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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 343及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) They dont like taxis. ( B) There are no taxis. ( C) Taxis are more expensive. ( D) Buses are more convenient. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conve

3、rsations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) Invite professor Green to her wedding. ( B) Decline

4、the present Professor Greens remarks about her. ( C) Buy Professor Green a nice present to express her thanks. ( D) Find a present together with Professor Green. ( A) Blue. ( B) Red. ( C) White. ( D) Green. ( A) S. ( B) M. ( C) L. ( D) XL. ( A) 50. ( B) 30. ( C) 60. ( D) 10. Section C Directions: Th

5、is section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 6 When did the first daily Engli

6、sh newspaper come out? It came out in_. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 7 Because Smith failed to show up for the job interview

7、, he _ the shortlist of applicants. ( A) had been crossed off ( B) was crossing off ( C) has been crossed off ( D) has been crossing off 8 “The ground is wet.“ “Yes, didnt you know? _for the last 20 minutes.“ ( A) Its raining ( B) It was raining ( C) Its been raining ( D) It has rained 9 It is imper

8、ative that the students _ writing their papers by the end of the month. ( A) finish ( B) must finish ( C) will finish ( D) are to finish 10 My opinion is as good _. ( A) as he is ( B) as or better than he ( C) as or better than his ( D) or better than his 11 Very little _ they had made an important

9、discovery in science. ( A) they realized ( B) they realized what ( C) did they realize ( D) did they realize what 12 Medical research has shown that the widespread of use of cigarettes contributes _the increase of cancers. ( A) towards ( B) for ( C) with ( D) to 13 She behaves as though she _. ( A)

10、didnt grow up ( B) doesnt grow up ( C) havent grown up ( D) hadnt grown up 14 I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave _ something occurred which attracted my attention. ( A) unless ( B) until ( C) when ( D) while 15 Butter is a popular food in most western countries and is sold _ pound.

11、( A) at ( B) with ( C) to ( D) by 16 I know some people who _ to visit Wuhan. ( A) want ( B) wants ( C) has wanted ( D) have been wanted Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 17 It is still

12、 (know) _ whether there will be a war between these two countries. 18 The house looks shabby and needs (paint) _ . 19 Because Lily was having a meeting, I was made (wait) _ her for several hours. 20 Yesterday we got into a(n) _ (argue) about whether to accept or refuse the invitation. 21 You can alw

13、ays depend upon John (be) _ there when he is needed. 22 Up till now we (plant) _ over 23,000 fruit trees. 23 This is the (good) _ photo I have ever taken. 24 Unity will be _ (important) theme of his inaugural address(就职演说 ) on Thursday, he said during interviews with the CBS, ABC and NBC television

14、networks. 25 After careful_ (consider), the committee agreed on the proposal. 26 Winning three gold medals is the most remarkable (achieve) _ he has made so far. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For ea

15、ch question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 27 In many countries in the process of industrialization, overcrowded cities present a major problem. Poor conditions in these cities, such as lack of housing, inadequate sanitation(卫生 ) and lack

16、of employment, bring about an increase in poverty, disease and crime. The over-population of towns is mainly caused by the drift of large numbers of people from the rural areas. These people have become dissatisfied with the traditional life of farming, and have come to the towns hoping for better w

17、ork and pay. One possible solution to the problem would be to impose registration on town residents. Only officially registered residents would be allowed to live in the towns and the urban population would thus be limited. In practice, however, registration would be very difficult to enforce(推行 );

18、it would cause a great deal of resentment(不满 ), which would ultimately lead to violence. The only long-term solution is to make life in the rural areas more attractive, which would encourage people to stay there. This could be achieved by providing encouragement for people to go and work in the vill

19、ages. Facilities in the rural areas, such as transport, health and education services should be improved. Education should include training in improved methods of farming and other rural industries, so as to develop a more positive attitude towards rural life. The improvement of life in the villages

20、 is very important, because the towns themselves cannot be developed without the simultaneous or previous development of the rural area. 27 What does the word “urban“ (Line 2, Para. 3) mean? ( A) Of the city. ( B) Out of work. ( C) In a bad condition. ( D) Of enormous size. 28 Large numbers of farme

