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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 375及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) 7:30. ( B) 8:50. ( C) 8:15. ( D) 8:00. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questi

3、ons. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) Wine. ( B) orange juice. ( C) Beer. ( D) Black coffee. ( A) A nervous man. ( B) A happy man. ( C) A confident man. ( D) A s

4、hy man. ( A) Tokyo. ( B) New York. ( C) Beijing. ( D) Hong Kong. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should

5、complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 5 What did young women come to her for? Young women came to her for _. 6 Where did he take the shelter? He took the shelter under_. 7 When did he awake? It was late_ when he awoke. 8 What was just about to crawl across his legs when he awoke?

6、_. 9 How did Jim react to the danger? Jim_ too terrified to do anything. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 10 Yesterday Ms. Chen

7、at the meeting suggested that Li Hong _ the job because she is the only one qualified. ( A) does ( B) will do ( C) do ( D) done 11 Not only I but also David and Henry fond of playing basketball in the spare time. ( A) am ( B) is ( C) are ( D) was 12 The only one _ didnt pass the exam was Linton. ( A

8、) who ( B) which ( C) that ( D) those 13 Complicated _ the problem is, the electronic brain can solve it in a short period of time. ( A) as ( B) though ( C) if ( D) even 14 If the earth suddenly _ spinning, we would all fly off it. ( A) stopped ( B) had stopped ( C) has stopped ( D) would stop 15 He

9、 went ahead _ all warnings about the danger of his mission. ( A) in case of ( B) because of ( C) regardless of ( D) prior to 16 No sooner_up the telephone than she heard a knock at the front door. ( A) had she hung ( B) she had hung ( C) she hang ( D) hang she 17 In vain _ try to persuade her to cha

10、nge her plan. ( A) we did ( B) did we ( C) we would ( D) would we 18 Is there any hope of _ the final exam? ( A) John to pass ( B) John pass ( C) passing John ( D) Johns passing 19 _ evidence that language-acquiring ability must be stimulated. ( A) If being ( B) It is ( C) There is ( D) There being

11、Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 20 The general placed the flag over the captain, leaving only his face (uncover)_. 21 He made the suggestion that they (carry on) _ their conversation

12、in English. 22 What he said made me (feel) _ uneasy. 23 Theres been a great (improve) _ in his English studies this term. 24 With the help of Internet, _ (communicate) has become more convenient than ever. 25 Its no use (go) _ there now. Its too late. 26 Its very _ (consider) of you to arrange so ma

13、ny interesting things for us. 27 Most vegetables, to (enjoy) _ in their full deliciousness, must be picked fresh and cooked at once. 28 Making the thread run through a hole in the center of the needle (able) _ the design of the first practical sewing-machine. 29 After careful (consider) _ , the comm

14、ittee agreed on the proposal. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 30 There are thousands of vo

15、lcanoes (火山 ) all over the world. What makes volcanoes? What happens? The inside of the earth is very hot. Because it is very, very hot, the rock has melted like ice. It has become liquid, like water. It is always boiling, like water in a kettle. If you have seen a kettle boiling, you know that the

16、steam and boiling water try to get out. The very hot melted rock inside the earth also tries to get out. Usually it cannot because the outside of the earth is tm thick and strong. But in some places the outside of the earth is thin and weak. Sometimes a crack appears. The hot melted rock, which we c

17、all “lava“ (熔岩 ), pushes out through the crack and bursts through. Steam and gas shoot up into the air and the hot melted lava pours out. Big pieces of rock may be thrown high into the air. After a while the volcano becomes quiet again. The melted lava becomes hard. Later the same thing happens agai

18、n and again. Each time more hot lava pours out on top of the cold lava and then becomes hard. In this way a kind of mountain is built up, with a hole down the middle. Perhaps the volcano will then be quiet. Perhaps it will start again hundreds of years later. Vesuvius is the name of a very famous vo

19、lcano in Italy. It first came to life many, many years ago, It was quiet for hundreds of years. Then in the year 79 it suddenly burst. A great cloud of smoke shot up into the sky with great burning rocks. Hot lava poured down its sides. About 3,000 people were killed. This has happened again many ti

