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1、大学英语三级( A级)模拟试卷 5及答案与解析 Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should de

2、cide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D. ( A) Return some books. ( B) Read Bobs books. ( C) Go home. ( D) Leave class early. ( A) The price is not on the tag. ( B) $15. ( C) $5. ( D) $50. ( A) This weekend. ( B) In two daystime. ( C) The day before yesterday. ( D) Tomorrow. ( A

3、) By plane. ( B) By car. ( C) By train. ( D) By bus. ( A) He refused to drive her. ( B) He has a new car. ( C) He forgot his drivers license. ( D) He is glad to drive her. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations

4、 in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should choose the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. ( A) IBM. ( B) A supermarket. ( C) ABC Company. ( D) A bookstore.

5、 ( A) Dress. ( B) Computers. ( C) Shoes. ( D) Engines. ( A) In a restaurant. ( B) In a snack-bar. ( C) In a tea shop. ( D) In a hotel. ( A) She wants to have lunch in the hotel ( B) She wants to order some foods for lunch. ( C) She wants to have breakfast in her room. ( D) She wants to eat something

6、 immediately. ( A) 7:00. ( B) 10:00. ( C) 8:00. ( D) 8:30. Section C Directions: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. The passage will be spoken twice. When you hear a question, you should comple

7、te the answer to it with a word or a short phrase. 11 On what date did the house catch fire? The house caught fire on _, 1982. 12 Why did the old woman have trouble in walking? Because she was in _. 13 Who put the fire out? 14 Whom was the man going to give the gifts to? He was on his way to give gi

8、fts to _. 15 What happened to the house at last? The house _. Section A Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A , B, C, and D. 16 Dr. Seaman would prefer the ma

9、tter _ at the next meeting. ( A) to be discussed ( B) being discussed ( C) discussing ( D) discussed 17 Rod did nothing but _ trick on me. ( A) playing ( B) to play ( C) to playing ( D) play 18 Hes _ because he has won the prize. ( A) excite ( B) excited ( C) exciting ( D) to be exciting 19 She has

10、fallen in love with Jack, _I find hard to imagine. ( A) who ( B) that ( C) whom ( D) which 20 I regret _that wonderful art exhibition last night. ( A) not to see ( B) to not see ( C) not having seen ( D) having not seen 21 The policeman demanded that she _her identity card. ( A) show ( B) would show

11、 ( C) showed ( D) had shown 22 Nowhere else in the world _cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong. ( A) a tourist can find ( B) a tourist will find ( C) can a tourist find ( D) has a tourist found 23 It was only then _how much trouble I had caused to him. ( A) had I realized ( B) that I realized ( C) I

12、did realize ( D) did I realize 24 More than one passenger _ in this accident. ( A) were injured ( B) was injured ( C) have been injured ( D) had been injured 25 George preferred working to _ leisurely at home. ( A) be sitting ( B) sitting ( C) to sit ( D) have sat Section B Directions: There are 10

13、incomplete statements here. You should fill in each bland with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 26 Janes a good teacher but she doesnt have much (patient) _ with the slower pupils. 27 The dress is too (cost) _ and I cant afford it. 28 Tim keep his money in the bank. Hes too (fear)

14、_ to take risks. 29 You would have been able to do it, if you (try) _ had tried. 30 If I got the information then, I (let) _ you know. 31 The children (dress) _ in red and sang songs at the gathering. 32 The professor has a large (collect) _ of books. 33 More help in the office would _ (relief) me f

15、rom some of this responsibility. 34 We are looking forwards to (meet) _ you soon. 35 Hardly he (finish) _ his speech when the audience started sheering. Task 1 Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each questi

16、on or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should make the correct choice. 36 Some animals are pets, some are wild, and many of them provide us with food. All have a different and important role in our lives. It is easy to forget that the steak at the supermarket once formed part

17、 of a steer(肉用小公牛 ). But without domestic(驯养的 ) animals such as chickens and cattle, we would all be vegetarians, or a great deal of our time would need to be spent on hunting for meat. Wild animals not only attract sport hunters. For some people they are even an important source of food. When urban