21、rs have poured into towns because _. ( A) they can hardly support their families on farms ( B) they are unhappy with their life in the country ( C) the rural areas are too crowded with people ( D) they hope to have their own business 29 In the authors view, solving the cities problem of overcrowding

22、 by strict registrations is _. ( A) practical ( B) possible ( C) not realistic ( D) not sufficient 30 According to the writer, the problem with crowded cities will be solved if _. ( A) traditional methods of farming are well kept ( B) conditions in rural areas are much improved ( C) the government c

23、an provide more jobs ( D) violence could be controlled in dries 31 Which factor is most important for people to be attracted to live in the country? ( A) Their expectation. ( B) Their interests. ( C) Their income. ( D) Their attitude. Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questio

24、ns or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 32 Insomnia (失眠 ) is the inability to sleep calmly and relaxedly. It is a problem to nearly everyone at some time. A person may be awake for an hour in the middle of the night and then, next morning, may feel that he hardly slept all night. Nor

25、mally, worry about not getting en6ugh sleep is the worst aspect of most insomnia. If insomnia occurs repeatedly, it is important to find its possible causes and try to correct them. Any of simple factors may make one feel difficult to fall asleep. His mattress (床垫 ) may be too soft or too hard. If t

26、here are too many blankets (毯子 ) on a hot night, he may be too warm; if the mattress is too light he may feel cold during the night. The bedroom itself may be overheated or too cold. If it is not dark enough, or too noisy, this may cause difficulty in sleeping. Eating shortly before going to bed may

27、 also be responsible for insomnia. Drinking tea or coffee can also make people awake. The cause of insomnia may be easy to correct. The sufferer should check the mattress, and bedroom temperature, and make any necessary changes. He should relax for an hour or two before bedtime, perhaps by reading a

28、 book, watching television or taking a warm bath. If he wakes during the night he should try turning on the light and reading for a while. Taking warm milk and a biscuit or two may be helpful. 32 According to the writer, the most serious aspect of insomnia is generally _. ( A) the repeated occurrenc

29、e of insomnia ( B) the worry about less time for sleep ( C) the difficulty in changing it ( D) the tiredness from the insomnia 33 Which of the following might NOT cause insomnia according to the passage? ( A) The over-softness of the mattress. ( B) The darkness in the bedroom. ( C) Eating just befor

30、e going to bed. ( D) Drinking tea before sleeping. 34 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about insomnia? ( A) It is a kind of disease. ( B) It might occur to any person. ( C) It may be easy to cure. ( D) Simple factors can lead to insomnia. 35 The method mentioned above in

31、treating insomnia is to _. ( A) eat appropriate amount of food ( B) take a walk before going to bed ( C) change its causes directly ( D) have more reading before sleeping 36 The sufferer of insomnia can relax themselves before sleeping in the following ways EXCEPT _. ( A) reading books ( B) watching

32、 some TV ( C) changing sleeping habits ( D) having a warm bath Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 37 Our compa

33、ny went into courier(快递、专递 ) business nine years ago. We will make sure all of your documents going through the authentication (证明为原件 ) process at the State Department and/or the Embassy(大使馆 ) get exactly that kind of service. For your fee, as soon as we receive your documents, we will go through ev

34、erything and scrutinize(细察 ) your documents thoroughly, making sure each document has been authenticated correctly. Next, we will take your documents to the State Department as soon as possible. (The State Department is only open 7:30a.m. -11:00a.m. and the mail usually comes in too late for us to t

35、ake them over the same day we receive them. ) At the State Department we will wait while they authenticate your documents. We will check to be sure that they authenticate every single document correctly (after all, theyre human beings, they make mistakes too.) As soon as thats finished, we will take

36、 your documents down to the Embassy for Authentication. We will leave your documents with the Embassy and depending on the Embassy, they will either send them back to you or we will pick them back up on the date they are ready. The State Department will only let a person take through 15 documents pe

