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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 444及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) A clerk at the airport information desk. ( B) A clerk at the railway station information. ( C) A policeman. ( D) A taxi driver. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There ar

3、e 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) Ten yuan and ninety fen. ( B) Twen

4、ty yuan and ninety fen. ( C) Twenty-one yuan and fifty fen. ( D) Ten yuan and fifty fen. ( A) Near the harbor. ( B) Far away from the harbor. ( C) In the center of the city. ( D) Out of the city. ( A) On Thursday. ( B) On Friday. ( C) On Saturday. ( D) On Sunday. ( A) They are talking on the phone.

5、( B) They are touring the city together. ( C) They are looking for a hotel. ( D) They are checking in at a hotel. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be sp

6、oken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 6 In which part of England did John live?He lived in _ of England. 7 Why did John decide to go south?Because he heard that it was easy to _ there. 8 How did he go to London?_. 9 Whom did John re

7、gard the robber as?As _. 10 Did John buy a ticket?_. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 11 The plane will _ in half an hour. ( A)

8、break off ( B) take off ( C) write off ( D) picked up 12 The man shouted at the shop assistant, _ his arms constantly. ( A) waving ( B) waved ( C) m wave ( D) being waved 13 This was _ that it couldnt hold all the passengers. ( A) a so small bus ( B) so small a bus ( C) such small bus ( D) a such sm

9、all bus 14 There _ an important report tomorrow morning. ( A) will be ( B) will have ( C) has ( D) have 15 I have no one _ I can talk upon such matters. ( A) to whom ( B) whom ( C) who ( D) that 16 _ he was an old customer, the boss allowed 5% discount off the prices of the goods. ( A) Gave ( B) To

10、give that ( C) Given that ( D) Giving that 17 He has a _ habit of biting his lips when he is puzzled. ( A) peculiar ( B) special ( C) specific ( D) particular 18 He was late for the class today because he didnt run _ catch the bus. ( A) enough fast to ( B) fast enough ( C) fast enough to ( D) enough

11、 fast 19 Mr. Smith lives in the house _ is leaking. ( A) of which the roof ( B) which of the roof ( C) the roof of which ( D) of which roof 20 _ for your laziness, you could have finished the assignment by now. ( A) Had it not been ( B) Werent it ( C) It were not ( D) Had not it been Section B Direc

12、tions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 21 After working for five years in the countryside, he is now used to(do) _ physical labor. 22 Smoking means _ (hurt) yourself with your own hands. 23 I see so many_(

13、love) children every day since the kindergarten is in front of my house. 24 The professor has a large (collect) _ of books. 25 John is (old)_ of the three waiters. 26 Lets talk full advantage of this chance to (wide) _ our business connections. 27 The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he

14、_ (injure) himself. 28 We were _ (shock) to find that the man coming towards us was carrying a gun. 29 There is hardly any (differ) _ in their attitudes toward their colleagues. 30 His action at the party was a typical (illustrate) _ of his boldness. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following pa

15、ssage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 30 Nowadays there are more and more ways of going on holiday. More and more people go abroad every year. So

16、me people even go on two or three holidays a year. There are two types of holidaymakers. The first kind always flocks to seaside resorts when they go on holidays. Their one and only aim is to have a good time by sunbathing and putting their feet up. They are not a bit interested in local specialties

17、. At mealtimes, if they can get a plate of British “fish and chip“ they are more than happy. They spend their days in the sunshine and their evening getting drunk, then sleep soundly, If this sort of person forgets to pack the suntan oil, he or she undoubtedly come home as red as a lobster(龙虾 ). The

18、 other type of holidaymakers goes to every country to increase their knowledge of foreign lands. They make use of the chance to travel to improve their world knowledge. For them, going on holidays is educational. Consequently, this sort of travelers will move from place to place every few days. If t

19、hey visit lots of places in a short span of time, there is no way that they can get a proper feeling of a place or fully appreciate the local food and wine. Whichever type of holiday chosen, everybody has the same aim: to put their work to the back of their minds, have as much fun as possible and co