18、 people visit the wild, deer, bears and other wild animals remind them of an older way of life, Pets, however, are the animals that are especially significant for most of us. They are undemanding companions. They share our sadness or endure our bad tempers without complaints or caring about what the

19、y will get from the owners. A pet can be a great comfort when life seems hard. For children, pets can be both fun and instructive. If a child cares for a pet, he or she learns to take responsibility for another being. Watching kittens or puppies being born can be a natural form of sex education. For

20、 children, as for adults, pets are loving companions and a help in tough times. As I recall, an Indian chief once said, “Without our brothers, the animals, we would all be very lonely.“ I believe that he is right. 36 Pets are important in our lives because they _. ( A) provide us with food ( B) are

21、domestic animals ( C) can be our good friends ( D) can be very attractive 37 In Paragraph 4, the word “undemanding“ refers to _. ( A) needing not much care or attention ( B) needing no food at all ( C) needing nothing ( D) needing no companion 38 What is being discussed in the above article? ( A) Ma

22、n and animals. ( B) Wild animals and pets. ( C) Different kinds of animals. ( D) Wild animals and hunters. 39 What does the Indian chief mean in saying “Without our brothers, the animals, we would all be very lonely“? ( A) Indians die from hunger if they dont live with animals. ( B) Animals are so i

23、mportant to us that we cannot live without them. ( C) We would all be very lonely without pets. ( D) Only animals are important to the Indians. 40 Which of the following gives a best summary of the article? ( A) All kinds of animals are playing an important role in our lives. ( B) Without domestic a

24、nimals, we need to spend a lot of time in hunting. ( C) All animals are important because they provide us with food. ( D) All animals can be both fun and instructive to children. Task 2 Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.

25、41 Thomas Alva Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world might still be a dark place. However, it was not his only invention. He also invented the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and over 1,200 other things. About every two weeks he created somet

26、hing new. Born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847, Edisons family moved to Port Huron, Michigan when he was seven years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only two months. His mother taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. His natural curiosity led him to start experim

27、enting at a young age with electrical and mechanical things at home. When he was 12 years old, he got his first job. He became a newsboy on a train. He set up a laboratory in a baggage car of the train so that he could continue his experiments in his spare time. Unfortunately, he was fired when he a

28、ccidentally set fire to the floor of the baggage car. Thomas then worked for five years as a telegraph operator, but he continued to spend much of his time on experiments. He got his first patent in 1868 for a vote recorder run by electricity. However, the vote recorder was not a success. In 1870, h

29、e sold another invention, a stock-ticker, for $40,000. A stock-ticker is a machine that automatically prints stock prices on a tape. He was then able to build his first shop in Newark, New Jersey. Thomas Edison was totally deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other, but thought of his deafness

30、 as a blessing in many ways. It kept conversations short, so that he could have more time for work. He called himself a “two-shift man“ because he worked 16 out of every 24 hours. Sometimes he worked so intensely that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat. 41 Thomas Edison did things in this o

31、rder _. ( A) he became a telegraph operator, a newsboy, and then got his first patent ( B) he became a newsboy, got his first patent, and then became a telegraph operator ( C) he got a patent, became a telegraph operator, and then became a newsboy ( D) he became a newsboy, a telegraph operator, and

32、then got a patent 42 Edison considered his deafness _. ( A) a disadvantage ( B) a blessing ( C) something from a priest ( D) a necessity 43 Of all the inventions, _ was probably the most important for civilization. ( A) the vote recorder ( B) the stock ticker ( C) the light bulb ( D) the motion pict

33、ure camera 44 From the text, we can see that _. ( A) Edison was curious in nature ( B) Edisons mother played an important role in his life ( C) Edison is a great inventor because he is deaf ( D) Edison could create new things in two weeks 45 The main idea of this text is that _. ( A) deaf people mak

34、e good inventors because they can focus without the distraction of conversation. ( B) Thomas Edison could not keep a job. ( C) Thomas Edison worked day and night on his experiments. ( D) Thomas Edison was always interested in science and inventions, and he invented many important things. Task 3 Dire

35、ctions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline in the table below (No. 46 through 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than 3 words) on the blanks. 46 Magazine The first magazine was a little periodical called The Review, and it was s

