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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 450及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) In a toilet. ( B) At the post office. ( C) In a school. ( D) In a packing place. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each co

3、nversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) Dark and light blue. ( B) Dark and light green. ( C) Dark and light brown. ( D) D

4、ark and light yellow. ( A) America. ( B) Denmark. ( C) Canada. ( D) China. ( A) Are you listening to me? ( B) Are you clear? ( C) Are you still in the room? ( D) Are you still my friend? Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded

5、 passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 5 Why did the woman come to the law office? To _ . Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentenc

6、es. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 6 The man burst into the office and tried to grab the money as it _. ( A) was counted ( B) has been counted ( C) was being counted ( D) had been counted 7 Does _ mat

7、ter if he cant finish the job on time? ( A) this ( B) that ( C) he ( D) it 8 Mary _ to pass her entrance examination. ( A) regulated ( B) managed ( C) tried ( D) handled 9 John has got a full mark in the test. He _ very hard all these days. ( A) will work ( B) may work ( C) must have worked ( D) cou

8、ld have worked 10 My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate _ from you sometime. ( A) to have heard ( B) to hear ( C) for hearing ( D) hearing 11 Im still unable to make myself _ in the discussion, which worries me a lot. ( A) to be understood ( B) understanding ( C) understood ( D) under

9、stand 12 He bought her what she wanted _ the fact that they were costly. ( A) even if ( B) as though ( C) only if ( D) regardless of 13 She traveled a great deal _ ( A) so most of her friends did ( B) as did most of her friends ( C) most of her friends did so ( D) most of her friends did it 14 The r

10、eason I love her very much is _ she is a little smart girl. ( A) became ( B) why ( C) the fact that ( D) that 15 There are so many dresses there that I really dont know _ to choose. ( A) whether ( B) when ( C) which ( D) why Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should f

11、ill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 16 The boy% father was so(thank) _ that he taught him how to use a computer. 17 He spends half an hour (cycle) _ to work every day. 18 I was (agree) _ surprised and pleased. 19 The (solve) _ to the questions are at the back of

12、 the book. 20 When I last saw Seaman, he (hurry)_to his next class and did not have time to talk. 21 They solved that problem (intelligence)_. 22 The number of errors made by him was_(surprise). 23 She insisted that she (go) _ to the zoo alone. 24 Seldom _ (I read)a story so moving as this one. 25 M

13、ost of the people (invite) _ to the dinner party yesterday were my friends. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make th

14、e correct choice. 26 It is clear that some people who participate in exercise training will develop injuries to their bones, muscles, and joints(关节 ). Despite unfounded reports in the mass media of extremely high injury rates among adult exercisers, there have been few good studies of exercise injur

15、ies in populations. One of the difficulties in performing such studies has been the need to identify both the number of cases and the number of people at risk for injury. In other words, it is difficult to know the number of individuals injured and the total number of individuals exercising in the p

16、opulation. But these two figures are necessary in order to calculate(统计 ) true injury rates. Normally, injury is defined as an accident that causes a person to stop exercising for at least one week. The best available studies on injury rates show that about 25 to 30 percent of adult runners become “

17、injured“ (based on the above definition) over the course of a year. More serious injuries include those for which the injured person seeks medical care. If only they are considered, injury rates are much lower, perhaps in the range of 1 percent per year. Little is known about the causes of exercise

18、injuries. One factor that has been linked to injury is the amount of exercise; for example, individuals who run more miles are likelier to be injured than those who run fewer miles. Factors such as age, sex, body type, and experience have not been shown to be associated with risk of injury. It seems

19、 logical that structural abnormalities, sudden increases in training intensity, and types of equipment used are likely to be related to injury risk. However, data to support these opinions are not available. 26 What is the writers attitude towards high injury rates among adult exercisers reported by

