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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 376及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) Teacher and student. ( B) Manager and customer. ( C) Doctor and patient. ( D) Secretary and client. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations i

3、n it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) Because he didnt like school. ( B) Because he wanted to find g

4、old. ( C) Because he liked to be free. ( D) Because he had to make a living by himself. ( A) Some draft papers. ( B) Papers with some information. ( C) Dictionaries. ( D) Reference books. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorde

5、d passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 4 Whom did the hostess ask me to sit next to? I sit next to_. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomp

6、lete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 5 _you are leaving tomorrow, we can have dinner together tonight. ( A) For ( B) Since ( C) Before ( D) While 6 A number of students _ late for class beca

7、use of the rain. ( A) being ( B) was ( C) is ( D) were 7 We have _ this year as last year. ( A) many as snow ( B) as many snow ( C) as much snow ( D) much as snow 8 “Are you feeling _?“Yes, Im fine now.“ ( A) any well ( B) any better ( C) quite good ( D) quite better 9 The work they are doing is _gr

8、eat value. ( A) in ( B) of ( C) by ( D) from 10 Laptops are now so expensive _beyond the reach of almost everyone. ( A) that be ( B) as to be ( C) as be ( D) as being 11 I found the washing machine I had had _ broke down again. ( A) it repairing ( B) repaired ( C) it repaired ( D) to be repaired 12

9、If you dont agree with me, _. ( A) so she wont either ( B) so wont she ( C) neither she will ( D) neither will she 13 Returning to my apartment, _. ( A) I found my camera to miss ( B) I found my camera missing ( C) my camera was missing ( D) my camera was missed 14 Your_ to that situation were quite

10、 surprising and unusual. ( A) reactions ( B) opinions ( C) ideas ( D) responses Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 15 I recommend you to buy the book, since it is really worth (read) _ .

11、 16 I began to learn the guitar, and (discover) _ that I was pretty good at it. 17 You can tell her I would like to see her (person) _if it causes her no trouble. 18 There is a rapid increase in population in that country that has caused food (short) _ . 19 All his efforts ended in (fail) _. 20 Thou

12、gh she felt it (fair) _ to punish only her, she could do nothing but keep silent. 21 It was sweet and (thought) _ of you to think of it. 22 Her (marry) _ to John was not welcomed by her family. 23 We were taught to (large) _ photographs in Mr. Lees class. 24 They cherish the (friend)_between them. T

13、ask 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 24 Suicide has been a cause of concern in most societies fo

14、r a long time. The classical Greeks, for example, required people who wanted to kill themselves to get permission from the senate. While this law is not without humor by today s standards, it clearly shows an awareness of the problem in times gone by. In today s society, suicide is much more prevale

15、nt than we want to admit. Why do people try to take their own lives? The motives for suicide can be categorized into areas such as failure, wrath, the need for attention, stress, and so on. However, the qualities of a person who wants to take his own life change from person to person, making it diff

16、icult to depict (描写 ) the typical victim. To make the problem even more involved, people will often camouflage (掩盖 ) their true feelings, thus causing their friends to disregard problems that should be viewed as serious. In the U. S. , a network of centers has been created to attempt to prevent suic

17、ides. People who are bitter, worried, or depressed are encouraged to contact workers at these centers. These workers, often trained volunteers , offer benevolent advice to the callers, trying to help the callers to see that suicide as a solution to problems is an illusion. The accomplishments of the

18、se centers, in so far as their effectiveness to reduce suicide is concerned, are minimal. However, they have helped a lot of people with a variety of problems. So, in the some-what amorphous (难以名状的 ) area of man helping his fellow man, they are certainly a success. 25 Which of the following argument

19、s is TRUE according to the article? ( A) The classical Greeks did not know the existence of suicide. ( B) Suicide has always been prevalent in all parts of the world. ( C) In today s society, there are quite a number of people who commit suicide. ( D) Nowadays suicide is not as common as it was in t

20、he past. 26 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a motive for suicide? ( A) Insanity. ( B) Pressure. ( C) The need for attention. ( D) Great anger. 27 Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( A) People who want to take their own lives often disguise their feelings. ( B) It is difficult