20、me home happy and relaxed. 31 The aim of the first type of holidaymaker is . ( A) to enjoy good food ( B) to enjoy themselves ( C) to have sunbathing ( D) to swim in the sea 32 The aim of the second type of holidaymakers is . ( A) to enjoy themselves ( B) to appreciate the local food ( C) to increas

21、e their world knowledge ( D) to run away from their work 33 If a person visits too many places in a short time, . ( A) he will have a better knowledge of other countries ( B) he will eat more various foods ( C) he will not have a good rest ( D) he will not get a true impression of any place 34 The c

22、ommon aim of these two kinds of holidaymakers is . ( A) to increase their knowledge ( B) to relax themselves ( C) to stay away from their home ( D) to forget something unpleasant 35 The best title for this passage is . ( A) How to Spend Your Holiday ( B) Make Full Use of Your Spare Time ( C) Two Typ

23、es of Holidaymakers ( D) Forget Your Work and Enjoy Yourselves Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45. 36 There was a time in early history of man when the days bad no names! The reason was quite simple: Men had not inv

24、ented the week. In those days, the only division of times was the month, and there were too many days in the month for each of them to have a separate name. But when men began to build cities, they wanted to have a special day on which to trade, a market day. Sometimes these market day were fixed at

25、 every tenth day, sometimes every seventh or every fifth day. The Babylonians decided that it should be every seventh day. On this day they didnt work, but met for trade and religious festivals. The Jews followed their example, and kept every seventh day for religious purposes. In this way the week

26、came into being. The Jews gave each of the seven days a name, but it was really a number after the Sabbath(安息日 ) day (which Was Saturday). When the Egyptians adopted the seven - day week, they named the days after five planets, the sun and the moon. The Romans used the Egyptian names for their days

27、of the week: the day of the sun, of the moon, of the planet Mars, of Mercury (水星 ), of Venus (木星 ), and of Saturn (土星 ). We get our names for the days not from the Romans but from the Anglo - Saxons, who called most of the days after their own gods. 36 In the early days there were no names for the d

28、ays, because men _. ( A) had not yet created the idea of grouping seven days in a week ( B) did not know what the word “week“ meant ( C) considered it unnecessary to have the names ( D) did not believe it was the time to invent the week 37 In those days _. ( A) the smallest unit of time was the mont

29、h ( B) the smallest unit of time was the week ( C) the year had been believed to be the only division of times ( D) the months had no names either 38 The week came into being when the Jews devoted _ to God. ( A) every tenth day ( B) every seventh day ( C) every fifth day ( D) either A or E 39 Who be

30、gan to call the days in a week after five planets, the sun and the moon? ( A) The Egyptians. ( B) The Romans. ( C) The Babylonians. ( D) The Anglo - Saxons. 40 Our present names for the days of the week are _. ( A) quite similar to the Romans ( B) mostly named after the gods of the Anglo - Saxons (

31、C) more or less the same as those the Egyptians are using ( D) but numbers Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks.

32、41 Along with the grand view of the Great Wall, travelers to Beijing shouldnt miss tasting the Beijing Roasted Duck. To enjoy the famous duck, the restaurant Quan Ju De is the best choice for you. It has multiple outlets in Beijing. The old restaurant first opened in 1860. The duck here is said to b

33、e the best in Beijing, and the service is very good as well. Before you take up the menu, you might want to know more about how Beijing Roasted Duck is made and how it is served. The ducks are raised for the sole purpose of making the food. Force-fed, they are kept in cages which restrain them from

34、moving about, so as to fatten them up and make the meat comparably tender. Beijing Roasted Duck is processed in several steps: first the ducks are rubbed with spices, salt and sugar, and then kept hung in the air for some time. Then the ducks are roasted in an oven, or hung over the fire till they b

35、ecome brown with rich grease perspiring outside and have a nice color. Beijing Duck is always served in well-cut slices. The whole duck must be sliced into 120 pieces and every piece has to be perfect with the complete layers of the meat. Normally there are many dishes served with the duck, includin

36、g a dish of fine-cut shallot bars, a dish of cucumber bars and finally a dish of paste-like soy of fermented wheat flour. Without these the dainty duck is surely in the shade. Beijing Roasted Duck You can go to the restaurant【 46】 to enjoy the famous duck. The duck are raised for the only purpose of

