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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 435及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) Fixing an engine. ( B) Repairing a car. ( C) Cashing a check. ( D) Buying some wheels. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After e

3、ach conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) To tell her about his sisters arrival. ( B) To invite her to a party. ( C)

4、To discuss some business affairs. ( D) To ask for a days leave. ( A) Its worth visiting. ( B) She knows a lot about it. ( C) Shes been there many times. ( D) Its not far from the city centre. ( A) At 3:00. ( B) At 3:30. ( C) At 1:30. ( D) At 1:13. Section C Directions: This section is to test your a

5、bility to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 5 What do some office workers dream of doing? They dream of

6、working their way up _. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 6 Had you prepared for your lecture, you more fluently. ( A) should hav

7、e spoken ( B) would have spoken ( C) would speak ( D) had spoken 7 The president who has won the election _ on television next week. ( A) be to speak ( B) is to speak ( C) is speaking ( D) to speak 8 Shall we stay at school or _to the park? ( A) to go ( B) go ( C) going ( D) went 9 Anderson is one o

8、f those_appear friendly but in fact are hard to deal with. ( A) who ( B) they ( C) that ( D) which 10 They decided to chase the cattle away _ it did more damage. ( A) unless ( B) until ( C) before ( D) although 11 How many guests are there in the room?15, _ two children. ( A) include ( B) including

9、( C) included ( D) is included 12 During the argument Ann made it clear that she strongly objected to _ in such an inhuman way. ( A) treating ( B) having treated ( C) being treated ( D) be treated 13 Acting on her advice, we _ the report to three main sections. ( A) declined ( B) diminished ( C) min

10、imized ( D) reduced 14 They thought it _ question to answer. ( A) too difficult ( B) too difficult a ( C) a too difficult ( D) too a difficult 15 I bought this fifteenth-century watch at a quite _ price. ( A) cheap ( B) expensive ( C) costly ( D) reasonable Section B Directions: There are 10 incompl

11、ete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 16 Many people are extremely disappointed with the (perform) _of this government. 17 If their marketing team (success) _, they will increase their profits by 20 percent. 18 He introduced better

12、 methods of (manage) _ in this company. 19 A (report)_is a person who writes news articles or who broadcasts news reports. 20 I have put down every details of the work (assign) _. 21 He spoke so _ (rude) that all of us got angry. 22 The battle was over, and the wounded (send0_ to hospital at once. 2

13、3 Our ability to think and speak makes us (difference) _ from other animals. 24 The global average air temperature is believed _ (rise) in the near future. 25 If we (know) _ that the books were available, we would have bought them yesterday. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, yo

14、u will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 26 Peering into the 21st century, authorities on the future see extraordinary changed. New scientific breakthroughs

15、will allow machines to take on more tasks that human brain has traditionally done. Computers, which once only remembered data, will make more decisions. Machines that today tell doctors what symptoms the patients have may soon be recommending whether or not to perform surgery as well. Others will de

16、sign new buildings after questioning buyers about their preferences. Increasingly, human thought processes and even values are being programmed into computers, according to Earl Joseph, president of a consulting firm. “Imagine machines which are smarter and more intelligent than humans and, with the

17、ir embedded(植入的 ) initiative, cant wait to tell you about it,“ he says. In everyday life, the future will mean talking directly to computers without pushing buttons. Just tell a toaster, stove or other kitchen device what to do, and it will hear the message. The oven may even decide itself how long

18、to cook the roast. Tell the television, “I want to watch Channel 12 at 8 p.m., but store the show for next week,“ and the job will be done. The computer will talk back, too. Already some soft-drink machines complain loudly if you dont deposit enough cash. At home, a bedside machine may someday tell

19、you, “You forgot to turn off the basement light.“ Away from home, the automobile of the future will think for itself. Scientists predict that drivers will feed destinations into a computer that will then explain what route to take and even tell where parking spaces are available. A citys traffic-con

20、trol system might instruct the cars computer how fast to go in heavy traffic and whether to change lanes. 26 This passage mainly discusses _. ( A) the history of computers ( B) the different functions of computers ( C) the computer in the 21st century ( D) scientific breakthroughs in the 21st centur

21、y 27 The passage tells us that _. ( A) computers can not yet tell us what symptoms a patient has ( B) computers now can remind you to turn off the lights in the basement ( C) the author has a car that can think for itself ( D) some computers now can already make loud complaints 28 From the passage w

22、e know that toaster, stove, and oven _. ( A) can hear the authors instructions ( B) are all devices used in the kitchen ( C) are useless without the help of computers ( D) are invented for the life in the 21st century 29 What does “deposit“(Para. 4) probably mean? ( A) Put in. ( B) Take out. ( C) Ch

23、ange, ( D) Possess. 30 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ( A) Earl Joseph is quite optimistic about the ability of computers to do more intelligent work for people in the future. ( B) Earl Joseph insist that computers are smarter and more intelligent than human beings. ( C) No

24、wadays drivers can feed destinations into a computer that will explain what, route to take and even tell where parking spaces are available. ( D) Both A and B. Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 31 Once a man had a

25、 dream, he dreamed of a land of peace and harmony. He dreamed of a place where people were not judged by their skin color. He dreamed of a country where children of different races could play together. He dreamed of a nation where all people were equal. Some people didnt like his dream. They said it

26、 would never happen. Some people applauded his dream. They wanted to make it happen. This noble vision has come true for some. For others, its still just a fantasy. In 1963, this man, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , expressed his vision in the famous speech, “I Have a Dream.“ But the dream - rooted in

