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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 235及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) The man will probably go to Norway for his vacation. ( B) The man will probably wait until summer to go to Finland. ( C) The man will probably not go to Norway for his vacation. ( D) The man will probably stay home during his vaca

3、tion. ( A) She has not heard of Professor Sam. ( B) She is a good friend of Professor Sams. ( C) She has not heard of Professor Sams brother. ( D) She does not meet Professor Sams brother. ( A) They are too expensive. ( B) They are very rewarding. ( C) They are too easy. ( D) They are given by a str

4、ict teacher. ( A) He must hand in a full report on the theatre. ( B) He is too busy to go along. ( C) He has to wash his hands first. ( D) He has already seen the whole theatre. ( A) Their taste is different. ( B) She doesnt like to eat. ( C) The restaurant is not open late. ( D) She only eats good

5、things. ( A) Mary fell during the race. ( B) She did very well in the race. ( C) She was one of the slower runners. ( D) Mary finished directly behind the quickest runner. ( A) He wants to eat immediately. ( B) He wants to know when the game will be over. ( C) Hes worried about what time it is. ( D)

6、 Hes afraid hes angry. ( A) Indifferent. ( B) Worried. ( C) Happy. ( D) Angry. ( A) 22 minutes. ( B) 32 minutes. ( C) 12 minutes. ( D) 2 minutes. ( A) 70 dollars. ( B) 60 dollars. ( C) 50 dollars. ( D) 40 dollars. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short convers

7、ations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) It is a new sport

8、that will take you to the sky. ( B) It is a new sport that will take you to a new world of land. ( C) It is a new sport that will take you to the mountains. ( D) It is a new sport that will take you to the deep sea. ( A) Because you are very heavy. ( B) Because you are as heavy as on the land. ( C)

9、Because you are lighter than you are on the land. ( D) Because you have no gravity. ( A) In his spare time. ( B) In his work time. ( C) In his workday. ( D) In his summer. ( A) Balance. ( B) Enjoyment. ( C) Relaxation. ( D) Friendship. ( A) it is useful. ( B) It is harmful. ( C) It is a waste of tim

10、e ( D) It is unnecessary. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word o

11、r a short phrase. 16 It presents _. 17 To_. 18 One of the_. 19 It affects the peoples life from_. 20 It is_. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A ,

12、 B, C, and D. 21 I hope that youll be more careful in typing the letter. Dont _ anything. ( A) withdraw ( B) omit ( C) reduce ( D) leak 22 The bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people. ( A) after ( B) with ( C) by ( D) from 23 When Mr. Johns get old, he will _ over h

13、is business to his son. ( A) take ( B) hand ( C) think ( D) get 24 All Im trying to do is to _ why your condition has not improved. ( A) look for ( B) find out ( C) search for ( D) get in 25 Its not difficult to _ the idea that machines can communicate information to us. ( A) admit ( B) receive ( C)

14、 accept ( D) convince 26 “How _ will you finish your homework?“In half an hour.“ ( A) long ( B) soon ( C) often ( D) fast 27 Cancer is second only _ heart disease as a cause of death. ( A) of ( B) to ( C) with ( D) from 28 A completely new situation will _ when the examination system come into exist

15、ence. ( A) rise ( B) arise ( C) raise ( D) arouse 29 Pupils who pass the test will be _ to the next grade. ( A) promoted ( B) proceeded ( C) progressed ( D) proposed 30 Jame was hit on the head by the robber and was knocked _. ( A) unconscious ( B) unaware ( C) brainless ( D) mindless Section B Dire

16、ctions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 31 If you dont mind (wait) _ for a few minutes, we can check our records for you. 32 After the flood, life in the region is (extreme) _ difficult. 33 You are require

17、d to (fast) _ the seatbelt when driving so as to protect yourself. 34 Rather than (break) _ up his marriage, he told his wife everything. 35 I should (know) _ it wouldnt be easy. 36 Settlers found a (plenty) _ supply of fruit and game in the nearby forests. 37 There is a rapid increase in population

