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1、大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) A类(研究生)模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 Section A 1 What does the man mean? ( A) He doesnt want any dinner. ( B) He will do anything to help. ( C) He prefers another job. 2 Where is the woman going now? ( A) To school. ( B) Home. ( C) To the grocery store. 3 What does the man think? ( A) That Paul shoul

2、d go home and take over his uncles business now. ( B) That Paul should stay in this country for another year. ( C) That Paul shouldnt waste his time here. 4 What are they talking about? ( A) Goods delivery. ( B) The arrangement of cash. ( C) The payment terms. 5 What happened to the mans money? ( A)

3、 He gambled it away. ( B) He lost his money. ( C) He took it out of the bank. Section B 6 What does Jason say about “a friend in need is a friend indeed?“ ( A) It is the most important principle for friendship. ( B) It is not enough as a principle for friendship. ( C) It is outdated and is no longer

4、 important. 7 Jason makes friends _. ( A) extensively ( B) selectively ( C) only with men 8 Robert believes that true friendship _. ( A) is like love ( B) is not ephemeral ( C) never exists 9 What does Robert say about online friendship? ( A) It is hard to prove. ( B) It is easy to find. ( C) It doe

5、s not last long. 10 According to the conversation, which statement is wrong? ( A) Jason believes a true friend should listen to you when you have problems. ( B) Jasons family life is fulfilling and enough for him. ( C) Robert thinks that a friend is more important than love. 11 Which of the followin

6、g is the symbol of Cambridge? ( A) Trinity College. ( B) Clare Bridge. ( C) Kings College Chapel. 12 Which of the following statements about fellows is NOT true? ( A) Fellows can walk on the grass. ( B) Fellows are the directors of a company. ( C) Fellows are permanently attached to the college. 13

7、Which of the following is the second oldest college in Cambridge? ( A) Kings College. ( B) Clare College. ( C) Trinity College. 14 Which of the following is the biggest college in Cambridge? ( A) Kings College. ( B) Clare College. ( C) Trinity College. 15 Which of the following is the second biggest

8、 college in Cambridge? ( A) Kings College. ( B) Trinity College. ( C) Johns College Section C 16 What can we learn from the news? ( A) Mexican Industry Minister will visit Japan later this month. ( B) There exists commercial disagreement between Japan and Mexico. ( C) Japan is planning to export car

9、s to Mexico. 17 Which of the following details is INCORRECT? ( A) The two ferries sank on different days. ( B) The accidents were caused by storms. ( C) The two ferries sank on the same river. 18 Who are involved in the military attack? ( A) Americans. ( B) The British. ( C) Americans and the Britis

10、h. 19 What has been discovered in Tibet? ( A) A new species of camels. ( B) Some mountain climbers. ( C) Some UN soldiers. 20 What will replace the school textbooks in Malaysia? ( A) Electronic books. ( B) TV programs. ( C) Tapes. Section D 20 Every year a large number of young people leave school a

11、nd begin work. Some【 21】 jobs on farms or in industry. Others accept positions in the【 22】 services. Many seek post in business or a trade. A few with skills in art or music apply for work in these fields. Their level of education【 23】 affects their range of possible openings. Many firms, for instan

12、ce, only select excellent【 24】 for training as future executives. They will not consider applications from people with only【 25】 records of achievement at school. What factors influence the choice of a career? The information【 26】 on this is uncertain but it is probable that finance, working conditi

13、ons and prospects of improvement are the most significant considerations. It seems apparent that【 27】 which retain their employees give them satisfaction in these respects. A【 28】 investigation of the motives which operate in the selection of employment would prove a profitable topic for research. E

14、mployers who would【 29】 the assistance of the findings to enlist and maintain stable staff might be induced to【 30】 in the project. 一、 Part Vocabulary and Structure 31 Sometimes I wish I _ in a different time and a different place. ( A) be living ( B) were living ( C) would live ( D) would have live

15、d 32 After the argument, Mrs. Lee _ her cook with a present. ( A) rewarded ( B) compensated ( C) bribed ( D) appeased 33 Much of the space in the National Gallery of Art is _ paintings presented to the museum by Andrew Mellon. ( A) devoid of ( B) divested of ( C) devoted to ( D) consisted in 34 He w

16、as a(n) _ statesman and diplomat; his record was untarnished by scandals or rumors, and the public treated him with great respect. ( A) imminent ( B) envious ( C) eminent ( D) luminous 35 This engineering project has _ over all others this year. ( A) awareness ( B) blueprint ( C) assessment ( D) pri

