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1、大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) D类模拟试卷 12及答案与解析 Section A 1 Where does this conversation probably take place? ( A) In an engine room. ( B) In a car. ( C) In a factory. ( D) On a train. 2 Who is the man talking to? ( A) A lifeguard. ( B) A travel agent. ( C) A gymnasium manager. ( D) An athlete. 3 How will the corre

2、ct price be determined? ( A) By calling the company. ( B) By asking the sales representative. ( C) By looking at the price list. ( D) By comparing with other products. 4 Why is Sue upset according to the conversation? ( A) Someone broke into her car. ( B) She had to pay too much for parking. ( C) Sh

3、e was given a ticket. ( D) Her car has broken down. 5 What do the two speakers probably do for a living? ( A) Office clerks. ( B) Printers. ( C) Engineers. ( D) Architects. Section B 6 Where was Adam born? ( A) In Geneva. ( B) In Japan. ( C) In Argentina. ( D) In Germany. 7 When did Adam leave Argen

4、tina? ( A) When he was one year old. ( B) When he was eleven years old. ( C) After he worked in Berlin. ( D) After he travelled to Japan. 8 Why did Adam go to Japan? ( A) Visit one of his friends. ( B) Travel for pleasure. ( C) Work for the BBC ( D) Interview local business leaders. 9 What is the pr

5、obable relationship between the two speakers? ( A) Teacher and student. ( B) Travel agent and customer. ( C) Employer and employee. ( D) Journalist and interviewee. 10 What can we infer from the conversation? ( A) Adam will work in Geneva. ( B) Adam has worked for the BBC in Argentina. ( C) Thailand

6、 is one of the countries Adam has travelled to. ( D) Intertec is located in Japan. 11 What did the man do last night? ( A) He went out to eat Italian food. ( B) He watched a video at home. ( C) He went to cinema. ( D) He joined a jazz club. 12 What is the two brothers nationality? ( A) Italian. ( B)

7、 American. ( C) Portuguese. ( D) Japanese. 13 What is the big problem the two brothers face? ( A) They couldnt provide the best Italian food. ( B) The customers didnt like spaghetti and meatballs. ( C) They had no enough money to support their business. ( D) There were no customers having dinner in

8、their restaurant. 14 Who is Louie Prima? ( A) He is Pascals brother. ( B) He is a jazz musician. ( C) He is the owner of Paradise. ( D) He is an advertiser. 15 Which of the following about the film is NOT true? ( A) The story took place in the 1950s. ( B) The two brothers lived in New York. ( C) The

9、 food Paradise served was wonderful. ( D) Pascal invited Louie Prima to dinner in his restaurant. Section C 16 Where was George Weekes bom? ( A) In Jamaica. ( B) In London. ( C) In Manchester. ( D) In New York. 17 What odes George say about his part of London? ( A) It is a place well worth visiting.

10、 ( B) It has problems as well as advantages. ( C) It is the citys center. ( D) It is the best part of London. 18 What does Georges wifes favorite shop sell? ( A) Clothes. ( B) Food. ( C) Books. ( D) Shoes. 19 Why does George like the bookshop? ( A) The books there are inexpensive. ( B) He can talk a

11、bout his books to the customers there:. ( C) It has many books he likes to read. ( D) Its very comfortable there. 20 Where does George sometimes go for a run? ( A) Along the river bank. ( B) In the country. ( C) On a farm. ( D) On the beach. Section D 20 What do you do if you dont get into your firs

12、t-choice university? This【 D1】_faces thousands of British students every year. Many such【 D2】 _turn to Clearing, a service that helps find university places for students at the last moment. If they dont have the marks to get into their 【 D3】 _, Clearing tells them about places available at other uni

13、versities, though they might have to read a different subject. This year has seen a record number of people applying to university. This, combined with the 【 D4】 _, an uncertain job market, and budget cuts at universities, has produced even more of a scramble for places than usual. Some sources say

14、six students have applied for each remaining【 D5】 _place. Some British students might consider an interesting alternative:【 D7】 _. The UKs Higher Education Minister, David Willetts, is encouraging students who havent made the grade to consider alternatives to university, such as【 D8】 _and studying a

15、t home. “There are a range of options available,“ he says. “People can reapply next year, so they should consider spending this year in a way that will add positively to their CVs. Getting 【 D9】 _or other skills will strengthen their chances next year. “ Some commentators say, though, that rising un