18、 in that country that has caused food (short) _ . 38 January 1st, 1997, is the historic date when Britain (join) _ the Common Market. 39 Education is regarded as the key to (make) _ progress. 40 When he arrived at the hospital, he asked worriedly who was (operate) _ on. 41 The water was so clear tha

19、t it _ (reflect) the trees on the river bank. 42 It _ (take) them only ten months to finish the building. 43 It is generally thought to be of necessity to a college student that he _ (know) at least one foreign language. 44 he exact cause of the _ (kill) diseases was not known until a Chinese doctor

20、 discovered it by accident. 45 I _ (inform) that the meeting had been cancelled. 46 The fireman rescued the children from the _ (burn) house at the risk of their own Jives. 47 The family _ (be) in Australia for five years. 48 The discovery of sulfa drugs, like the discovery of penicillin _ (come) ou

21、t by accident. 49 We went very often to Hyde Park where speakers _ (address) the passing crowds on different subjects. 50 Hand in your papers when you _ (finish) the test. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through

22、40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 51 Fifty - four teenagers came crashing through the double doors of the Easter High School choir(音乐 ) room one April afternoon in 1987, wild with the news theyd heard over tile loudspeak

23、er. They had been selected to compete at the International Youth and Music Festival in Vienna. To these young people from the inner city of Washington D.C. it sounded like a dream. “Is it true, Mrs. Garrett?“ shrieked the usually dreamy Ayesha Brock. Joyce Garrett wasnt smiling. How could she tell h

24、er award - winning singers that a golden voice wasnt enough to get you to Europe? Hadnt she spent 22 years in convincing the citys poorest children that it wasnt where you lived but what you did that counted? “Yes, its true,“ she said slowly. “Only 36 North 5merican choirs were selected. Its an hono

25、r just to have been invited.“ “But Mrs. G,“ someone said, “Are we going?“ Most of Joyces pupils had to work to pay for clothes, books, sometimes even food. They had about as much chance of going to Vienna as to the moon. “Well see,“ she said. “A year from July is a long way off.“ Of course, they cou

26、ldnt attend, Joyce told herself. Still, she showed the elegant, hand - written invitation to her neighbor Tom Howell, a local businessman. Something in Joyces voice told Howell this was special. He read the letter slowly. “Joyce,“ he said, “You are going to accept this invitation! You get those youn

27、gsters ready, and well find a way to get them to Vienna.“ 51 When the youngsters heard the news, they _. ( A) couldnt believe it ( B) realized their dream had come true ( C) became mad with joy ( D) rushed to the choir room 52 Joyce Carrett was heavy -hearted at tile news because _. ( A) she was afr

28、aid they couldnt win at Vienna ( B) she thought they had no time to prepare well enough to Vienna ( C) she believed the invitation was just an honor only ( D) she knew they couldnt afford the trip 53 The sentence “. it wasnt where you lived but what you did that counted“ can be best interpreted that

29、 _. ( A) nothing is more important than what you did ( B) one can decide not where he was born but what he does ( C) it was not where you came from but what you did that mattered ( D) you can number your actions but not your living place 54 From the passage we know that _. ( A) the school was situat

30、ed in Washingtons Black ghetto ( B) Joyce was a young successful music teacher ( C) the Music Festival in Vienna is to be held on April every year ( D) most of Joyces pupils decided to raise money for the trip 55 The phrase “are going to accept“ in the first sentence of the last para,means _. ( A) a

31、re planning to accept ( B) are to accept ( C) will accept ( D) are sure to accept 56 In 1813 rumors of a threatened invasion of Washington had circulated widely. But no attack materialized, so military preparedness ceased. By 1814 the defensive system for Washington was nonexistent except for a few

32、troops near the city and a weak naval force. Month after month Congress had voted down resolutions to place the capital in a defensive posture, while the secretary of war kept concentrated on his invasion of Canada. The best plan for defense came from the cabinet in July, when it proposed to defend

