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1、在职攻硕英语联考(语法与词汇)模拟试卷 27及答案与解析 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET wi

2、th a single line through the center. 1 The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that_the speakers stopped for refreshments. ( A) at large ( B) at intervals ( C) at ease ( D) at random 2 When traveling, you are advised to take travellers checks, which provide a secure_ to carrying your money in

3、 cash. ( A) substitute ( B) selection ( C) preference ( D) alternative 3 I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a_character. ( A) gracious ( B) suspicious ( C) unique ( D) particular 4 Changing from solid to liquid, water takes in heat from all substances near it, and this _prod

4、uces artificial cold surrounding it. ( A) absorption ( B) transition ( C) consumption ( D) interaction 5 I didnt say anything like that at all. You are purposely_my ideas to prove your point. ( A) revising ( B) contradicting ( C) distorting ( D) distracting 6 Language, culture, and personality may b

5、e considered_of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact. ( A) indistinctly ( B) separately ( C) irrelevantly ( D) independently 7 Watching me pulling the calf awkwardly to the barn, the Irish milk maid fought hard to _her laughter. ( A) hold back ( B) hold on ( C) hold out ( D) hold

6、up 8 The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her_ attitude toward customers. ( A) impartial ( B) mild ( C) hostile ( D) opposing 9 I_with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column. ( A) express ( B) confess ( C) verify ( D) acknowledge 10 It is strict

7、ly_that access to confidential documents is denied to all but a few. ( A) secured ( B) forbidden ( C) regulated ( D) determined 11 Scientific evidence from different_demonstrates that in most humans the left hemisphere of the brain controls language. ( A) scopes ( B) ranges ( C) disciplines ( D) arr

8、ays 12 All the credit card organizations charge interest on a monthly basis which may_at 25 per cent a year, yet judicious purchasing using a card can mean that you obtain up to seven weeks interest-free credit. ( A) come up ( B) account for ( C) add up ( D) work out 13 However important we may rega

9、rd school life to be, there is no denying the fact that children spend more time at home than in the classroom. Therefore, the great influence of parents cannot be ignored or_by the teacher. ( A) exaggerated ( B) discounted ( C) overestimated ( D) verified 14 Academic teaching hospitals which are us

10、ually_ to medical schoolsaccounted for about 10% of all hospitals. ( A) attached ( B) directed ( C) managed ( D) composed 15 When light illuminates an object, part of it is absorbed and part reflected; the_ lightness of an object depends on the proportion of light that is reflected. ( A) denoted ( B

11、) embodied ( C) insulated ( D) perceived 16 Advance in food preservation gave consumers in developed countries access to_all foods grown in distant lands. ( A) extensively ( B) virtually ( C) artificially ( D) continually 17 Many people think of deserts as_regions, but numerous species of plants and

12、 animals have adapted to life there. ( A) virgin ( B) barren ( C) void ( D) wretched 18 The cultures of China and Japan have shared many features but each has used them according to its national_. ( A) engagement ( B) destiny ( C) capacity ( D) character 19 In the Spring Export Commodities Fair the_

13、of fine china attracted much attention of customers from all over the world. ( A) succession ( B) array ( C) string ( D) cluster 20 The software is a popular tool in business, where it_ and simplifies such procedures as budgeting. ( A) puts on ( B) puts forward ( C) takes after ( D) speeds up 21 He

14、moved his glass violently as he spoke and some of the beer still remaining in it_ on to the floor. ( A) overflowed ( B) fell ( C) poured ( D) spilt 22 They destroyed his home and his future but one day, he declares, he will_them suitably for what they have done. ( A) revenge ( B) reward ( C) repay (

15、 D) harm 23 The yearly procession to the temple in honor of the local god was an important religious _in that district. ( A) custom ( B) feast ( C) habit ( D) activity 24 A feeling of tiredness almost_the soldier on duty and he had to struggle hard to keep awake. ( A) overcame ( B) defeated ( C) con

