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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 15及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should d

2、ecide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) The book was hard to find. ( B) The book was difficult to read. ( C) The book cost too much money. ( D) The book was not worth reading. ( A) She was never at home when Fred called. ( B) Fred could call her any time he wanted. ( C)

3、She was never out when Fred called. ( D) She pretended she wasnt at home each time Fred called. ( A) Books about cooking. ( B) Books about art. ( C) Books about cooking and art. ( D) Story books. ( A) Because the chicken is not good. ( B) Because he has had too much chicken. ( C) Because there is no

4、t enough chicken. ( D) Because he doesnt like chicken. ( A) The woman. ( B) The man. ( C) Both the woman and the man. ( D) Nobody. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there ar

5、e some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) Tianjin. ( B) Chongqing. ( C) Shanghai. ( D) Beijing. ( A) Monday. ( B) Tuesday. ( C) Wednesday. ( D)

6、 Thursday. ( A) In a book store. ( B) In a hotel. ( C) In a grocery. ( D) In a department store. ( A) The white one. ( B) The red one. ( C) The blue one. ( D) The green one. ( A) $250. ( B) $100. ( C) $80. ( D) $120. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short pass

7、ages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 11 How much have we exported and imported this year so far as compared to last year? This y

8、ear so far we have already exported and imported _ last years value of goods . 12 What do American students try to do in class? They try to _ in working out problems by themselves. 13 What do American teachers often do to make their students prepare for the next class? They often give their students

9、 a _ to prepare for the next class. 14 What do Chinese students focus on in class? They focus on _ in class. 15 How can Chinese students get high scores in their exams? They can get high scores in their exams if they can _ their class notes. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomp

10、lete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 Once environmental damage _, it takes many years for the system to recover. ( A) has done ( B) is to do ( C) does ( D) is done 17 It does no good _ an

11、ything at such times. ( A) saying ( B) to say ( C) being said ( D) to saying 18 Mikes father as well as his mother insisted that he _ home. ( A) stayed ( B) could stay ( C) has stayed ( D) stay 19 _ you dont like him is none of my business. ( A) What ( B) Who ( C) That ( D) Whether 20 Is this the re

12、staurant _? ( A) which you work ( B) in which you work ( C) for which you work ( D) where you work in 21 _ he comes, we will be able to go. ( A) Without ( B) Unless ( C) Except ( D) Even 22 Was it is 1969 _ the American astronaut succeeded _ landing on the moon? ( A) when, on ( B) that, on ( C) wher

13、e, in ( D) that, in 23 Does Tom speak French _ Jean does? ( A) half as fluently as ( B) as half fluent as ( C) as fluently half as ( D) as half more fluent as 24 Every one can only play the games for ten minutes _. ( A) at a time ( B) at any time ( C) at times ( D) at one time 25 We have not enough

14、bread to give out, so somebody will have to _. ( A) go over ( B) go without ( C) go through ( D) go down Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 26 He won a prize for good (behave) _ at schoo

15、l. 27 But for the storm we would (arrive) _ earlier. 28 Before (enter) _, Holmes made an examination of the door. 29 Children are usually (depend)_ on their parents. 30 There isnt any real (different) _ in structure between these two points of view. 31 She has realized the (necessary) _ of getting e

16、nough sleep. 32 Presently he made the suggestion that they (carry on) _ their conversation in French. 33 They havent finished the _(operate), though it has lasted 2 hours. 34 I know Mr. Brown. We _(introduce) to each other at an international conference. 35 If it _(rain) tomorrow, I wont go to the c

17、inema. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 36 There is nothing really new about any present-da

18、y moral problems. But perhaps they are now more pressing than in previous ages because modem science has greatly increased the scope and range of the consequences of human decisions. This is most obvious in modem warfare. Combatants(战士 ) can now be far removed from each other and, in the process, di

19、stanced from the consequences of their actions. War is also no longer simply a combat between armies; the humane(仁慈的 ) distinction between combatants and noncombatants has disappeared. This raises the question of whether there can be any “innocent bystanders“ in modern conflicts. The problem is at i

