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1、大学英语三级 B级(作文)模拟试卷 47及答案与解析 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. 1 说明:假定你是李明,请根据以下内容以第一人称发一封电子邮件。 内容: 1.发件人:李明 2.收件人: Linda 3.发件人电子邮箱地址: 4.收件人邮箱地址: 5.事由: 李明是某网上书店销售员,最近美国的 Linda 在该书店买了一本书,书名: Introduction to Success。 6.邮件涉及的内容: 1)首先要感

2、谢对方购买该书; 2)告诉客户,书已经按时寄出,预计在一周内到达; 3)希望客户收到书后到网站上进行评价; 4)最后推荐一些新书,欢迎该客户再次在本店选购。 注意:不要逐字翻译上面给出的内容提示。 2 假定你是公司的一名秘书,公司内部将要举行一个培训,现在写一份英语公告,涵盖以下内容: 1.本次培训全员参加; 2.本次培训为期三天,从本周二到周四, 9: 00 17: 00; 3.培训期间请听从培训老师的安排 ; 4.其他注意事项。 3 假定你是 HJR 电脑公司售后服务部的 John Green。你昨天收到了客户 Sam 的来信称,他新买的电脑不能正常启动。现在你以 John Green 的

3、名义给 Sam 写一封道歉信。 写信日期: 3 月 12 日 内容主要包括: 1.首先对产品出现的问题表示歉意; 2.指出公司会及时提供具体解决方案,必要时会更换新机器; 3.再次对给客户造成的不便表示歉意。 注意信函格式! 4 校学生会号召大家周六中午 12:00 在主楼前面给 贫困地区的孩子捐献棉衣,班长李明有事情外出,请你以李明的名义,给同宿舍同学写一份留言,留言包括以下内容: 1.留言人:李明 2.留言内容:捐献棉衣、捐献活动组织者、捐助对象、捐助时间、捐助地点 ;不要迟到 3.留言对象:宿舍同学 4.留言原因:有事情外出 大学英语三级 B级(作文)模拟试卷 47答案与解析 一、 Pa

4、rt V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. 1 【正确答案】 From: To: Dear Linda, This is Li Ming, book salesperson in the ABC online bookstore. Thank you for buying the book Introduction to Success in our bookstore recently. Im writing to you to tell th

5、at the book you ordered have already been sent out. You can expect to receive it within a week. I wonder whether you would like to evaluate our service on the Internet after you receive the book. Moreover, I would like to recommend you another new book in our store called Twilight and welcome you to

6、 buy books from here again. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Notice Our company is going to hold an internal training recently which requires all the staff to take part in. This training will last for three days, from Tuesday to Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Every one should follow the

7、 training teachers advice during this training. Moreover, please make sure that your cell phone should be turned off in class. If you have something emergent, you can call the director to ask for leave. Secretary: Helen 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 March 12 Dear Sam, This is John Green from HJR Company. Im so

8、rry to hear that your newly-bought computer can not work properly. For this, we show our deepest apology. After receiving your letter, our company pays prompt attention to the problem. We will work on a specific solution to the problem as soon as possible. Our After-sale Service Department will get

9、in touch with you in time. If necessary, well replace your computer with a new one. Please accept our sincere apology again. Sincerely yours, John Green 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Message Dear roommates, The Student Union of our college calls on us to donate the used winter coats to the children in rural ar

10、eas. All those who will donate your used winter clothes please go to the Main Building at 12 oclock on Saturday noon to hand over them to the Student Union. I am so sorry that I cant tell you the message face to face, for I have something urgent to deal with. Make sure you will get to the Main Building on time. See you then. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 【知识模块】 作文


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