16、iversity costs, poor long-term【 D10】 _, and a drop in graduate recruitment mean this is the worst time to be a university student in the UK. 21 【 D1】 22 【 D2】 23 【 D3】 24 【 D4】 25 【 D5】 26 【 D6】 27 【 D7】 28 【 D8】 29 【 D9】 30 【 D10】 一、 Part Vocabulary and Structure 31 The senior professor told his st

17、udents to_on their studies. ( A) be careful ( B) pay attention ( C) concern ( D) concentrate 32 Having made his first film earlier this year, he is_starting in a new musical. ( A) actually ( B) recently ( C) currently ( D) lately 33 When confronted with such question, my mind goes_, and I can hardly

18、 remember my own birthday. ( A) dim ( B) blank ( C) vain ( D) faint 34 Hopes, goals and fears_widely between men and women, the rich and the poor, and old people and young people. ( A) alter ( B) shift ( C) vary ( D) transfer 35 But for their generous help, the experiment_completed so quickly. ( A)

19、shouldnt be ( B) couldnt have been ( C) wasnt ( D) hadnt 36 He is one of those men who, I am sure, always do_best even in most trying circumstances. ( A) them ( B) his ( C) their ( D) ones 37 The city of London, _repeatedly between 1940 and 1941, lost many of its famous churches. ( A) bombed ( B) to

20、 bomb ( C) bombing ( D) having bombed 38 Anyone can borrow books from the library_he keeps them clean and returns then on time. ( A) even if ( B) unless ( C) so that ( D) as long as 39 So_? Well, she examined me. She put a thermometer in my mouth and took my temperature. She said it was normal. ( A)

21、 how did the teacher react ( B) what did the doctor do ( C) why did she examine you ( D) did she listen to you 40 Hello! Can I speak to Alice, please? Sorry. She isnt in at the moment. _? Please tell her to call me back on my mobile. ( A) Could I leave a message ( B) Can you hold the line ( C) Will

22、you put me through ( D) May I take a message 41 He eventually realized his own fault and wanted to reform. _ ( A) Its no use pumping a dry well ( B) Never too late to mend ( C) Better safe than sorry ( D) It never rains but it pours 42 China and America established diplomatic relations in January, _

23、. ( A) 1972 ( B) 1976 ( C) 1978 ( D) 1979 43 The English Civil War is also called_. ( A) the Puritan Revolution. ( B) the second Magna Carta. ( C) the Long Parliament. ( D) the Anglican War. 44 Martin Luther King, Jr. , a young black clergyman, became a national leader of the_Movement. ( A) Boycott

24、( B) Civil Rights ( C) Segregation ( D) Integration 45 The 18th century England is known as the_in the history. ( A) Renaissance ( B) Classicism ( C) Enlightenment ( D) Romanticism 二、 Part Cloze 45 For the last fifty years, the globe has been warming up. It is true that the average temperature【 C1】

25、r_is only about two degrees, but that has been【 C2】 e_to start the glaciers【 C3】 _(recede)in many parts of the world. A rise of one degree per generation is a large【 C4】 in_. Nature seldom moves as swiftly as this. We may have been helping her. To a very large【 C5】 _, the temperature of the Earth is

26、 determined【 C6】 _the amount of solar heat which the atmosphere can keep. The air above us sets like the glass in a greenhouse, trapping many of the heat waves which would【 C7】 other_bounce back into space. Carbon dioxide in the air is mostly responsible 【 C8】 _the “greenhouse effect“ : it is a gas

27、produced by all our countless fires, furnaces(熔炉 )and internal combustion engines(内燃机 ). The end of the age of fossil fuels is already in sight: soon in one or two centuries at the roost we will have wasted all the worlds【 C9】 re_of oil and coal. This no longer means disaster, for【 C10】 _(atom)energ

28、y has arrived in time to save our civilization from dying through lack of power. 46 【 C1】 47 【 C2】 48 【 C3】 49 【 C4】 50 【 C5】 51 【 C6】 52 【 C7】 53 【 C8】 54 【 C9】 55 【 C10】 Section A 55 Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks. The executive stati

29、oned in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind. “ He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the companys plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment over

30、seas, superior will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more prevalent. Thanks to a variety of relatively inexperience communications devices with business applications,

31、even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets. English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isnt generally required to get a job in business, but having

32、language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal. The employee posted abroad who speaks the countrys principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The