20、mes since that year. Sometimes no damage was caused, or only little damage. But there was serious damage in the year 1472, 1631, 1794, 1861, 1872 and 1906. You can see that a volcano can stay alive for many years. There was also serious damage in 1914 but there has not been any since that year. 30 A

21、ccording to the passage, a volcano sends out _. ( A) boiling water ( B) boiled water ( C) melted rock ( D) melted ice 31 Lava bursts out where there is _. ( A) a crack in the earth ( B) a mountain by the sea ( C) a big fire ( D) steam and gas 32 When lava cools, it becomes _. ( A) liquid ( B) water

22、( C) smoke ( D) hard 33 According to the passage, Vesuvius has caused serious damage _. ( A) six times ( B) seven times ( C) eight times ( D) nine times 34 The phrase “stay alive“ in the last paragraph can be replaced by _. ( A) burst out ( B) remain active ( C) come to life ( D) throw out lava Task

23、 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 34 The business cycle is composed of many phases and one of them is the expansion phase. This phase is a two-fold one, including recovery and prosperity. During the recovery period th

24、ere is an ever-growing expansion of existing equipment. And new facilities for production are created. More businesses are created and older ones expanded. Improvements of serious kinds are made. There is an ever increasingly positive view about the future of economic growth. Much capital is investe

25、d in machinery or “heavy“ industry. More labor is employed. More raw materials are required. As more parts of the economy develop, other parts are affected. For example, the expansion in automobiles results in an expansion of the steel and rubber industries. Roads are required; thus the cement and m

26、achinery industries are activated. Demand for labor and materials results in greater prosperity for workers and suppliers of raw materials. This increases the amount of goods bought and sold. Thus prosperity develops among the various parts of the population. This prosperity period may continue to r

27、ise without an obvious end. However, a time comes when this phase reaches a peak and stops going upwards. This is the end of the expansion phase. 35 Which of the following does NOT happen in economic recovery? ( A) The expansion of existing facilities. ( B) The creation of new business. ( C) The dis

28、appearance of old business. ( D) The increase of optimism about the future of economy. 36 Which of the following indicates the end of the expansion phase? ( A) The increase of raw materials. ( B) The growth stopping at a peak. ( C) The further increase of labours. ( D) The volume expansion of goods.

29、 37 Which of the following is true according to the passage? ( A) Sections of economy do not influence each other. ( B) In the expansion phase the business maintains development in the long run. ( C) The end of the business in the prosperity period can be obviously seen. ( D) Parts of economy are cl

30、osely related to each other. 38 We can infer from the last paragraph that _. ( A) economic expansion is fast ( B) the business can expand endlessly ( C) the end of one business expansion will certainly happen ( D) economic rise to the peak is slow 39 Which is probably the best title for this passage

31、? ( A) Development of Economy. ( B) Becovery of Economy. ( C) Expansion of Economy. ( D) Prosperity of Economy. Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in

32、no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 40 Memorandum To: William D. Vane, Vice President for Operations From: Harry Matthews, Personnel Department Date. December 3, 2002 Subject: Recruiting (招工 ) Program To keep our company staffed with qualified electronics technicians, we will have to imporove our r

33、ecruiting program. In the past dozen years, we have relied heavily on the recruitment of skilled veterans. But our attempts to reach this group through daily newspaper ads has not been successful recently. This group, as a source of trained employees, is becoming attractive to many employers. I thin

34、k that the want ads should continue, although each passing month brings fewer and fewer veterans as job applicants. Our in-house apprentice(学徒工 ) program has not provided the needed personnel either. More and more high school graduates are choosing to go to university. Each year, fewer high school g

35、raduates, our one source of trainees for the apprentice program, enter the shop. Even Career Day recruiting has yielded disappointing results. The number of students interested in the apprentice program has dropped greatly as university enrollment (招生 ) goes up. I would like to meet with you soon to

36、 discuss the details of a more active recruiting program. I am certain that with a right recruitment campaign we can solve the problem. Memorandum Purpose: (46) our recruiting program. Problems and Reasons: 1) Fewer veterans (47) the job we have offered because they are regarded as (48) ; 2) Fewer h

