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1、大学生英语竞赛( NECCS) D类模拟试卷 9及答案与解析 Section A 1 Where is the woman going to go on holiday this year? ( A) Canada. ( B) Italy. ( C) Turkey. 2 What time will they go to the cinema? ( A) 5:30. ( B) 0.354167 ( C) 0.416667 3 How far is the nearest supermarket? ( A) 5 km. ( B) 3 km. ( C) 1 km. 4 What will the

2、weather be like? ( A) It will snow. ( B) It will be sunny. ( C) It will rain. 5 What is Joe going to do at the weekend? ( A) Go swimming. ( B) Play volleyball ( C) Ride a bicycle. Section B 6 What is the main purpose of the research? ( A) To make preparations for a new publication. ( B) To learn how

3、 couples spend their weekends. ( C) To investigate what people do at the weekends. 7 What does the man do on Fridays? ( A) He goes to exercise classes. ( B) He goes sailing. ( C) He stays at home. 8 On which day does the couple always go out? ( A) Friday. ( B) Saturday. ( C) Sunday. 9 What does the

4、couple always do on Saturdays? ( A) Go sailing. ( B) Watch TV. ( C) Go exercising. 10 Which personal detail does the man give? ( A) Surname. ( B) First name. ( C) Address. 11 What day of the week is it? ( A) Thursday. ( B) Friday. ( C) Saturday. 12 Whats Michaels plan on Saturday? ( A) Showing his s

5、ister and her husband around. ( B) Going out with some guys to that new nightspot downtown. ( C) Going to the football game. 13 What is Michael planning to do on Sunday afternoon? ( A) Go out with some friends. ( B) Go to a football game. ( C) Sleep all afternoon. 14 Why does the woman think it is g

6、ood that the test will be early? ( A) They will have time to study for it. ( B) Afternoons are bad times for tests. ( C) After it, they can study for other exams. 15 Which of the following is probably true of the woman? ( A) She has no or few plans for the weekend. ( B) Shed like to go out with the

7、man. ( C) She is going to be busy all day Sunday. Section C 16 What evolutionary change in birds led to a nests building? ( A) Their flying ability improved greatly. ( B) They became warm-blooded. ( C) They began to lay eggs. 17 According to the speaker, the first birds nest was located_. ( A) on th

8、e ground ( B) in the cold places ( C) on the highest branches of trees 18 According to the speaker, what is the possible reason that birds began to build nests in trees? ( A) To avoid predators. ( B) To expose the eggs to stronger sunlight. ( C) To have a better view of predators. 19 What is the lat

9、est development in nest? ( A) A hole scraped in the ground ( B) Cup-shaped nest ( C) Platforms of sticks and dried leaves 20 What is the main topic of the talk? ( A) How birds learn to build nests. ( B) Why birds lay eggs. ( C) How birds nests have evolved. Section D 20 Did you ever have an【 D1】 _or

10、 an idea that you knew was important, but you couldnt put it into words? Poetry is one kind of writing that can capture such emotions and ideas and give them form. A poets【 D2】 _is different from that of other kind of writers. Imagine a scientist writing about ice cream. The scientist might discuss

11、the【 D3】 _of milk fat in the ice cream or its【 D4】 _. A historian might write about how Marco Polo brought the idea for the frozen【 D5】 _to Europe from China. A business person might write about the numbers of【 D6】 _of ice cream that people buy every month. But the poet will try to create an “ ice c

12、ream【 D7】 _. “ Poetry has been called “the best words in the best order. “ Poets choose words carefully and put them in【 D8】 _relationships to each other. Every word in a poem is an important part of the whole【 D9】 _. A poem is not just the work and joy of the poet. You, the reader, must【 D10】_Your

13、ear must hear the poems “ music“. Your eye must see how the poem looks on the page. Your mind must find images and meaning in the poem. 21 【 D1】 22 【 D2】 23 【 D3】 24 【 D4】 25 【 D5】 26 【 D6】 27 【 D7】 28 【 D8】 29 【 D9】 30 【 D10】 一、 Part Vocabulary and Structure 31 Despite the wonderful acting and well

14、-developed plot, the_movie could not hold our attention. ( A) three-hours ( B) three-hour ( C) three-hourss ( D) three-hours 32 I would rather_out to look for a job instead of moping around here everyday. ( A) to go ( B) going ( C) went ( D) go 33 Ive worked_four hours on this article, Im completely

15、_. ( A) in, concentrated ( B) at, distorted ( C) out, captured ( D) for, distracted 34 If this kind of animal becomes _, our future generation _even have a chance to see it. ( A) little: can not ( B) scarce: mustnt ( C) rare: may not ( D) short: wont 35 This candidate has far more chances of winning