20、 the mass media? ( A) Positive. ( B) Indifferent. ( C) Negative. ( D) Reserved. 27 The true injury rates are obtained from ( A) the average number of injuries for each individual ( B) the amount of exercises for each individual ( C) the numbers of the injured and all individuals in training ( D) the

21、 numbers of people doing exercises and those stopped exercises for one week 28 Which of the following is NOT shown as the factor for causing exercise injuries? ( A) The amount of exercise. ( B) The age, sex and body type. ( C) Structural abnormalities. ( D) The sudden increases in training intensity

22、. 29 The factors that are in relation to exercises injuries ( A) have been obtained from many good studies ( B) have been confirmed by many data ( C) cannot confirm the risk of equipment types ( D) can be proved easily by the data through calculation 30 The passage is mainly about _. ( A) the high i

23、njury rates for those doing exercises ( B) the ways to avoid exercise injuries ( C) the evidences for the seriousness of exercise injuries ( D) the studies about injury rates and causes for injuries Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numb

24、ered 41 through 45. 31 The Bush administration is considering an audit of the national school lunch program to make sure that all the children receiving free and reduced-price lunches come from families that are truly low-income. The Department of Agriculture says about 28 million children get their

25、 lunch each day through the program, which cost 68 billion in 2002. A USDA study last year estimated that one in five children participating might be ineligible because the familys income is too high. USDA estimates that 10 billion of the funding bought lunches for ineligible children. A family of f

26、our with an annual income of up to 23,530 qualify for free meals. Families that make 33,485 qualify for reduced-price lunches costing up to 40 cents. Administration officials and lawmakers say theyre trying to keep recipients honest while not scaring away needy families. What happens with the progra

27、m wont just affect how many children receive free chicken nuggets, chocolate milk and canned fruit salad. States and school districts use the program figures to estimate poverty levels at schools, so the results also could affect the amount of government aid at all levels that makes its way down to

28、struggling schools. Schools rely on parents to report their income but generally dont require proof. “When you start tightening up the scrutiny on these applications, families become fearful and they dont ap ply,“ says Gaye Lynn MacDonald of the school food service association. 31 Free and reduced p

29、riced lunches are for _. ( A) rich family ( B) rich students ( C) poor family ( D) poor students 32 Eligible children took _ billion of the funding in 2002. ( A) 28 ( B) 68 ( C) 58 ( D) 10 33 A children from the family make 30,000 dollars a year, qualify for _. ( A) free lunches ( B) reduced priced

30、lunches ( C) 20 cents lunches ( D) not mentioned 34 What do the poverty levels bring to struggling schools? ( A) Government aid. ( B) Children nuggets. ( C) Chocolate milk. ( D) Canned fruit salad. 35 From the last paragraph, it can be inferred _. ( A) the government will cost more money on the prog

31、ram ( B) there is more students participating in the program ( C) there is fewer students participating in the program ( D) the number of students of the program will not change Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table bel

32、ow (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 36 TRADERS LIMITED STAFF ASSOCIATION Committee meeting to be held on Monday, 23rd January, 2006, at 3:30 p.m. in the Board Room. AGENDA 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes(会议纪要 ) of the meeting hel

33、d on Friday, 30th December, 2005 (copies previously circulated) 3. Matters arising from the Minutes (a) Minute No. 4 should be amended as follows: for “Mr. R. Garnett“ read “Mr. P. Garratt“. (b) Minute No. 7 - Annual General Meeting. The firm has given permission for the Annual General Meeting to be

34、 held on 6th July, 2006. 4. Subscriptions (定期交费 ) The following proposal has been received from Mr. G. Heard, seconded by Miss R. Field. “The Committee recommends to the Association at the Annual General Meeting that the annual subscription for the year beginning lst August, 2006, shall be 1.“ 5. Fo

35、rthcoming events A draft program of events has been prepared by the Social Sub-Committee for the consideration of the meeting ( copy enclosed). 6. Correspondence(信件 ) The following correspondence has been received: (a) Copy of the Annual Report and Accounts of the Company (b) Memo from the Personnel

