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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 430及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) In the headmasters office. ( B) In a hospital. ( C) In a language lab. ( D) At twelve oclock. ( A) He doesnt know much about Jazz. ( B) He likes Jazz better than country music. ( C) He thinks Jazz is as enjoyable as country music.

3、 ( D) He thinks country music is better than Jazz. ( A) Read the womans paper. ( B) Borrow the typewriter. ( C) Visit the woman. ( D) Go home soon. ( A) One block. ( B) Two blocks. ( C) Three blocks. ( D) Four blocks. ( A) One of a cheaper price. ( B) One of a different color. ( C) One of a smaller

4、size, ( D) One of a fashionable style. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. Whe

5、n you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) Ten yuan and ninety fen. ( B) Twenty yuan and ninety fen. ( C) Twenty-one yuan and fifty fen. ( D) Ten yuan and fifty fen. ( A) Lawyer and client. ( B) Student and teacher. ( C) Shop assistant

6、and customer. ( D) Manager and employee. ( A) It was rather boring. ( B) It was quite boring. ( C) It was very interesting. ( D) It was real fun. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five q

7、uestions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 9 What will be the format of the exam? The exam mainly consists of _. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required t

8、o complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 10 Cotton output was _ than last year. ( A) 20 percent high ( B) 20 percent higher ( C) 20 percent highest ( D) higher 20 higher 11 It doesnt matter who solve the problem; what _ is how t

9、o solve the problem. ( A) counts ( B) applies ( C) stresses ( D) functions 12 I want you to come to the party but _ you dont want to come, you dont have to. ( A) while ( B) before ( C) unless ( D) if 13 Nowadays he is no longer _ he used to be ten years ago. ( A) that ( B) what ( C) all what ( D) al

10、l that 14 Kenny, along with the three other men, _ to represent the union at the meeting. ( A) are ( B) to be ( C) is being ( D) is 15 The president who has won the election _ on television next week. ( A) be to speak ( B) is to speak ( C) is speaking ( D) to speak 16 Social evils were fundamentally

11、 caused by _ inequality. ( A) economy ( B) economical ( C) economics ( D) economic 17 He is _ of steeling money from the old woman. ( A) accused ( B) emerged ( C) charged ( D) expected 18 Hardly _ when the lights went out. ( A) the performance had begun ( B) had the performance begun ( C) the perfor

12、mance began ( D) did the performance begin 19 Most of the people _ to the dinner party were famous scientists. ( A) invited ( B) being invited ( C) to invite ( D) inviting Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word gi

13、ven in the brackets. 20 Children usually enjoy playing in the (amuse) _ park because there are many interesting things to do there. 21 Would you please say it again more(loud) _ ? 22 After (interview) _ for the job, you will be required to take an English test. 23 I think he will finally learn that

14、it (pay) _ to work honestly. 24 She never dreams of _ (send)abroad so soon. 25 He made a suggestion that they (visit) _their friends in New York. 26 But for your help, we_ (not finish)the project in time. 27 A meal containing fish and vegetables is considered a (health) _ one. 28 He was told that th

15、e stranger (wait) _ for him for 2 hours. 29 I shall appreciate your effort in (correct)_this error in my bank account as soon as possible. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statemen

16、t there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 30 Can you imagine who on earth is our human beings most dangerous enemy? The rats! Men are the cleverest and most dangerous animals on earth. Rats come second. Men kill their enemies. They have killed millions of men s

17、ince ancient times but rats have killed hundreds of millions of men. Rats carry diseases. Black rats carry fleas, and these fleas give men bubonic plague. Bubonic plague still kills thousands of Asians and Africans today as it killed millions of Europeans in the past until brown rats came to Europe

18、and pushed the black rats out. There is no plague in Europe today, but brown rats carry thirty-five other diseases typhus for example. Typhus has killed 200 million people in the last 400 years. Rats are dangerous. They not only carry diseases into mens homes, they also take mens food. They eat 33 m

19、illion tons of grain every year. That is enough to feed 200 million people so men die of hunger because rats eat their food. Rats are clever too. They have good leaders. Men try to poison them, but if their leaders tell them that food is dangerous they do not eat it. So our cities and villages are f

