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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 478及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should

2、decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) It is beautiful. ( B) It is cheap. ( C) The woman likes it very much. ( D) It is of high quality. ( A) Go to the cinema ( B) Watch: TV. ( C) Do his homework. ( D) Play with his friends. ( A) Boss and secretary. ( B) Teacher and st

3、udent. ( C) Customer and waitress. ( D) Lawyer and client. ( A) He hit a tree. ( B) He hit a truck. ( C) He hit a box. ( D) He hurt his head. ( A) Five years ago. ( B) Four years ago. ( C) Six years ago. ( D) Not long ago. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand shor

4、t conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) To live i

5、n the suburbs. ( B) To live in the city. ( C) To work in New York. ( D) To have some changes. ( A) He doesnt want to live in the city. ( B) He likes to eat tomatoes. ( C) Hes afraid that her daughter cant adapt to the city life. ( D) He will adopt the womans advice. ( A) In cash. ( B) With his bank

6、card. ( C) With a check. ( D) By bank draft. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer

7、to it with a word or a short phrase. 9 What did he learn from the life on the farm? He learned a great deal about the importance of _. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words fro

8、m the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 10 Our students are free to study interests them. ( A) that ( B) which ( C) whatever ( D) anything 11 Its getting dark; wed better make home. ( A) out ( B) up ( C) for ( D) of 12 Lying on the floor _. ( A) my naughty brother was ( B) did my naughty brother be

9、( C) be my naughty brother ( D) was my naughty brother 13 Youll have to spend _ whiting your report here. ( A) one day or two days ( B) one day or two ( C) a day or two ( D) two days or one 14 I often go to bed early, but I _ late last night. ( A) stay on ( B) stay away ( C) stay up ( D) stay in 15

10、There are so many restaurants along the street that Im not sure which one _. ( A) to be eating at ( B) to eat at ( C) eating at ( D) for eating at 16 Of all the guests I went to the party_. ( A) latest ( B) the latest ( C) the latter ( D) lattest 17 What_would happen if the manager knew you felt tha

11、t way? ( A) will you suppose ( B) are you supposing ( C) do you suppose ( D) you would suppose 18 While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television _the newspaper completely. ( A) replaced ( B) have replaced ( C) replace ( D) will replace 19 Never before

12、that night _ the extent of my own power. ( A) had I felt ( B) I felt ( C) did I feel ( D) I had felt Section B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 20 To his (disappoint) _, he didnt pass the exam i

13、n spite of his great efforts. 21 The guards (leave) _ the building by the time the alarm sounded. 22 This water has been specially (pure)_for use in cooking. 23 The discussion was brought to a (conclude) _. 24 She led the children to a place of (safe) _. 25 Because of its (prefer) _ for lower temper

14、atures, this is an ideal plant for the garden pool. 26 Large or fat people who want to look _ (small) than they are usually wear dark clothes. 27 It is my (believe) _ that jogging is good for the body and for the mind. 28 It is a popular idea that technology will play a key role in (shape) _ future

15、life styles. 29 Business and professional services(list)_ in the Yellow Pages. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make

16、 the correct choice. 30 Apollo Program, is an American manned lunar-space program which is designed to land an astronaut on the moon and return him safely to earth, as well as to overtake the former Soviet Union in the race to dominate (统治;支配;控制 ) space exploration. The whole program was conducted b

17、etween May 1961 and December 1972 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and the program successfully landed Nell Armstrong-the first person to walk on the moon-and 11 other astronauts on the moon. The program included 12 manned missions: 2 into earth orbit (Apollo 7 and 9); 2

18、into lunar orbit (Apollo 8 and 10); 3 lunar landing missions (Apollo 11, 12, and 14); and 3 lunar exploration missions (Apollo 15, 16, and 17), which involved extended stays on the moons surface and more in depth scientific exploration. The Apollo Program was started by United States President John

19、F. Kennedy on May 25,1961 . At the time of Apollo preparations in 1965. NASA employed 36.000 civil servants, 376,700 contractor employees, and a yearly operating budget (预算 ) of $5.2 billion. Between 1961 and 1973, NASA spent approximately $25.4 billion on the Apollo missions. During the same period