20、ts most extreme with the atomic bombs(原子弹 ). Many people have questioned the development and production of these bombs, let alone their use, both because their destructiveness outweighs(超过 ) any justification for their use and because of the probable long-term effects of radiation(辐射 ). Even the pea

21、ceful use of nuclear power carries the risk of pollution of the atmosphere for many generations. Behind the practical problems of using it peacefully is the moral one of whether it is possible to balance the benefits, however great, against the risk, however small and remote. 36 Which of the followi

22、ng would be the most suitable title for this passage? ( A) Modern Warfare ( B) Science and Moral Problems ( C) Problems of Nuclear Reactors ( D) Moral Consideration 37 The author would probably agree that in modem conflicts _. ( A) everyone would become a victim ( B) more non-combatants would escape

23、 harm ( C) combatants are not responsible for their actions ( D) nuclear weapons are more “humane“ 38 Even the peaceful use of nuclear power is potentially dangerous because of _. ( A) long-term deadly pollution ( B) an imbalance of benefits ( C) losing its justification ( D) a change of morals 39 T

24、he author says the risks of using nuclear power are _. ( A) greater than ever ( B) small and remote ( C) balanced by the benefits ( D) practical problems 40 The author says that moral problems are more urgent because _. ( A) combatants can be more removed than in the past ( B) nuclear power has beco

25、me much more dangerous ( C) science has made human decisions much more complex ( D) nuclear weapons have greatly increased Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 41 Most people on Earth accept it fairly easily that US

26、astronauts(宇航员 ) got to the moon on July 20, 1969. But there are those who do not believe it. The moon rocks were not evidence enough. Neither were the words of the astronauts themselves or the photographs. So the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA)(美国航空航天局 ) has asked an expert t

27、o write a book to prove that yes, indeed, Americans did land on the Moon. Actually, NASA has been going round and round in the argument for decades, but doubters still could be seen everywhere on the Internet. Those who doubt the Apollo moon landings maintain that the US lacked the technology to sen

28、d humans to the Moon and was so eager to win the Soviets in the space race that it faked(捏造 ) the moon mission on movie sets. The doubters say the faking was done so poorly that there is enough evidence of cheat, including a picture of astronauts planting the American flag that shows the flag rippli

29、ng(微微抖动 ) in the wind. The doubters claim there can be no wind on the moon, so the picture must have been faked. On its own web, NASA said that when the astronauts struggled to plant the US flag in the moon surface, they twisted it around a bit before it stuck. The rippling looks as if it were being

30、 carried by the wind. A NASAs expert said he has no ideas about whether the upcoming short book will change every doubters mind. 41 NASA asked an expert to write a book to prove that _. ( A) the photos were really taken on the moon ( B) the rocks were really taken back from the moon ( C) US astronau

31、ts really got to the moon in 1969 ( D) the words of the astronauts were believable 42 What statement of the following is true? ( A) NASA has been sending astronauts to the moon again and again. ( B) NASA has been debating with the doubters for a long time. ( C) Doubters have been going to NASA year

32、after year. ( D) Doubters have been going around the world to argue. 43 Those who doubt the Apollo moon landings argue that _. ( A) US were not technically advanced at that time ( B) US were not strong enough to win the Soviets ( C) US were eager to launch the moon mission ( D) US were eager to land

33、 on the moon at that time 44 The doubters think the most apparent evidence that the US faked the moon mission is _. ( A) a picture of astronauts planting the American flag ( B) the rocks brought back from the moon ( C) the American flag on the moon ( D) the wind on the moon 45 The author of this pas

34、sage thinks that the evidence of American moon mission in 1969 _. ( A) might not be argued about any more ( B) might still be doubted in the future ( C) is not really convincing ( D) is yet to be proved Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the

35、 outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 46 In business, many places adopt a credit system, which dates back to ancient times. At present, purchases can be made by using credit cards. They fall into two categories

