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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 506及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues There are 5 recorded dialogues in it After each dialogue there is a recorded question Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once When you hear a questi ( A) The man can h

2、ave a room with a shower. ( B) The man cant have a room at present ( C) The man should come tomorrow. ( D) The man cant have a double room today. ( A) At the post office. ( B) At the bank. ( C) In the street. ( D) In the office. ( A) Go camping. ( B) Go sightseeing. ( C) Go shopping. ( D) Go skating

3、. ( A) Frozen foods. ( B) Sports goods. ( C) Office equipment. ( D) Home appliances. ( A) Complaining about the mobile phone. ( B) Asking about the price of the mobile phone. ( C) Comparing the models of the mobile phone, ( D) Inquiring about the functions of the mobile phone. Section B Directions:

4、This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations There are 2 recorded conversations in it After each conversation, there are some recorded questions Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times W ( A) At the same time. ( B) The woman. ( C) The man. ( D) Its not

5、 mentioned. ( A) North America. ( B) Europe. ( C) Asia. ( D) Africa. ( A) In a newspaper. ( B) From a friend. ( C) On TV. ( D) In a magazine. ( A) Knowledge of English. ( B) Communication skill. ( C) Creativity. ( D) Knowledge about computer. ( A) He applies for this job to earn more money. ( B) He

6、majored in computer in the university. ( C) He knows little about computer. ( D) He has just graduated from a university. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing The passage will be

7、read two times 10 Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. A warm welcome to you all to this reception. First, Id like to say a few words about tonights【 T1】 _We shall begin with a talk by Professor Richard Johnson from London. This will be followed by a question and answer period. You will be free to【 T

8、2】 _with the professor. At about 8 oclock tonight when the talk finishes, the reception will【 T3】 _And we have prepared some chocolates, drinks and fruits outside for you. Professor Johnson is taking【 T4】 _home tonight Although we would like to have him here longer with us, wed have to【 T5】 _that he

9、 leaves here by 8:30. 11 【 T1】 12 【 T2】 13 【 T3】 14 【 T4】 15 【 T5】 Section D Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages You will hear a recorded passage After that you will hear five questions Both the passage and the questions will be read two times When you hear

10、a question, you should 16 How did the man travel abroad? In _ car. 17 What happened to the car when the man came back? _ was badly damaged. 18 Why did the elephant sit on the car? Because the elephant took it to be his_. 19 What would the owner of the elephant do? To pay for_. 20 When did the custom

11、s officers believe the mans story? When the man showed them the_from the circus man. Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A),B), C) and D) 21 _ got in the wheat than it b

12、egan to rain heavily. ( A) No sooner had they ( B) No sooner have they ( C) No sooner they ( D) No sooner they had 22 He bought her what she wanted, _ the fact that they were costly. ( A) even if ( B) as though ( C) only if ( D) regardless of 23 We have produced twice as much steel this year _ 4 yea

13、rs ago. ( A) than we did ( B) as we did ( C) than we have produced ( D) as we have produced 24 Her hair and coat were wet because it _. ( A) would be raining ( B) had been raining ( C) would have been raining ( D) had rained 25 I became a teacher because I preferred books and people _ politics. ( A)

14、 than ( B) to ( C) rather ( D) against 26 The farmers, _ houses had been destroyed by the serious flood, were given help by the government. ( A) who ( B) what ( C) which ( D) whose 27 The experience _ in the war will be of great value to us. ( A) to gain ( B) gaining ( C) gained ( D) gain 28 In our

15、company, everybody is well taken care of, _ position he is in. ( A) as long as ( B) even if ( C) now that ( D) no matter what 29 Under no circumstances _ leave his post. ( A) a soldier mustnt ( B) a solider must ( C) mustnt a soldier ( D) must a solider 30 As a biologist and ecologist, he is _ all f

16、orms of hunting. ( A) against ( B) down ( C) back ( D) off Section B Directions: There are also 5 incomplete statements here You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets 31 When he came to the city for the second time ten years later, he found it completely(ch

