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1、大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) A类(研究生)模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Neither of their watches keeps good time. ( B) The womans watch stopped 3 hours ago. ( C) The mans watch goes too fast. ( D) Its too dark for the woman to read her watch. ( A) He will tell Mary how to operate the dishwasher. ( B) He will wash the di

2、shes himself instead. ( C) He will help Bill to translate the manual. ( D) He himself will operate the dishwasher. ( A) Lose weight. ( B) Quit smoking. ( C) Weigh himself frequently. ( D) Have a talk with the doctor. ( A) The woman should have complained to her neighbor. ( B) The woman should stay o

3、ut until the neighbors are quiet. ( C) The woman should have stayed at the library. ( D) The lab will be a better place for reading. ( A) Check the figures later today. ( B) Do the calculations again tomorrow. ( C) Bring a calculator tomorrow. ( D) Calculate the number right now. ( A) She doesnt rem

4、ember much about the city. ( B) Shes never been to the city. ( C) She would find someone else to help. ( D) She would talk to the man later. Section B 7 Why did the man go to live in the country? ( A) Because he liked working with the children. ( B) Because he lost his job. ( C) Because he hated bei

5、ng a clerk. 8 Why did the man give up the idea of being a social worker? ( A) Because he didnt have a diploma. ( B) Because he wanted to change to another job. ( C) Because he went to the countryside. 9 What is true of the man? ( A) He moved to another country. ( B) He didnt buy a small holding. ( C

6、) He studied for a social diploma for two years. 10 Having decided to move to the countryside, the first problem for the man was _. ( A) finding a place to live ( B) buying a house ( C) finding means to live on 11 From the interview, we learn that the man was _. ( A) good at gardening ( B) quite exp

7、erienced in dealing with kids ( C) anxious to start up his nursery in a small cottage 12 The following statements about the magazine New Scientist is true EXCEPT _. ( A) It is difficult for ordinary people to read. ( B) It usually has articles about current affairs about science. ( C) It is publishe

8、d every week. 13 The following details are true about the new device EXCEPT _. ( A) it has color. ( B) it has a moving image. ( C) it costs less money. 14 Why didnt Bill want one of them? ( A) He wanted to buy one from Japan. ( B) He wasnt sure about its quality. ( C) He thought it was expensive. 15

9、 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the woman? ( A) She had never read the magazine herself. ( B) She knew who usually read the magazine. ( C) She was quite interested in the new device. 16 The conversation is mainly about _. ( A) a new type of telephone. ( B) the cost for telephon

10、es. ( C) some features of the magazine. Section C 17 According to the news, the plane crashed _. ( A) shortly before it landed ( B) minutes after it took off ( C) after it cleared the mountains 18 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu _. ( A) has been prosecuted by the Justice Ministry ( B) may

11、be prosecuted by the Justice Ministry ( C) has been prosecuted by the police 19 Nigeria returned to the Commonwealth after _. ( A) she had sentenced minority rights activists to death ( B) the military had resumed control of the country ( C) power had been handed over to an elected president 20 When

12、 the spacecraft was going to land, _. ( A) it produced a lot of noise ( B) there were scattered showers ( C) people could see it high in the sky 21 How many people died during the collision? ( A) Two. ( B) Eighteen. ( C) Five. Section D 21 The general aims of group discussions are manifold. The most

13、 important objective is to give students the chance to ask questions or【 21】 a lecturers point. Secondly, lecturers can give students【 22】 in group discussion sessions, otherwise unavailable in formal lectures attended by many students. Many students, especially non-native speakers, find group discu

14、ssions very difficult and fail to take full【 23】 of them. The most important【 24】 reasons for this are listed below. Firstly, if the speed of the dialogue is too rapid, learners of English will find it difficult to follow. Secondly, a non-native speaker may not know how to【 25】 a discussion by drawi

15、ng attention to himself, how to express【 26】 , how to ask for explanation or to【 27】another student. Thirdly, it is difficult for a non-native speaker to formulate questions【 28】 . What advice can be given to learners of English? The first thing to do is to try to【 29】 by learning and practicing the

16、 language forms to ask questions, interrupt, disagree, ask for explanation etc. Secondly, you should realize that although grammatical accuracy is important, the ability to【 30】 must be your first objective, even if youre not using perfectly correct English constructions. 一、 Part Vocabulary and Stru