20、, the Soviet Union scheduled a manned mission to circle the moon-just three weeks before Apollo 8. This mission was postponed (延期 ) and the spacecraft was later launched unmanned. The Soviets continued to develop and test their one-man Lunar Lander spacecraft in the earths orbit through August 1971,

21、 but the Soviets never reached the moon. 30 The best title for this passage would be _ . ( A) American Manned Lunar-space Program ( B) NASAs Space Program ( C) Apollo Program ( D) Space Competition between U.S. and Soviet Union 31 In which year did the first man land on the moon? ( A) Before 1965. (

22、 B) In 196l. ( C) In 1972. ( D) After 1965. 32 Who started the Apollo Program? ( A) United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. ( B) United States President Franklin Roosevelt. ( C) United States President Joseph Patrick Kennedy. ( D) United States President Rose Kennedy. 33 Between 1961 and 19

23、73, each year NASA spent approximately _ billion on the Apollo missions. ( A) $25.4 ( B) $1.95 ( C) $5.2 ( D) $2.54 34 According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? ( A) The whole program was conducted between March 1961 and December 1972 by the National Aeronautics and Space Administrat

24、ion ( ). ( B) The program included 12 man-made missions. ( C) Daring the same time period, the Soviet Union failed to schedule a manned mission. ( D) Soviet astronauts never landed on the moon. Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered

25、41 through 45. 35 For many years, scientists couldnt figure out how atoms and molecules combined to make living things. Plants, fish, dinosaurs, and people are made of atoms and molecules, but they are put together in a more complicated way than the molecules in the primitive ocean. Whats more, livi

26、ng things have energy and can reproduce, while the chemicals on the Earth 4 billion years ago were lifeless. After years of study, scientists figured out that living things, including human bodies, are basically made of amino acids, nucleotide bases, lipids and water. How could such complicated mole

27、cules have been formed and have started to interact in the primitive soup? Scientists were stumped. Then, in 1953, two scientists named Harold Urey and Stanley L. Miller did a very simple experiment to find out what had happened on the primitive Earth. They set up some tubes and bottles in a closed

28、loop, and put in some of the same gases that were present in the atmosphere 4 billion years ago water vapour, ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen. Then they shot an electric spark through the gases to simulate bolts of lightning on the ancient Earth, circulated the gases through some wate

29、r, sent them back for more sparks, and so on. After several days, the water that the gases had been bubbling through turned brown. Some new chemicals were dissolved in it. When Miller and Urey analyzed the liquid, they found that it contained amino acids the very kind of molecules found in all livin

30、g things. 35 When did scientists come to realize how the atoms and molecules on the Earth mostlikely combined to make living things? ( A) 4 billion years ago. ( B) After seven days. ( C) Many years ago. ( D) In 1953. 36 Scientists figured out that human bodies are basically made of _. ( A) hydrogen,

31、 carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms ( B) water vapor, ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen ( C) biomolecules and water ( D) evolutionary molecules 37 Harold Urey and Stanley L. Miller did their experiment in order to _. ( A) dissolve some new chemicals ( B) find out what may have happened o

32、n the Earth 4 billion years ago ( C) simulate bolts of lightning on the ancient Earth ( D) analyze a liquid 38 At the end of the last paragraph, the word “it“ refers to _. ( A) water ( B) the liquid sample ( C) a closed loop ( D) an electric spark 39 According to the writer, living things on Earth h

33、ave included _. ( A) atoms and molecules ( B) chemicals ( C) plants, fish, dinosaurs and human beings ( D) the primitive soup Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answer

34、s briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 40 Employees need several kinds of satisfaction if they are to remain productive and enthusiastic in industry. They need to know that their working conditions are safe and adequate for the kind of work they do. Also, they need reasonable hours of wo

35、rk in order to make their jobs acceptable. In most cases, people want to have a personal life alongside their work; if they must work overtime several nights a week, their take-home pay may be higher, but their efficiency and feelings about their jobs will typically decline. In addition to agreeable