17、ange) 32 The Internet is an important means of communication,(allow)_fast access to information 33 It is the(responsible)_ of the Human Resources Department to employ new staff members. 34 Most of the high school students who(interview)_ yesterday believed that they should continue with their educat

18、ion. 35 The bank refused accepting my(apply)_ for the loan because they werent convinced by my business plan. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked

19、A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice 35 A new poll shows that people believe that computers and the Internet have made life better for Americans, but people also see some dangers in the trend toward computerization. The poll found that the public favors some government protection from

20、cyber-problems(网络问题 ), but in general people are not especially concerned about issues such as information overload or the never-ending flow of phone calls, faxes and e-mails. A separate survey of children aged 10-17 shows that they have a more positive attitude about computers than adults do, and m

21、ost have made use of up-to-date technology in their schools. The survey found that enthusiasm for computers and the Internet is found in all income groups, all regions of the country, all races, and most age groups. However, people over 60 and those towards the lower end of the income rank tend to s

22、how lower rates of computer ownership and Internet usage. The survey shows that “some kind of gap has been crossed: Computers are part of everyday life for most Americans, and the Internet is close behind.“ 36 The first paragraph shows that _. ( A) the new poll about computers and the Internet is he

23、lpful ( B) people should explore the dangers of computerization ( C) people can not do without computers and the Internet ( D) computerization has its advantages and disadvantages 37 The word “enthusiasm“(Line 1, Para. 3)is closest in meaning to _. ( A) great love ( B) great hatred ( C) problem ( D)

24、 advantage 38 What are the Americans concerned about according to the poll? ( A) Age of the children using the Internet. ( B) Government protection from the Internet problems. ( C) Information overload. ( D) The flow of phone calls, faxes and e-mails. 39 American adults tend to _ than teenagers. ( A

25、) care more about information overload ( B) like using computers more ( C) dislike using computers more ( D) face less danger 40 We can learn from the passage that _. ( A) all the American children have used the latest technology in schools ( B) computers and the Internet are very popular with Ameri

26、cans ( C) Americans tend to place more importance in the Internet usage than computers ( D) the public in America do not hate the Internet problems Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1 The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45 40 Some people argue that self-pl

27、agiarism(自我剽窃 )is impossible by definition because plagiarism is theft and people cannot steal from their own work. But, this is not correct in law. And there are circumstances, such as insurance fraud(保险欺诈 ), etc., when it is possible to steal from oneself. Self-plagiarism, however, must be careful

28、ly distinguished from the recycling of ones work that to a greater or lesser extent everyone legally does. Self-plagiarism in academic(学术的 )publications is a gray area. However, many universities indirectly recognize the practice as deceptive. They publish rules preventing students from handing in b

29、asically the same essay for credit in different courses. There are also rules against someone handing in the same graduate thesis to different universities. Among established academics, self-plagiarism is a problem. It means basically the same article or book is handed in on more than one occasion f

30、or salary raising or promotion. Like all plagiarism the essence of self-plagiarism is the author attempts to cheat the reader. This happens when no indication is given that the work is being recycled or when an effort is made to disguise the original text. For example, an author just makes cosmetic

31、changes to make the same article, chapter, or book look different. But actually it remains unchanged in its central argument. In this case, disguising a text occurs. Authors change such things as paragraph breaks, capitalization, or the substitution of technical terms in different languages. What he

32、 has done is to make readers believe they are reading something completely new. This practice is self-plagiarism. 41 In the second sentence of the first paragraph, “this“ refers to _. ( A) all the activities about plagiarism ( B) the activities of self-plagiarism ( C) the argument for the impossibil

33、ity of self-plagiarism ( D) the argument for the possibility of self-plagiarism 42 Which of the following is NOT true about self-plagiarism in academic publications? ( A) It is impossible when one recycles his / her work at such extent as everyone legally does. ( B) It is a clearly defined area espe

34、cially in universities. ( C) Handing in the essentially same essay for credit in different courses belongs to it. ( D) Many universities are strongly opposed to it. 43 According to the passage, _ is the essence of self-plagiarism. ( A) the writers pursuit for money or promotion ( B) the writers lazi

