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1、大学英语三级 A级(作文)模拟试卷 35及答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing 1 This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Business Letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember t

2、o do the task on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 说明:以 Daniel Trade公司市场部经理李华的身份于 6月 15日给 John Holland先生写一封催款信,信中应当包括以下内容: 1问及 Holland先生近况: 2要求 Holland先生尽快支付 10000元货款,该笔款项已经过期 10天; 3随信寄上公司最新的夏季产品目录,希望 Holland先生尽早 寄来新的订单,可享受公司的优惠价格。 注意:务必按业务信函的格式书写。 Words for Reference: 过期 overdue 优惠价格 special offer

3、s 2 This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a notice of Contributions Wanted in English according to the following content in Chinese. Remember to write the message in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 内容: 1本报的主要对象为我公司员工;出版日期为每

4、个月的 15日。 2欢迎下列各种形式和体裁的稿件: a. 各部门情况的报道; b对我公司生产、销售、产品推广的意见和建议; c员工业余生活; d其他。 3来稿请勿超过 1000字;英文来稿要求打字。 4来稿如不采用,三个月内退还作者。 5联 系人:林月。 6联系地址:公司公共关系部。 Words for Reference: 征稿启事 contributions wanted 稿件 contribution 业余生活 spare time 3 This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required

5、to complete an E-mail message for room reservations. Some information and the E-mail form are given to you. Remember to write the message in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 1写信人: Li Qiang(Liqianggmail com) 2写信时间: 2015年 2月 20日 3收信单位: Reservation Office(groupsalesaston co

6、m) 4入住时间: 2015年 3月 25日至 27日 5预订房间:一 个带浴室的单人房间,三个带浴室的双人房间。将于 3月 26日下午租用会议室一间,进行业务洽谈。请尽早回复,告之是否有空房、房价及是否需要预付押金等。 4 The part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an Announcement according to the following information in Chinese. You should include all the points li

7、sted in the following table. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet.1事由:欢迎美国学生来我校参观。 2时间: 6月22日上午 9: 00至 13: 00。 3人数:约 35人。 4具体安排:Words for Reference:接待室 reception room 欢迎会 welcome party 食堂 student canteen 大学英语三级 A级(作文)模拟试卷 35答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This p

8、art is to test your ability to do practical writing 1 【正确答案】 15 June, 2015 Dear Mr. John Holland, It has been quite a few days since we met last time. How have you been these days? I am writing to remind you that our bill for the last delivery of 10,000 Yuan is overdue for 10 days. Could you please

9、make this payment as soon as possible? Enclosed we are sending our latest summer catalogue. Special offers are waiting for you if you place the new order by July. Yours sincerely, Li Hua Marketing Manager Daniel Trade Company 【知识模块】 写作 2 【正确答案】 Contributions Wanted xxx Company Report is published on

10、 15th every month. In order to make it more interesting and better in content, all staff members of our company are welcome to send in their contributions in whatever form and style concerning: 1. Reports from each department: 2. Suggestions about our products manufacturing, selling, promoting, etc.

11、: 3. Activities of the staff in their spare time: 4. Others. Such contributions are expected to be within a 1,000-word limit and English contributions are supposed to be typed Please send them to Lin Yue of the Public Relations Department The contribution will be returned within 3 months if it is no

12、t adopted. 【知识模块】 写作 3 【正确答案】 To: From: Date: Feb. 20, 2015 Subject: Hotel Reservation Reservation Office, I would like to book a single room with a bath and three twin rooms with baths from Mar. 25 to 27. And I also want to rent a room to hold a business meeting on the afternoon of Mar. 26. Pleas

13、e write back as soon as possible, and let me know if the rooms are available, what the price is and if I should pay the deposit Thank you Best wishes, Li Qiang 【知识模块】 写作 4 【正确答案】 Announcement Your attention, please. A 35-American-student-delegation will visit our campus during 9:00 to 13:00 on June

14、22, In order to welcome American students, following activities are arranged: 8:40 am. assemble at the gate to welcome the guests: 9:00-10:30 am. welcome party and present the gift each other in reception room: 10:30-11:30 am. look around the campus, library, labs and language labs: 11:30 am. lunch at the student canteen: 1:00 p.m. farewell at the school gate. 【知识模块】 写作


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