16、 the election than_recommended by the organizer. ( A) that ( B) the one ( C) whom ( D) one 36 Bill wasnt happy about it, and_. ( A) I neither ( B) neither was I ( C) neither I was ( D) either was I 37 If you_my advice, you_your failure now. You_your victory. ( A) took.wouldnt cry over.would celebrat

17、e ( B) had taken.wouldnt have cried over.would have celebrated ( C) had taken.arent crying over.are celebrating ( D) had taken.wouldnt be crying over.would be celebrating 38 Im afraid taking a part time job might_my time for study. ( A) cut off ( B) cut into ( C) cut down ( D) cut away 39 Although w

18、e had told them not to keep us waiting, they made no_to speed up deliveries. ( A) trial ( B) attempt ( C) action ( D) progress 40 Of the two T-shirts, I chose_. ( A) the less expensive ( B) the one least expensive ( C) the least expensive ( D) the least expensive of them 41 Output is now six times_i

19、t was before liberation. ( A) that ( B) which ( C) what ( D) as much 42 I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like_. I told you not to eat at a restaurant. Youd better_at home. ( A) to throw up.to eat ( B) throwing up.eating ( C) to throw up.eat ( D) throwing up.eat 43 Who allowed you_my car? (

20、A) driving ( B) to drive ( C) riding ( D) to ride 44 Customer: Im going to hold a farewell party for some friends. Id like to book a dinner here. Waiter: How many people of you will come to the dinner? Customer: About ten. Waiter: _ Customer: Deep fried shrimps and roasted pork. As for other dishes,

21、 Ill leave the choice to you if you dont mind. ( A) What can I do for you? ( B) What do you like? ( C) Anything particular on the menu? ( D) May I recommend some dishes? 45 Waiter: Would you like to have one bill or separate bills, sir? John: Its my treat. One bill, please. Paul: You paid last time.

22、 _ John: Well, all right if you insist. But next time you must let me pay. ( A) This is on me. ( B) Stop kidding me. ( C) I have money. ( D) Knock it out. 二、 Part Cloze 45 Turn in your collection of industry-supplied freebies and Goodman will send back a few replacement pens bearing the No Free Lunc

23、h insignia(标记 ). According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the pharmaceutical(制药 )【 C1】 in_spends 58,000 to $ 13,000 per physician each year to【 C2】pro_its wares, which are hawked by a sales force of roughly 80,000 representatives. He decided to keep the clinic off-limits to drug

24、 sales【 C3】 re_but found it hard to practice. He created a【 C4】 _to sell the pens and mugs to raise money for the patients, which is called it NoFreeLunch. org. Drug companies send extravagant gifts to doctors, which do【 C5】 inf_what they prescribe. The more expensive drugs, which are heavily【 C6】 _

25、(market)to doctors, are far more frequently【 C7】 pr_by doctors. Goodman has done many things to alert physicians to such【 C8】 _(trouble)data: he also plans to convince med-schools to【 C9】 ed_their students about the【 C10】 _(ethic) hazard of accepting corporate gifts. “ I find No Free Lunch to be one

26、 of the few hopeful things in this area,“ she says. “ So many doctors are now bought and paid for. 46 【 C1】 47 【 C2】 48 【 C3】 49 【 C4】 50 【 C5】 51 【 C6】 52 【 C7】 53 【 C8】 54 【 C9】 55 【 C10】 Section A 55 Do you often use shampoo? Do you put ketchup on your food? Have you ever visited a sauna? If you

27、think these words are originally English, youd better think again. In fact, each of these words comes from a different language. Shampoo, for example, is actually a Hindi word and comes from India. This word originally meant “massage. “ In hair shops in India, barbers massage your head while washing

28、 your hair. Over time, British people in India came to use this word for the washing liquid. Almost everyone knows ketchup. People all over the world like to pour this tomato sauce on their French fries or sandwiches. However, this word is originally Chinese(from kctsiap, a fish sauce). In the 1600s

29、, British and Dutch sailors took this fish sauce back to Europe. Over time, people added a tomato flavor to it. But the name remained basically the same. Sauna, a popular type of public steam room and shower facility, comes from the Finnish language. It first became famous at the Olympics. Athletes

30、from Britain and Germany saw Finnish athletes use saunas after training. Later, the general public all over Europe started using this style of bathing too. Now, we use this word to describe all kinds of steam rooms. English is full of many wonderful borrowed words from many diverse languages. Perhap

31、s English should change its name to Eng-hin-chi-fin-fre-ger-ital-span-ish. 56 Whats the main idea of this reading? ( A) English words in other languages. ( B) Words from India. ( C) The usage in English of words from other languages. ( D) How the word shampoo was first used in English 57 What does “

