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1、大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) B类模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 Section A 1 What is the total amount of postage required to mail the package? ( A) $5.45 ( B) 1 ( C) 0.95 2 What does the woman mean? ( A) She doesnt like fishing. ( B) She feels uncomfortable at work. ( C) She loves her present job. 3 Where is Fred now? ( A) At lunch.

2、 ( B) At the office. ( C) In class. 4 How did the man find out about the room? ( A) From the school housing office. ( B) From a newspaper advertisement. ( C) From his friends at school. 5 At what time of day does this conversation most likely take place? ( A) Sunrise. ( B) Sunset. ( C) Noon. Section

3、 B 6 These sessions with a counselor are _. ( A) compulsory ( B) available to any student ( C) for science students only 7 The counselor says that new students have to _. ( A) spend more time on the college premises ( B) get used to working independently ( C) work hard than they did at school 8 John

4、 complains that the resource center _. ( A) has limited opening hours ( B) has too few resources ( C) gets too crowded 9 The counselor suggests to John that _. ( A) more other students can cope ( B) he need to study all the time ( C) he should be able to fit in some leisure activities 10 Before bein

5、g able to help John the counselor needs to _. ( A) talk with some of his lecturers ( B) consult his tutor ( C) get more information from him 11 Which of the following did the caller have decorated? ( A) All the rooms. ( B) The living room. ( C) The living room and the kitchen. 12 The painter asked _

6、 for the job. ( A) 505 pounds plus VAT ( B) 505 pounds ( C) 500 pounds plus VAT 13 Which of the following is NOT a complaint made by the caller? ( A) The painter gave an unreasonable quote. ( B) The line at the top of the walls is wavy. ( C) The painter didnt protect the carpets properly. 14 The cal

7、ler turned to the telephone legal advice line for help because _. ( A) she is afraid to complain to the painter ( B) she has no idea what to do next ( C) she intends to contact a lawyer 15 Mr. Montgomery advised the caller to _. ( A) ask the painter to reduce his bill ( B) pay the painter and get hi

8、m off hands quickly ( C) contact a solicitor Section C 16 Hinduism extremists held protests because _. ( A) the head of the Catholic Church visited India ( B) the Pope was going to visit Georgia ( C) the Pope is for change of religions 17 In the three months, Hong Kongs unemployment rate has _. ( A)

9、 increased slowly ( B) decreased slowly ( C) stayed steady 18 The leaders of the rival Cambodian factions will meet again _ to continue their Beijing talks. ( A) Friday ( B) Sunday ( C) Wednesday 19 How many American servicemen missing from the Vietnam War shown in the recent photograph offered by a

10、 private organization? ( A) two ( B) one ( C) three 20 Referring to Syrian President, Mr. Shamir says: Im coming. If he wants to test me, we will _ him. ( A) challenge ( B) test ( C) deny Section D 20 Effective reading requires not only “reading between the lines,“ but also “writing between the line

11、s. “ There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is to【 21】 for it. But the act of purchase is only the【 22】 to possession. Full【 23】 wont come unless you have absorbed the ideas to do you any good. There are kinds of book owners. The first has all the【 24】 sets and best-sellersunread

12、and【 25】 . The second has a great many books, all of which as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. The third, however, has a collection of books that are all dog-eared and dilapidated. Marking up a book is【 26】 to reading. First, it keeps you awake. Second, active reading is【 27】 , which exp

13、resses itself in words. Finally, writing helps you remember the thoughts you had or the thoughts the author expressed. Light fictions like Gone with the Wind do not require active reading. They can be read in a state of【 28】 . But great books cannot be read while youre asleep. There are a number of

14、devices for marking a book intelligently and【 29】 For example,【 30】 , vertical lines at the margin, stars or asterisks at the margin, numbers in the margin, numbers of other pages in the margin and circling of key words or phrases. Section A 31 The cold drink _ him after his long hot journey. ( A) r

15、educed ( B) refreshed ( C) released ( D) recovered 32 Whenever possible, Ina _ how well she speaks Japanese. ( A) shows up ( B) shows around ( C) shows off ( D) shows out 33 Have you ever received _ of what have happened to her? ( A) the word ( B) words ( C) word ( D) the words 34 When we visited th

