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1、大学英语三级 A级(作文)模拟试卷 30及答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing 1 预订火车票 说明: 假设你是公司的后勤人员。写信预订火车票。 内容: 1数量: 5张火车票: 2日期: 7月 20日星期天; 3时间:下午 5: 00; 4要求:非吸烟车厢,从合肥到杭州; 5随 函附: 250元的支票,一个贴好邮票、写好地址的信封。 Words for reference: non smoking非吸烟 compartm

2、ent车厢 enclose随 附 2 请求更换保险代理 说明: 假设你是车主,写信给保险公司的经理 Anderson先生,请求更换代理。 内容: 1自己是 AA保险公司约 5年的保险客户: 2希望把现在的三藩市代理 Ann White换成离自己的家 (洛杉矶 )比较近的代理: 3请对方寄来需要填写的表格: 4自己 的车是: 2000 Ford station wagon,保险号: #256 66 52。 Words for reference: policyholder保险客户 agent代理 San Francisco三藩市 Los Angeles洛杉矶 3 询问汽车租赁 说明: 假设你是大

3、学的学生会秘书,写信给汽车租赁公司的经理,询问租车事宜。 内容: 1想租 3辆巴士: 2巴士主要用于早上从酒店接外宾、晚上送回酒店; 3外宾在大学进行日语培训班工作,接送的巴士要 求干净、宽敞、性能优良: 4请对方告知可以提供什么样的车。 Words for reference: lease租借 language training course语言培训班 spacious宽敞的 high performance高性能 4 询问银行业务 说明: 假设你是公司的财务经理,写信向银行咨询业务。 内容: 1公司正在寻找一家服务好、收费合理的银行; 2公司目前有 260名雇员、 2800万美元的年销售额

4、; 3请对方寄来简介材料和银 行服务价目表; 4评估不同银行的文字资料之后,会开户; 5如需更多信息,可随时拨打 324 6879联系。 Words for reference: annual sales年销售额 brochure简介材料 fee schedule价目表 literature文字资料 大学英语三级 A级(作文)模拟试卷 30答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing 1 【正确答案】 Gentlemen, I

5、shall be obliged if you will reserve me 5 tickets in a nonsmoking compartment train from Hefei to Hangzhou at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 20. Im enclosing herewith a check for ¥ 250 yuan for the tickets, and a stamped addressed envelope. Sincerely yours, Ann 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Dear Mr. Anderson, I hav

6、e been an AA Insurance Company policyholder for about five years, and would like to change from my present agent(Ann White in San Francisco)to an agent closer to my home(Los Angeles). Please send me the necessary forms to make this transfer for my car(2000 Ford station wagon, Policy #256-66-52). You

7、rs truly, Mike 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Dear Manager, We are interested in leasing three buses. They will primarily be used for picking up our foreign guests from the hotel they stay in the morning and send them back in the evening while they are at our university for the Japanese language training course

8、, and therefore must be tidy and spacious, and of high performance. Please tell us what you have to offer. Sincerely yours, Mary 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Dear Sirs, Our company is looking for a bank which will provide us with good service at a reasonable cost. We currently have 260 employees and $28 million in annual sales. Please send us your brochure and fee schedule on business services. After we have reviewed the literature from different banks, we will open our account. Please feel free to call us at 324-6879 for more information. Yours truly, Dave 【知识模块】 作文


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