36、 Department about the proposed introduction of a clock system for all staff. 7. Date of next meeting 8. Any other business It is an agenda of a (46) that will be held on (47) , 2006. A suggestion concerning the annual subscription has been received from (48) and (49) . During the committee meeting t

37、he correspondence received will be discussed. They are the memo from (50) and the Annual Report and Accounts of the Company. Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you sho

38、uld put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 41 Advance Notice of TV Program Television Saturday, April 13 CCTV-1 CCTV-2 10:56 Series: Women 10:00 98-99 NBA Matches(24) 15:40 Peoples Army 13:40 Animal World 16:30 Travelling World 16:00 Programmes for the Elderly 19:00 New

39、s 16:30 Wind from China 19:55 Across the Country 20:35 Eight-Part Series, 20:05 Kaleidoscope In Their Youthful Time 21:10 1999 CCTV Sports (5) 21:30 Economies 30 Minutes 22:55 International Theatre 23:25 Programs in English: China Today CCTV-1 12:43 Music Hits 14:30 Window on China 18:20 Opera Perfo

40、rmers 19:30 Music TV 60 Minutes 20:30 Sports Programs 09:05 Stage on the Air 11:10 Foreign Light Music 15:10 Chinese Orchestral Works 17:30 Program for Youth, No. 12 Broadcast Studio Now please find correct English expressions in the diagram to fill in the following translations: A) Animal World F)

41、Music Hits B) Programmes for the Elderly G) Opera Performers C) Stage on the Air H) Sports Programs D) Chinese Orchestral Works I) Series: Women E) Economies 30 Minutes J) Travelling World 41 ( )动物世界 ( )体育节目 42 ( )电视系列片:半边天 ( )京剧表演家 43 ( )空中舞台 ( )夕阳红 44 ( )中国管弦乐 ( )旅游天地 45 经济半小时 ( )流行音乐 Task 5 Direc

42、tions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 46 This practice book is intended for foreign engineers or students of engineering who have already mastered the elements of English, and who now want t

43、o use their knowledge of the language to read books on their own subjects. Readers should understand, however, that the purpose of the book is to read the language, not to teach engineering. The language in which scientific and technical facts are expressed is certainty not a different language from

44、 that of everyday life, but all the same it presents the foreign student with a number of special problems. The most obvious and the most widely recognized of these problems is the vocabulary. Much more difficult are the semi-scientific or semi-technical words, which have a whole range of meanings a

45、nd are frequently used idiomatically. One of the aims of this practice book is to present as many of these words as possible, and as often as possible: words such as work and paint and load and feed and force. Words like these look harmless, but they can cause a lot of trouble to the student. But mo

46、re than anything else, I have tried to describe the technical statement: that is, the completed sentence rather than the individual word. Many of the structures illustrated in the book are essential to the expression of technical facts and ideas at least for the present. 46 Who is the book addressed

47、 primarily to? 47 What does the book aim at? 48 Why are the semi-scientific or semi-technical words difficult to foreign students? 49 What is the characteristic of the book? 50 Where is the passage likely to be taken from? 51 What they discovered was nothing less than a new source of energy. ( A)他们所

48、发现的并非不是新的能源。 ( B)他们所发现的正是新的能源。 ( C)他们所发现的不亚于新的能源。 ( D)比起新的能源,他们什么也没发现。 52 The Chinese government has offered great support to Tibet in terms of manpower, material resources, funding and technology. ( A)中国政府从人力、物力、资金和技术上大力支援两喊。 ( B)中国政府非常支持西藏,无论从人员方面还是从物力、资金和技术上。 ( C)中国政府从人力、物力、资金和技术方面开发西藏。 ( D)中国政府是两藏的坚强后盾,这表现在人力、物力、资金和技术上。 53 Mr. Crawley was not a little pleased with the compliments which the woman teacher continually paid him upon his proficiency in French. ( A)史劳莱先生十分高


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