36、 working conditions, employees need to have adequate compensation for the work they do, For example, in addition to pay levels, potential employees will also examine the benefits package (合同上的利益 ) that management offers to them, comparing it with other companies offerings. If one company in an indus

37、try offers stocks, insurance, vacations, or even child care, other companies in the same industry often must follow suit, or they will lose out on hiring the best employees. Finally, in todays business world, adequacy of working conditions and financial compensation are not enough. To keep employees

38、 satisfied long-term, employers also need to instill confidence in managements ability to run the company. The employer who pays well and has a new modern plant to make and display its products may still lose the loyalty and devotion of employees through disorganization and/or lack of attention to d

39、etails. One recent research study showed that more than half of new small businesses failed due not to lack of money, but rather to the managers lack of management skill. Topic: Employers should give their employees satisfactory (46) . Job satisfaction of employees is related to: (47) . (48) . (49)

40、. Lack of management skill can lead to (50) . Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. Than you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 44 Ade

41、mand deposit Bfixed deposit Cface value Dcash payment EAutomatic Teller Machine Fblack market Gcable transfer Hchain bank Ihigh rate savings Jnot transferable Kopen an account Lcurrent account Mirrevocable credit Ncredit card Oreceipt in foreign currency 51. ( )现金支付 ( )电汇 52. ( )定期存款 ( )开户 53. ( )不得

42、转让 ( )自动柜员机 54. ( )面值 ( )不可撤销信用证 55. ( )活期存款 ( )高息储蓄 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the 5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 50 People who visit the United States sometimes hope to know how the states got their n

43、ames. Some of the most interesting names came from American Indian languages. For example, Illinois was named for the Indians who used to live in that part of the country. In their language, Illinois means “brave men“. Connecticut means “at the long river-mouth“ in the language of the Indians who us

44、ed to live there. Twenty-five of the states have Indian names, but other names were taken from different languages. Georgian and Pennsylvania have names which were taken from the Latin language. Florida and Colorado were named for places in England. The two newest states have names which did not com

45、e from any of those languages. Hawaii got its name from a word in the Hawaiian language which means “homeland“. Alaska was named by the Russians, from whom Alaska was bought in 1867. 50 What does “Illinois“ mean in Indian language? “Illinois“ mean _. 51 How many states got their names from American

46、Indian languages? _ got their names from American Indian languages. 52 From which language did “Georgia“ take its name? “Georgia“ took its name from _. 53 What was “Florida“ named for? “Florida“ was named for _. 54 What does “Hawaii“ mean? “Hawaii“ means _. 55 What can be done has been done ( A)可以做的

47、事都已经做了。 ( B)能做的事情都已做了。 ( C)能够做完的事都已经做完了。 ( D)什么事还能做呢,都已经做完了。 56 Economic development should go hand in hand with environmental protection. ( A)经济的发展必须以保护环境为前提。 ( B)经济的发展应与保护环境一起进行。 ( C)经济发展应与环境保护齐头并进。 ( D)经济的发展与保护环境应互相参考。 57 Ocean transportation is widely used because it is a relatively low-cost way

48、 to transport goods, and it can easily handle large shipments. ( A)人们在宽阔的海面上运输货物,因为它价格低并且运货量大。 ( B)海洋运输被广泛使用,因为很容易用大船运送较为低廉的商品。 ( C)人们广泛使用海洋运输,因为它运费较低而运量较大。 ( D)海洋运输被广泛使用,因为它运量大,并且容易航行。 58 There is little doubt that training has become such an accepted part of business that it has received tremendou

49、s attention from the management. ( A)培训已经成为商业中公认的一部分,因此也得到了管理层的极大重视,这一点无可置疑。 ( B)尽管人们对于 “培训已成为商业中公认的一部分 ”这一说法还有小小质疑,培训还是受到了经理们的很多关注。 ( C)毫无疑问,培训已经成为商业中公 认的一部分,因此管理层也开始对其较为关注。 ( D)毫无疑问,培训是商业中公认的一部分,所以受到了管理层的极大关注。 59 All car makers in China were involved in hot price wars last year to achieve high sales targets, but most of them failed due to customers wait-and-see


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