21、 to describe what kind of people tend to commit suicide. ( C) Suicide has been a problem in most cities since ancient times. ( D) People who commit suicide all share certain characteristics. 28 The word “benevolent“ (Line 3, Para. 3) means_. ( A) relevant ( B) kind ( C) serious ( D) effective 29 The

22、 third paragraph mainly tells us that_. ( A) a network of centers has been quite effective in reducing suicide ( B) a network of centers help the callers to realize that suicide is a common social problem ( C) people are making efforts to help those who tend to commit suicide and in a way, they are

23、successful ( D) in the US, people who want to commit suicide call a network of centers to get help Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 30 Between 1977 and 1981, three groups of American women, numbering 27 in all, b

24、etween the age of 35 and 65, were given month-long tests to determine how they would respond to conditions resembling those aboard the space shuttle. Though carefully selected from among many applicants, the women were volunteers and the pay was barely above the minimum wage. They were not allowed t

25、o smoke or drink alcohol during the tests, and they were expected to tolerate each others company at close quarters for the entire period. Among other things they had to stand pressure three times the force of gravity and carry out both physical and mental tasks whole exhausted from strenuous physic

26、al exercise. At the end of ten days, they had to spend a further twenty days absolutely confined to bed, during which time they suffered backaches and other discomforts, and when they were finally allowed up, the more physically active women were especially subject to pain due to a slight calcium lo

27、ss. Results of the tests suggest that women will have significant advantages over man in space. They need less food and less oxygen and they Stand up to radiation better. Mens advantages in terms of strength and stamina, meanwhile, are virtually wiped out by the zero-gravity condition in space. 30 W

28、hat were those American women tested for during the whole month? ( A) For the selection of the responsible persons. ( B) For the condition of different group of the women. ( C) To see if they were suitable for the space work. ( D) To see how they would react to conditions like those aboard the space

29、 shuttle. 31 From the passage we can learn that _ . ( A) many women wanted to take part in the tests ( B) the pay was important for the women ( C) the women often quarreled with each other so they had to tolerate each other ( D) they could drink some wine after work 32 Which of the following stateme

30、nts is TRUE? ( A) They had to stand under the pressure three times the force of gravity. ( B) Ten days later in the test, they had to spend other twenty days in bed. ( C) During the whole test, they suffered backaches and other discomforts. ( D) Some of the women suffered great loss of calcium. 33 A

31、ccording to the passage, _ . ( A) the women stayed together during the whole test ( B) most of the women taking part in the test are very active ( C) before the test, the women enjoyed smoking and drinking ( D) all the women taking part in the test traveled to space at last 34 What is the best tide

32、for this passage? ( A) Womens Power ( B) An Unforgettable Experience ( C) Tests Show Women Suited for Space Travel ( D) Man Should Not Travel to Space Any More Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through

33、 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 35 You manage a business, stocks, bonds, and people. And now you can manage your hair. For the first time, there is a remarkable gel that can give your hair any look you wantsleeker, fuller, straighter, curlier, mor

34、e natural, even wet without a drop of alcohol or oil. It gets our hair into shape in the morning and keeps it under control all day. Whatever your management style, Maltiplexx is for you. Get the full facts at the Aramis counter. MALTIPLEXX natural hair gel for man. 1) It is an advertisement of【 46】

35、 . 2) The brand name of the products is【 47】 . 3) You can get the full facts about Maltplexx at【 48】 . 4) This kind of gel is designed for【 49】 . 5) You can keep your hair under control for about【 50】 . Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find t

36、he items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 39 A multimedia message service B subscriber identity module C voice prompt D high fidelity E flip answer F slide phone G warning tone H roaming serv

37、ice I standby mode J fixed dial K automatic redial L two-way charging scheme M call divert N Mobile Internet O out of reach P outgoing call 40 ( )呼叫转移 ( )双向收费 41 ( )翻盖接听 ( )漫游 42 ( )语音提示 ( )自动重拨 43 ( )彩信服务 ( )限制呼叫 44 ( )待机模式 ( )高保真 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the pas