16、quered ( D) overtook 25 In writing his account of these important events, he will not_his experiences in the order in which they happened. ( A) classify ( B) compare ( C) compose ( D) arrange 26 His parents, very poor but_people who never broke the law, were shocked when he was arrested for robbing

17、a bank. ( A) serious ( B) obedient ( C) respectable ( D) responsible 27 Although the examination he passed was not important, his success_him in his ambition to become a doctor. ( A) persuaded ( B) urged ( C) convinced ( D) encouraged 28 The Committee has approved your qualifications and you will be

18、_to the retiring Head Clerks post. ( A) employed ( B) appointed ( C) admitted ( D) accepted 29 The following qualifications are essential for the post; an honors degree in English, _in shorthand and typewriting and some experience in journalism. ( A) proficiency ( B) expertise ( C) knowledge ( D) fa

19、miliarity 30 Business is improving but much more hard work and common sense will be_before any substantial profits can be realized. ( A) put up with ( B) called for ( C) taken up ( D) gone through 在职攻硕英语联考(语法与词汇)模拟试卷 27答案与解析 一、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points) Directions: The

20、re are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B. C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题考介词短语的意义及作用。 at intervals: happening regularly

21、after equal periods of time“不时,时时 ”, “每隔若干时间 ”,可 接 of,也可用来表示距离。如: Itsnowed at intervals this week这星期不时下雪。 The streetcars run at intervals of halfan hour市内有轨电车每隔半小时发一趟车。常用的固定短语还有: at regular intervals“每隔一定时间 ”, at short intervals“常常 ”。 at large“全体的,整个的,在逃的 ”,作为 “全体 ”讲时,常放在名词之后作定语;作“在逃的 ”解时,常用作表语。如: P

22、eople at large are against war广大人民是反对战争的。 As long as thosefellows are at large, one cannot feel secure只要那些家伙逍遥法外,任何人都不会感到安全有保障。 at ease“无拘无束,安逸 ”,常用于动词之后,不放在句首。 feel atease“感觉自在 ”; set ones mind at ease“使某人放心 ”; put sb at ease“使某人不拘束 ”; live(sit)at ease“悠闲地生活 (坐着 )”;feel(be)ill at ease“感到心神不安 ”。 at

23、random“胡乱地,随便地,漫无目的地 ”,作状语,一般不放在句首。如: His clothes were scattered about the room at random他的衣服胡乱地散放在室内各处。 guess at random“瞎猜 ”; read at random“无目的地浏览 ”; open a book at random“随便打开一本书 ”; shoot at random“乱开枪 ”。可见,无论从意义上还是从位置上看, at ease, at large, at random都不合适。题句意为:讨论拖得太长太耗人,发言的人不时停下来休息休息。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法

24、结构 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题考四个供选择名词的意义区别及近义词 selection和 alternative的用法。 alternative: choice between two things“选择 ”,表示二者选一,可接to,如: The alternativeto green is blue不是绿色,就是蓝色。 He was given the alternative of leaving or staying他只有去留之间的抉择。句中提到了 carrying your money in cash和 taketravellers checks两者,暗示在两者之间选择一种

25、携带钱的方式,另外句中已给 to,所以 D正确。 selection“挑选 ”,指经过认真慎重考虑后作出的选择,接 from或 of,如 Her selection of a hat took a long time “她挑选一顶帽子花了很长时间。 ”substitute“替换物 ”,因 alternative也有 “替换物 ”之意,所以 命题人设置了这个词作为选择项,但 substitute要求接介词 for,句中已给 to显然不合适。 preference“喜欢,偏爱 ”,也要求接 for,所以也不能用在此句中。题句意为:旅行时,最好使用旅行支票,它为携带现金提供了一种安全的变通办法。 【

