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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 409及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) Restaurant. ( B) Coffee shop. ( C) Dining room. ( D) Plane. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are

3、 some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) It is because of the air pressure. ( B) It is because of the food in her stomach. ( C) It is because o

4、f the chewing-gum. ( D) It is because of her paniC, ( A) Wife and husband. ( B) Salesman and customer. ( C) Teacher and student. ( D) Employer and employee. ( A) Sun. ( B) Rain. ( C) Spaghetti. ( D) Wine. ( A) Different. ( B) Shining sun. ( C) Good life. ( D) Food. Section C Directions: This section

5、 is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 6 What are in Mrs. Clarks handbag? Section

6、 A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 7 Under no circumstances _ leave his post. ( A) a soldier mustnt ( B) a solider must ( C) mustnt a sol

7、dier ( D) must a solider 8 Look at those students in the reading room. Some are reading newspapers; _ are reading magazines. ( A) other ( B) the other ( C) others ( D) the others 9 I havent met him _ the last meeting. ( A) for ( B) at ( C) since ( D) before 10 You dont object _ you by your first nam

8、e, do you? ( A) to me to call ( B) to my calling ( C) me to call ( D) my calling 11 They often ask about _ work. ( A) the others ( B) others ( C) each others ( D) each others 12 They hardly believed that the troop _ the river that night, and surrounded their city. ( A) to cross ( B) had crossed ( C)

9、 crossing ( D) cross 13 More than one government official _ involved in the case. ( A) were ( B) was ( C) being ( D) be 14 We dont allow _ in the meeting room. ( A) to smoke ( B) smoked ( C) smoking ( D) to smoking 15 The house _ on the edge of the town will be their villa. ( A) to build ( B) being

10、built ( C) building ( D) having built 16 People invest money in this company _ they believe it will make profits. ( A) though ( B) because ( C) unless ( D) until Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the

11、 brackets. 17 It is (possible) _ to finish the difficult task in such a short period of time, so I will have to give up. 18 He asked whether he (have) _ to do the whole experiment again if he failed in a single test. 19 We will visit Europe next year, (provide) _ we have the money. 20 Today I have t

12、o (walk) _ home. 21 Things got so bad (recent) _ that he decided to take a vacation in Greece. 22 At the bus stop (be) _ a soldier and two young people on their way to north Carolina. 23 Little did they realize that they _ (make) an important discovery in science. 24 They cherish the (friend)_betwee

13、n them. 25 He said that they were looking forward (do) _ business with my company. 26 The young man did not have enough money; otherwise he (buy) _ a more expensive watch. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through

14、40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 27 Most people can remember a time in their lives when they learned something almost by accident, that is, without consciously(有意识地 ) trying to learn it. Often this kind of learning happ

15、ens when we are trying to learn something else. For example, many people learn a number of English words not by memorizing them or studying them directly, but by doing something they enjoy, like listening to popular songs that contain them. Similarly, some people learn words in Chinese or Japanese n

16、ot by studying those languages directly, but by studying martial arts, such as kung fu or aikido, in which Chinese or Japanese terms are used. Foreign students in the United States often learn the system of measurement simply by having to shop and cook for themselves. Those activities require them t

17、o learn words like pound, gallon, inch and yard. Many educators believe that such a kind of learning, generally called content-based learning, is the best way to learn the rules of a system. Supporters of content-based learning argue that people can best understand and remember a systems basic rules

18、 by coining upon them in the context of that system not by studying and memorizing them out of the context. Therefore, supporters of content-based learning feel that grammatical rules can best be mastered indirectly through reading and writing, rather than by mere memorization. Likewise, they feel t

19、hat mathematical rules can best be learned by working out real-life problems where such rules are needed to find out the answers. In many cases, our own learning experiences may support the idea that we have a deeper understanding of rules we find out from context than of those memorized out of cont

20、ext. 27 According to the passage, many people learn a number of English words because _. ( A) they memorize them consciously ( B) they study them directly ( C) they do something they enjoy ( D) they listen to popular songs 28 Many educators believe that the best way to master the basic rules of a sy

21、stem is _. ( A) learning them in the context ( B) producing problems from context ( C) memorizing the related words first ( D) fixing attention on the rules themselves 29 We can infer that shopping and cooking in a foreign country _. ( A) are necessary for students to study systems ( B) require peop

22、le to know how to measure ( C) tell one what is needed to learn to live there ( D) help one learn measure words used in that country 30 The rules that we learn from context _. ( A) are easy to forget ( B) are understood more deeply ( C) are difficult to remember ( D) are hard to comprehend 31 What d

23、oes the author most probably think of the content-based learning? ( A) He doubts it. ( B) He supports it. ( C) He thinks it funny. ( D) He finds it impractical. Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 32 A good way to p

24、ass an examination is to work hard every day in the year. You may not do well in the exam if you axe lazy for most of the year and then work hard for a few days before the exam. If you are taking an English exam, dont only learn roles of grammar. Try to read stories in English and speak English when

25、 you can. A few days before the exam, you should start going to bed early, dont stay up late at studying and learning things. Before you start the exam, read carefully the question paper. Try to understand the meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write. When you have at last finis

26、hed your exam, read over your answers, find out any mistakes which you see and make sure that you havent lost anything out. 32 The good way to pass an exam is _. ( A) to work hard only before the exam ( B) to spend all the time remembering rules of grammar ( C) to stay up late before the exam ( D) t

27、o work hard all the lessons all the year round 33 Before you start the exam, you should _. ( A) speak loudly ( B) revise your lessons ( C) learn rules of grammar ( D) read carefully the question paper 34 You should _ your answers before the exam paper is handed in. ( A) write ( B) copy ( C) check (