37、r day. If you have more than 15 documents, we have to make two trips. So thatll take an extra day. Please divide your documents. Well need one check for the first 15 documents and another check for however many you have over fifteen (i.e., if you had 18 documents, that would be one check made for $9

38、0 for the first fifteen and a second check made for $18 for the other three). You only need two checks for the US Dept of State. You do NOT need two checks for the Embassy. It was (46) that the company began to provide courier service. Before taking your document to (47) and then (48) for authentica

39、tion, the company will examine them closely. Sometimes you have to (49) because you are only allowed to take 15 documents (50) Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you s

40、hould put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 41 A. demand deposit I. high rate savings B. fixed deposit J. not transferable C. face value K. open an account D. cash payment L. current account E. Automatic Teller Machine M. irrevocable credit F. black market N. credit ca

41、rd G. cable transfer O. receipt in foreign currency H. chain bank 42 In which city did the buyer see the dresses and suits produced by the seller?In _. 43 Which seasons clothes does the buyer want to buy?He wants to buy _ clothes. 44 How will the payment be made?By _. 45 When will the clothes be sen

42、t by the seller?They will be supplied by _. 46 How much will the buyer pay if he wants to buy 100 blue trouser suits and 100 red women dresses?He will pay _. Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60

43、) following them. 47 The shape of heart, composed of interweaved hearts, signifies that volunteers, athletes, the Olympic family, and all guests would render service and compassion in a joint effort to glorify the Olympic Movement. The shape of a dancing human stands for volunteers with dedicated sp

44、irit. The sincere smiles, outstanding services, and friendly actions of the volunteers will evoke a strong echo in every participant of the Olympics. Chinese unique artistic form - calligraphic art is adopted in the beaming design of the secondary mark, which sets off against the Olympic Emblem “Chi

45、nese Seal, Dancing Beijing.“ 47 Whats the shape of heart in the Volunteers Symbol of Beijing Olympic composed of? 48 What will be provided by volunteers, athletes, the Olympic family, and all guests to glorify the Olympic Movement? 49 What spirit does the volunteers symbol stands for? 50 What shall

46、Volunteers provide for every participant of the Olympics? 51 How many parts is the Volunteer Symbol of Beijing Olympic composed of? 52 Every country having different cultural background, overseas students should pay attention to studying problems caused by cultural differences. ( A)由于每个国家的文化背景不同,留学生

47、在学习中要注意文化差异。 ( B)由于每个国家的文化背景不同,留学生在学习中要注意文化差异带来的困难。 ( C)每个国家的文化背景不同,留学生在学习中有文化差异带来的困难。 ( D)文化背景不同使留学生在学习中遇到文化差异带来的困难。 53 In terms of the economic situation, the policy has been largely ineffective. ( A)在这一阶段对经济进行改革的形势下,这一政策的作用不大。 ( B) 就如何提高经济水平而言,这个政策很大程度上作用不大。 ( C)就改进经济形势方面而言,这个政策很大程度上作用不大。 ( D)就改进

48、经济形势方面而言,这个政策很大程度上发挥了很大的作用。 54 We need a clever mind and a strong body as well. ( A)我们对聪明头脑的需要不像对健康身体的需要。 ( B)智慧对于头脑就像健康对于身体一样。 ( C)我们不仅需要一个聪明的头脑,而且也需要一个健康的身体。 ( D)我们需要聪明的头脑和健康的身体。 55 These students quit school partly because they are keen on acquiring hands on experience and party because they are

49、eager to see the real world ( A)这些学生一心读书,是因为他们缺少实际动手经验,只希望从书本中了解世界。 ( B)这些学生辍学,部分原因是渴望获得实际经验,部分原因是渴望见识现实世界。 ( C)这些学生经常旷课,所以他们既没有实际的动手能力,而且严重脱离 现实世界。 ( D)这些学生休学,有的是渴求实际的动手经验,还有的是希望看一看真实的世界。 56 Dear Mr./Ms. , We wish to notify you that Mr. Robert Smart, who has been our representative in Southwest England for the past seven years has left our


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