33、 employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign clients over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset to the firm. Questions 5660 Decide the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the passage. 56 The author is positive toward high-tech communications eq

34、uipment. ( A) TRUE ( B) FALSE 57 Overseas assignment is not important to promotion. ( A) TRUE ( B) FALSE 58 Small businesses in the United States are impossible to get into international markets. ( A) TRUE ( B) FALSE 59 A second language is a must to get a job in business. ( A) TRUE ( B) FALSE 60 Em

35、ployees having foreign language skills have more opportunities to fast-forward certain negotiations. ( A) TRUE ( B) FALSE Section B 60 【 B1】 _Many of these customs include stories and beliefs related to creatures, real or magical, taking the teeth. In Asia, for example, birds and other animals are t

36、hought to play a role in taking these baby teeth. In the West, though, a fairy is thought to visit. In all cases, it is considered lucky for the animal or fairy to take the offered tooth. 【 B2】 _Latter, the magpie will return and bring a new tooth for the child. This custom is also followed in other

37、 Asian countries. In both Japan and Vietnam, follow a similar tradition of throwing lost teeth onto the roofs of houses. 【 B3】_In Mexico and Spain, for instance, tradition says a mouse takes the tooth and leaves some money. But in Mongolia, dogs are responsible for taking childrens teeth away. Dogs

38、are highly respected in Mongolian culture and are considered to be peoples guardian angels. 【 B4】 _Accordingly, parents in Mongolia will put their childs lost tooth in the fat of a piece of meat and feed it to a dog. 【 B5】 _Many children in Western countries count on the Tooth Fairy to leave money o

39、r presents in exchange for a tooth. The exact origins of the Tooth Fairy are unknown, although the story probably began in England or Ireland centuries ago. According to this tradition, a child puts a lost tooth under his or her pillow before going to bed. In the small hours while the child is sleep

40、ing, the Tooth Fairy takes the tooth and leaves something else under the pillow. What she does with the teeth is a mystery. In France, the Tooth Fairy leaves a small gift or candy. In the United States, however, the Tooth Fairy usually leaves money. These days, the rate is $1 to $5 per tooth. That c

41、an add up to a lot of money from the Tooth Fairy! Questions 6165Complete the passage with the following sentences. There are two extra sentences that you do not need to use.A. The idea of giving lost teeth to an angel or fairy is also a common tradition in the West.B. Many cultures follow special cu

42、stoms when a childs baby teeth fail out.C. Tradition says that the new tooth will grow in good and strong if the baby tooth is fed to a guardian angel.D. Other countries have teeth traditions which include other animals.E. According to tradition, a magpie will come and take the tooth.F. The Tooth Fa

43、iry probably originated in the west.G. Many customs indicate that animals would take care of baby teeth. 61 【 B1】 62 【 B2】 63 【 B3】 64 【 B4】 65 【 B5】 Section C 65 Think of lavender today and up come images of old-world cottage gardens thick with nodding hollyhocks and pink roses round the door. Its

44、a prime player in lots of potpourri concoctions for that reason. But recently its been seen as more than just a pretty scent. In the last few years, clinical trials have been conducted on essential oil of lavender. Scientists have been studying its potential in the treatment of various health proble

45、ms. In the days of folk medicine lavender oil was considered to be one of the most useful all-round remedies, particularly for its soothing and antiseptic qualities. It was used for a wide range of treatments : a drop on a restless childs pillow for a good nights sleep or a little massaged into the

46、temples to relieve a headache or mild depression. It was even used as a rough-and-ready antiseptic by soldiers in the First World War. And it goes back much further than that: the Romans used the oil so widely to perfume their baths that its Latin name Lavandula, derives from their verb to bathe. La

47、venders healing properties were first discovered by accident. In 1910 a French chemist and perfumer burnt himself in a laboratory explosion. He plunged his singed hand into the nearest liquid which happened to be lavender essence and was so impressed with the results that he devoted 50 years to stud

48、ying the properties of essential oils. Pharmaceutical companiesinfluenced by growing ecological concerns as the rest of ushave begun to reappraise many traditional treatments. Some of the most effective drugs we use in modern medicine derive from natural remedies. Questions 6670 Answer the following

49、 questions according to the passage. 66 What is connected to the image of lavender? 67 What was lavender often used to? 68 How the healing properties of lavender were discovered? 69 What have scientists been studying on lavender in the last few years? 70 What have pharmaceutical companies begun to do? Section D 70 Stereotypes are troublesome beca


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