36、: one has limited use, while the other is accepted almost everywhere. Usually the application has to be made at a bank. Once the customer starts using the card, he/she will be provided with a monthly statement of purchases by the credit company. He/she is required to pay one quarter to half of his/h

37、er credit every month. With a card, it is not necessary to save up money before an actual purchase. If the card is lost, its owner is protected. A regular and complete list of purchase received from the credit company helps the owner to remember the time and place of his/her purchases. But with the

38、card, the owner is tempted to overspend his/her money. If this is the case, it becomes increasingly difficult for the user to keep up with the required payments, which will result in the credit card being cancelled by the credit company. Credit Card Application: be approved by【 46】 . be provided mon

39、thly with:【 47】 . advantages offered: A) unnecessary to【 48】 money in advance B) to be protected if lost potential disadvantage: A) spending ones money【 49】 B) cancellation of【 50】 due to overspending Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the

40、 items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 51 A ROM(Read Only Memory) B CAD(Computer Aided Design) C NII(National Information Infrastructure) D CAI(Computer Assisted Instruction) E UPS(Uninterru

41、pted Power Supply) F ISDN(Integrated Service Digital Network) G PDA(Personal Digital Assistant) H OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) I IP(Internet Protocol) J RAM(Random Access Memory) K HTTP(Hyper Text Transport Protocol) L EDI(Electronic Data Interchange) M PC(Personal Computer) N DA(Office Auto

42、mation) O ISP(Internet Service Provider) P WWW(World Wide Web) 51. ( )万维网 ( )信息高速公路 52. ( )办公自动化 ( )计算机辅助教学 53. ( )个人数字助手 ( )原始设备制造商 54. ( )网际协议 ( )综合业务数字网 55. ( )不间断电源 ( )超文本传输协议 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 question

43、s (No.56 through No.60) following them. 56 The University of British Columbia admitted its first 379 students in 1915. Since then, it has developed into a teaching and research institution and Canadas second-largest English Language university. Nearly 32,000 students are enrolled in undergraduate, g

44、raduate and doctoral programmes in 12 faculties and nine schools. Of the more than 2,000 full-and-part-time faculty members, 70 percent hold the high degrees possible in their specific field. Its library is the second-largest university library in the country with approximately 3 million: volumes. U

45、BC also boasts a fine arts gallery, Asian centre, numerous museums, speciality gardens and a research forest. The sweeping 403-hectare campus is located in the West Coast city of Vancouver, Canadas gateway to the Pacific Rim(环太平洋圈 ) and the third largest city in the country. Surrounded by forests, m

46、ountains and beaches, Vancouver is world-renowned for its beauty. Clean and safe, this modern, multicultural city of 1.8 million offers an abundance of natural and cultural attractions. An added bonus(利益 ) is Vancouvers year-round temperate climate. 56 Which country is the university situated in? It

47、 is located in _. 57 How many students are admitted to study in the university now? About _. 58 What is the population of the city Vancouver? It has a population of _. 59 When did the university first start its recruitment? In _. 60 What can we learn about the climate in Vancouver? Vancouver is attr

48、active for its _ climate. 61 If something urgent happens that prevents you from keeping the appointment, you can change or cancel the appointment immediately ( A)假如有妨碍你约会的要紧事发生,你最好做出更改 或取消约会的抉择。 ( B)如果某事突发,使你不能如期约会,你应迅速对改变或取消约会做出反应。 ( C)假如有急事需你另行约会,你可改变时间或及时进行约会。 ( D)如果你有急事不能按时赴约,可以立即改变或取消约会。 62 He was just talking to me and he said he was getting ready to drive over to see you. ( A)他刚才跟我谈过,他正开车来看你呢。 ( B)他刚才跟我谈过,他还说要开车来看你。 ( C)他刚才对我说,他 要开车来看你呢。 ( D)他刚才对我说,他已经准备好了要送车给你。 63 Thanks a million for your thoughtful

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