20、ull of rats. We can go to the moon, but we cannot kill this dangerous enemy. Why? Is it because we are not clean? 30 Human beings are afraid of rats mainly because _. ( A) rats have clever leaders ( B) rats are clever than men ( C) rats steal mens food ( D) rats killed hundreds of millions of men 31

21、 Brown rats are dangerous because _. ( A) they carry fleas which give men bubonic plague ( B) they come with typhus ( C) they carry thirty-five diseases ( D) they killed 200 million people 32 Besides carrying diseases, rats also _. ( A) take mens food ( B) live in cities and villages ( C) know how t

22、o identify poison food ( D) all of the above 33 With good leaders, _. ( A) rats killed thousands of Asians and Africans ( B) rats carry diseases on to the moon ( C) rats survive the poison food ( D) rats eat millions of tons of grain each year 34 The text is mainly to tell us _. ( A) we should think

23、 out good ideas to kill rats ( B) we should rather leave the earth than kill the rats ( C) rats with diseases are the most dangerous enemy of human beings ( D) rats bring about horrible diseases Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered

24、 41 through 45. 34 People in different parts of the world have very different ideas about what is good to eat. Even when people in different countries eat the same food, they often prepare it very differently. If you were in Germany, you would find soup that is thick and heavy. If you were in China,

25、 you would find soup that is thin and clear. On holidays most of us eat special foods. Year after year, even if many other things change, the food is always the same. Sometimes housewives begin weeks in advance to prepare the special foods that are traditionally served on certain holidays. People in

26、 different parts of the world also have different ideas about what is good to drink. Among the most popular hot drinks are coffee and tea. Coffee is very popular in northern Europe and in the Middle East. Some people put cream and sugar in their coffee. But in the United States, many people drink th

27、eir coffee “black“ that is without cream or sugar. Tea is the national drink in China, Japan, and other oriental(东方的 )countries. In the orient, people drink tea without sugar. But in England, where it is also a national drink, many people use both sugar and hot or cold milk in their tea. 35 People i

28、n different parts of the world _. ( A) cook the same food in different ways ( B) like the same kinds of food ( C) have the same ideas about foods ( D) know how to prepare the same food 36 Special foods on holidays will _. ( A) change a lot year after year ( B) have different tastes with the years pa

29、ssing by ( C) remain the same for many years ( D) be served before certain holidays 37 When drinking coffee, many Americans like to _. ( A) add tea to it ( B) add milk to it ( C) drink it with cream or sugar added ( D) drink it with nothing added 38 In England,_is a popular national drink. ( A) cold

30、 milk ( B) tea ( C) hot milk ( D) black coffee 39 Which of the following is the best title for the passage? ( A) We Should Eat Different Foods ( B) Special Foods on Certain Holidays ( C) People in Western Countries Like Coffee Most ( D) Different Ideas about Foods and Drinks Task 3 Directions: The f

31、ollowing is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 40 A company needs staff not only who have the right qualifications and experience, but also who ar

32、e happy to fit in with the companys way of doing things. Our managers have to accept the idea that everyone working here is a colleague and that spending time actually in the store with colleagues and customers, rather than in their office, is part of the job. For management post, we organize pre-in

33、terview group exercises to measure team-working and leadership skills, sometimes along with activities to assess personal qualities. In all our interviews we pay attention to body language. And like all employers, we want to take on staff who are at ease with colleagues and customers so it is import

34、ant to watch the way candidates behave, as well as listen to what they have to say. Interview Staff needed: both have the right (46) and fit in with (47) of doing things. Expectation from the managers: the employees spend time in the store with (48) . Pre-interview group exercises: designed to measu

35、re team-working and (49) of candidates. The interviewers will pay attention to (50) in all their interviews. Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corr

36、esponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 44 The following is a list of terms about finance. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与 相同的 ) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should find out the corresponding letters in brackets on the Ans

37、wer Sheet, numbered 51 to 55. A Unit Trust B Unlisted Security C Upside Risk D Value-at-risk E Venture Capital F Weak Holdings G Withdrawal Plan H Withholding Tax I Working Capital J Sector Fund K Seed Financing L Sell Short M Senior Debt N Separate Listing O Shareholder Value P Shell Company 45 ( )

38、提款计划 ( )上调风险 46 ( ) 周转资金 ( )空壳上市 47 ( ) 卖空 ( )股东价值 48 ( )产业基金 ( )单位信托 49 ( )独立上市 ( )短期持股 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 49 CashPlus gives you extra cash when you need it.