35、ness at his / her work ( C) the writers deception on himself ( D) the writers deception on the reader 44 The word “cosmetic“ in the last paragraph means _. ( A) beautiful ( B) detailed ( C) surface ( D) general 45 Which of the following does NOT belong to self-plagiarism? ( A) No indication about th

36、e recycling of the work. ( B) Disguising the original work by making small changes. ( C) Indication about the small changes in the work. ( D) Substitution of technical terms in two different languages. Task 3 Directions: The following is a passage After reading it, you are required to complete the b

37、lanks below it(No 46 through No 50) You should write your answers briefly in no more than three words 45 How to Write Contact Details in Your Resume? Print your name in large letters at the top of the page. You dont have to write “Resume“ or “Curriculum Vitae“(简历 )across the top, as we know what it

38、is, and what we need to know is who you are. Make it as easy as possible for would-be employers to talk to you, so include your address, email address, and mobile phone number. If you are posting your resume on a website, then remember basic web security and just use an email address. You do not hav

39、e to include your home phone, and take care with work numbers and emails. You do not need to give any personal information such as date of birth, marital(婚姻的 )status, disabilities, health and details of parents or children. There is no need to include a photograph unless it is requested. What to be

40、included in a resume Top of page: 【 R1】 _your name in large letters Items: to be included: 1) 【 R2】 _ 2)email address 3) 【 R3】 _number not to be included: 1) 【 R4】 _such as date of birth 2) 【 R5】 _unless it is requested 46 【 R1】 47 【 R2】 48 【 R3】 49 【 R4】 50 【 R5】 Task 4 Directions: The following is

41、 a passage After reading it,you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets, numbered 51 through 55 50 AAn E-mail Account BWeb Site Design CIdentifying Your Audience DSelecting a Domain Name EAff

42、iliate Programs FCustomer Research Online GE-mail Etiquette HContribute to Newsgroups IContact the Online Media JSeek Reciprocal Links KSelling Online Advertising Space LWeb Rings MBrand Power NDeveloping E-mail Policies OInternal E-mailing Lists PSetting up Shop Online 51 ( )向网络新闻组投稿 ( )选定域名 52 ( )

43、联号程序 ( )与网上媒体接触 53 ( )寻求交互式链接 ( )网站环 54 ( )电邮礼仪 ( )内部电邮列表 55 ( )出售网络广告空间 ( )网站设计 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage After reading it, you should give brief answers to the 5 questions(No 56 through No 60)that follow The answers(in no more than 3 words)should be written after the correspond

44、ing numbers 55 Complaining about faulty goods or bad service is never easy. First of all, complaints must be made to a responsible person. Go back to the shop where you bought the goods, taking with you any receipt you may have and ask to see the owner. If you dont want to do it in person, write a l

45、etter. Stick to the facts and keep a copy of what you write. At this stage you should give any receipt numbers, but need not give receipts or other documents to prove you bought the article. If you are dissatisfied with the answer you get, write to the managing director of the firm or shop. Be sure

46、to keep copies of your own letters and any answers you receive. If your complaint is a just one, the shopkeeper may offer to replace the faulty article. You may have the right to refuse the goods and ask for a refund, but this is only where you have hardly used the goods and have acted at once. And

47、if you have suffered some special loss, for example, a new washer tears your clothes, you might claim money to replace them. If the shopkeeper offers you a credit note to buy goods in the same shop but you would rather have money back, say so. If you accept a credit note, remember that later you won

48、t be able to get refunded. In case the shop owner refuses to refund, approach your Citizens Advice Bureau before you accept a credit note. 56 What should you take with you when asking to see the shop owner? _ 57 To whom can you write if you are not satisfied with the answer you get? You can write to

49、 _. 58 What kind of right do you have if the shop owner offers to replace the faulty article? You have the right to _ and ask for a refund. 59 What can you do if you have suffered some special loss? You can_ to replace it. 60 To whom can you approach if the shop owner refuses to refund? _ 61 When exportin


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