28、D) read 35 Before you pick up your pen to write, you should _. ( A) revise your book ( B) look up the words in a dictionary ( C) copy the sentences ( D) understand the question on the paper 36 Which is the best title for the passage? ( A) Study Hard Your Lessons ( B) Read More Books ( C) Do Exercise

29、s ( D) Good Way to Pass Examination Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 37 San Diego State University (SDSU) is

30、 an ideal place to begin your international education. SDSU is size, diversity, and academic reputation have made it one of Americans major universities. SDSU has noteworthy programs in many fields, including Business Administration, Engineering, Public Health, Telecommunications, and Public Adminis

31、tration. As a part of SDSU, the American Language Institute is able to offer its students many benefits: Enrollment in university classes as well as ALI English classes, depending on the students programs and English level. Qualified students can earn college credit for these classes without going t

32、hrough the San Diego State University admissions process. American Language Institute students have many of the same rights as SDSU students, including access to the campus bookstore, library, cafeteria, and restaurants, SDSU Health Services Center, and campus sports activities and clubs. The ALI ev

33、en has its own soccer team. Students may also learn to sail, water ski, and wind surf at the Mission Bay Aquatic Center, which is owned by San Diego State University. The largest university in the California State University System, SDSU offers bachelors degrees in 78 fields, masters degrees in 60,

34、and doctoral degrees in 13. San Diego State University 1) The American Language Institute is (46) of SDSU. 2) The students programs and (47) determine their enrollment. 3) For those disqualified students, going through (48) is a must at SDSU. 4) Students at ALI and SDSU share (49) 5) SDSU offers deg

35、rees (50) Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 42 A-physical check-up B-biological clock

36、C-pulse rate D-high blood pressure E-sleep habits F-over-the-counter (OTC) medicine G-side effect H-personality test I-operating room J-sense of well-being K-face-lift L-compulsive over-eating M-stress self-test N-plastic surgeon O-heart beat P-behavior therapy Q-terminal stage 51. ( )心跳 ( )非处方药 52.

37、 ( )手术室 ( )强迫性过度饮食 53. ( )副作用 ( )生物钟 54. ( )高血压 ( )脉搏率 55. ( )睡眠习惯 ( )体检 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 47 Designing the resume for the best eye attraction is not an uncha

38、ngeable matter. As there is no so-called the best arrangement, your best way is to arrange your resume as a printer does. Your objective is to work out an arrangement of type and space that looks good to readers eyes. Even so, you had better do well to use the following general plan for arranging yo

39、ur resume. Your overall margins on the top, left, and right sides of the page will look better if they are at least one inch. A minimum margin of about one and a half inches is good for the bottom. Your listing of the items looks best by rows(or columns) if the items are short and can be set up with

40、 two separate rows, one on the left and one on the right side of the page. Longer items of information are more suitably set up in lines extending across the page. In any event, you should do well to avoid long and narrow columns of data with large sections of wasted space showing on either side. Li

41、kewise, any arrangement that gives a heavy crowded effect does not please readers eyes. Extra spacing between subdivisions are especially effective in pleasing readers eyes. 47 What does this passage mainly describe? How to _ 48 Which way is the best to arrange your resume? To arrange it _ 49 How mu

42、ch difference of margin between the top and the bottom? 50 How can two short items be best set up in the same line? Put them in _. 51 What kind of arrangement effect makes the reader feel upset? 52 His superior grades at high school enabled him to enrol at the tuition-free College of the City of New

43、 York. ( A)他的上级在高中期间学习时与他同级,所以有资格推荐他免考进入了纽约市一所大学。 ( B)他的上级在高中期间的学习成绩很优异,担保他自由进入了纽约市立大学。 ( C)由于在高中成绩显著,他参军后,免费进入了纽约市一所大学。 ( D)由于在高中成绩优异,他进入了免费的 纽约市立大学。 53 Tharkeray had the kindness which I, for me, have never met a journalist who lacked. ( A)撒克里对人非常亲切,这种品质就我个人而言,还从来没有看到哪一个新闻工作者有过。 ( B)撒克里对我非常亲切,具有这种

44、品质的人,我还从来没有看到哪一个新闻工作者有过。 ( C)撒克里具有与人为善的品质,这种品质就我个人而言,还从来没有看到一个新闻工作者缺少过。 ( D)撒克里具有对我友善的品质,具有这种品质的人 ,我还从来没有看到一个新闻工作者缺少过。 54 The fisherman is something of a stranger to his children because hes out at sea most of the year. _. 55 This book consists of nine units, dealing with the development of skills r

45、equired in giving speeches in political settings. ( A)这九个单元的主题是如何培养政治演讲这一能力。 ( B)本书分为九个单元,内容涉及如何发展作政治演讲所需的各项能力。 ( C)这本书仅有九个单元,却解决了如何发展政治演讲这一能力的难题。 ( D)本书由九个单元组成,讨论的是如何培养作政治演讲所需的各项能力。 56 First of all, eyes have to rest when it works two hours later. Then you should insist doing eyes exercises twice a

46、 day. It is good for eyes to look farther some times. Dont read in a bed or driving cars or the place where is dark. Dont read under the sun. If there are something in your eyes, dont rub, you should flush with the boiled and cooled water. If it hasnt reason. you must ask for doctors. If you must na

47、rrow the eyes to see things clearly, then you should wear glasses. 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or composition according to the following information. 57 Words for reference: 说明:以张华的名义写封投诉信。上

48、个星期在商场里面买了一件红色 衬衣,可是穿了之后感觉皮肤非常不舒服,而且洗了之后既缩水又褪色,因此非常恼火,今天是 2007年 3月 6日,给该商场写信投诉,并寄回衣服,坚决要求退款。 Words for reference: 缩水: shrink 投诉信: complaint letter 褪色: the color runs 大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 409答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B,


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