26、知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 此题考所给形容词的不同意义。 suspicious“怀疑,不信任 ”。句中已明确给出 nevertrust,与 suspicious正好在意义上吻合,故选 B。 suspicious常接介词 of。 gracious: polite, kind, pleasant“客气的,亲切的,宽厚的 ”,用在句中明显不合适。 unique“独特的,独一无二的 ”。 particular“特殊的,个别的 ”,“独特 ”和 “个别 ”都不能构成不信任某人的理由,不合句意。题句意为:我从不信任他,因为我总是认为他可疑。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构

27、 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 absorption: taking in“吸收 ”。如: mental absorption“全神贯注,思想集中 ”, absorption of heat“吸收热量 ”, absorption of nourishment“吸收营养 ”, absorption ofwater by the earth“土地对水的吸收 ”, absorption in ones work“埋头工作 ”。句子谈到 “水吸收热量 ”,及 “这种吸收 ”产生的结果,所以 take in和 absorption是互释,相当于 and this taking in heat fr

28、om all substances near it produces ,故选 A。 transition“过渡 ”,空白处指 taking in heat,而不是指(water)changing from solid to liquid的 “过渡 ”,因此 B不对。 consumption“消耗,消费 ”; interaction“相互作用 ”。 “水吸收热量 ”不是 “热的 ”“消耗 ”,也不是 “水和热 ”的相互作用,所以均不合句意。题句意为:水从固态变为液态,吸收了附近所有物质的热量,这种吸收过程也在水的周围人工制冷。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 d

29、istort: give a false account of sth “曲解,歪曲 ”。如:Newspaper accounts of international affairs are sometimes distorted报纸 对国际事件的刊载有时是歪曲事实的。 You bave distorted my motives你曲解了我的动机。题句中谈到 I didnt say anythinglike that at all You are purposely distorting(giving a false account of)my ideas toprove your point可见

30、 distort符合句意。 revise“改变,改正 ”,指由于了解更多信息或进一步思考而改正 (自己 )原来的意思、看法、意图等。如: I can see Ill have to re-vise my ideas about Tom He is really quite clever after all我知道我必须改变对汤姆的看法,他的确是很聪明的。 contradict: say sth said is not true, deny“反驳,驳斥 ”,指用争论或说理的方式对一种论点或陈述表示反对。如: He flatly contradicted her assertion that he

31、was too lazy to mow the lawn他直截了当地反 驳了她说他太懒不能去修剪草地的论断。 (句中点明了她的论断,并对这一论断进行驳斥 )而题句中没有说明 “我的观点是什么 ”,更谈不上予以驳斥了,可见 contradict用在此句不合适。 distract的意思是 draw away ones attention“转移注意力 “,用法是 distract sb (sb s mind)from sth,在语义上一般不与 idea构成动宾关系。题句意为:我根本没说过那类事,你是有意歪曲我的想法以证明你的观点。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此

32、题考四个在意义上似乎相近但用法与搭配完全不同的副词。independently“独立地,不依赖地 ”,来自形容词 independent,反义词是dependently。如: This is an objective law independent of(existing independently of)human will这是不依人们意志为转移的客观规律。 indistinctly“(听,记,看 )不清楚,模糊地 ”。如: indistinct sound(memory)“模糊的声音 (记忆 )”。separately“分离地,分开地 ”。如: The childrensleep sepa

33、rately; each of them has its own bed孩子们各自睡在自己的床上。 irrelevantly“不相关地 ”。如: How many of us attending, say, a meeting that is irrelevant to us would be interested in the discussion?比如说,我们中有多少人参加一个与我们无关的会议时,会对其讨论感兴趣 ?其实,做这 道题,考生可以从各词的习惯搭配人手,即便不考虑或辨别不清各词之间的意义差别,也完全可以选出正确答案。 Indistinctlyseparately from, in

