体部分 (即evaluations),作者用列数的方法,层次清晰地分析了竞争对于个人发展的重要性具体体现在哪些方面。这使整个 段落结构紧凑,论述严密。在最后表明个人观点的部分 (即 further comments),作者不仅表明了自己对竞争的看法,还进一步倡导以正确的心态面对竞争,并以此总结全文。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Build Harmonious Society Building a harmonious society has become the priority for the Governmen

15、t of China. What are the characteristics of a harmonious society? First of all, a harmonious society should be relatively wealthy, and meanwhile has equality and justice to guarantee all the people benefit from and share in the economic growth and social development. Next, a harmonious society must

16、be stable, with rules and order. Third, a harmonious society means not only harmony between different interests, but also a harmony in values. It suggests that people live and work in peace and contentment, having good careers and in high spirits. Building the harmonious society is important for the

17、 sustainable development of China. Since the reform and opening policy was implemented, tremendous changes in both the economic system and social structure have taken place in China. However, as China is a huge country with the largest population in the world, the great achievements made in a short

18、period also brought a lot of problems such as growing income disparity, the urban and rural development imbalance, unemployment, an aging population and environmental pollution. It used to be assumed that all these problems would be solved automatically or reduced to insignificance by economic devel

19、opment and increased wealth. But economic achievements and the market economy are by no means a remedy for everything. Therefore, it is really necessary for China to seek a way to develop harmoniously. The government has to take systematic and concrete measures to achieve the goal of a harmonious so

20、ciety. The first action should be taken is to straighten out income distribution, and reduce the gap in income and benefits between urban and rural areas. The second one is to improve the social security system which covers not only the urban communities but also the rural ones. Only when the people

21、 feel safe and well treated could they enjoy the real happiness brought by the harmonious society. The third is to launch an education campaign on citizenship, raising peoples consciousness of citizen obligations and high ethical values. With all these efforts, I believe we can create a harmonious s

22、ociety, and a prosperous China. 【试题解析】 本文作者对提纲的处理非常成功。提纲中第一个要点 “国家提出建设和谐社会的发展思路 ”着眼点大而泛。而作者利用下定义的方法,不仅扣住提纲要点,而且为下文探讨建设和谐社会的重要性和策略做了准备。而作者在第三段中,围绕和谐社会的定义又针对性地提出建议,使文章在内容上浑然一体。加之语言的准确运用,使得整篇文章语言流畅、表达思想准确到位。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Shopping on Installment Agree(同意 ) Nowadays, more and more Chinese, especial

23、ly the young, have come to accept the notion of shopping on installment. They prefer to loan money from banks to buy a car or house immediately and then they pay back the loan as well as the interest month by month, and year by year. Personally, I applaud the change in peoples consumption habits. In

24、 todays China spending borrowed money on such luxuries as cars, houses, is no longer a shame. Its known to all that cars and houses are very expensive, and its almost impossible for most people to clear off the payment on non-installment. So its stupid to save for a house for twenty years, and a car

25、 for another twenty years. The day you can afford these things, you may have become too physically weak to enjoy the comfort and excitement of life. Its true that the bank loan may exert a financial as well as psychological burden, but with the borrowed money you can enjoy your life earlier. So why

26、not buy now, and pay later. Disagree(反对 ) Some people would like to put aside some money regularly or at most spend what they have earned, while others would like to loan from the bank, that is, to use tomorrows money. I am personally on the side of the former group of people. Its absolutely necessa

27、ry to save up for the future. As is known, some goods like cars, houses etc. are costly and you can hardly buy them with one months salary, or even with one years income. To buy such products, you will have to set aside adequate amount of money for ten years or more. Otherwise, how could you buy suc

28、h costly things? Moreover, most families have to pay handsome money for kids education, which accounts for a lions share of the family expenditure. Without enough savings, how could you afford the childs education? If you depend on the bank loan for everything, how will you be able to pay off all th

29、e debts? Thrift is a traditional Chinese virtue. We have to budget the money we earn, and live within the means. A person who doesnt save money and even overdraw at the bank will end up as a pitiful old man. At that time, you can never loan money from the bank because you are too old and no longer productive. 【试题解析】 第一篇赞成贷款购物的想法。文章短小精悍,篇幅不长,但是说理充分,令人信服。作者从越来越多的 人,特别是年轻人,逐渐接受了贷款消费的观念说起,间接地为贷款消费下了定义。文章以提早享受生活为支点,论述了贷款消费的好处。第二篇持反对的观点,提倡勤俭、积蓄的传统消费观念。文章举出充足的理由,论证了在我国储蓄的重要性。论述观点鲜明,层次清晰。特别是结尾段中意味深长的劝诫,更增强了短文的感染力。 【知识模块】 作文


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