39、We all have times in our lives when we need extra money. Whether its a wedding, or a dream holiday, or financing a business venture, CashPlus can give you the means. CashPlus is a personal line of credit that gives you cash at a low interest rate. And with no need for collateral (抵押品 ), application

40、is easy. Generous Credit Limit. Up to $100,000 cash or twice your monthly income, whichever is lower, to use as you wish. Low Interest Rate. Enjoy a low interest rate of only 1. 48% per month or 17. 8% per annual as compared to other banks credit cards. Whats more, you only pay interest when you use

41、 it. Flexible Monthly Repayments. Enjoy flexible repayments from as little as 3% of your outstanding (未付的 ) balance or $30, whichever is higher. And with no fixed monthly payment, you have more control over your finance. Convenience of Online Banking. Pay bills, make account balance enquiries, view

42、statements, arrange funds transfers and even take control of cheques issued, whenever and wherever through online banking. 50 What service does Cashplus offer? It offers a_of credit. 51 What is the upper credit limit for Cashplus?Up to_. 52 What is the benefit if you get cash from Cashplus?You can e

43、njoy a_. 53 What is the advantage of Cashplus monthly repayment?Its_. 54 How can Cashplus be used?Through_. 55 It is announced that a child under four years of age not occupying a separate seat is charged 10 of the adult fare ( A)据通知,不到四岁的孩子 是不能占位的,否则按 10的票价收取费用。 ( B)接到通知,不到四岁的孩子不能单独占位,按成人的 10收取费用。

44、( C)通知说,不分开占位的四岁以下儿童,其票价是大人票价的 10。 ( D)有通知,未满四周岁的儿童不独占一座位,按成人票价的 10买票。 56 Not having been discovered, many laws of nature actually exist in nature and wait for you to discover ( A)人们还没有发现自然当中存在许多法 则。 ( B)还没有被发现,许多自然的法律实际上存在于自然界并等待你去发现。 ( C)自然中存在许多规律,这一点,正等待被人发现。 ( D)虽然还没有被人类发现,但是,许多自然规律实际上存在于自然当中并等待

45、你去发现。 57 The expert said that the real frontier for cars of the future lies not in body design but with computer activation. ( A)这位专家认为,将来汽车未被开发的领域不在车体 的设计,而在于电脑的功能。 ( B)这位专家认为,未来汽车要真正发展,产不在车身的设计,而在于电脑系统。 ( C)这位专家认为,未来汽车的真正尖端领域不在于车身的样式,而在于电脑的启动控制上。 ( D)这位专家认为,将来汽车发展的真正方向不在于车身式样,而是在于内部电脑控制。 58 Should

46、 a party request cancellation of the contract without a valid reason, it Shall pay for all the economic losses that the other party may suffer ( A)如果一方不提出任何理由就和另一方断绝关系,将承担对方提出的一切经济损失。 ( B)如果一方无正当理由而提出取消合同,必须赔偿另一方因此而遭受的所有经济损失。 ( C)如果一方毫无理由地终止与另一方的联系,将会使对方遭受重大经济损失。 ( D)如果一方与另一方终止合同而提不出合理的原因,必须赔偿对方提出的一

47、切经济损失。 59 Its hard to think of a business that had a more positive effect for customers than the PC business. The rate of product improvement, the kind of empowerment it provides, this ability to create and stay in touch. You know the closest comparison is when publishing came along and people had b

48、ooks. Of cause books created a problem. 一、 Part V Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an letter or composition according to the following information. 60 Suppose you are going to apply for a job. Now fill in the application form with the necessary information. You can make use of the hints given in Chinese. 简 历 姓 名:刘晓明 出生日期: 1978年 10月 10日 地 址:中国广州市越秀区大林路 15号 电 话: (020)38586765 38586766 电 传: (020)222356 PASD CN 经 历: 2001 现在 受雇于一家贸易公司担任部门经理 2000 2001 中国科学院科学出版社,编辑 学 历: 1996 2000 中山大学 19


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