38、sage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 45 INNER MONGOLIAN TOURIST INFORMATION CENTER Inner Mongolia, with its unique natural beauty, culture and traditions, is in a position to attract a great number of visitors worldwide. With 59th anniversary of

39、 Inner Mongolian Statehood in 2006 and Beijing Olympics in 2008 set to attract more international visitors to this region than ever before, further developing Inner Mongolias tourism sector is crucial to advance this potentially high earning sector of business. Therefore, the Tourist Information Cen

40、ter was set up. The Tourist Information Center is taking the necessary steps to build a modern visitor information system that can help travelers to Mongolia, or even people thinking about coming to Inner Mongolia, find their way. At the TIC itself, visitors will find an increasing array of up-to-da

41、te information and materials to make their stay in Inner Mongolia a rewarding one, and people from around the world will be able to access information and make direct contact with the center via the centers website and e-mail address. TIC is also working with the Mongolian tourism industry and other

42、 business and government sectors, to help promote the many services and activities available for tourists and other visitors. Address: No. 2, Xiu Shui Nan Jie Jian Guo Men Wai Beijing, China 100600 Tel: 8610-65321203 Website: E-mail: 45 What is the advertisement about? 46 Why can Inner Mongolia at

43、tract a lot of visitors all the world? Because of _ and traditions. 47 What is the Tourist Information Center building? 48 How can visitors know about information of Inner Mongolia? They can get it through the _. 49 What is the purpose of the cooperation of TIC and other organizations? To improve _

44、suitable for tourists. 50 Though telephone is indispensable in ones everyday life, it brings a lot of troubles as well. ( A)虽然电话在日常生活中是不可缺少的,但它同时也带来了许多麻烦。 ( B)即使电话在一个人的生活中也不贵,但它带来很多好处的同时也带来了许多麻烦。 ( C)即使电话在一个人的生活中可有可无,但它会带来很多好处。 ( D)虽然电话在一个人的生活中不可缺少,但它也会带来一些烦恼。 51 I have no private interest in the ac

45、ceptance of my inventions by the world. ( A)在世界接纳我的发明的过程中,我没有得到任何私人利益。 ( B) 我的发明为世界所采用,我未从中获得任何私利。 ( C)我的发明为世界所认可,我个人没有得到任何好处。 ( D)私下里,我对世界接受了我的发明根本不感兴趣。 52 It gives us much pleasure to send you the goods asked for in your letter of September 10 ( A)很高兴发去贵方 9月 10日来函所购的货物。 ( B)我们很高兴寄去你们 9月 10日暮途穷来函询问

46、的商品。 ( C)我们十分高兴贵方 9月 10日来函询问我们的商品。 ( D)我们很高兴贵方来信要求我们 9月 10日寄出优质产品。 53 Scientists are eager to talk with other scientists working on similar problem ( A)科学家热衷于与从事类似课题研究的其他科学家交流。 ( B)科学家更容易与其他科学家淡话来解决相同的问题。 ( C)科学家很乐意在解决类似问题时同其他科学家交流。 ( D)科学家更容易就雷同的问题与其他科学家交流。 54 Dear Mr. White, Thank you very much fo

47、r your wonderful lecture on Friday last week. I am writing now, on behalf of all the students and teaching staff in the center to say how much we all enjoy your wonderful lecture. We have learned a lot about the recent international development on the IT market and are very grateful to you for your

48、coming to our university and giving us such an interesting and informative talk. Thank you again and we are looking forward to hearing you again. Yours sincerely Li Ming 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an

49、 letter or composition according to the following information. 55 You are required to write a letter for apology according to the following information given in Chinese. Do not translate word by word. 亲爱的皓斯先生: 我为我公司工人的不良行为表示歉意,并为在你停车场上留下的油漆污渍向你道歉。这次派到你店去做 油漆活的漆工是新手,这是他们第一件工作。我已向全体职工通告了有关你处的情况,并告诫他们以后再也不允许类似事件的发生。 皓斯先生,我希望下次你需要油漆时,请再给我公司一个机会,你将得到最好的服务。


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