37、【 47】 How Beijing Roasted Duck is made: 1) The ducks are rubbed with condiments(佐料 ) and hung in the air. 2) The ducks are【 48】 in an oven. How it is served: Duck is served in【 49】 slices. There are【 50】 served with the ducks. Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, yo

38、u are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 46 A-The role of the chief negotiator B-Controlling negotiations C-Committing to the results D-Site selection E-Setting the a

39、genda F-Keeping the upper hand G-Initiating negotiations H-Basic protocol I-Reaching consensus J-The function of bias K-Formulating a workable strategy L-Selecting team members M-Sizing up your counterparts N-Negotiating styles O-Getting your message through P-Reporting the results 46 ( )在谈判中占据上风 (

40、)制定可行策略 47 ( )确定谈判日程 ( )启动谈判 48 ( )达成共识 ( )实现沟通 49 ( )成见的作用 ( )了解对手 50 ( )基本礼节 ( )执行谈判结果 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 50 Dear Sir, Mickey Mouse is one of the leading com

41、panies in toys retail business located in the United Kingdom of Britain. We have outlets throughout the whole country and now we are trying to develop the overseas market. We are interested in your plastic spider man displayed at Paris show and would like to know whether you could offer us a sole ag

42、ency to retail your products in Europe. We are confident that there is a growing market for your products in our place, due to the increasing demand for children toys. Nowadays more and more parents are concerned about their childrens psychological development. We operate on a five percent commissio

43、n basis on net list prices. In addition, we can offer excellent terms for freight and insurance if required. We usually pay our principals by cheque on a monthly basis. If you are interested in the above suggestion, we will send our representative to discuss further details with you. We look forward

44、 to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Peter Turner 51 What kind of company is Mickey Mouse? Mickey Mouse is a company in_. 52 What kind of toy is Mickey Mouse interested in? It is interested in_displayed at Paris Show. 53 What is the purpose of Mickey Mouse to write the letter? Its purpose is

45、to get_to retail the product. 54 Why does Mickey Mouse think there is a growing market? Because there is an_for children toys. 55 How does Mickey Mouse pay their principals? Mickey Mouse pays_on a monthly basis. 56 I hope you will give me the pleasure of your company on the occasion of a dinner with

46、 a few friends next Saturday, the 15th, at 7 p.m. ( A)我将于 15天后,即下周星期六下午 7点,邀些朋友共进晚餐,请贵公司同仁赏光。 ( B)我将在本月 15日,下周星期六下午 7点,和我的一些朋友一起出席晚宴,不知你可否来作陪 ? ( C)兹定于本月 15日,即下周星期六下午 7点,邀请友人共进晚餐,请你赏光。 ( D)我将于 15天后,即下周星期六下午 ?点邀些朋友共进晚餐,不知你可否来作陪, 57 The increase in international business has created a need for manager

47、s with skills in cross-culture communication. ( A)国际贸易增加了跨国交流的机会,也提高了经理的技能。 ( B)国际贸易提高了对经理掌握跨国文化交流技能的要求。 ( C)国际贸易的增加需要具有跨国文化交流技能的经理。 ( D)国际贸易增加了对经理文化交际能力的需求。 58 Bewilderment and frustration that the new environment has brought about can easily impair ones self-confidence. ( A)人在新环境中感受到的困惑和挫折会使一个人丧失自

48、信。 ( B)陌生环境带来的困惑和挫折会击败一个人的自信。 ( C)困惑和挫折很容易削弱一个在新环境中的人的自信。 ( D)陌生的环境带来的困惑和挫折很容易削弱一个人的自信。 59 The government and the society show much concern for the well-being of the elderly and offer a variety of services. ( A)政府非常关注老年人的 福利,同时也给他们安排了适当的工作。 ( B)政府和社会非常关心老人的福利问题,并给他们提供了多种服务。 ( C)虽然政府和社会对老人的健康非常关心,但拒绝提供帮助。 ( D)政府和社会对老人的健康非常关心,并给他们提供了很多服务。 60 Digital cameras are hot. Every technology and photography lover, it seems, either has a new digital camera or is thinking about getting one. If youre in the latter category, youll find that its easy to be


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