17、cture 32 Fool _ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing. ( A) who ( B) as ( C) that ( D) like 33 Have you ever been in a situation, _ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him? ( A) by which ( B) that ( C) in where ( D) where 34 It was recommended that passengers _ smoke

18、 during the flight. ( A) not ( B) need not ( C) could not ( D) would not 35 She is _ a musician than her brother. ( A) much of ( B) much as ( C) more of ( D) more as 36 We can do without luxuries and entertainment. However, food, shelter, and clothing are _. ( A) dependable ( B) indispensable ( C) o

19、ptional ( D) welcome 37 People throughout the world are eating _ meat per person as they did in 1950. ( A) more than twice ( B) twice much as ( C) twice as much ( D) twice more 38 Tennis star Chris Evert, who retired from the game after eighteen years, perhaps _ more than anyone to make womens profe

20、ssional tennis a widely respected career. ( A) who did ( B) has done ( C) and doing ( D) to do 39 The work is not very profitable _ cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it. ( A) according to ( B) on the basis of ( C) in terms of ( D) in the light of 40 When Columbus reached the New World,

21、 corn was the _ in the America. ( A) widely most grown plant ( B) most widely grown plant ( C) most grown widely plant ( D) plant widely grown most 41 _ the symphony, no one in the audience spoke. ( A) By ( B) For ( C) During ( D) From 42 I dont see any _ in going on a picnic in such bad weather. (

22、A) dot ( B) point ( C) lot ( D) spot 43 I took _ of the opportunity to tell him what I thought. ( A) gain ( B) advantage ( C) benefit ( D) profit 44 Bob: Wow, look, all the things are on sale. Jane: Yes, look at here, this is 50% off. _. Bob: And look at the shoes. They are 30% off the normal price.

23、 ( A) Id like to buy a skirt. ( B) There are some real bargains. ( C) Are the prices reasonable? ( D) These shoes are the same as mine. 45 Bill: Whats the time? Blanche: 8 oclock, so wed better get a move on if were going to meet your sister at the airport. Bill: Thats alright. Her flight doesnt arr

24、ive until 8:30. Blanche: Yeah, but itll take us an hour to get there-you know what the traffic is like. Bill: OK. _. Blanche: Whats wrong with those shorts? Bill: I dont like driving in shorts. Im going to put some jeans on. ( A) Ill just go and get changed. ( B) Ill wash my hands. ( C) Please wait

25、me a moment. ( D) Ill be back soon. 二、 Part Reading Comperhension 45 Men cannot manufacture blood as efficiently as women can. This makes surgery riskier for men. Men also need more oxygen because they do not breathe as often as women. But men breathe more deeply and this exposes them to another ris

26、k. When the air is polluted, they draw more of it into their lungs. A more recent and chilling finding is the effect of automobile and truck exhaust fumes on childrens intelligence. These exhaust fumes are the greatest source of lead pollution in cities. Re searchers have found that the children wit

27、h the highest concentration of lead in their bodies have the lowest scores on intelligence tests and that boys score lower than girls. It is possible that these low scores are connected to the deeper breathing that is typical of the male. Mens bones are larger than womens and they are arranged somew

28、hat differently. The feminine walk that evokes so many whistles is a matter of bone structure. Men have broader shoulders and a narrower pelvis, which enables them to stride out with no waste motion. A womans wider pelvis, designed for childbearing, forces her to put more movement into each step she

29、 takes with the result that she displays a bit of a jiggle and sway as she walks. If you think a man is brave because he climbs a ladder to clean out the roof gutters, dont forget that it is easier for him than for a woman. The angle at which a womans thigh is joined to her knees makes climbing awkw

30、ard for her, no matter whether it is a ladder or stairs or a mountain that she is tackling. A mans skin is thicker than a womans and not nearly as soft. The thickness prevents the suns radiation from getting through, which is why men wrinkle less than women do. Women also stay cooler in summer. The

31、fat layer helps insulate them against heat. Mens fat is distributed differently. And they do not have that layer of it underneath their skin. In fact, they have considerably less fat than women and more lean mass. Forty-one percent of a mans body is muscle compared to thirty-five percent for women,

32、which means men have more muscle power. When it comes to strength, almost 90 percent of a mans weight is strength compared to about 50 percent of womans weight. The higher proportion of muscle to fat makes it easier for men to lose weight. Muscle burns up five more calories a pound that fat does jus

