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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 31及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should d

2、ecide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) The bookstore. ( B) The supermarket. ( C) The post office. ( D) The library. ( A) She suggests the man should not look at the job advertisements. ( B) She suggests nothing. ( C) She suggests the man should look at the job advertise

3、ments. ( D) She means that the job advertisements are of no use. ( A) In a classroom. ( B) In a library. ( C) In a post office. ( D) In Beijing. ( A) A television set. ( B) A washing machine. ( C) A public telephone. ( D) A candy machine. ( A) Bob is serious. ( B) Bob cant help them. ( C) Bob will h

4、elp them. ( D) Bob wants help from others. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.

5、 When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) She is ill. ( B) We dont know from the passage. ( C) There is something wrong with her father. ( D) She went to see a doctor. ( A) There is something seriously wrong. ( B) Its nothing serio

6、us. ( C) They are not sure about the patients condition. ( D) They think any tests will be useless. ( A) One night. ( B) Two nights. ( C) A week. ( D) Two weeks. ( A) A single. ( B) A double. ( C) A suite. ( D) A double with a bathroom. ( A) $400 ( B) $40 ( C) $410 ( D) $140 Section C Directions: Th

7、is section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 11 What date did her son get mar

8、ried? Her son got married_. 12 What do you do in the first part of the conversation? We _ and tell each other our names. 13 What is one thing mentioned as an example of a private matter? _are mentioned as an example of private matters. 14 What is usually avoided in conversation with a new friend? Pr

9、ivate or _ things are usually avoided in the conversation. 15 What do you usually say to your new friend at the end of the conversation? I tell him I am happy to _ him. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the

10、most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 It _ for a week and the streets were flooded, ( A) has rained ( B) had been raining ( C) was raining ( D) rained 17 “Must he clean the room before class?“No, he _ .“ ( A) neednt ( B) mustnt ( C) wont ( D) shouldnt 18 Mr. Wa

11、ng stopped _ with Mary when he came across her on his way home. ( A) talking ( B) to talk ( C) talk ( D) talked 19 We proposed that work _ at once. ( A) start ( B) starts ( C) will start ( D) started 20 I spoke to him _ his low marks. ( A) with regard ( B) with regards to ( C) with regard to ( D) wi

12、th regards 21 A lot of people have tried, but _ have succeeded. ( A) many ( B) much ( C) a few ( D) few 22 Tom is one of the boys who _ on time. ( A) are ( B) is ( C) have ( D) has 23 Everybody says he is a _ boy. ( A) promised ( B) promising ( C) to promise ( D) promise 24 Mr. Smith insisted that h

13、e _ the work all by himself, but nobody believed him. ( A) had done ( B) have done ( C) did ( D) do 25 Such electronic devices _ are used in a radio set are also found in a computer. ( A) which ( B) that ( C) what ( D) as Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill

14、 in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 26 Nothing can please her shes always (complain) _ . 27 There is a marked (different) _ between the well-mannered and the ill mannered. 28 When we talk with a foreign lady, in most cases, we should not ask such (person) _ questio

15、ns as her age. 29 As a matter of fact, our product would be (attract) _ all the more if it is given some promotion. 30 Im looking forward to our further (cooperate) _ in the future. 31 It was sweet and (thought) _ of you to think of it. 32 Nothing can prevent me from (carry) _ out my plan. 33 At any

16、 rate I did not succeed in making myself (understand) _ by you. 34 A (compare) _ of type A with type B shows that type A has more advantages for our purpose. 35 She doubted the (real) _ of what she had heard. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfini

17、shed statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 36 There are many reasons for tidal action; thus, tides are very complicated phenomenon involving many factors, all of which must be considered to pr

18、edict tidal action in any one place at any given time. The alternate rise and fall of the surface of the seas and the oceans is mainly caused by the attractive force of the moon. When the attraction is great, the tide is high; conversely, when the attraction is minimal, the tide is low. Between the

19、high tide and the low tide is a period of a little over six hours, being called during its rise a flood tide, and during its fall an ebb(退潮 ) tide. The sun also exerts its effect on the tide, being a little less than half as much as the moon, although its mass is so much greater. When the moon and t