36、tarted in London in 1704. It looked a lot like the newspapers of the time. But in terms of its content, it was much different. Newspapers were concerned mainly with news events, but The Review focused on important domestic issues of the day, as well as the policies of the government. In England at t

37、he time, people could be thrown in jail for publishing articles that were critical of the king. And thats what happened to Daniel Defoe. He was the outspoken founder of The Review. Defoe actually wrote the first issue of The Review from prison. You see, he had been arrested because of his writings t

38、hat criticized the policies of the Church of England, which was headed by the king. After his release, Defoe continued to produce The Review and the magazine started to appear on a more frequent schedule, about three times a week. It didnt take long for other magazines to start popping up. In 1709,

39、a magazine called The Tattler began publication. This new magazine contained a mixture of news, poetry, political analysis, and philosophical essays. Magazine The name of the first magazine:【 46】 . The founder of the first magazine:【 47】 . The first magazine was different from the newspapers of the

40、time mainly in【 48】 . Like Daniel Defoe, people who wrote articles to【 49】 could be put into prison The Tattler was published in【 50】 . Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to those given in Chinese in the table below. T

41、han you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets of question NO. 51-55. 51 Acentral processing unit Bdisk/desktop operating system Coutput device Dpersonal computer EInternational Business Machine Corp Fcomputer program Gdisk drive Hprocess information Imicroprocessor Jinternal commands

42、Ksystem file Lroot directory Mbackup & restore Nword processor Ohost page Pdata processing 51.( )计算机程序 ( )系统文件 52.( )磁盘驱动 ( )微处理器 53.( )内部命令 ( )输出设备 54.( )文字处理器 ( )中央处理器 55.( )备份和恢复 ( )数据处理 Task 5 Directions: The following is a passage. After reading the passage you should give brief answers to the

43、5 questions (No.56 through No.60) following them. 56 This is Captain Zhang speaking. We will shortly be landing at Londons Gatwick Airport. Please fasten your seat belts to prepare for our descent and extinguish all cigarettes. After we have landed, please remain seated until the aircraft has come t

44、o a complete standstill and all the warning lights have gone out. Please ensure that you have all your hand luggage with you when you leave the plane and that those passengers who do not hold EEC passports have filled in a landing-card and health declaration form. Keep these to hand with your passpo

45、rt. The weather in London is fair, almost 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and there is a slight wind. Gatwick Airport is situated on the very outskirts of the capital and there is a regular train service to Victoria, which runs every 15 minutes and takes half an hour. On behalf of the crew and cabin staff, I

46、 would like to thank you for flying Air China and wish you a pleasant stay in the U.K. 56 In which airport will the plane land? 57 What should the passengers do before the plane lands? Fasten seat belts and _. 58 If a passenger does not have an EEC passport, what should he/she do? He/she should fill

47、 in _. 59 What is the weather like in London? It is _ Fahrenheit. 60 How can they get to Victoria? By _. 61 We have little chance to discuss problem with the teachers concerned or to do more than glance at the books being used。 ( A)我们没有多少机会同有关老师讨论问题,或者不仅仅是对正在使用的书粗看一下。 ( B)我们几乎没有机会同有关老师讨论问题,对于在使用的书最多

48、也只能扫视一下。 ( C)我们有些机会就老师关心的 问题进行讨论,对于正在使用的书也看得比较多。 ( D)我们没什么机会就关心的问题与老师讨论,对于正在使用的书。 62 I was too embarrassed to say that I arrived at airport early so I wouldnt have to hurry. ( A)我早到机场的目的本是为了不必太匆忙,但我当时窘得说不出话来。 ( B)我太尴尬而不能说我早就到了机场,这样我就不必匆忙。 ( C)我窘迫地说不出 “其实我很早就到了机场,这样我就不必匆忙 “的话来。 ( D)我非常尴尬地说,我很早就到了机场,因此我就不必匆忙。 63 Where his career is concerned, nothing is adequate to stop him from making full efforts. ( A)只要涉及他的事业,就没有充分的理由阻止他全力以赴。 ( B)在他的事业被关注的地方,阻止他全力以赴的一切事情都不合适。 ( C)只要与事业有关,没有什么能够阻止他全力以赴。 ( D)无论在哪里他都只关心事业,没有合适的人和


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