33、t to maintain itself. So when a man goes on a diet, the pounds roll off much faster. For all mens muscularity they do not have the energy reserves women do. They have more start-up energy, but the fat tucked away in womens nooks and crannies provides a rich energy reserve that men lack. Cardiologist

34、s at the University of Alabama who tested healthy women in treadmills discovered that over years the female capacity for exercise far exceeds the male capacity. A woman of sixty who is in good health can exercise up to 90 percent of what she could do when she was twenty. A man of sixty has 60 percen

35、t left of his capacity as a twenty-year-old. 46 The main topic of this passage is about _. ( A) the biological differences between men and women ( B) the differences in social roles between men and women ( C) the differences in living habits between men and women ( D) the challenges men and women fa

36、ce from the point of view of biology 47 Men are superior to women in the situation of _. ( A) resisting cold ( B) standing hunger ( C) remaining energetic in old age ( D) climbing high 48 It is implied that the process of aging is _. ( A) slower in a healthy man ( B) slower in a healthy woman ( C) a

37、t the same rate with men and women ( D) hard to compare in terms of sex 49 We can infer all of the following EXCEPT that _. ( A) the difference in bone structure reflects differences in their social roles ( B) men appear to be braver than women partly because of biological reasons ( C) men have a la

38、rger appetite than women do ( D) men fall ill more often than women because of their deep breathing 50 It can be concluded from the passage that _. ( A) women can stay active longer than men ( B) men like to take risks for biological causes ( C) women are more careful than men ( D) men have more str

39、ength than women 50 Named after an ex-Governor of New South Wales, Sydney is the States capital city. Located on the south-east coast of Australia in the temperate zone, it enjoys a mild climate, averaging 14.5 hours of sunshine per day in summer and 10.25 hours in winter. It is also the largest, ol

40、dest, and perhaps most beautifully situated city in Australia. First established by the British as a convict settlement in 1788, it is a modern cosmopolitan city that has developed into one of the nations major industrial, business, and manufacturing centres. Sydney is home to nearly 4.4 million peo

41、ple (as of 1997). The suburbs reach out from the city centre and harbour some 55 km to the north, 35 km to the west and 30 km to the south, creating a metropolitan area of about 3,000 square kilometres. The 57 square kilometre harbour is one of the largest in the world, and famous for the unmistakab

42、le 134 metre high arch of the Harbour Bridge and the graceful sails of the Opera House. It is a busy waterway with ferries, freighters, hydrofoils and pleasure craft. Not far from the city centre are the attractive old residential suburbs of Balmain, Glebe, and Paddington, where many people live in

43、smart terraced houses. Art galleries, pubs, and restaurants abound in the cosy streets that tend to be quite narrow, whereas the suburbs surrounding the citys colleges and universities consist mainly of family homes and multi-unit blocks-an ideal situation for students looking for a homestay, or to

44、rent. Sydneys newer suburbs now have a large multicultural population, and local shopping centres reflect the influences of many cultures. As well as scores of cinemas and theatres throughout the city and suburbs, there are numerous clubs which appeal to people of all ages, and cater for all tastes.

45、 Pubs are the venue for smaller modern hands, while the big-name popular music artists, both local and international, attract capacity audiences at the huge Entertainment Centre in the heart of the city. In Sydney, a vast array of ethnic and local restaurants can be found to suit all palates and poc

46、kets. In summer, car patrons often sit outside at tables under umbrellas, and enjoy the passing parade of shoppers. Students who prefer to cook at home can choose from several large weekend markets, where fresh fruit, fish, and vegetables may be bought more cheaply than at the local supermarket. Syd

47、ney also has its own Chinatown. In the heart of the city are several big department stores linked by enclosed over-the-street crossings and underground walkways. Most noticeable are the towering Centrepoint complex and the Queen Victoria Building, both containing many shopping arcades, coffee shops

48、and restaurants. Out of town, in the suburbs, there are huge regional shopping centres. At the weekend markets, bargains can be had when shopping for clothing as well as for a wide range of assorted goods. Australia is recognised as one of the most sports-conscious nations in the world. Sydney boast

49、s an impressive number of facilities for all types of indoor and outdoor sporting activities. Wherever one goes, there are golf courses, cricket pitches, football ovals, tennis and squash courts, and, of course, indoor and outdoor swimming pools. Avid ice-skating and ten-pin bowling fans will find that these activities are also popular and inexpensive. Whatever a student is interested in, it is cert


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