32、ital“ probably mean in “Eng-bin-chi-fin-fre-get-ital-span-ish“? ( A) The name of a country. ( B) The name of a language. ( C) The name of a group of people. ( D) The name of people who speak English. 58 Shampoo is actually a Hindi word and comes from India. This word originally meant_. 59 People all

33、 over the world like to pour_on their French fries or sandwiches. And this word is originally Chinese. 60 _, a popular type of public steam room and shower facility, first became famous at the Olympics. Section B 60 Would you like to orbit the Earth inside the International Space Station? Now you ca

34、n take a space holidayfor a price. This is due to a recent decision by top space officials of the United States, Russia, Canada, Japan and the European Space Agency. Last April, American businessman Dennis Tito reportedly paid between twelve-million and twenty-million dollars to spend one week on th

35、e International Space Station. NASA had strongly objected to the Russian plan to permit a civilian on the costly research vehicle. After two years of negotiations , space officials have agreed on a process to train private citizens to take trips to the International Space Station. NASA recently agre

36、ed to conditions that will permit Russia to sell trips to the space station. The trips are planned by an American company called Space Adventures Limited of Arlington, Virginia. The company calls itself “ the worlds leading space tourism company. “ The company has sold a space trip to Mark Shuttlewo

37、rth, a South African businessman. In April, Mister Shuttle-worth will be launched into space from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Yet, the average citizen will not be able to travel into space in the near future. Space Adventures Limited sells a training program for space flight that costs tw

38、o-hundred-thousand dollars. That price does not include the cost of the trip to the International Space Station. That holiday in space costs twenty-million dollars. Candidates for adventure space travel trips must be in excellent health and must pass difficult health tests. They must receive a lot o

39、f training and all successful candidates who wish to travel to the International Space Station must be able to read and speak English. 61 How much did American businessman Dennis Tito pay to spend one week on the International Space Station? 62 Why Mark Shuttleworth, a South African businessman, is

40、mentioned in the passage? 63 NASA did not object to the Russian plan to permit a civilian on the costly research vehicle. ( A) TRUE ( B) FALSE 64 Space Adventures Limited of Arlington, Virginia, has sold a space trip to Mark Shuttleworth, a South African businessman. ( A) TRUE ( B) FALSE 65 There ar

41、e no requirements for the candidates for adventure space travel trips. ( A) TRUE ( B) FALSE Section C 65 In comparison with the lives of other postgraduate students, the life of a student doctor is far from easy.【 T1】 Despite the heavy workload, it seems that the more you learn, the more you rely wh

42、at you still need to study. As a result, it is not unusual for students to drop out. Misguided teachers attempt to simplify matters in an environment that demands the very best of its practitioners. The situation is little better in the year or two years after qualifying. Poorly paid for such long h

43、ours, many junior doctors find themselves becoming disillusioned with medicine.【 T2】 The more depressed they become, the more likely they are to look elsewhere for a career, wasting up to seven years of training and education. An unfortunate statistic is that of those that qualify as doctors, 18% do

44、 not remain in the profession for more than three years. 66 Why is the life of a student doctor harder than the other postgraduate students? 67 Why do many junior doctors become disillusioned with medicine? 68 How many doctor students give up the chance of being doctors? 69 【 T1】 70 【 T2】 Section D

45、70 Certain birds are, more often than not, considered bad luck, or even frightening, a sign of impending death. All over the world, both crows and ravens(乌鸦 )have some connection with war and death. In early times, crows and ravens were thought to accompany the gods of war, or be signs of their immi

46、nent arrival in an area. Later, this belief became more general, and these birds, crows more particularly, were thought to be harbingers(预兆 )of ill fortune or, in some cases, guides to the afterlife. Woe be it to the person who saw a single crow or raven flying overhead, for this most certainly was

47、a portent of death in the near future. Interestingly, though potentially bad luck for people individually, the raven is considered to be good luck for the crown of England. So much so, in fact, that a “ raven master“ is even today an actual government position in the Tower of London. He takes care o

48、f the ravens there and also clips their wings, ensuring that these birds can never fly far from the seat of the British government. This way, the kingdom will never fall to ill fortune. Another bird which is also still considered to play a part in peoples fortunes is the swallow. Depending on how an

49、d when it is seen, the swallow can be a harbinger of either good-or-ill-for-tune. Perhaps inspired by the swallows red-brown breast, people initially related the swallow with the death of Christ. Thus, people who saw a swallow fly through their house considered it a portent of death. Later, however, farmers began to consider


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