17、ority 36 Danis Hayes raised the essential paradox and asked how people could have fought so hard against environmental degradation, _ themselves now on the verge of losing the war. ( A) only found ( B) finding only ( C) only to find ( D) have only found 37 Sometimes what has always seemed a _ sudden

18、ly is shown to be false. ( A) verisimilitude ( B) verity ( C) verify ( D) phantasm 38 The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each _ one major pointing contrast with the other. ( A) makes ( B) made ( C) is to make ( D) making 39 Fewer and fewer of todays workers expect to

19、 spend their working lives in the same field, _ the same company. ( A) far more ( B) much worse ( C) less likely ( D) let alone 40 Jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinks that if she _ a job she probably wouldnt be able to see her friends very often. ( A) has to get ( B) were to get (

20、 C) had got ( D) could have got 41 It is hard to reconcile his splendid speeches _ his actual behaviour. ( A) to ( B) on ( C) against ( D) with 42 John: What plastic products do you have in mind that are easy to recycle? Tom: Shampoo bottles, detergent bottles, medicine bottles, food containers, etc

21、. They are all easily collectable and reusable. John: _, but actually I think you are missing the point of recycling. It doesnt just mean using old bottles again and again for the same purpose. What it means these days is melting the plastics down and building them up again into some completely new

22、product. ( A) Not too bad ( B) Youre right there ( C) Something is wrong ( D) Its a new idea 43 Karen : Im not optimistic about finding a job after I finish college. Joseph: Oh? Why not? Karen: The economy is going downhill fast. Joseph: I know. _. Its getting to the point where even a degree wont h

23、elp you anymore. Karen: Thats right. And Ill be lucky to even move out of my parents house. ( A) My friend could offer me a job. ( B) I am not sure whether I agree or not. ( C) How do you feel about the economy? ( D) What is this world coming to? 44 Receptionist: Good morning. Hopkins Dental Surgery

24、. Charles: Good morning _. Receptionist: I see. Can you come on Thursday morning? Charles: No, sorry I cant. Im afraid I have classes every morning. ( A) Id like to make an appointment to see the dentist, please. ( B) Ive got a toothache. Would you please help me? ( C) Ive got the toothache. When ca

25、n you come to see me? ( D) I would appreciate it if you tell the dentist to come right now. 45 Simon: Excuse me, but could you give me some change? Joan: Let me see. _. Simon: Thatll be fine. I only want to make a phone call. Joan: Here you are. ( A) Sorry, Ive no money at hand now. ( B) Why do you

26、want it? ( C) Are dimes and quarters OK? ( D) What on earth do you want? 二、 Part Situational Dialogues 46 Passenger: What flights are there from London to Moscow for tomorrow? Clerk: Ill find out for you. Oh, BA Flight takes off from Heathrow and flies direct. Passenger: _ Clerk: Youll have to be at

27、 the West London Air Terminal by 8 : 00 at the latest. ( A) What is the boarding time? ( B) What is take-off time? ( C) Do I need to get up early? ( D) When do I have to check in? 47 Rex: Hey, Mike. Hows everything? Mike: Great. Just great. And you? Rex: Wonderful! _ Mike: Well, you see the sports m

28、eet is coming. So Ive got to start focus training from today on. ( A) What brings you here? ( B) When do we have the sports meet? ( C) Are you a regular here? ( D) Fancy meeting you here. 48 Julie: What happened? You looked so depressed. Martha: Im just feeling a bit low, thats all. Julie: Did you f

29、ail to pass the exam? Martha: _ Well, urn, I failed to get the scholarship to go to graduate school. ( A) Probably not. ( B) Not exactly. ( C) Oh, that is ok. ( D) That is not right. 49 Jack: How time flies! Another Friday again? Susan: Oh, yes. I havent realized that. Jack: Do you have any plans fo

30、r this Saturday afternoon? Susan: _ Why ? Jack: Im wondering if youd like to go to a movie with me. Susan: Im afraid well have to change the date. ( A) I am free for the whole day. ( B) I dont have any plans. ( C) I have a prior engagement at three. ( D) Im not quite sure for the moment. 50 Martha:

31、Hello, its Martha. Are you okay? Ive just heard that you had a narrow escape when you went diving that day? Carter: _ Martha: What happened? You are a very experienced diver, arent you? Carter: Well, yes. But it was an accident. ( A) Who said that to you? ( B) Thanks, Im okay. ( C) Dont mention it.