34、dependently of, irrelevantly to,即: Right choice of thewords can be made independently of their respective meaning or differences in meaning题句意为:虽然人们在思想上认为语言、文化和性格是相互独立的,但实际上它们 是不可分割的。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 此题考短语动词的习惯用法。 hold back意为 restrain“抑制,克制 ”,也作 keepback, refrain from,常接表示情感意义的词,有时也

35、用 hold in;作 “阻碍,阻止 ”讲时要用 hold back。 hold back ones laughter(tears,excitement, fear)“忍住不笑 (控制住眼泪,克制住激动的心情,抑制住恐惧 )”。Shortage of capital was a factor holdingback economic development缺乏资金是阻碍经济发展的一个因素。 hold on“坚持下去, (打电话时 )别挂 ”, hold on to sth “紧紧抓住 ”。 The custom held on for two generations这个风俗延续了两代。 He

36、was determined to hold on to the job whatever difficulties he might run into他下决心不管碰到什么困难,都要坚持做这 个工作。 hold out“伸出,提出 ”; “顶住,维持 ”。如: hold out the hand of friendship and cooperationto“ 向 伸出友谊与合作之手 ”; hold out promise“作出承诺 ”。How long can wehold out against the attack?我们对进攻能抵抗多久 ?The water wont hold out

37、muchlonger水维持不了多久了。 hold up“使停止耽搁,拦截 ”。如: Work on the buildingsite was held up by the bad weather建筑工地的作业因天气不好而停止 (耽搁 )。 Theautomobile was held up in broad daylight汽车在光天化日之下被拦截。题句意为:那个爱尔兰挤奶女工看着我费劲地把牛拉向牛棚的样子,强忍住不笑出声来。 不是已笑出声来而停止 (hold up),更不是坚持笑下去 (hold on, hold out)。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】

38、hostile: unfriendly“不友好的,怀有敌意的 ”,接介词 to: hostile to reform(war, any change)“反对改革 (战争,任何变革 )”, hostile attitude(remark)“不友好的态度 (话语 )”。 impartial“公正的,不偏袒的 ”。反义词是biased。显然句中经理的 accusing look和店员对顾客的 impartial attitude是矛盾的,所以 impartial用在此句不合逻辑。 mild“温和的,和善的 ”,如: mild weather(nature, answer, punishment)“温

39、和的天气 (和善的性格,温和的回答,轻微的惩罚 )”。反义词是 severe。 opposing“反对的,相反的,对立的 ”,如:opposing voter“投反对票的人 ”。四个选择项中,习惯上 mild, opposing不用来修饰 attitude。另外,句中已给 accusing“谴责的,责备的 ”一词,要填入的肯定是一个具有贬义概念的词,据此可排除 impartial和 mild。题句意为:一个女售货员对顾客态度不友好,经理对她投以责备的目光。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 9 【正 确答案】 D 【试题解析】 此题考 acknowledge一词的多种含义。 acknowledge

40、与 confess有相同的意义 “承认 ”; acknowledge含有 express“表达 ”的意思,但用于此句中acknowledge的意义为 express thanks for“ 感谢 ”。如: We must not fail to acknowledge his service to thetown我们必须感谢他对市政工作的贡献。注意:acknowledge作 “感谢 ”解时,表示 “感谢某人做过的事 ”;作 “承认 ”解 时,与confess相同之处为:可接名词、动名词、复合结构和 that从句作宾语;不同之处是: acknowledge只是及物动词,而 confess也可作不

41、及物动词用,接介词 to: He acknowledged(confessed)his fault他承认了错误。 He acknowledged(confessed)having done it He acknowledged(confessed)that hehad done it他承认做过此事。 He acknowledged(confessed)himself to be defeated他承认被打败了。 He confessed to his weakness他承认自己的弱点。 express“表达 ”,及物动词,在语义上不能与 help构成动宾结构。应该说 I express my