16、e place, work on the construction site was at full _ and all the workers seemed to be working very hard. ( A) blow ( B) shoot ( C) blast ( D) burst 35 At first the company refused to purchase the equipment, but this decision was _ revised. ( A) subsequently ( B) successively ( C) predominantly ( D)

17、preliminarily 36 Professor Johnson is said _ some significant advance in his research in the past year. ( A) having made ( B) making ( C) to have made ( D) to make 37 It seems oil _ from this pipe for some time. We 11 have to take the machine apart to put it right. ( A) had leaked ( B) is leaking (

18、C) leaked ( D) has been leaking 38 Marys score on the test is the highest in her class; she _ have studied very hard. ( A) may ( B) should ( C) must ( D) ought to 39 I was to have made a speech if _. ( A) I was not called away ( B) nobody would have called me away ( C) I had not been called away ( D

19、) nobody called me away 40 Man: Would you like a cup of coffee or are you still busy with the money? Wife: Im still going through the accounts. Man: By how much? Wife: I dont know. It looks as if its almost 500. Man: Oh, does that mean we wont be able to go on our holidayHave we still got enough for

20、 our holiday? Wife: Well, Im not sure. I honestly dont think that we can afford to go. ( A) Weve overspent dreadfully this month. ( B) Youve got a lot of profit. ( C) It seems the accountant has made some mistakes. ( D) Our daily expenses have dropped. Section B 41 The first immigrants in American h

21、istory came from _. ( A) England and the Netherlands ( B) England and Australia ( C) England and Ireland ( D) England and France 42 The capital city of Australia is _. ( A) Sydney ( B) Melbourne ( C) Adelaide ( D) Canberra 43 _ put forwards the distinction between Langue and Parole? ( A) Assure ( B)

22、 Chomsky ( C) Holliday ( D) Anonymous 44 The police service for the United Kingdom is organized and controlled on a(n) _ basis. ( A) national ( B) local ( C) private ( D) international 45 The United States is the _ largest country in the world. ( A) second ( B) third ( C) fourth ( D) fifth 一、 Part C

23、loze 45 Those out to demolish old buildings often argue that a factory will bring prosperity to a town and pr【 66】 employment for its people; a block of fiats will improve living conditions; a new road will create better transport f【 67】 These arguments are true, but somehow unconvincing. Countless

24、quiet country villages have been【 68】 (spoil) by the addition of modern “improvements“ like huge traffic-signs or tall concrete lamps which s【 69】 a sickly yellow light. In the same way, buildings which are er【 70】 without any thought being given to their surroundings, become prominent landmarks whi

25、ch may change the character of whole town. They are ugly because they are so out of【 71】 Nothing can more seriously change the look of a town or city so dramatically than the sudden appearance of an office building which t【 72】 above all the surrounding buildings. Before the arrival of this skyscrap

26、er, all the buildings in the city stood in special relationship to each other. The most str【 73】 of them was probably the cathedral or the town hall f【 74】 by other public buildings. These dominated the city and gave it a definite shape. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the new arrival dwarfs (使显得矮小 ) ever

27、ything in sight, and even the most【 75】 (grace) existing buildings may now be so sadly di【 76】 as to seem slightly ridiculous beside this monster. It rises up above them like a huge, white, slotted (开门的 ) packing-case resting【 77】 its side, demanding at【 78】 merely because of its size and not becaus

28、e of any intrinsic (内在的 ) worth. Part of the charm of a big city l【 79】 in the variety of styles that can be seen in the architecture of its buildings. One feels that the city has grown slowly and each age has left its mark. By demolishing buildings of f【 80】 times, we wipe out every vestige of the

29、past forever. Section A 60 The Supreme Courts decisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for how medicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering. Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect suppor

30、ted the medical principle of “double effect“, a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect. Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify

31、 using high doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients pain, even though increasing dosages will eventually kill the patient. Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends that the principle will shield doctors who “until now have very, very strongly insisted that they coul