33、Washington with an army of volunteers from all the states. The result was inadequate at best. Some of the men that reported for duty were told to go home and get better shoes and to bring back a butcher knife if they could not get a musket. On August i8, news reached the capital that a British fleet

34、 had sailed into the Patuxent River. The city was put on immediate alert. As the British army marched closer to the capital, 38 - year - old Brigadier General William Henry Winder was entrusted with defense of the city. His frustrations were many. Secretary of War John Armstrong, new to his office,

35、still believed that the British force would not attack Washington; the quartermaster of the army was unable to supply axes for cutting trees to impede(阻止 ) the enemy advance; and Winders own troops were untrained, volunteer militiamen. In addition, he got little consistent help from his superiors, w

36、ho included President James Madison and Secretary of States James Monroe. He was an indefensible position, which led to one of Americas darkest days -that of August 24th, 1814. 56 In 1813 military preparedness stopped because _. ( A) the rumors of a threatened invasion turned out to be wrong ( B) no

37、 British army carried out any attack on the city ( C) the invasion of Washington was just a threat by the British ( D) the British army should no sign preparing for a war 57 The most important reason for the weak Washington defense is that _. ( A) only volunteers from the states defended the city (

38、B) only a few troops and a weak naval force were gathered for the city ( C) some of the volunteers were not well armed ( D) the big people didnt pay much attention to the defense 58 The Patzxent River was situated in the _ of Washington D. C. ( A) northeast ( B) northwest ( C) southeast ( D) southwe

39、st 59 According to the passage which of the following statements is NOT TRUE? ( A) August 24th, 1814 was remembered as the one of the darkest days. ( B) Some top officers were not willing to be prepared against the war. ( C) The city was indefensible at the time. ( D) Winder was unqualified for the

40、defense of the city. 60 The tone in this passage can best be described as _. ( A) objective ( B) sentimental ( C) indifferent ( D) subjective Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 61 Considered from the point of view

41、of vocabulary, there are few, if any, “pure“ languages. Historically, English has been well -known as a word borrower, but it is equally true that every Western European language has supplemented(增补 ) its lexicon by adoptions from other languages. In this respect then, English was like the other imm

42、igrant languages brought to the New World, and in a broader sense, like every other language that has ever existed. Loan words occur even in the languages of aboriginal peoples. Even Indo- European, the hypothetical(假设的 ) parent of most of the languages found in Europe today and many of those in wes

43、tern Asia, appears to have borrowed words some 4000 years ago from Finno-Ugric, and to have furnished others in return. In the same manner, American Indian languages soon picked up European words like kabay for “horse,“ and the international European vocabulary soon had words like canoe, tobacco, an

44、d hammock from the Indians. One great impetus toward word borrowing arises from the necessity of talking about new things, qualities, operations, concepts, and ideas. Inevitably the movement of a people to a markedly different environment not only creates a problem of communication but makes it an u

45、rgent requirement. Almost as soon as he struck land, Columbus “seized by force several Indians on the first island in order that they might learn from us, and in like manner tell us about those things in these lands of which they themselves had knowledge; and the plan succeeded, for in a short time

46、we understood them and they did us, sometimes by gesture and signs, sometimes by words; and it was a great advantage to us.“ None of the early reporters tell us, however, the answer to the most interesting question for language historians: What were those words (and gestures), and how did the interl

47、ocutors(对话者 ) put them together? 61 Which is the main topic of th6 first paragraph? ( A) English has been well -known as a word borrower. ( B) Ina broader sense, there are no pure languages. ( C) Every Western European language has adopted words from other languages ( D) There is no language that do

48、esnt have borrowed words. 62 Indo-European mentioned in the paragraph is _. ( A) a new language ( B) a very old language ( C) a so-called ancient language ( D) a widely used language 63 We can infer from the passage that _. ( A) everyone can find familiar words in any other languages ( B) English was an immigrant language to the New World ( C) The necessity of communication gives rise to word borrowing ( D) Columbus successfully made the people understand each other 64 The international European vocabulary refers to that of _. ( A) Indians ( B) Indo - European ( C) Western European languages


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