42、thanks for thehelp 。 verify: make sure that sth is true“证实,证明 ”。如: The police are verifyingthe prisoners statement by questioning the witnesses 警方通过询问证人来核实囚犯的供词。题句意为:我感谢我的同事在新专栏筹备工作中给予我的帮助。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此题考 regulate这一多义词。 regulate有 “调整,校对,使整齐 ”等义,但此处意为: control, cause to obey a

43、rule“管理,控制,规定 ”。如:regulate traffic(expenditure)“管理交通 (控制费用 )”。 secure“使有保证 ”,指安全得以保证。如: You cannotsecure yourself against all risks and dangers你不可能保证自己免受任何危险。 forbid“禁止 ”,用法是 forbid sb to do sth或 forbid doing sth。 determine“决定,决心,决意 (做 )某事 ”。此题是按考生从汉语角度理解句意而设置的选择项,如果考生不熟悉动词的确切含义及其习惯搭配,仅根据汉语译文来选择,那么,

44、似乎哪个都可以: “严格保证 (secure)只有少数人接触机密文件 ”, “决定 (determine)只有少数人可以接触机密文件 ”等。 然而从上面的解释我们可以看出, secure和 determine不是句中要表达的意义,而且这两个词也不能用 strictly来修饰。 forbid倒是可以用 strictly来修饰,但意义上是不合逻辑的,即:严格禁止只有少数人可以阅读机密文件。因此 B是错的。原句中 that从句是主语: That access tois strictly regulated 也就是说 That access to 是一个 strict regulation(严格的规章

45、 ),从这一角度理解,就不难选 regulated了。值得注意的是,考试大纲 中对 regulate的解释只有 “管理,控制 ”的意思,而无 “规定,使成为规章 ”这一说法,如果考生没有真正吃透这个词的含义,就很容易选错。题句意为:严格规定只有少数人可以接触机密文件。 (或:只有少数人可以接触机密文件,这一点要严格控制。 ) 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 discipline“纪律,学科 ”; scope“范围 ”; range“范围,领域 ”;array“一系列,排列 ”。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析 】 work

46、out“解决,算出,制定出 ”; come up“被提出 ”; account for“说明 (原因 )”; add up“合计 ”。句意为:所有发行信用卡的机构将按月收取利息,年利率可高达 25;然而只要你明智地使用信用卡购物,便能享受长达 7个星期的无息贷款。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 discounted“低估 ”; exaggerate“夸张 ”; overestimate“过分估计 ”;verify“证实 ”。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 be attached to“附属于 ”,其他选项都不对。 【知

47、识模块】 词汇和语法结构 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 perceived“察觉到的 ”; denoted“所指的 ”; embodied“体现出来的 ”; insulated“绝缘的 ”。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 virtually“事实上,实际上 ”; extensively“广泛地 ”; artificially“人造地,人为地 ”; continually“不断地 ”。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 barren“贫瘠的 ”; virgin“未经开发的 ”; void“无效的 ”;wretched

48、“可怜的 ”。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 national character“民族性格 ”; engagement“约会,约定 ”;destiny“命运 ”; capacity“能力,能量 ”。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 19 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 array“一系列,排列 ”; succession“连续 ”; string“弦,一串 ”;cluster“(一 )串 ”。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 20 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 speed up“加速 ”; put on“增加 (体重 )”; put forward“提出

49、”; take after“与 相像 ”。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 21 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 spill“溢出来 ”overflow“使溢出来 ”,后面常接容器或河岸一类的词,如 overflowthe glass, overflow the riverbank。题句意为:他说话时使劲动了一下杯子,结果里面剩下的啤酒溢了出来,洒了一地。 【知识模块】 词汇和语法结构 22 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 repay“回报 ”; revenge“报复,为 报仇 ”,用法是: revenge oneself on sth forsb; reward“报酬 ”; harm“对 有害 ”。题句意为:他们毁了他的家和他的前途。但是,他郑重地说,总有一天他要以其人之道还治其人之身。


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