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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 201及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) He wonders what happened to Tom. ( B) He went to visit Toms study. ( C) Toms study is half over. ( D) Tom wants to drop the school. ( A) It is bigger. ( B) It has a larger garden. ( C) It is a prettier color. ( D) It has a prettie

3、r garden. ( A) In an airplane company office. ( B) In French teachers office. ( C) In a publishers office. ( D) In a university store. ( A) Five. ( B) Three. ( C) Four. ( D) Six. ( A) 10:30. ( B) 10:00 ( C) 10:50 ( D) 10:40 Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand sho

4、rt conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) One. ( B

5、) Two. ( C) Three. ( D) Four. ( A) Salting their meat. ( B) Drying their meat. ( C) Freezing their meat. ( D) Putting into the ice box. ( A) Smoking. ( B) Flying. ( C) Drinking. ( D) Fishing. ( A) He thought he was a mad. ( B) He went away. ( C) He helped him with fishing. ( D) He invited him to hav

6、e a drink together. ( A) Clever. ( B) Mad. ( C) Stupid. ( D) Lazy. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you shoul

7、d complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 11 That he _ . 12 He hopes _ . 13 These _ . 14 From _ . 15 It brings them _ . Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 16 All over Eu

8、rope, and in North America, therere lakes and forests which are dead or (71) and the (72) is thought to be acid rain. What is acid rain? Mr. Justin Cook, a scientist, explains: “All fossil fuels, (矿物燃料 ), that (73) oil, coal and gas, contain sulphur. When these are burnt, for example (74) motor vehi

9、cles, they form sulphuric acid (硫酸 )This (75) UP into the air, and soon it falls back to (76) , into lakes and (77) trees in forests.“ This can cause many local problems. 78 a result, lakes become acidic, fish disappear and trees are killed. The pollution is carried great distances by the wind, so s

10、ulphuric acid (79) in Britain can travel as far as Scandinavia (斯堪的纳维亚 ). Czech is one of the countries with the most acid rains and large areas of (80) consist only (81) dead trees. Is there (82) that can be done about acid rain? Mr. cook says: “The rain (83) of acid rain is (84) power stations to

11、install filters that (85) the acid getting out into the air. Here in Britain, the only (86) that has been taken is that the chimneys are built (87) so that the pollution is more distributed.“ If the petrol used in motor vehicles (88) lead-free, then it Would be possible to filter exhaust fuses (废气 )

12、 which are a (89) cause of pollution. But these filter mechanisms (机械装置 )can not work (90) the leads is removed. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices mark

13、ed A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 36 Diving is popular all over the world. It is usually done in the ocean, but divers also explore other bodies of water, including lakes, rivers, and ponds. Snorkeling (戴呼吸管潜泳 ) on the surface (or just below) is a common form of diving, but many

14、 people use scuba (水肺 ), which stands for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. Scuba divers carry a tank of air that allows them to breathe while diving underwater. Throughout history, people have been fascinated by life underwater, and the Professional Association of Dive Instructors (PAD

15、I) estimates that there are now 6 million active divers worldwide. They engage in many different types of diving, of which wreck, cave, commercial, and military diving are just a few. The most common form of diving is sport diving, or recreational diving, which is practiced at depths of less than 13

16、0 ft (39 m). From these depths, divers can make a straight ascent to the surface. Diving beyond this limit requires advanced training. Because popular dive sites such as coral reefs and wrecks are typically not near land, most diving is done from boats. In some locations, however, divers can enter t

17、he water from shore. On a typical outing, the divers decide beforehand how long they will remain underwater and how deep they will descend. While the divers are underwater, at least one person serves as a spotter by remaining on the boat or on shore. All groups, whether diving from a boat or from sh

18、ore, are required to fly a diver down flag (a red flag with a white diagonal slash) to alert boaters that people are underwater. 36 According to the following sentences, which is the most suitable definition on diving? ( A) Diving (underwater), act of entering water and remaining below the surface t

19、o explore, to work, or simply to have fun. ( B) Diving (underwater), act of exploring water below the surface. ( C) Diving (underwater), act of jumping into the water, the most common form of diving is sport diving, or recreational diving. ( D) Diving (underwater), act of going into water and remain