32、d not give patients sufficient mediation to control their pain if that might hasten death. “ George Annas, chair of the health law department at Boston University, maintains that, as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, the doctor has done nothing illegal even if the

33、patient uses the drug to hasten death. “Its like surgery,“ he says. “We dont call those deaths homicides because the doctors didnt intend to kill their patients, although they risked their death. If youre a physician, you can risk your patients suicide as long as you dont intend their suicide.“ On a

34、nother level, many in the medical community acknowledge that the assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patients for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying. Just three weeks before the Courts ruling on physician-assisted suicide, the National Academ

35、y of Science (NAS) released a two-volume report Approaching Death: Improving Care at the End of Life. It identifies the under treatment of pain and the aggressive use of “ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying“ as the twin problems of end-of-

36、life care. The profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train in hospices, to test knowledge of aggressive pain management therapies, to develop a Medicare billing code for hospital-based care, and to develop new standards for assessing and treating pain at the end of life. Annas says

37、lawyers can play a key role in insisting that these well-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care. “Large numbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients are needlessly and predictably suffering,“ to the extent that it constitutes “systematic patient abuse“. He says

38、 medical licensing boards “must make it clear that painful deaths are presumptively ones that are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension. “ 61 From the first three paragraphs, we learn that _. ( A) doctors used to increase drug dosages to control their patients pain ( B) it is

39、 still illegal for doctors to help the dying end their lives ( C) the Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide ( D) patients have no constitutional right to commit suicide 62 Which of the following statements is true according to the text? ( A) Doctors will be held guilty if they ri

40、sk their patients death. ( B) Modern medicine has assisted terminally ill patients in painless recovery. ( C) The Court ruled that high-dosage pain-relieving medication can be prescribed. ( D) A doctors medication is no longer justified by his intentions. 63 According to the NASs report, one of the

41、problems in end-of-life care is _. ( A) prolonged medical procedures ( B) inadequate treatment of pain ( C) systematic drug abuse ( D) insufficient hospital care 64 Which of the following best defines the word “aggressive“ (line 3, paragraph 6) ? ( A) Bold. ( B) Harmful. ( C) Careless. ( D) Desperat

42、e. 65 George Annas would probably agree that doctors should be punished if they _. ( A) manage their patients incompetently ( B) give patients more medicine than needed ( C) reduce drug dosages for their patients ( D) prolong the needless suffering of the patients Section B 65 Collision between an a

43、ircraft and one or more birds is termed a bird-strike. Pilots sometimes record a birdstrike while at cruising altitudes, but most of them happen when an aircraft is relatively close to the ground, usually in proximity to an airport and during the circling, descent to land or take-off phases of a fli

44、ght. Birdstrikes may cause significant damage to an aircraft and/or, if the birds are ingested into a jet engine, a significant and sudden loss of power. If this were to happen during take-off or initial climb of a fully loaded passenger aircraft the results could be catastrophic loss of the aircraf

45、t and the lives of those on board. Any bird is a potential hazard to aircraft and this is especially true as bird numbers and bird size increase. Unfortunately airports themselves can be attractive to birds rodents, insects and other small animals are a food source often found in flat grassed areas

46、such as the runway strips. Even so, this problem can be reduced by careful habitat management or bird harassment techniques practised by airport maintenance and safety personnel. Further problems may arise because the airport is located on bird migration routes. These may have existed prior to the a

47、irport site selection but may not have been taken into account because the problem was not understood at the time or have only been recently established because the birds have found an attractive new food source. Care needs to be taken by local authorities in deciding the location of rubbish tips, o

48、r when permitting other land uses that may be attractive to birds in this way. Of course these effects cannot always be anticipated with certainty since birds such as gulls have been recorded as travelling 50 kilometres or more from their roosting area to an attractive food source. Agricultural uses

49、 may be thought desirable because they are compatible with high levels of noise exposure, but they can have an adverse effect on air-craft operations if birds are attracted during seeding or crop cultivation. Birds may also be attracted to pig farms where garbage is used as fodder. Even tree plantings can present a hazard if the species provides an attractive food source or nesting habitat. Local auth


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