20、he sun are horizontal, the highest tide occurs and when they are vertical the lowest tide takes place. The wind also plays an important part in the modification of the normal rise and fall of the tides. Thus these factors affect each other, either detracting(转移 ) or adding to the attractive forces t

21、o add or subtract from the magnitude of the tide. One thing is certain: the tides move inexorably(不可阻挡 ) on, rising twice a day, shifting a little in time each day, and coutinually posing the problem of how to correctly predict their highs and lows. 36 The principal idea of this article is _. ( A) t

22、he attraction of the sun and the moon ( B) the sun, the moon and the wind ( C) the changing tides ( D) the factors affecting the tides 37 If a high tide occurs at 8:00 a.m., the following low tide will occur at about _. ( A) 8:00 p.m. ( B) midnight ( C) 2:30 p.m. ( D) 1:30 p.m. 38 Which of the follo

23、wing factors is NOT mentioned as affecting the tide? ( A) the sun ( B) the depth of the ocean ( C) the moon ( D) the winds 39 It can be concluded from this article that the attractive force of the sun on the Earths oceans is about _. ( A) half that of the moon ( B) equal to more than half that of th

24、e moon ( C) equal to that of the moon ( D) twice that of the moon 40 According to the passage, it is clear that the force of the moon _. ( A) is not as important as that of the wind ( B) is less than half that of the sun ( C) is the primary cause of the alternate rise and fall of the surface of the

25、seas ( D) does not influence the rise and fall of the surface of the seas Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 41 For many years, scientists couldnt figure out how atoms and molecules combined to make living things.

26、Plants, fish, dinosaurs, and people are made of atoms and molecules, but they are put together in a more complicated way than the molecules in the primitive ocean. Whats more, living things have energy and can reproduce, while the chemicals on the Earth 4 billion years ago were lifeless. After years

27、 of study, scientists figured out that living things, including human bodies, are basically made of amino acids, nucleotide bases, lipids and water. How could such complicated molecules have been formed and have started to interact in the primitive soup? Scientists were stumped. Then, in 1953, two s

28、cientists named Harold Urey and Stanley L. Miller did a very simple experiment to find out what had happened on the primitive Earth. They set up some tubes and bottles in a closed loop, and put in some of the same gases that were present in the atmosphere 4 billion years ago water vapour, ammonia, c

29、arbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen. Then they shot an electric spark through the gases to simulate bolts of lightning on the ancient Earth, circulated the gases through some water, sent them back for more sparks, and so on. After several days, the water that the gases had been bubbling through tur

30、ned brown. Some new chemicals were dissolved in it. When Miller and Urey analyzed the liquid, they found that it contained amino acids the very kind of molecules found in all living things. 41 When did scientists come to realize how the atoms and molecules on the Earth mostlikely combined to make li

31、ving things? ( A) 4 billion years ago. ( B) After seven days. ( C) Many years ago. ( D) In 1953. 42 Scientists figured out that human bodies are basically made of _. ( A) hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms ( B) water vapor, ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen ( C) biomolecules an

32、d water ( D) evolutionary molecules 43 Harold Urey and Stanley L. Miller did their experiment in order to _. ( A) dissolve some new chemicals ( B) find out what may have happened on the Earth 4 billion years ago ( C) simulate bolts of lightning on the ancient Earth ( D) analyze a liquid 44 At the en

33、d of the last paragraph, the word “it“ refers to _. ( A) water ( B) the liquid sample ( C) a closed loop ( D) an electric spark 45 According to the writer, living things on Earth have included _. ( A) atoms and molecules ( B) chemicals ( C) plants, fish, dinosaurs and human beings ( D) the primitive

34、 soup Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 46 HUI YUAN 100% Orange Juice Ingredients: Purified water and orange

35、juice concentrate. No sugar, artificial colors or preservatives added. Serving Directions: Shake well for best taste. Keep refrigerated below 5 after opening, and consume in a timely manner to prevent spoilage. Date of Production: See top of box Shelf life: 12 months Beijing Huiyuan Food & Beverage