20、ing above the surface to explore, to work, or simply to have fun. 37 The best title for this passage would be _ . ( A) Diving ( B) Underwater ( C) How to Use Scuba ( D) Dive Sites 38 In the first paragraph, the word “apparatus“ means _ . ( A) lung ( B) Liver ( C) equipment ( D) machine 39 According

21、to the sentence “They engage in many different types of diving, of which wreck, cave, commercial, and military diving are just a few.“ which of the following explanations is correct? ( A) Among different types of diving, military diving is an exception. ( B) Talking about wreck, cave, commercial, an

22、d military diving, they are few. ( C) Mentioned of wreck, cave, commercial, and military diving, the people who take part in are few. ( D) People do not like wreck, cave, commercial, and military diving. 40 Which of the following sentences is most suitable to the main idea of last paragraph? ( A) Di

23、ving requires preparation and precaution. ( B) The choice of diving places is very important. ( C) Diving requires alarm. ( D) The time and depth for diving are very important. 41 Apollo Program, is an American manned lunar-space program which is designed to land an astronaut on the moon and return

24、him safely to earth, as well as to overtake the former Soviet Union in the race to dominate (统治;支配;控制 ) space exploration. The whole program was conducted between May 1961 and December 1972 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the program successfully landed Nell Armstron

25、g-the first person to walk on the moon-and 11 other astronauts on the moon. The program included 12 manned missions: 2 into earth orbit (Apollo 7 and 9); 2 into lunar orbit (Apollo 8 and 10); 3 lunar landing missions (Apollo 11, 12, and 14); and 3 lunar exploration missions (Apollo 15, 16, and 17),

26、which involved extended stays on the moons surface and more in depth scientific exploration. The Apollo Program was started by United States President John F. Kennedy on May 25,1961 . At the time of Apollo preparations in 1965. NASA employed 36.000 civil servants, 376,700 contractor employees, and a

27、 yearly operating budget (预算 ) of $5.2 billion. Between 1961 and 1973, NASA spent approximately $25.4 billion on the Apollo missions. During the same period, the Soviet Union scheduled a manned mission to circle the moon-just three weeks before Apollo 8. This mission was postponed (延期 ) and the spac

28、ecraft was later launched unmanned. The Soviets continued to develop and test their one-man Lunar Lander spacecraft in the earths orbit through August 1971, but the Soviets never reached the moon. 41 The best title for this passage would be _ . ( A) American Manned Lunar-space Program ( B) NASAs Spa

29、ce Program ( C) Apollo Program ( D) Space Competition between U.S. and Soviet Union 42 In which year did the first man land on the moon? ( A) Before 1965. ( B) In 196l. ( C) In 1972. ( D) After 1965. 43 Who started the Apollo Program? ( A) United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. ( B) United

30、 States President Franklin Roosevelt. ( C) United States President Joseph Patrick Kennedy. ( D) United States President Rose Kennedy. 44 Between 1961 and 1973, each year NASA spent approximately _ billion on the Apollo missions. ( A) $25.4 ( B) $1.95 ( C) $5.2 ( D) $2.54 45 According to the passage,

31、 which of the following is TRUE? ( A) The whole program was conducted between March 1961 and December 1972 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( ). ( B) The program included 12 man-made missions. ( C) Daring the same time period, the Soviet Union failed to schedule a manned mission.

32、 ( D) Soviet astronauts never landed on the moon. 46 At the end of the 19th century, Austrian physician and neurologist (神经病学家 ) Sigmund Freud developed a new theory that explained psychology. Freud argued that the mind had deep emotional desires hidden from consciousness. He termed the mental store

33、house of hidden desire the unconscious. He claimed that the unconscious was a place of irrational (不合理的 ), often sexual and aggressive, desires. It was, he believed, also the source of human volition (意志;意志力 ) and will. The unconscious was a revolutionary idea, inl9th-century psychology, which commo

34、nly asserted that the individual was an entirely rational, self-conscious being. Freud suggested that because the unconscious was the source of human will, truly rational individual behavior was impossible unless the individual came to understand the unconscious wellsprings of behavior. Freud develo