37、igh school graduates enter the shop because many of them go to (49) . Suggestion: To work out a (50) recruiting program. Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should

38、put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 45 A - offer B - bargain C - sample D - contract E - insurance F - shipment G - delivery H - payment I - packing J - purchase K - inquiry L - catalogue M - discount N - order O - concession 45 ( )询价 ( )购买 46 ( )运输 ( )发货 47 ( )定购 (

39、)包装 48 ( )付款 ( )让步 49 ( )样品 ( )保险 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 49 May 20th, 2005 Dear Sir or Madam, Re: Order No. 2170 for 1, 000 M/T Tin Foil Sheets Referring to our le

40、tters and telexes in respect to Order No. 2170 for 1, 000 metric tons of Tin Foil Sheets, so far we have no definite information from you about delivery time, although these goods are contracted for shipment before the end of last month, and our L/C was opened with the Bank of China as early as in M

41、arch 2005. We have been inconvenienced by the delay. You should telex us immediately of the earliest possible date of shipment for our consideration without prejudicing our right to cancel the order and lodge claims for our losses. Please look up the matter and give us your definite reply without fu

42、rther delay. Sincerely. 50 What is the subject of the letter? The subject is Order No. 2170 for 1, 000 M/T _. 51 When should the goods have been delivered? The goods should have been delivered _. 52 With which bank was the L/C opened? The L/C was opened with _. 53 How will the information about the

43、date of shipment be sent to us? The information about the date of shipment will be sent to us _. 54 What do we want to get without further delay? We want to get _ without further delay. 55 The companys cost peaked at USS10 million in June before dropping drastically down to US$3 million in October.

44、( A)之前公司成本在 10月份为 300万美元,现在 6月份又回升至 1000万美元。 ( B)公司成本在 6月达到顶峰,即 1000万美元,然后急剧下降,到 10月降为300万美元。 ( C)公司成本的最高值出现在 6月,即 1000万美元,然后在 10月前狂降至 300万美元。 ( D)公司 6月的成本值为 1000万美元, 10月的成本值为 300万美元。 56 The board of the company has decided to expand its operation to include all aspects of the clothing business. ( A

45、)公司的董事会已经决定扩大公司的经营范围,以包括所有领域的服装业。 ( B)公司的董事会已经决定扩大经营服装业的范围。 ( C)公司的董事会已经决定扩大公司的经营范围,以包括服装业的所有领域。 ( D)公司的董事会已经决定扩大公司的经营范围,比如服装业。 57 One should always keep in mind the old truth“First impressions are lasting ” ( A)人们应当永远把这个古老的 真理记在心中,即 “先人为主 ”。 ( B)人们应当经常记住这样一句俗语: “先人为主 ”。 ( C)人们应当永远记住这样一句俗语: “ 一见钟情 ”

46、。 ( D)人们应当经常记住 “一见钟情 ”这个古老的法则。 58 The director is disappointed because he has not found anyone in the applicants who is particularly qualified for this job. ( A)已经任命了主任,因为只有他有能力去寻找适合做这项工作 的求职者。 ( B)已经任命了主任,因为只有他才有资格去挑选肯做这项工作的求职者。 ( C)主任非常失望,因为他还没有在这些求职者中发现具有特殊资质的人。 ( D)主任很失望,因为他还没在求职者中找到特别有资格做这项工作的人

47、。 59 Dear Mary, New York is finally getting a real sales manager. Congratulations on your new promotion. Your marketing ability has put you well above everyone else in the company, and probably everyone else in the industry. The company will benefit from the enthusiasm and intelligence youve always

48、shown, and I imagine that before long youll be moving the whole firm into the number one position. 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or composition according to the following information. 60 CHINA DAILY(中国日报 )是中国最有权威的英语报纸,为国内外读者提供最新的政治、经济、文化及教育方 面的信息。中国日报有 12版,并不定期地出版特别增刊。该报发行至全国所有省份和主要城市,以及世界上 150多个国家和地区。 海外读者订阅资费为, 3个月 105美元, 6个月 200美元, 12个月 380美元 (含航空邮费 )。 Words for reference:有权威的 authoritative 增刊 supplement 发行 distribute 订阅 subscrip


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