36、Co., Ltd. Add: Huiyuan Road, Beixiaoying Town, Shunyi District, Beijing, China. Tel: (86-10)60483388 Fax: (86-10)60483355 P.C: 101305 Huiyuan Orange Juice is made in the processing plant of Beijing Huiyuan Food & Beverage Co., Ltd. The ingredients of Huiyuan Orange Juice are purified water and【 46】

37、. You can find no sugar, artificial colors or【 47】 in it. In order to get the【 48】 , you should shake the box well before opening. Once you open the box, it is better to【 49】 it quickly or keep it in the【 50】 . For the date of production, you can see the top of the box, and please remember it expire

38、s 12 months from the date of production. Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 51 A light

39、gray B deep yellow C dark brown D rust E orange F Chinese red G pink H rose I scarlet J purple K navy blue L moss green M snow white N mocha O cream 51. ( )深黄色 ( )粉红色 52. ( )海军蓝 ( )橙色 53. ( )朱红 ( )淡灰色 54. ( )紫色 ( )深咖啡色 55. ( )赤褐色 ( )鲜红色 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading th

40、e passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 56 Mr. E. A. Marley Optical Specialties, Inc. Box 1072 Seattle, WA Dear Mr. Marley, Thank you for sending me a copy of your latest eyeglass catalog. I am interested in buying an eyeglass frame with a str

41、ong copper core. According to the catalog, models in your 450 series are made of copper. Before I place an order, however, I would like the exact specifications on weight, size, and color for frames in this series. There is some urgency to this order, and I would appreciate receiving the information

42、 by fax. Upon receipt, I will contact you with any additional questions I may have. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, D.M. Shin D.M. Frames Co. P.O. Box 773 Campbell, Idaho Tel: (718) 546-3355 Fax: (718) 546-3390 56 Why is Mr. Shin thankful for Mr. Marley? Because Mr. Marley sent a copy

43、 of the _ of Optical Specialties, Inc. to him. 57 What drew Mr. Shins attention in the Optical Specialties catalog? An _ with a strong copper core. 58 What kind of frames does Mr. Shin want to order from Optical Specialties? Models _. 59 What does Mr. Shin desire to see before ordering? Additional i

44、nformation on the _ for frames in 450 series. 60 How is Mr. Marley asked to respond to the request? By _. 61 The fisherman is something of a stranger to his children because hes out at sea most of the year. _. 62 Though most of the contracts have many provisions in common, each is different from the

45、 others owing to the nature of the goods ( A)尽管大多数合同有许多共同的条款,但每个合同因商品本质的不同而有所不同。 ( B)尽管大多数合同都有许多共同的规定,但每个合同由于商品属性不一,合同也各不相同。 ( C)尽管大多数合同的条款有不少共同之处,但由于商品的性质不同,合同也各不相同。 ( D)尽管大多数合同都提供许多供应,但每个合同因商品的自然状况不同而不同。 63 Enclosed please find a check for US $91 to cover the insurance ( A)随信附上 91美元支票一张,请保险。 ( B)随

46、信附上 91美元支票一张用来支付保险费,请查收。 ( C)随信附上一份数额为 91美元的账单,缴付保险费。 ( D)随信附上一份数额为 91美元的收据,请缴付保险费。 64 Only with a new human resource measure introduced will Mr. Forbes be able to regain the control of the company ( A)随着新的用工制度的出现,福布斯先生才具备控制这家 公司的能力。 ( B)只有引进新的人力资源管理办法,福布斯先生才能重新控制这家公司。 ( C)福布斯先生重新把握了对公司的控制权,仅仅是因为实施了

47、新的人力资源管理措施。 ( D)福布斯先生能重返这家公司,得益于用工制度的改革。 65 Quite a number of corporations have experienced many unexpected troubles concerning company or product names. Moreover, even attempts to change names have led to bad problems.It should be obvious that careful planning and study of ones potential market is

48、necessary because the choice of names can be every bit as important as product or package improvement. 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or composition according to the following information. 66 You are required to write a letter according to the following information given in Chinese 1发信人:马克 .怀特 2收信人:李先生 3内容:马克 .怀特收到李先生 2006年 1月 6日的请柬,但因为他要到香港参加交易会而不能接受邀请,故于 1月 10日回信说明原因,并拟订在 3月登门拜访。 大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 31答案与解析 Secti


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