35、ped psychoanalysis (精神分析学 ), a method of exploring the unconscious that relied on the analysis of dreams and other irrational phenomena, such as slips of the tongue. But because the unconscious was entirely hidden from individual consciousness, the key to understanding it was the participation of an

36、other person or a trained analyst in the process of unconscious discovery. Freuds theory was and remains controversial. It however had a tremendous influence on art, education, history, psychology, religion, and sociology. His subsequent work on human sexuality and the structure of the mind, along w

37、ith the application of his work to social and political problems, made him one of the most important intellectual figures of the 20th century. 46 What is the main idea of the passage? ( A) What is the psychology? ( B) Who is Sigmund Freud? ( C) Sigmund Freud and his Psychology theory. ( D) Unconscio

38、us was the source of human will. 47 All of the following can be considered right EXCEPT _ . ( A) Sigmund Freud was an outstanding person ( B) Sigmund Freud had a tremendous impact on the following people ( C) today some people still do not agree on the Freuds theory ( D) Freud argued that the mind h

39、ad deep rational wills hidden from consciousness 48 In 19th-century psychology, people commonly argued that the individual was _ . ( A) deeply emotional ( B) irrational, often sexual and aggressive ( C) entirely reasonable, self-conscious ( D) unconscious 49 In the sentence. “Freud developed psychoa

40、nalysis, a method of exploring the unconscious that relied on the analysis of dreams and other irrational phenomena, such as slips of the tongue.“ “Slips of the tongue“ means _ . ( A) stumble ( B) bad words ( C) curse ( D) spoken words 50 Freud suggested that because the unconscious was the source o

41、f human will, truly rational individual behavior was impossible _ . ( A) unless the individual came to understand the unconscious sources of behavior ( B) unless the individual came to understand the unconscious understanding of behavior ( C) unless the individual came to understand the unconscious

42、reason of behavior ( D) unless the individual came to understand the unconscious effect of behavior 51 For years, astronomers straggled to calculate the age of the universe. Estimates ranged from 10 to 20 billion years old, a frustratingly large spread. But that was before the launch of the Hubble S

43、pace Telescope, named after the astronomer whose discovery 70 years ago began the quest to learn the universes age. Edwin Hubble found that the galaxies (星系 ) within the universe are speeding away from each other at a rate proportional to their distance. That expansion rate-the Hubble constant (常数 )

44、-is the key to calculating the age and size of the universe. But pinning down the constant requires precise measurements of the distances to far-flung galaxies. In May, a team led by Wendy Freeman of the Carnegie Institution, of Washington, D. C., announced the result of eight years of Hubble measur

45、ements: The universe is expanding at a rate of 21 kilometers per million light-years. That translates to an age of approximately 12 billion years for the universe. similar to the value for the oldest stare. “After all these years,“ says Freeman. “we are finally entering an era of precision cosmology

46、 (宇宙论 ). Now we can more reliably address the broader picture of the universes origin, evolution, and destiny.“ Is the new number the last word? Not quite. In June, astronomers using a large array of radio telescopes reported a measurement to a distant galaxy that would make the universe 15 percent

47、younger than Hubbles results. 51 What is the age of the universe according to the passage? ( A) Approximately 10 billion years old. ( B) 20 billion years old. ( C) Approximately 12 billion years old. ( D) Not quite accurate now. 52 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passa

48、ge? ( A) Estimates of the universes age range from 10 to 20 billion years old, a frustratingly large spread. ( B) The quest to learn the universes age began 70 years ago by a famous astronomer named Edwin Hubble. ( C) The galaxies in the universe stand still, relative to each other. ( D) The new num

49、ber of the universes age is not quite the last value. 53 What is the probable meaning of “pinning down“ in the Paragraph 2? ( A) Forcing. ( B) Discovering exact details about. ( C) Pressing. ( D) Knowing about. 54 What is the best title for the passage? ( A) Hubble Measurements ( B) Galaxies within the Universe ( C) The Universes Age ( D) Era of Precision Cosmology 55 We may learn from the passage that while entering an era of precision cosmology, _. ( A) we can pin down the exact val


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