32、( D) Id rather not talk about it. 三、 Part Reading Comperhension 50 The list of “should“ is very long. You should give more than 100 percent at work. You should never stop learning and developing. You should read and keep up with events. You should spend time with your family and take care of your my

33、riad of daily chores. At work, its not enough to be qualified for your job. You have to have excellent people skills and problem-solving abilities. Your IQ had better be high, and you should welcome anything and everything new. Commitment and enthusiasm are the bottom line. At home, its not enough t

34、o have money in the bank. There are children to raise, hobbies to encourage and daily routines to organize. Contacts between home and the day care center or school are another priority. You have to keep up your friendships and your family relationships. You have to have empathy for everyone around y

35、ou. You have to have time. How do we catch a guilty conscience? Finns in business asked family counselor Hannu Kuukka from the Helsinki parish services. “A bad conscience comes from conflicting pressures, from the feeling that you just cant manage everything that you consider important. Frustration

36、and stress are the result. “ “Our internalized roles-the role models that we subconsciously follow-also contribute to the problem. Throughout our lives, we carry with us the part we played in our own family. This can be a source of encouragement and support, or the seeds of a bad conscience. “ What

37、can we do for a bad conscience? “Our failures tend to become exaggerated in our minds, especially if someone close to us verbalizes them. You have to set priority. Couples should decide together if one of them is going to concentrate on work and the other on family. The couple is the foundation of t

38、he home, so they have to find common ground,“ comments Hannu Kuukka. At work, you spend your time with adults, and you can excel in your own field. Are you more comfortable at work than at home? This is a common feeling-and another source of guilt. “It is not unusual for relationships at work to be

39、easier and more straightforward than those at home. The everyday life of a family with children can be exhausting. And today, with growing competition and more friction at work, even these relationships have become more difficult,“ says Kuukka. 51 The purpose of the first paragraph is to _. ( A) ite

40、mize what people have to accomplish in their lives ( B) brief a real but tough situation for couples to cope with ( C) explain why some people long for a break of routine ( D) show how a full-time job goes against a family life 52 According to the author, the decisive factor for one to perform well

41、at work is _. ( A) responsibility and devotion ( B) right qualifications ( C) originality and open-mindedness ( D) an IQ at least above 130 53 What seems always problematic for ones family life is that _. ( A) money never seems to be enough ( B) friendships and family relationships are hard to keep

42、up ( C) one simply cant afford the time ( D) its impossible to share feelings with everyone around 54 As suggested by Kuukka, the right way to approach the problem is to _. ( A) exchange role models between the couple in the same boat ( B) look at the same problem from a different perspective ( C) t

43、urn a deaf ear to whatever other people would say ( D) get the couples priorities right to ensure a rewarding life 55 From the last paragraph, it can be safely inferred that _. ( A) work relationships are as difficult to keep up as family relationships ( B) working parents usually feel more comforta

44、ble at work than at home ( C) growing competition has affected the otherwise good terms with co-workers ( D) the best moment of the day is when you might have escaped from family chores 55 The taipan is an aggressive hunter, moving at speed through grasslands with ease. On finding its prey by scent,

45、 the reptile flings itself at the victim and inflicts several rapid bites. Like most other venomous snakes, the taipan uses its venom sparingly. As they dont regard man as prey, they have been known to strike and bite without releasing any venom at all, leading to no adverse effects. Although the ta

46、ipan is the deadliest Australian snake, few snakes can match the sinister reputation of the eastern tiger snake (notechis scutatis). However, recent observations indicate that their ferocity and aggressiveness are not as bad as once thought and that actually they are fairly timid. There are differen

47、t types of tiger snakes found in Australia but they are all highly poisonous and should be avoided. Until recently tiger snakes held the record for the most snakebite fatalities (now overtaken by the eastern brown snake). The body of the tiger snake has cross bands of yellow or cream on a background

48、 of grey, green or brown and this is what gives them their name. They have a heavy, build and can grow up to 1.8 metres. In the wild they are mainly a swamp dwelling species and are often found around waterways. Their habitat is now threatened by the clearing of such areas for development. They have

49、 been known, though, to climb into surrounding vegetation to a height of about 1 metre. They mainly feed on frogs and mice as adults, but will take the odd bird or lizard. Another highly dangerous Australian snake is the copperhead (austrelaps superbus). Although it is non-aggressive, if provoked it raises its forebody from the ground and flattens its neck, angry and hissing, ready to strike


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