27、the American Dream - wasnt really new. From the beginning, this nation of immigrants welcomed people desiring freedom and a new start. How ever, the coming together of different races and ethnic groups created some tensions. The early Americans ( except for the native “Indians“ ) were almost all whi

28、te Europeans. As more immigrants arrived, European groups fit into society easily. Others found it more difficult. Black people were the only “immigrants“ who didnt choose to come to America. For hundreds of years, Africans were taken from their homes to be slaves in the New World. Even George Washi

29、ngton and Thomas Jefferson had slaves. The phrase “all men are created equal“ didnt apply to blacks in their day. The end of the Civil War finally brought freedom to the slaves in 1865, but blacks still had a lower position in society. Many Southern states practiced segregation to “keep blacks in th

30、eir place“. Blacks and whites went to different schools, ate at different restaurants, and even drank from different water fountains. 31 According to the passage, who is the author of the speech “I Have a Dream“? ( A) Martin Luther King. ( B) George Washington. ( C) Indian. ( D) Thomas Jefferson. 32

31、 Some immigrants would find it difficult to fit into society because _. ( A) this nation welcomed people desiring freedom and a new start ( B) the early Americans were Indians ( C) this nation was full of white Europeans ( D) different races and ethnic groups created some tensions 33 Thomas Jefferso

32、n was more likely to be a person who _. ( A) was an Indian ( B) hated black people ( C) had an American dream ( D) believed in “all men are created equal“ 34 What happened after the Civil War? ( A) Black people enjoyed their freedom. ( B) Black people had a higher position in society. ( C) There was

33、 still practical discrimination in America. ( D) Black people could eat at same restaurants with white people. 35 Whats the general topic of the passage? ( A) American dream. ( B) American racial issues. ( C) American slaves. ( D) American immigrants. Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. A

34、fter reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 36 Whether youre looking for a quiet place or a holiday trip, Floridas natural beauty and various tourist activities let yo

35、u make your dream alive. Nature lovers can explore hundreds of acres of lakes, forests and wetlands filled with native birds, fish and wildlife. Florida is a sportsmans paradise as well, with plenty of opportunities for water sports lovers. And Florida is also the nations best tennis place, with ove

36、r 7,700 tennis facilities. With thousands of rivers and lakes, plus over 1,000 miles of beaches on the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, Florida is a water sports wonderland. Florida is also home to some of the best attractions in the United States, from technologically advanced parks to historic m

37、useums. Welcome to Florida, ladies and gentlemen! Florida is most attractive because of its (46) , and its (47) . Visitors to Florida arc mainly (48) and sportsmen. Among the various sports Florida offers, the most wonderful are (49) . Florida has a beach as long as (50) miles. Task 4 Directions: Th

38、e following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 41 The following is the contents of a book on stocks. After reading it, y

39、ou are required to find the items equivalent to (与 相同 ) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 throught 55. A-acceptance letters J-reference letters B-adjustment letters K-sales letters C-application l

40、etters L-news releases D-collection letters M-annual reports E-complaint letters N-feasibility reports F-credit letters O-investigative reports G-inquiry letters P-progress reports H-memorandums Q-trouble reports I-order letters R-trip reports 51. ( )投诉函 ( )咨询信 /询价函 52. ( )推销信 ( )推荐函 53. ( )新闻发布 ( )

41、申请函 54. ( )进度报告 ( )年度报告 55. ( )调查报告 ( )事故报告 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 46 A LEASE This lease is made on November 2nd, 2005 between Mr. Richard Zhang (hereinafter (以下 )

42、 referred to as the Landlord (租让人 ) and Mr. James Lee (hereinafter referred to as the Tenant (承租人 ) Both parties have agreed on the following terms and conditions: 1. Premises(楼宇 ): Landlord has agreed to lease to the Tenant the apartment 2312 at Sunshine Garden, situated in 156 Jiefang Road, Nanjin

43、g 2. Duration: The tenancy (租期 ) shall be one year, from November 2nd, 2005 to November 1st, 2006. Upon expiry of this lease, the Landlord has the right to take back the said apartment and all equipment within. 3. Rent: The Tenant shall pay for the said apartment a monthly rent of RMB 2,000 on the f

44、irst day of every month. Should the rent be unpaid within the specified period, a sum of 0.5% per day will be paid to the Landlord for the delay. Should the rent be unpaid for over 30 days, the lease will be automatically terminated(终止 ). 4. Deposit: Within 10 days upon the very day this agreement i

45、s signed, the Tenant shall pay the sum of RMB 2,000 which is the deposit of one months rent. 5. Rights and responsibilities of the Landlord: The Landlord shall undertake to keep the said apartment in all necessary repairs and shall not take it back prior to the expiry date of the lease. 6. Rights an

46、d responsibilities of the Tenant: The Tenant shall pay the rent, deposit and electricity, heating, water, gas, telephone charges. The Tenant shall use the apartment for living purpose only. The Tenant shall not transfer the said apartment partly or wholly to any Third Party. The Tenant shall be held

47、 responsible should there be found any damage to the said apartment. The deposit will not be refunded(偿还 )should the Tenant terminates the lease before the due date of the lease. 7. Others: If any item not stipulated(规定 )in this lease, it shall be negotiated between the two parties, and supplement a

48、greement will be signed. Signature: _ Signature: _ Richard Zhang James Lee The Landlord The Tenant 46 When shall the Tenant pay the rent? On _ of every month. 47 Who shall be responsible for gas and heating charges? _ shall pay those charges. 48 How much shall the Tenant pay per month? The monthly rent for the apartment is _. 49 Under what circumstance will the deposit not be refunded? The Landlord can refuse to return the deposit if the Tenant _


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